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Found 1,237 results

  1. catwoman7

    June Sleevers Post Op

    do a search on the three week stall. Sounds like you started yours a week early (mine was weeks 2 and 3)
  2. This surgery amazes me everyday. I am almost 70 [ATTACH]6354[/ATTACH] pounds down and feeling great. My three week stall did not even phase me bc of the great advice I have received from this forum. Over halfway to my goal
  3. Afro_Cyster

    Scale Is Stuck!

    The best way to get the scale moving is diet, exercise, and patience. Nearly all of us hit the three week stall (give or take a week). Believe me, you have no where to go from here but down. :-)
  4. Way to go earthless! I will be one month out next monday and I am 8lbs away from my first goal! On a side note, I was really worried about " The three week stall" and I had all these feelings of fear that stemmed from lap band failure... I was so afraid that the three week stall would turn into a three year fail. I made a commitment to myself that those were lies in my head and gave up my scale. I'm a recovering scale addict... the obsession of weighing every.single.day. And so on Sunday, I got my scale back just for a brief moment to weigh myself then it was returned to its hiding place. And as it turns out..... The three week stall wasn't a stall at all! I had lost three more pounds! Needless to say my faith has been renewed- stick to the plan, stay true to yourself and keep going- the rest will take care of itself.
  5. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    I lost 16 lbs the first month - most of that the first two weeks. Then I had the infamous three-week stall - after that broke, I started losing again, but it was a lot slower than the first couple of weeks.
  6. alliegb3

    Not Losing Weight?

    There is a dreaded three week stall people talk about...
  7. I did have the traditional three week stall that many people on here talk about. I went a whole week without losing a pound, and then bam...it picked right back up! No worries carriecat, you will start up again!
  8. do a search on this site for the "three week stall". I can pretty much guarantee you'll find hundreds of postings on it UPDATE: I just did the search for you. There are 17,500 posts on this topic, to be exact.
  9. Sosewsue61

    Stopped losing weight

    The 'dreaded three week stall' - is very common - just hang in there and keep following the plan. We don't lose every week or in a linear fashion. 31 pounds is awesome so far.
  10. pretty much 99.9% of us. Do a search of this site on the three week stall. You'll find thousands of posts on it.
  11. yerawizardamy

    Embrace the Stall

    I've seen you post a link for this thread many times, and I've just gone searching for it now that I've officially hit my "three week stall". I was hoping that I would be special but alas, here I am. I'm not worried about it, really. I know that what I've been (or haven't been) doing is a big factor. I guess this stall was the kick in the pants that I needed to really get serious about exercise/water/protein.
  12. That is still amazing. When have we ever been able to lose 13 pounds in 11 days? I did hear that there is a common three-week stall. Sometimes it is just good to throw out the scale and weigh in monthly.
  13. many (most?) of us having our first major stall sometime during the first month after surgery. It's called the "three week stall" because it usually happens the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. You may just be going into it early. Do a search on it - it happens to almost all of us.
  14. Kelly and Michelle- I know I said I would be up early but my husband and son went to the Civil War cemetery around the corner for the annual anvil dropping (boys do love a big bang) and without them here I slept and slept and slept. At three weeks that is something I still do pretty easily. I just ate manna from heaven , aka a soft scrambled egg. Or rather half of one. I decided to stop there, not because I actually felt anything that told me to- and I would really love to get tuned in to that, but to be safe. Carter the border terrier shared ;-P IT WAS FABULOUS!!!!! You would think I hadn't had solid food for five weeks! Oh wait- I hadn't... This egg was sublime, bodacious, perfect in it's tasty savory egginess. And it went down fine and I have no pain or discomfort!!!! HOORAY! Meanwhile I am statistically part of the three week stall- I have gone between 250 and 249.6 for four days now. Sigh. I just hope it does not last weeks. My pool opens tomorrow so I will be back in the Water along with my long walk every day so that should help. And I will keep on keeping on with the fluids and Protein. I figure with the small amounts of mushies I will still need the dread Protein drinks for a while. Double sigh. I would love some feedback about how you all know you should stop- what sigh do you get? I really want to avoid the pain, foamies, etc....
  15. Kiba

    Nexplanon after VSG

    That is so scary. I can't imagine gaining so much weight so quickly. I hope so! I too was terribly sensitive to hormones, this was suggested as the best alternative since the pills and the ring were a complete disaster for me. At most on both I think I gained 10 lbs pre-surgery, then I stopped taking any BC for 3 years completely. I am still worried because I do feel hunger but I know I haven't been eating at all lately due to stress. I should try focusing less on the sweet cravings and just eat more Protein again. I am going to try and up my fitness time to see if I can push this insane three week stall. I have been feeling myself getting lazy due to the Summer weather! Here is hoping!
  16. I'll see the 'three week stall' and raise it to 'two months solid stall', then start yur 'biiootching'....tsk tsk as I eat my 2oz of tuna w some avocado squished in and a radish chopped in a red lettuce leaf lunch ladies. Or is it lady's lunch where are my gloves and hat and manners!?!
  17. maharet111

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    I had the dreaded three week stall that lasted about two weeks and have lost 45 pounds since 2/12. And 47 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. It is all relative! I am happy with my 1.5 to 2 pound average per week. Because this time..it is gone for good!
  18. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I can barely eat but I've hit the three week stall and am not losing weight either. half a scrambled egg fills me up
  19. Question for all of you... how many calories is everyone averaging? I’ve been on my three week stall for about 3 weeks now. 😩😩 I’m six weeks out and I’m averaging about 600-800 calories a day with around 60-80g of protein. I’ve been hitting my fluid goals and trying to be active (though I could do better on working out). I know stalls are normal but 3 weeks seems like an excessive amount of time to be stalled for so soon after surgery.
  20. Look up "three week stall" its common. Mine lasted for a month if I remember correctly....
  21. Kapoorvilla

    All of my December sleevers...

    last PCP visit November 8th. 280 lbs Day of Surgery December 5th. 277lbs Today 247.6 I have fought a major three week stall during this time. To break the stall I had to accept that this is going to take work on my part and not just restriction of volume of foods. I do the following limits Calories 800, Carbs 50, Protein 80. I walk on uphill incline 30 mins trying to maintain 3 mph and goal is 5 days a week. During the stalls I had calories 1000/ carbs and protein 100. I was also a lot less on the exercise. I anticipate more stalls because being obese my entire life my body is desperately trying to hold on to the weight. I think that during stalls it is important to do a cycle of 2 or 3 days higher intake without stoping the exercise. This tells the body it is ok to burn more is incoming. This journey is a battle for me!
  22. ClareLynn

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I had the loop DS 7 weeks ago and have lost 33 lbs (83 total). My three week stall ended up lasting a while 3 weeks. 😅 I am really happy with my progress. I feel well. My face looks like me again, and I keep sitting awkwardly on my now saggy stomach. I can still only eat 1.5oz at a meal and am not hitting any goals but the surgeon is happy with my progress.
  23. Hi guys, I am going through a three-week stall. Kinda bummed. Have lost 0 lbs- maybe +/-1 over the three weeks. I did increase my calories during this time and feel my hunger is back- I obviously dont eat as much as I used to, but I do get hungry nowadays. I wonder if this is it. Maybe all my body wants to lose is 50 lbs. I was really hoping to reach 155 lbs. Well, hopefully this is just a stall and not end of the road. Hope all the others here are having better luck.
  24. layknee

    OCTOBER 2014

    yea I'm three weeks stalling as well
  25. cbavosa

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    Sleeved may 20th. I too am going on a three week stall! It sucks but I know my body will release the weight soon! I'm not done yet another 45 or so to go. SW 225 CW 170 Down 55 lbs so far. Don't worry the scale will keep moving for us!!!

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