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Found 17,501 results

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Thank you for responding! My bowel movements are daily so that isn't the issue. I've read stalls are common, but I wasn't expecting one only 3 weeks post op! May I ask, you said you checked with your doctor when you had a stall? Then you had a revision? I had a RNY, what more could they revise at that point? I'm sticking with the program..don't really have a choice even if I didn't want too...major surgery done..no going back. 😋 I know its fairly common to experience these stalls, but, it doesn't make it easier its still frustrating!
  2. I just had a repair and revise. He's correct - I had been given the same thing. You already have a sleeve that is going back and forth, the chances are greater, if you leave it and just do the hernia repair, that it will return. There's already diaphragm weakness.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    GERD before gastric sleeve?

    Absolutely DO NOT get the sleeve if you have GERD already. I didn't have it at all, yet when I originally had the sleeve, it gave me such severe GERD I also developed gastritis, esophagitis, and had to take 80mg of Nexium per day as well as Pepcid every day, and I still had break through GERD. I ended up needing 4 endoscopies to remove polyps all through my stomach and duodenum (caused by the high amount of PPI I had to take over a prolonged amount of time) and then had a revision to bypass, which solved the whole issue. It was a very miserable time. And again, I didn't even have any GERD or reflux to begin with. My doctor told me that if you do, the sleeve is not the surgery to get. Definitely go with a bypass. If your doctor refuses, find a new doctor.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    6 days post op and STARVING.

    I never lost my hunger when I had my sleeve. It really sucked. Ironically, when I had the revision to the bypass, I lost hunger. I'm now 1 week shy of being 3 months post op from the revision and I still don't have much in the way of hunger. Try having the unflavored protein shakes, since the flavored is too sweet. Have mostly broths and anything else you can that has protein in it. Right now, that's the most important thing. Definitely get your fluids and protein in.
  5. I think some get around this by having their insurance approve the staged treatment plan ahead of time, that way it isn't considered a revision, it is considered the second step in a primary surgery. This happens most often when a person's weight is high enough the surgeon believes the intestinal part of the surgery will be easier and safer at a lower weight. I've seen a number of people do this on the DS groups so it is possible, but my guess is not every insurance company lets their patients know it is possible and I'm sure there are some that outright refuse to because insurance companies like to be difficult. I wish you much luck with your surgery!!
  6. SeattleLady

    Progress 7 Weeks Out

    I don't know how much this will help. My highest weight presleeve was 283 pounds(p) in 2014. When I got to the table, my weight was 243p. My lowest weight postsleeve was 181p. 2017 started gaining weight and really bad GERD. It took until 09/25/2023 to have revision. I am now GERD free and losing weight. I have no regrets. Fight for your health like your life depends on it, and that's what I did. Yes, sleeve to bypass. Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. SeattleLady

    Progress 7 Weeks Out

    I don't know how much this will help. My highest weight presleeve was 283 pounds(p) in 2014. When I got to the table, my weight was 243p. My lowest weight postsleeve was 181p. 2017 started gaining weight and really bad GERD. It took until 09/25/2023 to have revision. I am now GERD free and losing weight. I have no regrets. Fight for your health like your life depends on it, and that's what I did. Yes, sleeve to bypass. Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Topaz_Black

    Progress 7 Weeks Out

    Congratulations! You give me hope. I just received my January surgery date for a revision or completion from a sleeve to a SADI. I was sleeved in August 2020 and will have the SADI in January. I'm around your age, 54, and a slow loser, so I'm hoping for the best. My NEW surgeon will also be repairing a hiatal hernia, removing a portion of my fundus that was left, and correcting the bottom of my sleeve which for some reason has a sharp right hook. I kid you not! I'm hopeful this time around will be different. You summed it up perfectly, fight for the life you deserve.
  9. Tomo

    Bariatric Burr

    I got it in the first 6 months and stayed that way through years. Then a little more than 2 years ago, I had a revision for gerd and it somewhat corrected it. My doctor said it may be my hormone levels changing. For example, estrogen is stored in fat. I'm still colder than I was before I had any WLS though but I don't have that achy to the bone freezing feeling as much anymore.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    BIGGEST nsv of my life!!!!!

    Thank you so much!!! I'm still in shock about it all. I knew what I wanted, but actually getting there...well, you guys know how hard it is for us to really believe we can do this. Living the life I always wanted still seems like a dream to me. Now here I am. All the complications, surgeries, pain, the revision.... all of it led me right here, and I don't regret a single second of it.
  11. I went that exact route and the bypass was the easiest recovery for me and with no side effects except constipation which is easy to treat. I take miralax (a tsp a day) is perfect for me. But I have to add the common "everyone is different" so this is my story. I had to go from band to vsg due to serious complications of the band, and then I had to go from vsg to rny due to developing severe gerd.I really think the band created that environment by damaging my esophagus before the sleeve. The best way for me to describe the rny revision is... Finally a feeling of normality. I feel so good and normal now, pre-any weight loss surgery normal except I can't eat as much. No severe gerd, no side effects, no hassle anything except taking daily vitamins which I always did anyway pre WLS.I hope this helps.
  12. Just talk to your doctor at the next appointment and let them know you would prefer to do a bypass, the doctor will let you know if they think you are a good candidate for it, and then it should be no problem, even for the insurance. I am getting the roux-en-Y bypass for those same reasons you stated and because I want to lessen my chance of revision, one and done with surgery is what I said to the doc and he said I get it.
  13. FifiLux

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi everyone, Just checking in to see how you are all doing now that we are 8 months on from the start of July surgeries? As I posted before I had a terrible time with complications; leak, pancreatitis, allergic reactions, abscesses and infections, I even had to be transferred to a hospital in another country for a procedure to stop the leak! But most importantly I made it through and got home from hospital the start of November. I am only starting to get my energy back now and find an interest in doing more than just coping /trying to get through the day, can see small improvements each week. My weight loss has slowed down over the last few weeks but my body, and mind, have been through a crap fest the last few months so not surprised, it will happen when it happens. I still can't always hold food down and get bad pains in my stomach at times, have refulx but it is all an improvement from a few months ago. So far I am down 38kg / 83lbs which is good going considering when in hospital I was on a feeding tube for quite a while and my weight went up due to the nutrition I was being pumped with. I may have to get a revision to bypass if the leak doesn't heal (won't know for another month or so if the treatment worked) but I'll cross that bridge if and when it comes. I hope everyone is doing well.
  14. I am about to turn 57 and had my surgery almost 23 years ago. I have given birth to three children and stayed thin the whole time. I started at 250 and settled at 125 ( I’m 5’4.5” and that made me a size 0 or a 2) When I was done having my last child I settled back at 155, still wildly successful. When I entered into perimenopause, it became a fight to keep my weight off and I kept fighting. And then now through full-blown menopause two years since I’ve had menstruation, I’m almost as big as I was when I started. I’m wondering if there’s any help in this situation. Any doctors who will look at a revision I guess or make some practical suggestions. I have changed my eating, habits a dozen different ways to try and bring everything down but it’s like it was before, the weight loss is nearly impossible. I can get it down sometimes but then it comes back and it never goes down more than 30 or 40 pounds. I regularly get my hormones checked and I’m on progesterone and testosterone. My estrogen is always fine or even high. Looking for optimistic ideas. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
  15. I was recently converted from a sleeve (6-10-2013) to a RNY (11-7-2023) because of GERD. Getting insurance to cover it took 8 months. 4 appeals. And Multiple calls and emails all the way up to the VP of the company. I work in medical education so I fought and fought and fought and finally proved they had an immense amount of bias towards obese individuals. They kept denying me because I "gained weight" and "just want to lose more weight" that I "don't have GERD". In that 8 months of proving I have GERD I had to have an EGD, Barium Swallow, Stress Test, Colonoscopy, and a PH Monitoring study (that was the really crazy one).... and they were positive for GERD. They kept insisting that no they weren't positive and if I just lost weight I wouldn't have heartburn. When I had my first sleeve I was 380 pounds I got down to 170 pounds in 2017. In 2022 when I started the program to get the revision I was 220. So yes I had gained some weight but NO I hadn't regained all my weight. My entire experience has been very eye-opening how quickly someone in insurance will deny obesity as a medical condition and say it is a lifestyle choice. Especially when the entire point of the conversion was to fix GERD and not lose weight! If you seek to have the revision my advice is keep all the framing on GERD. Don't even reference weight or weight loss. It has to be for GERD. Study that insurance companies weight loss surgery policy and reference it often. It is best practice to convert a sleeve to RNY to fix GERD. And craziness I had the conversion and haven't had GERD once since! Don't let them tell you no. If the tests prove you have GERD get the conversion.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Waking up from surgery

    With my sleeve, I had major pain for almost 2 weeks. With my revision to bypass, I had very little pain. Mostly, it was uncomfortable for about 4 days. Wish I had just done the bypass to begin with.
  17. Two major ones for me stand out… First - I was on an insulin pump because my diabetes was so bad (was 274 lb at the time) Second - I went to ride a rollercoaster with my kid and a couple of his friends, could not fit in the over the shoulder to buckle the belt. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I can say the guy was a bigger guy and was trying to make it better by saying “oh it happens all the time, these seats are weird” but it was mortifying. And I told myself I wasn’t doing that ever again. Sleeved in 2020, about to have a revision for severe acid reflux and I’ve never looked back.
  18. RTL1234

    November 2023 buddies

    Hey all! I had a sleeve in 2020, and am having a revision the end of this month to a bypass for severe GERD. I also have a gum obsession, always have. It is only a short time you can't have it (or straws which is my other obsession lol). Hoping everyone who has had surgery is feeling okay and on the mend! My doctor does a 2 week diet but unlike last time (different surgeon) they allow solid food, which is a plus. I'm not complaining. I'll eat soup and chicken for 2 weeks. The liquid was tough, after day 4ish it got better though. I was so hangry the first time around, I thought I'd lose it on my husband. He knew to tread lightly LOL
  19. Lolo mccomb

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Hi! I just had a sleeve to bypass revision on the 21st!
  20. Victoria Wank

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Most, if not all, of us have experienced a stall in weight loss not long after having the surgery. Check your bowels; you may be constipated. Just stick with the program. Talk to your surgeon, if you don’t see progress. I did that and discovered that I had had only the first of several procedures in my revision surgery.
  21. A little back ground with me. I had gastric sleeve 10 years ago because of my over weight issue I wasn’t getting my period and I wasn’t able to get pregnant. After the sleeve I loss total of 60 lbs, and got pregnant. The first pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I was very depressed about it. So my next 2 pregnancies I made sure I eat and gave enough nutrients for my babies. Also I didn’t keep up with the weight loss after I gave birth. Now after 10 years of the surgery I regained almost all my weight. My issue with pcos such as no having period came back… didn’t have period for like 2 years. Also have other issue like cholesterol, foot pain and Gerd. I thought about having revision for almost 3 years and I took action and had gastric bypass about a week ago. I am feeling some emotional up and down…been crying for the last few days. I feel such a failure of having to have to get the revision when the doctor gave me a chance. My surgery also didn’t go perfect. I was under the anesthesia for over 4-5 hours, (I didn’t get an exact time from the doctor when I came out from surgery. Family was inform about the equipment issue and didn’t see me untill the afternoon) because one of the equipment broke and the medical team had to wait for the replacement. I went into surgery 7am and woke up 4pm. when I woke up they had me take a walk and tried drinking sips of water. I vomited right back with 2 big chunks of clogged blood. And I tried drinking again but kept vomiting dark brown color liquid out, like old blood. ( sorry if it’s too much description) it was quite a lot of it even I didn’t drink so much water. The nurse informed the doctor and they said it’s normal and they did just literally cut my stomach. So some amount of blood is normal, but because I was under the anesthesia for so long maybe I am feeling sick from it. So they told me not to drink anything for the first day and started me on liquid the next day. The next day I was fine and went home. I felt horrible the first day and the pain in my stomach is there everywhere probably gas. The feeling after the revision surgery is completely different than how I felt the first time. I am aware it’s a bigger operation, but I just didn’t expect it to be like that. When I return home my stomach pain was still there, but eventually it did get better, but after a few days my whole stomach was so itchy, I thought the incisions were healing and that why I am feeling this way. The next day all my incisions were swollen red. BTW I had 6 big incision and 2 small needle punctures. When it got swollen, red and itchy it was at night and I waited another day and called my doctor asap in the morning. They told me I am having an allergic reaction to the dermabond. I am just feeling itchy, my incisions are raised and lumpy, it’s been over a week and I lose only 5 lbs. ( comparing to other people who loss 10-20lbs, i think to myself why am I not loss it?) and when I look at scars from the mirror I just broke down and cried. Thinking what did I do to myself…. I know I should stop being so bitter, and stop complaining. But I just feel like such a failure because I failed the first surgery, and I put myself in this journey again and things are not going so great… there are the positive side that I should look at, but I just can’t help it. *note- goal weight 150lbs pre op weight 273lbs started liquid diet 258lbs I had a stall during liquid diet for 1 week. Most people loss 10-15 lbs during liquid diet. I loss 8lbs. I followed everything my nutritionist told me and had 1 lean protein 3oz and 3 oz vegetable for lunch for 2 weeks. i w so hungry that the morning of surgery the nurse told me my blood pressure was actually very low. Surgery day 250lbs 1week post op 245lbs I don’t know what type of response I am waiting to get here. Maybe I am just venting and hoping to feel better.
  22. Arabesque

    5 years out not losing weight

    First, there is no one right way to eat to lose or maintain your weight. There’s just the right way for you. I agree to the suggestion to get in contact with your old dietician or find a new one. I’d also teach for a couple of weeks just to check your calorie & nutrient intake. I’d also get in contact with your surgeon as well to see what other options you have - revision surgery or maybe GLP - 1 meds. You’ve likely reset your body’s set point. The surgery lowered it but returning to larger portions, poor food choices & bad old habits have raised your set point again. So you’re actually fighting your body now. You’re trying to lose weight & your body is doing all it can to hold on to it. Have a look at Dr Matthew Weiner’s Pound of Loss metabolic reset diet (not that I’m an advocate for any ‘diets’.) It may give you some ideas you could try to see if works for you. He’s a great source of information around all things weight loss, bariatric surgery, etc. (He has a website & a you tube channel.) If you like being active, I’d add in some weights. Building muscle will help burn more calories & help counteract any muscle loss you experience while losing. Walking will help with general fitness. Remember though, activity only contributes to about 10% of any weight loss. Oh & don’t listen to your family & friends when they offer advice about your eating, nutrition or weight loss. They mean well but unless they’re qualified nutritionalist, dieticians, bariatric surgeons or medical doctors or had bariatric surgery they really don’t know what they’re talking about. And they’re not you. You know yourself best. You know your psychologically, physiologically & emotionally self best & know how you want to live your life. All the best.
  23. Hello All! I had Surgery on 10/18/23 😊 I am usually in Facebook support groups, but lately they are too busy being negative and quick to tear others down. So, I am here for new scenery. I also noted most the talk and experiences are VSG, and less RNY Gastric Bypass. They are always talking bad about Bypasses until they need a revision to Bypass from VSG. So far I am doing really great! there's some hard moments, such as post op pain, gas, and one episode of dumping. (I think i ate too fast. Eating and talking). I am down -22 lbs. I will be one month post op on November 18th!
  24. So here we are again lol My revision from sleeve to bypass is on the 28th, and my pre-op diet (all liquids) starts on the 22nd. The first 3 days are ALWAYS the worst. Day 4 isn't too bad, and days 5-7 aren't bad at all. Those are actually pretty easy. But getting through the first 3 days...omg. That's the really hard part lol Not excited in the least about that. BUT...I'm beyond excited to get the revision and get back to my life. I miss being pain free. I miss working out (weight training, cardio, strength/core training). I miss bike riding and taking long walks. I'm so ready to get my GERD, gastritis, and esophagitis under control (GONE!! ) so I can finally hit my goal weight and move on with my life. At least this time I know what I do and don't like and am stocked up on the drinks and shakes and broths that I enjoy. Trying to figure it out the first time around really sucked lol
  25. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Please help - Gastric Bypass vs SADI

    Your surgeon is right it is your decision, but, your surgeon also knows based on past patients experience and your health background, stats etc., what she feels based on her experience what would be the best for you. The surgery itself, the aftercare and long term outcome. I've never had to throw up, get the runs or any issues with my bypass. I feel most ppl don't have issues, but you hear about these that do, because why post everything is great I have no issues or questions? I chose the bypass because I have the worst luck known to mankind and I just knew I'd start getting acid refux/GERD if I didn't and I'd be back for a revision later. I've had no issues - none! I'm not sure why you think getting a SADI wouldn't have a chance to effect you the same way a standard bypass would. There is still the possibility of nausea/vomiting etc. I think if you only have 100 lbs to lose ....I agree with your surgeon, it might be a bit much unless you have diabetes or a BMI of 50% or higher. Just my two cents..although with todays economy..maybe its only worth a half cent! Finally, you won't spend your entire life only eating a spoonful of food at each meal, just smaller portions.

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