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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Love&Light

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 03/28/1987

About Me

  • Biography
    Mom to 2 beautiful children 👦🏻👧🏻 Consultant by day and gardner by night
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Traveling, Reading, Food 😅
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  • City
    International / Overseas
  • State
    International / Overseas

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719 profile views
Age: 37
Height: 155 cm
Starting Weight: 80.1 kgs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 76.2 kgs
Current Weight: 58 kgs
Goal Weight:
Weight Lost: 22.1 kgs
BMI: 24
Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit:
Surgery Date: 04/21/2022
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Self Paid
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
