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Found 738 results

  1. tirsh29


    How soon after bypass did u start drinking alcohol? I know beer is out, but a friend is having a big birthday bash soon and I was wondering. I am only 7 weeks out. I will be about 9 by then. Im pretty confident finding what I can eat in social situations without feeling awkward but im not a big drinker as it is.... I just dont wanna feel/seem like a total party pooper.
  2. How soon can I have caffeine or alcohol?
  3. I am scheduled for Oct. 22. I have seen some information on television that alcohol dependency increases with people who have weight loss surgery. Are folks allowed to drink after surgery? What is the effect of alcohol post surgery?
  4. I was a drinker. Irish so it's in my blood. My doc gave me permission to have a cocktail this past weekend I am 6 weeks out. He warned me of people trading one addiction (food) for another (alcohol). He mentioned empty calories and the fact that I will be a cheep date because WLS patients process alcohol differently now. So I had 1 cocktail because that is something my husband and I do on Saturday date night. Or did I should say. It was fine. I was fine but the one thing I realized is I'm not a drinker in my new life. It's going to be an adjustment for everyone in my social life especially my wonderful supportive husband. I'm not saying I'm never going to drink again. (I told you I'm Irish). But it is one of the major changes in this new life that I wanted to share. I really thought this was going to be a problem for me. I just hope it's not for others around me. Everyone has been more than supportive and understanding. Time will tell. Thank you all for always being here. Joy
  5. Justaprettyface

    Shots & alcohol

    What are the repercussions if you drink or do shots one month post op Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  6. Interesting read. ABC News video link at bottom of page. LA Times By Thomas H. Maugh II June 18, 2012, 12:11 p.m. A major new study confirms previous sporadic reports that weight-loss surgery increases the risk of alcohol abuse, researchers reported Monday. In the second year after having a gastric bypass, technically known as Roux-en-Y surgery, patients were 30% more likely to have problems controlling their alcohol use, a team reported online in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. and at the annual meeting of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Previous reports have suggested that alcohol abuse could be a problem following bariatric surgery, but the studies have been small and generally involved collecting data at some point after the procedure. In the new study, a team led by epidemiologist Wendy C. King of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine began studying 2,458 adults before they underwent bariatric surgery at one of 10 hospitals. Of those, 1,945 could be monitored for one to two years after the procedure. The team found that 7.6% of the patients suffered from alcohol-abuse disorders (abuse and dependence) in the year before the surgery. At the end of one year after the procedure, the percentage was about the same, 7.3%. But by the end of the second year, the prevalence of such disorders had climbed to 9.6%, a 30% increase. Virtually all of the increase occurred in patients who had undergone gastric bypass, with no increase among the roughly 30% of patients who had a banding procedure. Some research suggests that the increase in problems arises because the metabolism of alcohol changes after gastric bypass. "Given a standardized quantity of alcohol, patients reach a higher peak alcohol level [in the bloodstream] after surgery compared with case-controls or their pre-operative levels," the team wrote. In other words, bypass patients get drunk faster and with smaller amounts of alcohol. The excessive drinking may be a greater problem for bariatric surgery patients because alcohol abuse can affect vitamin and mineral status and liver function, which are already potential problems for the surgery patients, King said. She urges clinicians to perform a better job of screening patients for abuse before surgery and to offer counseling to help them combat the problem. ABC VIDEO LINK: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/gastric-bypass-fuel-alcoholism-16600168
  7. Just curious how many people have tried alcohol soon after their surgery? I am nearly 4 weeks post op and just curious if anyone has tried alcohol this soon out? I haven't and my surgeon didn't really say much about it they just said that only drink occasionally (socially) and don't let it become a habit? Would it be bad to try a drink so soon after surgery? (Like tequila on the rocks? Or whiskey on the rocks?) if I took it slow and only had one? I'm going to a bday party tonite and just want to have a drink?... Plz no judgments just curious if it's a bad idea or not? Thanks
  8. Hdollman


    Hi All, Did any of your doctors say when it would be okay to start having a small glass of wine????
  9. Scheduled to have surgery on June 12th. Meditrim (pre-op diet) on the 29th of this month. And God Damn it I cheated :mad2: Supposedly I should stop smoking from today the 12th. I knew this was coming, so I purposely had more yesterday, but today I feel like it's on the 12th I can cheat a lil bit. But sigh, I feel so bad, I had craving and in the end i had 2 full "120 Capri" cigarettes I am an occasional smoker. I smoke none a day, or if i feel stressful i'll have up to 3 a day. ( unless i'm drinking i have alot more ) But I know I can handle the alcohol issue though i loveee drinking ( I don't drink beer, but i love cocktails shooters bicardi pineapple ), but I overestimated myself for smoking. Hope to meet people that had gone through "quitting smoking phase" and looking for a companion to "not smoke" together.
  10. I don't drink alcohol regularly but might have half glass champagne once every few months. Is it possible ? If not - is it due to the fizz or the alcohol or both? It won't bother me if I never drink again! Funny how I can be do obsessed with food items but not alcohol!
  11. Hi I'm 5 months post op and going to a festival tomorrow. Any suggestions on what alcohol or mixers I can drink that aren't fizzy? Wine and fruit juices will be no good as will be camping for 3 days so no fridge. Thank you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. ricomen

    alcohol y drogas

    Llevo ya casi 5 años con mi banda gástrica. Tengo 56 años de edad y mido 1.92 y peso actualmente 265 lb. Llegué a perder 100 lb. el primer año y me he mantenido mas o menos así, pero el ultimo año he estado abusando del alcohol y de substancias (cocaína y marihuana) y ganando peso. He notado que alrededor del puerto (lo llevo al lado izq. un poco mas arriba del ombligo) se me forma un área dura casi del tamaño de una naranja (!!!) y tiene un color rosado, y a veces me duele al tacto. Mi Dr. ( A quien obviamente no le he contado lo de las sustancias) me ha estado irrigando corticoides que me alivian y desinflaman por poco tiempo pues se me forma nuevamente. El dice que se me ha formado un "callo" y que debo cambiarme el puerto a otro mas pequeño que el original. También hemos notado que cuando me mete la aguja para irrigarme el área, esta supura una sanguaza. (¿?) También hicimos una ecografía para descartar una hernia que en efecto no la había. Otro Dr. a quien fui por 2da opinión quiere hacerme un “cat scan” con contraste (yodo) para saber de que se trata y me adelanta que debo cambiar el puerto a otro sitio de mi cuerpo e instalarme un puerto mas pequeño. Por otro lado ya no me hace mayor efecto la banda, yo como normalmente, y sólo "devuelvo" después de que he tenido días de consumo de substancias y alcohol. (hace poco me volvieron a inyectar solución salina y ya llevo según mi Dr. 7cc en la banda) Recuerdo que al principio sólo me ponían 3 ó 4 cc’s) Según el no se está saliendo pues hizo una prueba retirando el contenido y ahí estaban los 7cc’s. Debo también confesarles, que la verdad es que ni desde el principio me sentí saciado como me prometía el sistema LapBand, mi perdida de peso fue siempre a punta de "devolver" gran parte de lo ingerido por atragantamiento. Recientemente leí en el sitio: Eastern Surgical Clinic Online lo siguiente: “There are four common reasons why you will not be suitable. Addiction to alcohol and drugs, both legal (Valium etc) and illegal (heroin, cocaine etc). There is strong scientific evidence that Lap-Band® WILL NOT WORK if you are addicted.” Traducción: (“Hay cuatro razones comunes por las que usted no será elegible. Adicción al alcohol y a las drogas, legales (valium etc) e ilegales (heroína, cocaína etc). Hay pruebas científica fuertes que afirman que la banda NO TRABAJARÁ si usted es adicto.”) Pero no me explica el por qué. Además no me considero adicto, lo mío es puramente recreacional y de fines de semana. Pregunta: Hay alguien de Uds, con éste cuadro? No quiero pasar por otra laparoscopia pues mi situación económica actual no me lo permite. Me estoy automedicando con cataflán® pero tampoco noto que me desinflama. Estoy realmente asustado. No tengo a quien consultar pues Panamá es muy chiquito y todos nos conocemos, Podrían Uds aconsejarme? SE LOS RUEGO! Ricaurte Mendieta Panameño
  13. Hi all 3 months out and 70 pounds - now help Was always told no alcohol in 3 months and now I'm drinking wine - no pouch issues but still struggling to eat but wine is fine - will this affect me?
  14. I am 7 months post VSG and 2 months post Lap cholecystectomy. We are on vacation at a resort so I am having a few cocktails here and there. I have to say I do not notice any difference in my alcohol tolerance now compared to before surgeries. I guess that is a good thing. I only drink on vacations and occasionally at home when we go to dinner/ party with friends. This week I am trying to balance enjoying my vacation with keeping an eye on the empty calories from cocktails etc. Planning to get back to tracking when I get home.
  15. So I’ll be 6 weeks post op next week. I’m going to New Orleans and I know I’ll want to have at least one drink. I feel like I have and Angel on my left side saying don’t do it and the Devil on the right saying one would be ok. So now long did you guys wait?
  16. innwtitdtity


    Did your surgeon/nut say no alcohol? If so, for how long? And how long did you wait before your first drink? Mine said none for a year (I knew that would be hard) because of the added stress on the liver. I had a glass of wine 6 weeks post op while on vacation-it took me 3 hours to drink one glass because I was nervous of the potential effects. It did hit me more than before surgery(as expected). I used to drink 3-4 glasses a week prior to surgery. I would not advise doing it all the time(I hear many bypass patients become alcoholics post surgery). This is where my tastebuds have changed post surgery -wine just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
  17. Tarafeena

    Sugar Alcohol?????

    Ok, so I thought I found the perfect sugar free snack, SnackWell's fudge brownies...I get them home and go to eat one thinking, lets see how good these are, and I take a bite and find, wow not bad. Then I read the box again, and see that indeed it had 0g of sugar, but 9g of Sugar Alcohol??? What is this??? Is it good for you, do you need to count it??? If anybody out there knows what this is can you please, please let me know. Thank you in advanced for your time.. :nervous Tara
  18. I am 8months out & wanna drink some wine 2day but scared im not sure how I'm gonna feel & don't wanna ruin my day any suggestions
  19. Hey yall! Does anyone know who long one should wait to have a glass of wine?
  20. How long before I can have an alcoholic drink? Im 5 1/2 weeks out. I just want to taste a margarita!!
  21. I am 5 months post op, I have over 5 and 1/2 stone far, but at the weekend I went out and decided to have a few glasses of wine, not before surgery I was a cider/beer person but I know to stay away from carbonated drinks. Well the wine obviously went straight to my head and I lost all control, I landed up drinking almost 3 entire bottles of rose wine, even before surgery I could only ever have handled one bottle, this was on Saturday night and now it is Tuesday I am still be absolutely rubbish both physically and obviously mentally as well. Obviously it was a massive wake up call that I am not ready to drink again, but I am genuinely worried if I have damaged my liver or kidneys, I'm trying to keep as hydrated as possible, but my stomach is clearly out of sync, which is then just making the guilt cycle in my head. I am so mad at myself for not having control when I have been doing so well. Was just wondering if anyone has any advice or similar stories on this as I have given myself a real scare
  22. When did everyone start drinking again after their surgeries? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  23. One week post-op and my husband has brought me to the Caribbean to heal in a pretty and peaceful location. I've brought all my shakes etc with me and the resort has been good enough to make me special smooth Soups for lunch and dinner. I'm staying away from alcohol per my doctor's direction but was wondering if anyone knows: - why alcohol is a no-no after surgery - what would happen if I took a single sip of wine at dinner - how soon folks were able to have alcohol after surgery Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. I had my sleeve August 18th 2014. I have not drank any alcohol since August the 9th over 4 months. I am wanting to drink but I am afraid for a few reasons. I am afraid I will gain weight, afraid I will get sick or dehydrated, but the weight gain is my biggest worry I have come to far to fail now. Any sleevers that drink ???
  25. Im in the process of getting medically cleared for the lap-band. I was just curious because i am still young and enjoy going out for drinks with friends, can i still drink alcohol without feeling too full? i know we are not supposed to drink it because of it being empty calories but is it possible to do once in a while?

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