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  1. johnlatte

    Confused. Can we or cant we..?

    A lot of the "rules" have to do with certain foods that are a) really unhealthy or b)can be trigger foods for other bad eating habits. Realistically, there isn't really a lot of foods that you "can't" eat. Carbonation can make you uncomfortable, high fat food and high sugar foods might make you nauseous. Alcohol and coffee are typically not great on a perfectly intact stomach, so a surgically modified stomach has more chances for additional problems, plus all the empty calories. All these things do not happen to everyone and a lot of these so called rules apply to those that had bypass surgery and may not necessarily lend themselves to the sleeve surgery. I really don't have a problem eating or drinking anything. However, I have made a commitment to be as healthy as possible, using the surgery as a tool to restrict my caloric intake. I might have a different mindset than a lot of people that feel that eliminating certain foods or drink, is denying things in their life that they must have. You are going to get a lot of answers to this question, just like you will get a lot of answers about diet, exercise, activities post op etc. Every Dr. seems to follow a different playbook. Really there seems to be no real fast rules to anything post op. My suggestion is to follow faithfully what you Dr and nutritionist plan out for you. That way you have the proper support system in place and they can answer your questions in a way that makes the best sense for you particular situation.
  2. Im sorry to hear that hope all gets better. Thats exactly why I dont understand people when they say my doctor said not to drink soda but can I. He said to not drink alcohol can I? He said not to do this or that can I? If he said not to do it then dont test your band. Its for a reason people. No one realizes also when you over eat you are forcing the band into the wall of the stomach which equals erosion. If he tells you drink decaf then do it. I dont miss coffee, alcohol, or soda. You have to learn its not about what you want but what is best for you. We all need to take a lesson from this and do what the doctor says to do and not ask everyone if its okay to do this or that when your doctor told you not tooooooooooooooo
  3. Sara Kelly Keenan LC

    Here's My Story. Can I Get The Sleeve?

    Dear Pokieism, You ask so many good questions that I'm going to cut and past your questions and then give you very honest answers so I can keep it all straight. Sara - there was a question I wonder if you would answer - were you taking only what you are supposed to of the Alli? I did take more than the recommended doses. I took the dose doctor's prescribe when writing an Orlistat prescription, which is more than the over the counter recommended maximum. Overdoing is a lifetime pattern for me. All things to excess, nothing in moderation. Have you developed any eating disorders? I am addicted to Frozen pineapple on a stick from Dryers. I credit it with the 30 pound weight loss during the last 2 years. I make my main meal of the day lunch and then replace dinner with Dryer's Pineapple Pops. I stopped keeping ice cream in the house 2 years ago and go through 9 boxes of Pineapple pops a week--that is addictive behavior because many times a day I'm grabbing a Pineapple Pop give give my mouth something to do when the people around me are eating meals or when I'm feeling weak and might eat something with fat calories if I didn't keep the pineapple around. Dorrie had a wonderful answer for you. I would say a concern for you from me is def the cheating - because that will set you up to fail. Another serious issue. Crossover replacements for your foodstyle...they are known as addictions. Alcohol, smoking, weed, cutting, and replacement "feeling" (I forget that one - help me out Dorryie!). Yes, in the first 5 years of my band I did develop addictive behavior with wine coolers. The band was tight, and I would skip solid food and drink wine coolers after dinner. I was never a drinker before I got banded and one night I was watching an Oprah after work enjoying my dinner ---a 6-pack of Green Apple Smirnoff's Vodka Coolers. The topic of the show was people who got WLS who developed alcohol, sex, or gambling addictions once food was cut off to them as their go-to addiction. That was probably 2005 and even though I was at my goal weight I knew that Oprah Show was talking about me. I cut myself off from those friendly little bottles cold turkey. Now I may have one or two bottles once a month but that is all. Going to a counselor is OK - but what then - do you actively work on what you have talked about? Do you read on your own? If you were not taking a diet aid, could you maintain your loss? If I was not taking the Alli I could maintain my weight. I credit the Alli (and walking) for the 30 lbs I've lost in the last 2 years. I did go to a counselor for several intense years and I thought our work together was completed. I am going back to her. My nature is mostly that of a loafer, a lazy person who does the minimum required to get by in the world and I make no apologies for it. I know who I am, I like living a lazy life and I don't have kids so I'm not failing a duty to children to teach them by example to work hard. I will always look for the easy way out. But when I want something I will work. When I lost weight I jogged 5 miles per day 3-4 days per week. When I wasn't jogging I was on bike rides with friends in which 200 miles cycled in a day was not uncommon. I loved it, but then had a nasty bike crash while in a pace-line and that wrecked my right knee and ended my cycling career. The esophogeal stretch may be a way to get some of it covered by insurance, even if they will not approve the sleeve. My insurance is happy to pay for the band's removal, but with my behavioral patterns and a BMI of 32 I no longer qualify for WLS as a covered medical procedure. Replace the mochas with a coffee, or warm up and froth a glass of hoodia soy milk in chocolate or a spash of coffee. I go to Peet's Coffee and they make a non-fat, sugar-free mocha that doesn't taste sugar-free. I get a small and that's 250 calories. That is something I enjoy and wil continue to gie myself several times per week. I don't like soy milk, or black coffee, or tea. I have tried and they are not for me. Popscicles are good (Dryer's Frozen Pineapple Chunks on a stick) , Jello too! If you cant get away from alcohol, make a jello shooters, freeze them, and blend them in a blender with some crystal light you have poured into ice cubes. I stopped alcohol in my life because I knew it was becoming a problem in 2004/2005. Get onto My Fit Pal, get to know the site well, it will help you alot. Never heard of it. I'll look into it. Thanks! If you find yourself off the band, still go to therapy, and prepare yourself to do this old-style until your esophagus and tummy can heal - get the original "eat this, not that" book, and feel free to stick around the forum. There is alot discussed here, not all VGS related, and you can build up a healthy bit of knowledge. Notice I did not say yay or nay about whether you should get the sleeve...I cant make that decision. Whatever you go, I hope you work through everything and are well. You misunderstood me. Sorry my words were unclear. I wasn't asking anyone to make the "sleeve after band with esophageal stretching" decision for me. I know that only I and a willing surgeon can do that. I offered my medical history and was asking if anyone in this forum ever got the sleeve after having a band removed due to esophageal stretching, and did it have the desired outcome. I talk like I am telling you what to do - it is just my nature, I only intend them as suggestions... If you don't believe you can find a way out you become the problem. If you believe you can find a way out you have solved the problem. I know that ultimately it is up to me to change my love-relationship with the things I put in my mouth and learn to eat for nutrition rather than comfort. I'm working with a dietician now to do that. But I also want to take advantage of the latest medical procedures to build upon my efforts. My knees are shot and my spine is shot in two places so I live in constant pain and on Oxycontin 24/7. I need to keep working at getting the weight off this body sooner rather than later and this time I'm committed to doing it right with my therapist, my dietician and my personal trainer. But I do also want to know if anyone has a medical history similar to my medical history with the band AND has benefited from an additional, newer procedure. Thanks for your ideas and concerns. I really do appreciate them because you help me develop my own thoughts to a point of greater clarity and you help me see where blind spots in my thinking might cloud my judgement. Sincerely, Sara
  4. mrshep12

    21, Liquor, and a Lap Band

    Definatly stay away from carbinated beverages I have learned though after a few months you will become a light weight at drinking so know your limits. Every now and then I'll have a wisky and flat dr. Pepper and that will give me the desired affect of drinking. But, something else to keep in mind is that your body converts alcohol into suger, so definatly count it as an ordinary soda. Best of luck and have fun on your birthday.
  5. bbrecruiter2000

    Newbie 6 weeks post surgery

    Sunni, I used Dr. Richard Carter in Arlington TX. He accepted my insurance and he is an extremely kind person. His office is a little chaotic due to quick growth and sometimes it is hard to get through to them because they are busy, but they always find time to talk with me about anything and everything I have for concerns. I started my journey with another doctor. His office is tied to a University hospital. Too many politics! I think they are looking for "Stepford candidates", perfect people to prove the band works! Maybe something to do with funding. After two months, March/April, I still did not have an approval because they did not file anything. They were waiting on the psych testing. They also forced me to see one of their shrinks instead of letting me select my own. Their shrink thought I should go to three months of pre op therapy, even though she had never met me personally and had a student at the University interview me. She felt I had anger management issues ( of course I did, since I waited months) and doctor compliance issues, (what the heck is that?) all based on a Minnesota personality profile that was done in office, so I went to a second shrink on my own who wrote me a letter saying there was nothing mentally wrong with me ( drugs, personality disorder, alcoholism etc.) and I was conscious of the decision I was making. I brought everything with me for my first visit to Dr. C. Letter from PCP, shrink report, dietician report etc. THey sent the info on a Wed to my insurance and I was approved and pre certed in 24 hours. Radical difference, I would say. Its really important when you start the procedure for insurance approval, that you find out early on what the insurance requires and most important that you feel comfortable with the doctor and his staff. Anyway, I am now happily banded and almost 30 pounds lighter in 6 weeks and I know I will be successful longterm. Long answer to a short question!!!!
  6. Exactly how I felt!! So weird you used the alcoholic reference. Once I came to the realization that if my mother had an option to have surgery which would have been a tool for her to fight her addiction to alcohol I knew she would have done it in a heartbeat. So I had no more doubts about whether I should proceed with my surgery or not.
  7. Yes, we do follow a high proteing/low carb diet. The liquid diet and soft foods is for right after you have your surgery. When I am out and socializing I will have a couple of glasses of wine or a drink. You just have to be careful, you may feel the alcohol faster. I could only do 1 or 2 drinks depending on what I am drinking. Plus drinking alcohol may make you start eating junk food. But everyone once and awhile is no problem, we are human. Good luck to you if you decide to go with the lapband. Just do your research and go to a Seminar to see if it is the right thing for you. For me it was. I had my surgery in Sept. 2010 and have lost 130 lbs. I have a few more pounds to reach my goal. I don't think I never would have lost it without the lapband. WW and other diets just didn't work for me. Good luck again.
  8. VSGAnn2014

    Bariatric Surgery and Alcoholism

    Anecdotal experiences of individuals are often attention-grabbing. However, the following facts about alcohol abuse and dependence among the general population and among WLS populations offer context for the experience of the WLS patient shown in the above video. Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the U.S. 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence along with several million more who engage in risky drinking patterns that could lead to alcohol problems. More than half of all adults have a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking, and more than seven million children live in a household where at least one parent is dependent or has abused alcohol. https://ncadd.org/for-the-media/alcohol-a-drug-information Here are the findings from one study published in 2012 about transfer alcohol addiction after WLS (in this case RnY): In addition to the potential for weight regain, WLS patients, RYGB patients in particular, are at risk for emergence of alcohol use disorders by 2 years post-WLS, with 16.5% of patients engaging in hazardous alcohol use and nearly 10% having an alcohol use disorder [37] http://turner-white.com/pdf/jcom_oct13_bariatric.pdf The same study referenced these earlier study's findings: In a large-scale longitudinal study, rates of alcohol use disorders did not differ from 1 year before to 1 year after surgery, but by 2 years post-WLS the rate of problematic alcohol use increased significantly. Specifically, drinking ≥ 4 times per week and meeting alcohol dependence criteria both increased from about 3% to 5% of patients from baseline to year 2, and any form of alcohol use disorder increased from 7.6% to 9.6% during this same time frame. Notably, the escalation of problematic alcohol use was significant only among RYGB patients, not those who underwent adjustable gastric banding.
  9. :sad0: Pennie; I am having a hard time too. Sometimes I am ok and other times....wow! I want to go to a cognitive behavioral therapist. Since I don't do drugs or alcohol the food was my DOC (drug of choice) and now my stomach is dictating to me what and how much I can eat. Since I have had this done (VSG 6/9/10) I feel like it is something I had to do because I was killing myself. Boy did it feel like I was dying...slowly. I feel like the Matthew 5:30; "If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell." I want to eat so much of the gooooooooooooooooooooooood food that is out there. Oh man. Now my addiction is controlling me. It won't let me eat certain things or I get a stomach ache or if I want to take more than 3 bites.....AHHHHHH!!!!:drool5: It's terrible. I know how you feel. I know it is necessary. I know I will feel better. But boy, can your mind make you crave. Now I have to do mental work on that! I know the boat you are in and you are not alone. Feel free to contact me anytime or even e-mail me if you need to talk. I need support too. This is tough. I knew it would be....but mannnnnnnnn! Tlynnles tlynnles4@yahoo.com VSG on 6/9/10 Dr. Aceves
  10. helgaready

    3 Weeks Post Op - Progress Photos

    Wow...where do I start.... I up my workout game this week. Moved from 2.5 miles to 3 miles of walking this week. I am really loving this sleeve knowing that the fruits of my workout will reflect in my body transformation. I walked into my office yesterday and one of the ladies said I looked stunning. It did wonders for my inner self. In fact, a number of people are commenting on my weight loss. I went to a BBQ on Labor Day (dat was torture) and I girl I had not seen in a few months, told me I had lost weight and looked good...Made me feel all giddy..especially since I am still about 50lbs shy of my final goal...I can only imagine what that will look like. But back to the BBQ...There was so much food and drink...I think I missed the alcohol more than I did the food. BBQ is almost a synonym for drinking and all could have was my light pink lemonade...The compliments made it better though...lol... This week also represents the week, I put on a two pair of shorts I could not wear pre-surgery and a pair of jeans...One pair of shorts was actually loose...I have this lil dress that I wore in the day that I absolutely loved. I am not sure if I would wear it again as an outfit as it is dated but I kept it because I wanted to get back into it...The day that happens....I think I am going to hit the floor....(but I also plan on taking pics to mark that day). I told my mom about the surgery this week. I had not told her before because when I tried feeling her out about it, she had so much negative stuff to say so I left her out of one of the most important decisions of my life. I felt bad and underhanded but I needed to mentally prepare for this surgery and so could not deal with her opinions. She still had some stuff to say about it but now that it is done, I do not receive her comments as hard. This Sunday I am able to start soft foods. I am so happy...These last two weeks I have really begun to miss food. I have planned about 30 first meals...lol..My body is over the protein shakes so I need some natural protein. My stomach is upset with the protein shakes. As I begin to eat, I am hoping I can once again tolerate them as they offer a good influx of protein if you are struggling to get it in. I am still not having regular bowel movements without assistance of a stool softner. Driving me crazy as I went everyday so to be only able to go once a week with assistance gets me so out of sorts. But with all that said...where I am today...I think I am beginning to see some changes..I measure next Friday so I am excited to see what those numbers reveal. VSG 08/17/12 HT 5'8 HW 232 (08/13/12) SW 227 CW 208.8 (-23.6lbs) I will take it...I had a goal (one of many) to be 205 by 09/17. I am on target to make it happen...(Sleeve don't fail me now..lol)
  11. helgaready

    Week 8 With Progress Pics

    Where do I start...Week 8 was the week of workouts... I concentrated on my running game...So I pushed myself everytime I ran...Managed 2 miles in 26 minutes on Wednesday...And on Saturday, I actually did an 11 minute mile...Killed me but I felt good after I caught my breath and my heart starting beating inside instead of outside of my chest...Now I need to duplicate that across two miles and then three miles...My goal is to do 3 miles in 30 minutes...I have also kept up with Insanity workouts...Still hard as hell but well worth it...I get a sense of accomplishments from getting through another greuling 40 minutes of insane workouts...I feel myself getting stronger..my stretches getting better and my cardio picking up so I am so encouraged... I know some say I am going too hard on the workouts but I do not think so...I feel absolutely fine and no pain from the workouts other than sore muscles...And I actually get a rise out of that because that means they feeling the effect and making way for change...Working out, particularly running is a lifestyle for me so no sense of putting it off any longer..I also am putting weight lifting in my routine. My arms have always been big proportionate to my body so I am giving them a lil extra work to see if I can get them to get with the program...lol... I had a few struggles with food and the dreaded alcohol...I went out to eat with friends and there was bread and I had a tiny piece...Didnt take it too far because I did not want to risk upsetting my stomach...And I also tried a drink, on a separate occassion, and it burned my stomach...Good and a bad thing...so I didnt finish the drink and have the empty calories but man I was looking forward to that drink... But the best part of the week...I got down to 199...I guess it is possible on my scale...For the past few weeks I was beginning to think that my scale did not display #'s less than 200...I attached progress photos and I can see the difference in the photos but when I look in the mirror I pretty much see myself the same as I was pre-surgery...I had a girlfriend tell me that it was funny that when I was bigger I saw myself as a sexy b*tch..and now as I have getting smaller I am seeing myself as a slob...I dont really know where I lost myself..I do remember feeling good about me or at least I played the role so well that I believed I liked myself at some point in my "big life"...Now, I critique myself so hard on that and I am almost uncomfortable in my own skin...I need for my self image and confidence to catch up with my smaller waistline...It is sometimes hard to process the compliments because I am thinking what do these folk see...In fact, I told this one guy, I wanted to see myself through his eyes...He had always adored me even at my biggest and now he can't wait to see me in the morning to shower me with compliments... HW 232 & SW 227 (VSG 08/17/12 & 5'8) LW 201.2 CW 199 [Exactly 44lbs away from goal] GW 155
  12. Thanks for the replies! I know you are both right about making sure I get my Protein in and just cutting sweets and white flour out completely and limiting other starches. It is so weird to me that it is relatively easy to not eat those things if I just stay completely away from them, but if I have one single bite I end up on a binge. I was using a food tracker before, so I started that up again today. I don't know why it didn't occur to me before to log my Water intake in the food tracker, but I'm doing that too, starting today. The other tough thing for me to cut out is alcohol. I know that it is considered empty calories, but it seems silly to quit drinking now when I don't even have a surgery date yet. Did any one else here decide to wait until you actually have surgery to quit drinking? I mean, I guess I would actually quit a week before, when I'm on the liquid diet. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  13. As for the alcohol, it's important to cut it out as much as possible because the surgeon wants/needs you to shrink your liver. Not drinking will help you towards that goal. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  14. zil

    Checking Myself And Recommitting To My Goals

    Great Post Slimambitions!. I am there with you all the way. I was banded 8/19/2011 with a starting weight before my pre-op of 297...I went to the dr on Monday and was 245. The dr was very happy, and said I had surpassed my 6 month goal (I did not know I had one). I truly believe each and everyone of us have had issues similar to yours and we must continually re-dedicate ourselves to the task at hand. I agree with BRD, our eating issues are similar to an alcoholic,but with food. I have never had any self-control, but the band is my greatest support, because it reminds me every day of what I need to be doing, SLIM, BRD, CRYSAL AND JULIANA, WE CAN AND WILL DO THIS. we will support each other every step of the way. I am proud of all of us!!!! BEST OF LUCK
  15. Kai-shek

    Food Problems

    I had a dream journey with the band, no surgery problems and my weight loss was text book. However, a year on and I don't know what to do. Except for breakfast which is. Usually porridge topped with yoghurt and seeds everything else I eat seems to come back. I would say not everything because I am only losing weight weight (and believe me I don't want to lose more) very slowly 5lbs since Christmas. I went back to the surgeon and he took 1cc out it made no difference. I am afraid to take out more because I don't want to put weight on either, and I am not even convinced that this is not my fault. I ask myself did I eat the wrong thing, did I eat too fast? Is it my fault? I can't even manage a starter at a restaurant and alcohol is completely out. Should I just try to live with this, I don't want to be fat again, I am so happy with my body lose skin and all.
  16. When first making the decision to open up to the tool of bariatric surgery I simply assumed that the sleeve would be the procedure that I preferred. This was due to having the full run of my plumbing and perceived ability to eat the foods I wanted, but restrict the amounts. Seemed simple. My younger sister had bypass 15 years ago and I just didn't think that "aggressive" a procedure would be needed for me. After all.....I've lost large amounts of weight in the past through diet and exercise....I just needed a little help......or so I was believing. My physician who was discussing this with me eased me into the conversation and led me to find my way to the surgeon I've selected. I've been to his group presentation.....the first required step. Even after listening to my sister and seeing her progress.......for 15 years......and for secretly thinking in some small way that she took the easy way out.........I didn't "get" it. That presentation really altered my thinking about restrictive and absorptive restriction. I realized in that group session my "hero" status as the big brother doing it on his own......over and over again......was a stupid cycle. I needed to get all the help available.....every tool in the toolbox to get the lifelong results I strived for. Dr Carlson addressed the full room and fielded every question asked. An hour went by....then more.......he'd long since made his informative presentation.....yet stayed to discuss our concerns. A lot of "ah-ha" moments were had. I heard the lady seated behind me speak to her friend, "The sleeve is what will work best for me". My wife, seated beside me, was quiet. She reserved her comments until much later when we were driving home. She proceeded carefully fearing that she knew my mind had already been made up on the sleeve. It was a relief to her when I acknowledged that I felt I needed the bypass.......like my brave little sister did so many years ago.....doing her own research.....as a young woman on her own.......when most folks hadn't heard of such. One of my issues is reoccurring reflux. Some nights it can be really bad. It subsided greatly once I completely cut out alcohol from my intake on April 2, 2015. Back in early April of this year I'd begun resuming the fight to loose my weight. I'd taken evaluation of my current state of living. I loved to grill out.........really loved it. It is therapeutic. I loved to crack open a cold beer and fire up the coals. More beer throughout the cooking and serving everyone had me relaxed and happy. After dinner, I'd normally get drowsy due to several beers......then it'd be time to hit a couple tequila shooters and another beer......or a rum & diet coke or two. I'd get my relaxed and happy state back. It was clear which non-essential calories to drop first......cut out the beer and liquor along with seriously revising the menu on my plate. Guess what.....these were the nights the reflux was bad. Drinking + spicy food (the only kind off my grill ) = reflux. I discussed this "revelation" with my wife. She pointed out a few times since when I'd complained of reflux....since I'd cut out alcohol. I realized she was right......it was still occurring but less often. I have decided that I'd prefer the bypass.......but don't even know yet if I'm approved for it. The waiting and suspense of insurance is driving me nuts. Don't get me wrong.....I'm glad the procedure isn't something as easy to get as a bad tattoo.......but I wish it was more straightforward from the insurance company standpoint. Down the road the results I get from the bariatric will certainly lessen the costs I'd otherwise pose to them, right ? Sorry for the rambling. I'm just eagerly impatient and ready to get this ball rolling in the direction that will lead to successful and long lasting health provided I continue to do my part. I'm checking stuff off the mandatory list at least.....and this website and the folks here are already helping me find answers to the tons of questions I have. My mandatory checklist: Attend the group session---done in early June. Meet with the bariatric program's & surgeon's nurse to review my case and 8 pages of medical Q&A i was to complete--done this past week. Meet with surgeon on official visit----scheduled for July 1. Meet with program's nutritional guru----first of the 6 visits is on July 7. This I understand will be the "start" date of the mandatory 6 month timeline to surgery. Meet with psyche guru----awaiting appointment scheduling now. Internal scope evaluation of stomach and other plumbing-------to be scheduled after visit with surgeon I still don't have any type of official indication that bypass is a covered procedure (United Healthcare). I don't know if I can hang on 6+ months before getting this latest umbilical hernia taken care of. I want to get on to eating the foods I'll be living by after the surgery......eat like I've had the surgery......begin accelerated weight loss now......not wait until the surgery. I just want to be sure that I can't lose "too much" on my own that the insurance balks and says, "No way buddy.....you got this.....do it yourself". I can do a lot off by myself.....but I fail to keep it off. I don't want to sabotage my chances for coverage. So many questions that I'm sure will be resolved and clear in the weeks ahead......it's just right now I want to get going with progress of some type......no matter if it's from bypass or from my jumping onboard with the new plan. The compelling reasons for the need to get going are probably no different than most other folks here: I'm having back spasms from reoccurring back injuries due to herniated T-12 vertebrae. Spine surgeon stated that bariatric surgeon can do more for my spine than he could with back surgery. Sounds legit. Umbilical hernia is driving me nuts. It's worsened when back goes out and my posture and such gets weird. Knees are shot....ortho doc says I need knee replacements sooner than later....he's saying 5 years tops.....plus hip, too. He also stated that 200 lbs off my frame would push those replacements back a long time. I already feel some benefit in my knees from the initial pounds coming off. Swelling in my ankles is greatly reduced. Sorry again for the rambling. I'm jittery after finishing up the last day of miracle steroids (4th round with them since April) on my back. The side effects are sleeplessness for me. I get jittery after the 6 day cycles. I'm hoping for a good long sleep later today....tonight. Aside from dropping the alcohol, fried food and reducing sugar & starch intake (doing these).........what can you advise me to do? What other dietary-related actions? Breakfast choices now are oatmeal (made with Water and small amount of salt) vs sausage biscuits and such. lunch & dinner has me eating lots of salads. Snacks are nuts, fruits like blueberries and apples and occasional whole grain toast with small amount of health choice butter substitute or Greek Yogurt. Drinking tons of water. 40oz of coffee every day during the first portion of the day......a lot, I know. I use nonfat creamer and Splenda or Equal (10 packs for 40oz coffee). I'm still having 2-3 20oz Diet Mt. Dew's every day. Sounds like a ton....but it's way down over the number I used to drink. I go to one a day on days off....but do poorly during workdays. No more drive thru's and only salads from fast food restaurants. What else should I be doing? Should I order the "Big Book on Bypass" and get started on it ??????? Stir crazy and tired of my 46 years of fat fighting. 5 years ago I burned off 120 and felt like a new man.......still have many of the 2X & 3X clothes. I saved most of them.....refusing to toss them due to that being symbolic of me throwing away my hope of wearing them again. I lost that weight.....but failed to keep it off. The brief period at that reduced weight was enough of a taste of healthier living that I have craved ever since. Virtually painfree and full of energy. Leaner.......able to wear my old high school letterman's jacket and button it up......too small still, but at least it would button up. Another 100 pounds off that and I feel like i'd be walking around feeling like a Gazillion dollar lottery winner. I may never get a winning lottery ticket.....but I'll be supremely happy to get 200 lbs off........and MAINTAIN that level. So ready to get this machine krunk up and in gear and burn some rubber down the track. This waiting is like sitting there with the engine revving up but the parking brake locked in place...........
  17. AllisonKara


    I don't think anybody would recommend you to consume alcohol only under 10 weeks post op. Your stomach is still healing from inside. It is wise to talk to your doctor about this. He/she will give you the correct guidance.
  18. SnowDaisy


    What did your surgeon and team tell you? You should follow their advice...that's usually no alcohol? Just my opinion, but I don't think you should be considering alcohol only 7 weeks out. Take care x
  19. Nessa36

    I want to have 1 drink

    My surgeon and nutritionist told my to wait a year before having an alcoholic drink. I am not a drinker. I only have a drink at my birthday or Christmas Eve. I just had my sleeve on December 5th so I am too scared to try a drink at Christmas Eve this year. Has anybody had a drink three or four weeks after surgery?
  20. katie206


    The hospital I had my surgery just had a support group meeting talking about alcohol and they basically said what you said, if you are going to have a drink, don't drive. They said because we are bypass the rule changes from one drink an hour to one drink every 2 hours and even if you don't feel drunk it stays in your blood stream so if you get pulled over you will probably blow high enough to get a DUI. They also told a story about a woman who had a drink, thought she was fine and killed a pedestrian, so definitely not worth the risk! I know you already answered your question but just wanted to re-affirm for you!
  21. GreenTealael

    Can I have a half glass of Wine with a steak

    Best to consult your team when it comes to timing of alcohol and moving forward on your plan but either way at seven weeks post op you are going to nurse the drink or meal heavily as both may be surprisingly unpredictable to tolerate now. Enjoy!
  22. themaestroswife

    Concerns with gaining

    Has she been back to see her surgeon for follow-up appointments? They are very crucial to the progress. If you drink while eating, you can most certainly push food through the sleeve, and alcohol, well, that relaxes your stomach to the point where she can probably push things through due to the relaxation in the stomach caused by drinking. The only advise that I have, because I've not been in this situation, nor do I know anyone who has, is that she start with her surgeon and for her to behest with him. I do believe that she can start the post-op diet from the beginning again to reset her stomach and to allow for weight loss again. Best wishes to both of you. Amy
  23. Seraphina

    It's Gonna Happen!

    Thank you all! I totally relate to you who are having the same thoughts I did...so much self doubt and fear for us all. For me it was so bad that I told no one I was doing this in case I failed (I have yet to tell anyone). My goal was modest compared to some, but overwhelming for me. I have thyroid disease and a non-existent metabolism. I lost about 10 lbs on my preop and a little over 60 since then. It sucked, let's be real, but I didn't bust my ass or watch the food intake and I even drank alcohol whenever I felt like it. Some may think it irresponsible of me to say these things, given how much we all have struggled and continue to struggle post op in many cases. But my intention is to encourage everyone. It will happen! It will.
  24. madscientistmommy

    Can I have a half glass of Wine with a steak

    I was told no alcohol for a year after surgery.
  25. joatsaint

    Psych Eval

    Here's a brief synopsis of what I experienced - 500 questionnaire covering my outlook on life, how I viewed the people around me, my feelings about drugs/alcohol and how much I used them. Many of the questions were asked multiple times, but in different ways. Then I had a 20 minute interview with the psychologist. Basically he wanted to find out if I was fully informed about the surgery, if I had realistic expectations, and if I was committed to this new eating/lifestyle - because the Sleeve is not a magic pill, you still have to have the discipline to eat right and exercise post-surgery.

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