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Found 738 results

  1. im not a heavy drinker but was wondering how long after surgery could yall drink? what did you drink?does it effect u differently that before the surgery. i get sleeved on 11-8 and my 30th bday in 12-17 so just trying to figure out if i can have an adult beverage
  2. I have a question.. We are going on a cruise in 3 weeks and I was wondering about being banded and alcohol. I don't drink often, actually it's been over 2 years since my last drink. But since I'll be on vacation I might want one or two. Can you still drink alcohol while being banded?
  3. I want to know the PHYSICAL risks associated with lapband surgery, if you have a problem with alcohol? Is there anything to be concerned about, if all of your bloodwork is normal?
  4. I'm not talking about getting hammered or anything, but I have a concert (p!nk) to go to 2 weeks post op and was wondering if that would be too early to have a drink or two?
  5. MovinForward


    I am not a big drinker but here and there I do like one ,When is it ok to have something and then what are the best choices?? I know we cant have any carbanation or juice anymore..So..... What are some of the better choices out there? What has been everyones experience with the first adult beverage since surgery?
  6. So, I’m a few weeks post op and I’m just curious as to how long it took some of you to have your first alcoholic drink post op. I’ve seen most recommend after 6 mos to a year
  7. When can I drink again I'm 5 weeks out I'm not looking to drink now but my birthday is next month by then I'll be 11 weeks out do you think it will be ok to drink by then Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Has anyone been told how long to wait before consuming an alcoholic beverage.'low cal' of course! Wanted to celebrate my sisters new job!
  9. I've enjoyed my fair share of alcohol beverages before surgery but due to home issues and life I've started t drink a lot more and have gained at least 30 lbs back since my surgery approximately 4 years ago. I don't know what to do at this point and am not in a place where I feel not drinking is an option (i know this is so wrong) but I feel like I'm looking for permission to do something unhealthy like not eating or severely limit my calorie intake in order to resume the weight loss process. I'm feeling weak and not in control and I don't know what to do right now. I hate exercise and i know it's something I need to do but I can't push past my discomfort to do it. I dont know why because before surgery I actually did the work and lost 40 lbs on my own in 3 months. I don't feel like I eat any more that I used to but I keep gaining. I'm so sad because a I'm writing this I'm getting drunk. I feel like maybe my drinking is causing the weight gain ( since it's the only thing that I've really changed) but I don't feel like I'm in a head space to stop. Any advise would help. Thanks
  10. Has any developed drug or alcohol problems prior to surgery? My doctor say its a big possibility for surgery patients?
  11. When I did Atkins, sugar alcohol was a saving grace for me when I was craving something bad. Russell Stovers made a great line of sugar-free candies using sugar alcohol which did not 'count' on the Atkins diet. I was wanting to know, since right now I'm having to cut back my sugar if Sugar Alcohol affects the liver? I'm having to shrink my liver.. don't want to mess it up, but couldn't find any information online about the effects of sugar alcohol on the liver.
  12. ray knight


    When does your tolerance for alcohol go back to normal? Sent from my Z981 using the BariatricPal App
  13. soo I will be turning 21 on the 21st of October and I will be getting banded on the 1st of October . am I allowed to drink alcohol? around the three week mark? my surgeon didn't really go over this, nor did my nutritionist when were discussing my diet . my health is wayyyyy more important than being able to have my first drink , I just wanted to know
  14. Ok, so my question is about drinking alcohol Post Op. I drink on occasion (New Years eve, My Birthday & my husbands Bday).. So my question is, my surgery is scheduled for Oct 4th & my husbands bday party is Oct 29th. I have read that the calorie intake is bad (not worried about that since I don't drink much or often) However, I am worried what will happen to me? What's the severity of drinking a few drinks 4 weeks after your surgery? Will something bad happen?
  15. tirsh29


    How soon after bypass did u start drinking alcohol? I know beer is out, but a friend is having a big birthday bash soon and I was wondering. I am only 7 weeks out. I will be about 9 by then. Im pretty confident finding what I can eat in social situations without feeling awkward but im not a big drinker as it is.... I just dont wanna feel/seem like a total party pooper.
  16. How soon can I have caffeine or alcohol?
  17. I was a drinker. Irish so it's in my blood. My doc gave me permission to have a cocktail this past weekend I am 6 weeks out. He warned me of people trading one addiction (food) for another (alcohol). He mentioned empty calories and the fact that I will be a cheep date because WLS patients process alcohol differently now. So I had 1 cocktail because that is something my husband and I do on Saturday date night. Or did I should say. It was fine. I was fine but the one thing I realized is I'm not a drinker in my new life. It's going to be an adjustment for everyone in my social life especially my wonderful supportive husband. I'm not saying I'm never going to drink again. (I told you I'm Irish). But it is one of the major changes in this new life that I wanted to share. I really thought this was going to be a problem for me. I just hope it's not for others around me. Everyone has been more than supportive and understanding. Time will tell. Thank you all for always being here. Joy
  18. Justaprettyface

    Shots & alcohol

    What are the repercussions if you drink or do shots one month post op Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  19. Hdollman


    Hi All, Did any of your doctors say when it would be okay to start having a small glass of wine????
  20. Scheduled to have surgery on June 12th. Meditrim (pre-op diet) on the 29th of this month. And God Damn it I cheated :mad2: Supposedly I should stop smoking from today the 12th. I knew this was coming, so I purposely had more yesterday, but today I feel like it's on the 12th I can cheat a lil bit. But sigh, I feel so bad, I had craving and in the end i had 2 full "120 Capri" cigarettes I am an occasional smoker. I smoke none a day, or if i feel stressful i'll have up to 3 a day. ( unless i'm drinking i have alot more ) But I know I can handle the alcohol issue though i loveee drinking ( I don't drink beer, but i love cocktails shooters bicardi pineapple ), but I overestimated myself for smoking. Hope to meet people that had gone through "quitting smoking phase" and looking for a companion to "not smoke" together.
  21. I don't drink alcohol regularly but might have half glass champagne once every few months. Is it possible ? If not - is it due to the fizz or the alcohol or both? It won't bother me if I never drink again! Funny how I can be do obsessed with food items but not alcohol!
  22. Hi all 3 months out and 70 pounds - now help Was always told no alcohol in 3 months and now I'm drinking wine - no pouch issues but still struggling to eat but wine is fine - will this affect me?
  23. I am 7 months post VSG and 2 months post Lap cholecystectomy. We are on vacation at a resort so I am having a few cocktails here and there. I have to say I do not notice any difference in my alcohol tolerance now compared to before surgeries. I guess that is a good thing. I only drink on vacations and occasionally at home when we go to dinner/ party with friends. This week I am trying to balance enjoying my vacation with keeping an eye on the empty calories from cocktails etc. Planning to get back to tracking when I get home.
  24. innwtitdtity


    Did your surgeon/nut say no alcohol? If so, for how long? And how long did you wait before your first drink? Mine said none for a year (I knew that would be hard) because of the added stress on the liver. I had a glass of wine 6 weeks post op while on vacation-it took me 3 hours to drink one glass because I was nervous of the potential effects. It did hit me more than before surgery(as expected). I used to drink 3-4 glasses a week prior to surgery. I would not advise doing it all the time(I hear many bypass patients become alcoholics post surgery). This is where my tastebuds have changed post surgery -wine just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
  25. Tarafeena

    Sugar Alcohol?????

    Ok, so I thought I found the perfect sugar free snack, SnackWell's fudge brownies...I get them home and go to eat one thinking, lets see how good these are, and I take a bite and find, wow not bad. Then I read the box again, and see that indeed it had 0g of sugar, but 9g of Sugar Alcohol??? What is this??? Is it good for you, do you need to count it??? If anybody out there knows what this is can you please, please let me know. Thank you in advanced for your time.. :nervous Tara

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