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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi, I wanted to see who was having Roux-en-Y gastric bypass this October. It seems like more people in general get VSG, and we RGNY folks are on the fringes. I did a quick search and did not see a topic, so sorry if this is a repeat. I wanted a group just for RGNY because even though a lot of advice is similar there are some nuanced differences. My surgery is on October 27th I start my pre-op diet on Friday the 13th, but I decided to get a bit of a jump start by easing into it today.
  2. Timberlynn Sleeved to DS

    Revision from VSG to Bypass

    I went for my EGD last week due to all the GERD I have been experiencing for over 5 months which has got worse and no OTC or RX medication is touching it. Results of EGD: - Localized mild inflammation characterized by erythema and linear erosions was found in the prepyloric region of the stomach. Moderate bile reflux into sleeve. Chronic Gastritis. Doctor has me on RX Pepcid and I see him in 6 weeks to discuss revision to Bypass. Personally I wish I would have went with the bypass instead of the sleeve when I had my WLS. How was everyone's experience who had the revision to bypass that experience GERD. Was it gone after?
  3. Vicki 25 years and counting

    Gastric bypass over 20 years

    I am going on 25 years post gastric bypass.. Back when it was open surgery. total weight lost- 140 Now maintaining average if 160
  4. Feb 1st 2023 had Gastric bypass revision surgery. The Dr could not make my pouch smaller due to scar tissue around area. So he bypassed much more of my intestines. He said this would be greater malabsorption of foods. I'm still on first phase clear liquids and broth. I have been so hungry, though. Is this normal? Anyone else have this surgery?
  5. Today 5 November 2023 times goes fast.  Here is a big hug from Sweden.

    The last couples of years I realize its the small things that matters ♥️  one step at a time,  still get anxiety, still get panic, depression, eating problems. But life is beautiful and i do not regret the choice i made 2017.

    Live life its worth living, learn new things everyday tell the people u love that they are important. Do something today that makes you happy.  ♥️♥️♥️

    My motto in swedish is "fånga dagen"   (carpe diem)



  6. Today 5 November 2023 times goes fast.  Here is a big hug from Sweden, the last couples of years I realize its the small things that matters ♥️  one step at a time,  still get anxiety still get panic, depression, eating problems. But life is beautiful and i do not regret the choice i made 2017.

    Live life its worth living, learn new things everyday  tell the people u love they are important. Do something today that makes you happy.  ♥️♥️♥️

    My motto in swedish is "fånga dagen"   (carpe diem)


  7. Hello! This is my first post on this Forum about that and maybe you can give me some insight. i'm 3 weeks post op from Germany and i have a RNY-Bypass i'm okay so far no pain enough fluid struggle with food which is normal this early i guess. the Question i really have, i use to watch a lot of youtubers for meal plans and "how my future could look" and most of them just say "i did have a bypass" but not specifically which one, i once heard that the RNY bypass will always have way smaller portions than the Omega-sleeve and i'd like to ask if thats True and i'm also very Intrested to hear how your Portionsizes are after lets say, 3 year Post op. thanks and have a great day
  8. Hi everyone I have a line and a dent across my stomach. The dent is under my largest incision
  9. Finding it hard to decide which surgery to get. Im leaning towards the bypass at the moment. 

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      Are you wanting suggestions? I am getting bypass on Friday. If you would like I'll share my reasons and circumstances on why I chose bypass over sleeve for myself.

    2. Jessica Marie

      Jessica Marie

      I'm always open to suggestions!

    3. New To This23

      New To This23

      I'll message you.

  10. I learned today that I will require a revision due to having severe reflux which has caused barrettes disease. In regards to my weight, I do not need the surgery but I am 8 pounds above my most consistent weight and in total I’d like to lose 15-20 pounds. I didn’t ask any questions I just listened. I was wondering if anyone had similar circumstances? If so is the pre-op and post op similar to the initial surgery? How many days were you in the hospital? I would appreciate any feedback others could offer. Thank you!
  11. I learned today that I will require a revision due to having severe reflux which has caused barrettes disease. In regards to my weight, I do not need the surgery but I am 8 pounds above my most consistent weight and in total I’d like to lose 15-20 pounds. I didn’t ask any questions I just listened. I was wondering if anyone had similar circumstances? If so is the pre-op and post op similar to the initial surgery? How many days were you in the hospital? I would appreciate any feedback others could offer. Thank you!
  12. Jalapeño

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    I have always had a dilemma about the sleeve, because patients can expand their stomach pouch, by poor compliance. The majority of people who have bariatric surgery experience psychological problems with their relationship with food rather than a physiological problem. Therefore, not withstanding a brain transplant, I don't think a sleeve would be successful for such individuals. I think that's one of the main reasons for revision from sleeve to bypass. With bypass, this is my own experience, you can eat as much as you want, but you don't put on the weight. I feel sleeve is suited to people who need a helping hand to lose weight but are strong enough to comply with a lifestyle diet change. Those of us who would continue to struggle with our relationship with food regardless, I think are better candidates for the bypass. The bypass comes in various strengths. There are several variations of the bariatric gastric bypass surgery, including: 1. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) 2. Mini gastric bypass (MGB) 3. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) and While Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch are the most well-known variations, there are other less common types of gastric bypass surgeries, including: 1. Single Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (SAGB) 2. Loop Gastric Bypass 3. Sleeve Gastrectomy with Transit Bipartition
  13. Surgery was successful. Pain I could definitely do without. But 🎶 I’m still alive 🎶
  14. I had a revision from sleeve to bypass. Best decision I've ever made. But any kind of NSAIDS are a no-go with he bypass. And there are malabsorption issues to contend with as far as meds and vitamins go. But honestly, I wish I would have just done the bypass to begin with.
  15. Lld850

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I had the bypass on November 10
  16. I'm being offered both options but my surgeon is recommending sadi over gastric bypass because my BMI is 60 I'm so confused any help? Thanks
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    TORe Procedure

    Did you ever have your procedure? If so, how did it go? I never knew there was a revision for the bypass. I had a revision from the sleeve to the bypass, so it's nice to know if I ever need another revision down the line, there's an option.
  18. Hello. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. It's been a rough couple of weeks - severe allergic reaction on abdomen and a bad UTI. But I really didn't expect to have almost constant heartburn. I might have expected it with a sleeve, but this is horrible. Anyone else have persistent heartburn with gastric BYPASS? What have you done for it?
  19. I was wondering what your portion sizes look like if you’re 6 months or longer out of surgery. Are you able to go to dinner with friends? How is your life affected by food now?
  20. SomeBigGuy

    Did anyone go home same day?

    I had the Gastric Sleeve performed in November and I was back at the hotel by 7pm that night. I was able to walk several laps up and down the hallway that night without much trouble, just some gas pain. That trend seems to be more popular now since it is a lot less invasive of a procedure compared to the bypass or DS/SIPS/SADI procedures.
  21. Jalapeño

    MGB vs. RNY

    The mini gastric bypass is definitely more malabsorptive than the RYGB. I would advise against the mini gastric bypass from my own personal experience.
  22. NickelChip

    Sleeve to bypass question

    They will create a small stomach pouch, same as in a regular bypass. But be aware that even with bypass, the ability to eat more returns over time. If it helps for comparison, though, I can tell you that at 3 months out with gastric bypass, I can eat about 3/4 c yogurt with a little bit of fruit, or 2-3 oz chicken with maybe 1/4 cup cooked veg in one sitting. In both cases, this would take me about 15 minutes to eat.
  23. heaven1881

    November 2023 buddies

    My surgeon had a last minute cancellation so I had the gastric bypass on November 27th (my birthday). Day 2 was ROUGH but I’m home now and feeling pretty good.
  24. You didn't explain your reasoning for choosing the gastric bypass.
  25. Thank you! Yes, this was a revision from sleeve to bypass.

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