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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi guyssss i have a concern with weight stalling. i had my surgery on September 23, 2023, and after the surgery by a month i had a weight stall that lasted 3 weeks and after those 3 weeks but weight kept going down as normal. Recently (for a week now) i've noticed my weight is stuck on 75 KG so im guessing thats another weight stall almost 4.5 months in after surgery. Is it normal to have multiple weight stalls? or should i be worried?
  2. I am meeting with my surgeon in a week to hopefully talk about a surgery date. The surgeon wanted me to lose 10-15 pound prior to this appointment, and I haven't been able to! I have major anxiety about this and am worried he will choose to not move forward. Has anyone gone through something similar?
  3. Hi all! Me again! Wednesday I am 3 weeks post op! I think I have the food down and just trying to figure out when I can do more than just walk my dog lol
  4. I have pcos and before surgery, for the past 10 years or so, ive rarely gotten my period. Since surgery 4 months ago, im getting my period like clockwork every month. But, this is the first month that ive actually gained weight during it! Im really upset about the gain, 5 lbs in the last few days. I started taking birth control last week but was told it wouldnt make me gain, but im not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. I guess i just need reassurance that this is normal. I know women can be heavier during their period, but i didnt expect this after being sleeved.
  5. It's been 10 long years! Here is my VSG weight loss surgiversary update..


  6. Hi My partner had a Allurion balloon fitted 4 days ago. She has been losing each day but today she has put on 3 lb. She has been stringent with her diet. Is this normal when starting to eat pureed food?
  7. This year has been a tough year for me. I finally hit a “normal” BMI range. They weight was slowly coming off around the 1 year post op mark. I have been trying to maintain the weight and it has been slowly creeping back on. I am worried that it is a slippery slope back to my post op weight. I want to get back on track but am lacking the motivation and I feel overwhelmed. I have gained 4.5 kilos in 6 months and I am not happy about it. Ideally I would like to lose this weight and then a few more kilos to hit my target weight. I have been working out consistently and have increased my muscle mass as well. Initially it was muscle but the 4.5 kilos is not fat. I also have body dysmorphia which doesn’t help. My appetite has been fluctuating and I know I have been consuming much more sugar and refined carbs. Any suggestions on how to get back on track to losing and keeping the weight off. I feel as helpless as I did before I decided to opt for surgery. If anyone can relate please let me know what you did? Thanks in advance
  8. From the album: Before


    © 2019

  9. So I've been at my goal weight, but I'm still losing weight. I'm trying my best to maintain it and it's becoming difficult to do so. How do I healthily stay at the weight I'm at? I've tried the steps I found online like having more smaller meals throughout the day or adding more calories, but I don't have the appetite to do so and clearly can't eat as much as I used to due to the surgery. Would high protein foods work despite it being low in calories? Has anyone else run into this unexpected predicament? Or know of some good advice?
  10. I am very close to the 40 BMI like just a few lbs shy of it. I know I can get approved with a BMI of 39 with 1 or more co morbidities but it would seem easier is the BMI was 1 point higher lol. Anyhow my initial appointment is next month. Have any of you wore heavy clothing or padded a few areas with some extra weight? I can always gave weight without trying but now that I am wanting to lol its not happening.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Losing more weight NOT exercising???

    So I noticed that when I miss 2 or 3 days of exercising (my granddaughter was just here from another state this weekend and my work out schedule kind of went by the wayside) I actually lost 4 pounds. In 3 days. But when I work out, I tend to hold on to whatever weight I'm at and fluctuate by a pound here and there. I like working out, but I'm confused why I lose more weight when I don't do it versus when I do. Anyone else experience this? My work outs are twice a day: 25-30 minutes on the treadmill on 3.5 speed and 3.5 incline 15-20 minutes on bike at resistance 13 50 stomach crunches 50 sit ups Typically I do the longer times in the morning and the shorter times at night, because by the end of the day I'm just too tired to do the same longer time that I did in the morning. Am I doing something wrong with my workouts, or does my body just not like to do it?
  12. I had my VS in 2012, lost 150 lbs and maintained that loss almost effortlessly for 8 years, then Covid hit and in a matter of 3 months I gained 80 lbs back WITHOUT CHANGING MY EATING HABITS!!! I feel like I’ve been robbed. By no fault of my own, the weight came back and stayed. I still can only consume 4 or 5 bites to eat and I’m full. I just don’t understand why this happened and if I do a revision to a DS will that help?
  13. A snapshot of the past 30 days' weight loss. February 7 was the first day of my pre-op diet and surgery was Feb 21. I didn't weigh myself from the 21st thru 24th but you can see the bounce on the 25th due to continued retention of fluids from the hospital. I lost 5.6 lbs last week, but so far only 1.2 lbs this week.

    While the weight has been coming off slowly, I did have feedback from my massage therapist on Monday that my inflammation seems much improved. She immediately noticed the difference in my calves, which were always very tight and hard, to the point she would often comment on it as being unusual. This time she was able to get right into the muscle without a struggle, and it was a similar story in my arms, neck and back. Whether it's from the surgery itself or from the complete lack of grains, sugar, and processed foods in my diet for a month, something is working.


    Screenshot_20240308_154641_Renpho Health.jpg

    1. BeanitoDiego


      Those non-scale victories really mean a lot 💪

  14. Hi everyone! I wanted to know what everyone did during their workout routine when you first started after surgery. I'm 7 months PO looking to get my strength back and build muscle as well. What did you all do in a routine (sets & reps)? Supplements included? Sent from my SM-N981U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. I had surgery on 11/9. I’ve lost 20lbs since surgery 247 down to 227. I have stalled the last few days with no budge on the scale. Should I be worried? It seems pretty early for a plateau?? I’m tracking and getting between 300 and 500 calories a day. Is my weight loss over? I just can’t believe my weight is stalling already. I guess I just need some encouragement.
  16. How do you figure out what your ideal weight should be? I've had a figure in my head for years, but after 3 mths of recovery I'm already almost there. So maybe my goal should be lower?

    1. NickelChip


      Well, there is actually a formula for "Ideal Body Weight" and you can use a calculator to figure it out for you. This one also does an adjusted weight for a person who starts out overweight or obese. https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/68/ideal-body-weight-adjusted-body-weight

      I would use that as a starting point, and then just see how you feel as you lose. How you look and feel is more important than a number.

    2. Clueless_girl


      I did find different calculators but I couldn't find any that accounted for body frame. But you're right, it is just a number. It was just disheartening to see that although I lost 60% of my excess weight, it's still not in the "normal/healthy" range..

    3. NickelChip


      I think it's important to remember that the weight charts and BMI ranges were developed a very long time ago and only intended to be applied to people who have never been overweight or obese. Those numbers aren't for us. When you are larger, especially for a long time, your body develops extra bone to support the weight. Your organs get a little bigger to handle the extra mass. Your entire infrastructure increases so you can support and function with the extra weight. That doesn't all go away just because you burn off the excess fat. If you still had a pair of jeans from your skinniest point in life and then lost weight to get to the exact number on the scale you were when those jeans fit you, chances are they would be a little baggy now because you would actually be thinner than you were, even though the scale and the BMI chart disagree. When in doubt, listen to the jeans, not the scale!

  17. I've been at a steady weight now for months. ( It's a darn stall ....gggrrrr ) I haven't weighed myself for weeks but today I stepped on the scale expecting to see the same number and I gained 4 pounds !! HUH ? I'm panicking . All these thoughts are running through my head "am I eating too much? am I not exercising enough? did I eat the wrong thing ? " I see my doctor on Monday and I'm embarrassed to show up with a weight gain . My first reaction is to starve myself till Monday ,but I know that's part of my old way of thinking when I was yo yo dieting. I'm wondering if your weight fluctuates for no reason. Is this a normal thing?
  18. cutlass6521

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Yup...gaining water weight every day! Super depressing looking at that stupid scale. I used to have a diuretics everyday...now Dr. says no more diuretics. Don't have a clue what to do next. It is impossible to gain real weight eating between 500 & 600 calories/day.
  19. I am wondering if anyone with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome has had bariatric surgery. I am curious as I am contemplating surgery and if it helped or made symptoms of chronic fatigue worse
  20. I had my surgery around 4.5 months ago in the middle of the summer. It was a gastric bypass and it went well. I've lost 23% of my bodyweight from surgery date or 350lbs to 270lbs. But I have largely been stuck at 270-280 since late September and it's now December. I'm a male and 6'2". I try to get my protein in but it's very hard to do. Not because it is too filling like some say but just because I don't like it very much. But I do try eating meat, cheese, protein shakes and bars. I couldn't tell you how many calories I eat a day. All I know is that I'm always starving. just after surgery I was starving and then it went away for a month but it's been back. It's something I struggle with because if I knew I had to have this much willpower I probably wouldn't have gotten the surgery. I always read people saying that protein is filling but to me it just isn't. I can eat an entire chicken breast that I overcook no problem. I eat it and I'm still hungry after. My sugar and carb cravings are worse than ever. i was never ravenous before surgery but now because I can't be satiated i just want want want. it's crazy. I try to stay away but one thing leading to another and I do end up having this or that cookie, cake or candy. I was hoping dumping syndrome would be bad and cause me to not eat poorly. But the threshold to make me dump is higher than the amount of sweets I'd normally eat before surgery anyway. I have dumped but it's mostly if I eat something really bad. The only thing that does fill me is carbs. That was true even before surgery. I'm just looking for any advice or wisdom on this matter. Thank you
  21. they don't all require it, but personally, I would wait. It's super common to have a weight rebound of 10-20 lbs after hitting your lowest weight (and some people gain even more than that - but 10-20 seems pretty average), and I was told by a couple of my consults not to gain more than 10 or 15 lbs after plastic surgery, because I can affect the results.
  22. Hi! I'm at the beginning of the process for the gastric sleeve. At the beginning because I have yet to lose any of the weight I have to for the surgery. When I decided to have the surgery, I started tracking my food and I lost about 6 lbs...then as soon as the process started and it became a "have-to" thing, I started having a super hard time sticking to the diet. That, and I hit a bout of depression which makes it really, really hard to control sugar cravings. I'm in therapy for other reasons, but I don't have an appointment with their therapist until January. I'm having enough trouble sticking with the diet that I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to be able to do this. I feel so resentful that I have to diet. I know, I know, it's "not a diet, it's a lifestyle change". It's a diet. I have to give up most of my favorite foods for most of the time, and when I do have them I can barely have anything. I call that a diet. I know it's my fault and I got myself here, but that doesn't help, it just makes the whole thing feel more like a punishment. Did anyone else struggle with any of this? How did you overcome this thinking?

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