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Found 738 results

  1. Just curious how many people have tried alcohol soon after their surgery? I am nearly 4 weeks post op and just curious if anyone has tried alcohol this soon out? I haven't and my surgeon didn't really say much about it they just said that only drink occasionally (socially) and don't let it become a habit? Would it be bad to try a drink so soon after surgery? (Like tequila on the rocks? Or whiskey on the rocks?) if I took it slow and only had one? I'm going to a bday party tonite and just want to have a drink?... Plz no judgments just curious if it's a bad idea or not? Thanks
  2. Are we supposed to watch this as well as sugar?
  3. So I’ll be 6 weeks post op next week. I’m going to New Orleans and I know I’ll want to have at least one drink. I feel like I have and Angel on my left side saying don’t do it and the Devil on the right saying one would be ok. So now long did you guys wait?
  4. kate85


    Just wondering I am off to the races and I am wondering what is the lowest calorie and best alcohol beverage to drink
  5. What is sugar alcohol? Can we have it or not? I am reading conflicting information. Thanks!
  6. I am so down and frustrated with myself! I told myself that once I had the band I would control my drinking or give it up all together. I did good at first and now I am slipping. When I binge I probably put down 1000 calories in alcohol. Due to this my weightloss has halted and I have gained a pound. Any words of encouragment would be great!
  7. RayLandry


    Howdy, I am getting sleeved (revision, Band to Sleeve) in a couple of weeks. I have a question. I am an avid golfer and my buds from work and I, take a couple of golf trips a year. Usually to Myrtle Beach. Usually 4-5 days of golf and beer! We have a blast! Well, as much of a blast that 50 somethings can have. LOL . Our next outing is in late April and I am wondering how I will handle this! So, my question is this.......how is alcohol consumption after VGS? Is beer off limits? Thanks, Ray
  8. I never thought I drank too much until Lap Band. After quitting the alcohol before and after surgery, I found myself needing it. I can't seem to make it two days without drinking. I went through so much to have this surgery and don't want to blow it by wasting calories on alcohol. I lost 15 pounds the first week and haven't lost any since so I know this is affecting my weight loss. It has been 4 weeks since my surgery. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if there are any suggestions.
  9. I'm a social drinker and I just wanted to know if you can still drink alcohol after having the surgery ......how do you have to wait .I hope I can still enjoy a couple of Apple martini from time to time .......
  10. So before i walk out the door, as this place is simply no longer worth the time, Ill focus on my other areas to help those who need and want it, here is just a few articles for those who call me a liar. Oh and to those who do call me a liar, just because you do something , that doesnt make it right. https://www.facs.org/media/press%20releases/jacs/gastricbypass0311 http://www.obesitycoverage.com/before-after/alcohol-after-weight-loss-surgery/ https://asmbs.org/patients/life-after-bariatric-surgery for RNY https://www.thefix.com/content/gastric-surgery-alcohol-abuse-switching-addictions8421 For bypass https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110310121029.htm there are literally hundreds more. But dont bother looking because I lie evidently because someone once took a drink and said it didnt hit them harder. So by their view, if one person smokes and doesnt get cancer then cigarettes dont cause cancer. Okay then. Have a good life BP people. I will no longer deal with the BS. If you want someone to kiss your ass and tell you you're doing wonderfully as you fail, enjoy it here. its a mutual maturbation society lately. People obsessed with power and their flunkies. Im able to walk away and enjoy this amazing thin life. Trust me when i say this most assuredly will be the last post. Alex has made a great place, unfortunately it eventually gets taken over by those who want nothing more than to be "bitches" and yes thats a quote from them directly. I once left here for 6 months then came back to se if things had changed and unfortunately we have people who now think they know everything about the journey even though they have only just barely started their own and have little compunction against derailing someone else's weight loss journey so they can enable their own destructive behaviors. For those that truly care i urge you to get involved in Surgery help groups and the national obesity awareness campaigns. Or just write your own blog and show the world how this can work. Unlike others i don't hide behind a screen name, heck if you follow my links you'll find my full name, address and even phone number on my blog I will answer any questions directly anyone may have. My pictures are always posted I dont believe in hiding or lying and I do believe in being blunt. Failure is not an option for me as I want to live and hare my life with my wife for as long as possible, it took me 44 years to wake up and see what fat does to you and to me. And you cannot hide being fat, even though we all have tried, I will continue to work with several support groups and with a Protein manufacturer directly as an ambassador. Fort hose who dont like my blunt upfront approach, great, thats your right, what you dont have the right to do is to tell others to ignore their surgeons, to ignore their nutritionists, and to impose your own weight loss cheating and failings on them. If you want to contribute to minimal weight loss and fail, thats your right, dont be a total dick and try to take down others with you. 'My last words, are simple. I will not fail at this, I thank those who helped me along this journey so far, and from the bottom of my heart and soul, I truly wish all of you do not fail as well. see ya.
  11. Yet wondering...if I am consuming some alcohol but staying within my calorie requirements and exercising...will that slow my weight loss? I love spinning and core exercises, tabata, etcetera but I also like a couple glasses of wine a couple times a week. I'm keeping my food carbs low, too. Just wondering about others experiences. FYI--I am almost 5 months out. Down 63 lbs--275 to 212. Eating about 1000/ day and exercising 4-5 times week with good workouts IMO.
  12. My question is how long did your surgeon say you had to wait before you could have a drink after surgery? How did you feel when you did drink? (I know a lot of people have less of a tolerance and get tipsy quicker.) I love a nice glass of wine occasionally and I am aware its empty calories, however I am a firm believer enjoying things in moderation. I don't think you should deprive yourself as long as you don't make a habit of it. Id love you guys feedback. Have a good day everyone!
  13. Hi Folks, Anyone know why we should not have alcohol for a year (my program's rule)? I know it's empty calories and it goes to the head really fast, but is there some other reason not to drink?
  14. If you are finding that post- sleeve you are much more vulnerable to alcohol, you're not alone. Here's a link to an article that examines recent research. Basically, because our stomachs are so much smaller, we absorb more alcohol, and it peaks in our blood more quickly. My doctor said the alcohol is acting more like crack cocaine in terms of speed and intensity of the high. And therefore much more dangerously addictive. So, in addition to alcohol being empty calories, we are at much more grave risk of becoming alcoholics if we drink after gastric sleeves/bypass. Here's the link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171120133922.htm I'm now struggling with this myself. Snuck up on me quickly, within 2 or 3 months of dealing with some personal trauma and depression. Kept finding that when I'd try to stop drinking, the shakes and intense anxiety were overwhelming. After consulting with a number of agencies and doctors, found there are some meds that make the withdrawals much more manageable, and those have helped tremendously. But insurance limitations make obtaining additional support much more challenging - still working on overcoming that hurdle. Anyway, be very very careful with alcohol after the surgery. One shot of tequila can affect you like 5 shots. And the brain really gets to liking that way too much. Then that's another battle to fight.
  15. I am scheduled for Oct. 22. I have seen some information on television that alcohol dependency increases with people who have weight loss surgery. Are folks allowed to drink after surgery? What is the effect of alcohol post surgery?
  16. mikevick2002

    Alcohol intake

    Hey again looking for some answers. I had my sleeve on Sep 2 and I was wondering if anyone has had alcohol this soon. I know I can't drink beer but I was thing V-8 and a splash of vodka or gin not much but I'm missing my alcohol. I've had V-8 already I know I can handle it I was just wondering if anyone has tried any alcohol this early on.
  17. Hi all:) When is it ok to have a drink? I'm 3 weeks post op and just wondering.....when can I have my very missed little glass of wine?? Lol
  18. Hello I was just looking for some drink ideas for when you go out? I don't really like wine and we aren't suppose to drink carbonation like beer/soda... what have you found that works for you? Thanks!
  19. Hey there! I'm eight weeks out and have a second date tonight. I avoided alcohol on the first, and haven't had a drink post-op yet, but would like to try sipping on a cocktail tonight (with no intention to finish it!). Looking for recommendations on some of my best options for not going crazy with carbs/sugar, and avoiding cabonation. I was thinking cranberry vodka, but not sure the juice is my best choice. Thoughts?
  20. I was wondering if anyone has experienced increased alcohol intake after the band...I know it's empty calories, increases appetite, etc. etc...I know all about the bad stuff but I have had a hard time getting that through my brain because it seems like I am thinking, "well, I can't really eat so I might as well drink...". I know, it sounds crazy. I am proud of my accomplishment and I know that I look so much better and feel so much better...I need to figure out why I am doing this! Anyway, after a weekend of drinking, I am going on a hiatus to detox my body...lol. I am not an alcoholic - I drink a glass a wine every night or have a sugar free margarita and then on Friday my husband and I go out with friends and drink quite a bit - enough to feel crappy the next day. Just wondering if anyone has had this problem..and don't crucify me, please!!!
  21. mamakate78

    No alcohol ever?

    This is what support group told me tonight led by our NUT. If we as sleevers drink, everything pass our stomach will become necrotic. You mean to tell me that a glass of wine here and there is gng to KILL me? I know a lot of surgeons release their patient to drink in small moderation at like 3-4 months. What gives? What are ur thoughts?
  22. Flutterfly19


    How long did you have to wait to drink alcohol post op? I'm not a big drinker at all, but am curious as to how long it will be before I can have a drink or two with the girls at happy hour. Thanks!
  23. Were any of you moderate drinkers before banding and either 1) stopped drinking after lapband or 2) continue to drink after banding.
  24. I had my sleeve August 18th 2014. I have not drank any alcohol since August the 9th over 4 months. I am wanting to drink but I am afraid for a few reasons. I am afraid I will gain weight, afraid I will get sick or dehydrated, but the weight gain is my biggest worry I have come to far to fail now. Any sleevers that drink ???
  25. Yes of course I know there won't be binge drinking, but what about social drinking? Thus may sound silly but my husband and I are on a bowling league and a softball team and in both cases we usually hang out and have a beer or 2....will I be able to do that? I mean if my stomach can only hold 4-6 oz I'm thinking I won't be able to? Just trying to get mentally ready!!

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