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Found 2,095 results

  1. So excited to be a part of Bariatric Pal. If you want to chat, drop me a line. I'd love to get the conversations started.


  2. Good afternoon Have diabetes 2 and obesity for many years, now endocrinologist consultant recommends bariatric surgery, most likely Gastric bypass. Since 2015 keeping balanced diet and portion control, doing walking, swimming, lost 20kg in 2018-2020 but unfortunately not much weight loss recently. It would be interesting to hear from people of similar age and health profile who had bariatric surgery 4-5 years ago - is weight loss sustainable in long term? Any side effects - short and long term? Male in early 60s with sleep apnea and high blood pressure. BMI 49. Angiogram found no cardiac blockages but chest tightness happens often especially in warm humid weather. Physical activity is mainly walking, average 5-6 K steps daily, also swimming, outdoor stretching and breathing exercises Thanks
  3. Does anyone have a Bariatric counselor they’d recommend, online preferably? I’m four weeks out and struggling with the mental barrier of not being able to turn to food to deal with emotions.
  4. Success at the surgeon visit! I met with him as well as the Bariatric Dietician and an MP. I have just have a vitamin lab, a gallbladder ultrasound, and an EKG to do and once those are all clear, I can get my surgery date!!

  5. Hi Butterfly - We have a couple of support groups in town. My bariatric center is Bariatric Solutions. I'm not sure when the group is, (so obviously I haven't been) but I can check for you. The other one is at MercySouthwest Hospital. I'd like to find other Bako folks and start something ourselves, more informal and just sharing experiences...no classroom style stuff. Do you attend a support group in Houston and do you think it helps?

  6. I agree. Being dehydrated is very serious. That is why I met with my bariatric surgeon in emergency to take some fluid out. Water was coming up!


    I never thought I would EVER say that its difficult to get all the fluid in but its so true. Isn't that great? I never thought I would ever get full and not have cravings. Its all a blessing and I am so grateful for my new way of life. My eating doesn't rule my life any more. Have a good night. Ellen

  7. Wassup girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! I just called my bariatric and they said that they did receive my referral and its in review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippie!

  8. ARETHA FRANLIN, honey ya had some type of bariatric surgery. Please keep it real and stop denying the truth

  9. Still waiting to hear if my doctor put me back in the bariatric program......

  10. Bibim Bop, bariatric-style - wow, that was excellent! It's good to still have good food.

    1. Teachamy


      Take out the rice and add extra kimchi? Sounds pretty delicious right about now!

    2. Smye


      Not only that, but sub the rice with cauliflower rice that I first broil, YUM!

  11. 😱

    I'm 4"11

    first saw the Bariatric surgeon June 2019 an weighed 198. My goal weight has been set at 182 an Monday 7/6/2020 I finally reached goal an a negative nicotine test, just waiting on a date an approval 😭🙌🏼😁

  12. Went to my initial consult with the Bariatric surgeon/ program I chose. Came home with a folder full of information & helpful organization of all the testing that needs to be completed while I complete the required nutritional counseling. She also let me know my insurance typically takes 6 weeks to reply with authorization when submitted, so that puts my potential surgery date near the new year if all stays on track :770_yellow_heart: I felt comfortable with her, in our discussions she agrees that I am a good candidate for the Gastric Bypass. I appreciated the 'introduction' class that was given after the consult with the surgeon where I was given this binder of every referral (from her, not my pcp referrals), & contact information for all the testing needed to make my contacts/calls tomorrow morning even easier:1356_pray_tone2: I start my nutrition classes on June 5th, so that's when the clock will start toward insurance approval & getting the tool to help me reach my goals:323_star2:

  13. I am new to bariatric pal and find it a bit overwhelmed .... where to start? I’m deciding between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, have fatty liver, hyperaldosteronism, hypertension, sleep apnea... I hope to decide this fairly soon and get my  surgery scheduled. Glad to be here and getting around a bit. I a 279 and have about 120 lbs to lose as I’m 5’ 7”. Thanks for listening!

    1. The 56 Bypass

      The 56 Bypass

      You won't regret it! 🙂

    2. MFaulk3


      THanks, I’m 15 days out... trying to lose wt on the 1200 cal diet but it is a crawl... slow...excited!

    3. The 56 Bypass

      The 56 Bypass

      15 days until surgery? Congrats! If there is anything I've learned about RNY, its not a miracle cure all. But here's the good news! Prior to surgery I would knock myself out trying to lose weight, with very little results. Now, I work just as hard to lose weight and am rewarded with fantastic weightloss. So, don't think the surgery is going to magically cause the weight to come off. Those whom I observed who think this have very little weightloss. Instead, realize that the surgery changes the playing field, giving you a leg up toward weightloss success, so long as you are still willing to work at it. If so, you will do fabulous. I recommend keeping a log of everything you eat, good and bad, and weigh every single day. By doing this, you will learn much about your body and how food intake affects the sale one way or the other and you will learn the boundaries unique to you and your body alone and what you can and cannot do in order to successfully lose the weight. Best wishes!! 🙂

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  14. I haven't been on Bariatric Pal in a long while. I need to refocus! Weight loss has been at a stall and I have been a bad girl...

    1. BackSpin81


      You and me both!! I used to be on this site constantly and so very motivated. Welp back to the drawing board!


    2. Sai


      Focus, refocus, focus = success. :)


  16. I want to add a 2nd upcoming bariatric surgery to my profile. How do I do that? And where do I ask? Thanks.

  17. Thank Goodness! Today I heard back from my old Bariatric Center where I had my surgery. I asked them to provide a letter that I could take to my new doctors and insurance company in my new state indicating that having to have the annual blood work is an absolute necessity to ensure proper nutrition post RNY. My lovely new insurance company refuses to pay the $2363.00 bill for said blood work because they used the work Bariatric in the coding. The clinic of course refuses to change the coding so I wrote the check yesterday because they threatened to send it to collections. What BS. Now I am filing with both the insurance company for an appeal and I am filing with the state, thanks to @OKCPirate. Don't know if it will do any good and I will get my money back but it is what it is.

    1. OKCPirate


      This is why I switched to a defined benefit policy. I pay everything up to $4000. So I can pick and choose what I want, who I want to do it no freaking networks or idiots. If I go over they pay up to a million. $146 a month. Worth it. I check the box on my taxes saying I have insurance. All is good. Even the year I got my WLS, I have never gone over it. It is worth it just to see the look in the eyes of the people at the front desk when you ask "well how much is that?" You can get so many discounts if you pay cash and don't file insurance its not even funny.

    2. KristenLe


      Whoever ordered the lab work should have coded it properly and if they didn't - they should have to re-code it. The diagnosis should have been "Inadequate nutrition resulting from poor diet, malabsorption, or abnormal nutrient distribution" in my opinion. I hope you get it straightened out.

    3. Djmohr


      Trust me, I have worked with my doctors office which is an in network clinic. They refuse to recode it and the insurance company thinks they are off the hook because the word Bariatric is in the coding. I am going to appeal it and attach the letter from my Bariatric surgeon now that I have it. But even they don't know that the insurance company will do anything about it. It is total BS. But I won't give this fight up because it is simply wrong. Can you imagine how much it would cost the insurance company if I were to not have my testing done every year and get sick? Which my surgeon wrote in the letter that I am at risk of neurological illnesses due to the malabsorption factor if I don't keep up on my nutrition. I argued with the clinic the other day for over an hour. They believe it is the insurance company. My point was, had someone told me that it was going to cost that much money I seriously would have skipped the test until I got insurance to approve it ahead of time. I would have gone the same route.

      Then, I got a call from someone else in the clinic to say that my account was at risk of going to collections. I almost had a heart attack on them. My credit rating has been over 800 for 20 years.....I will go ballistic on them if they screwed with it and so we just paid the bill hoping to get it back later. I really did not have that kind of money that isn't already spoken for. UGH!

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  18. BLERDgirl

    Bariatric tools

    for my WL journey
  19. My Bariatric Life

    My Bariatric Life before weight loss and plastic surgeries

    My Bariatric Life had gastric bypass surgery in July 2003. At that point in her life, she weighed 285 pounds, wore a size 24W, and was on ~10 prescription medications for obesity-related illnesses including diabetes and hypertension. Today My Bariatric Life has a BMI of 23 and wears a size 2 or 4. She is free from hypertension and diabetes and off 9 of 10 of those prescription medications. She owes her life to gastric bypass, plastic surgery, Paleo diet and exercise.
  20. My Bariatric Life facial plastic surgery after massive weight loss, Catherine Winslow MD (Winslow Facial Plastic Surgery).
  21. Just ordered myself some Bariatric pal hot chocolate and mocha. Love, love , love the hot chocolate, looking forward to trying the mocha!

    1. jane13


      I may have to check into that hot chocolate :D

    2. TealSister


      I bought the multi-pack of hot chocolate -- delish! Very impressed!

  22. Day 3 of renewing my commitment to the Lap Band program! I know that the food obsession is not out of hunger or necessity. Doing my best to just take care of today!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Irritating as it is, there is something to be said for the "one day at a time" approach.

  23. mmsackett

    Items for Bariatric People

    Items I have found and purchased that are made for bariatric patients

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
