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Found 1,237 results

  1. 4ALongerLife

    Stall - Day 12

    You are in the most common stall that there is... the "three week stall" that happens to almost all of us. Go up to the top of the vst page, in the search bar and look up three week stall. Also, you will go through a "surge" of hormones. I don't remember when nor how long it lasts, just that omg I am so f'n hormonal, I felt like I was crazy. Just know this - it too shall pass. Change your perspective. Concentrate on your "levels" .. by that I mean protein, how many oz of water you get in, etc. You will have many ups and downs in this journey and through out each trial, you will learn how to best equip yourself for the next hurdle. You CAN do it! And the weight's going to start zooming off... watch. If I could, I'd bet money on that. And I'm not a betting woman... Hang in there sweetie! OH and I (for a while) only allowed myself to weigh every Monday morning. Otherwise, it drove me nuts. Now, I don't care what the scale says as much. It varies (for me) up to 5 lbs a day depending on the time of the day. Limit scale time to once a week if you can!
  2. vikingbeast

    This surgery is bullshit...

    You may be one of the unlucky ones whose hunger doesn't go away with surgery. And I will say that your surgeon's idea that you must stay on 800 cal a day to lose weight flies in the face of scienc. Stand back, I'm going to use MATH! If you were maintaining your (heavy) weight by eating, say, 3500 calories a day, then that's your maintenance for that weight. So now, if you are eating 800 calories, you are in a deficit of 2700 calories a day, which means you'd lose three quarters of a pound per day on average. If you're eating 1200 calories, you're in a deficit of 2300 calories a day, which means you'd lose two thirds of a pound per day on average. Yes, different macros (protein, carbs, fat, alcohol) do work differently in your body, but ultimately your body is bound, like everyone's, to the calories in-calories out equation. I suspect what happened to you is twofold: 1. You're in a lengthy stall (search up "three-week stall", it happens to almost all of us, it's incredibly frustrating, it's not always at 3 weeks, and it can last a month for some people). It's because your body has depleted its glycogen and is probably somewhat dehydrated (it's hard to drink enough right after surgery), and your fluid balance is adjusting itself. 2. You're frustrated and not tracking what you eat. Unfortunately, this is something that has to be done. You can't fix your diet if you don't know what your diet is. And that means, at least for me, pre-prepping meals and weighing things out. I just pop a tray in the microwave a few times a day and have it all specced out. I use MyMacros+ for tracking. One of the big culprits is cooking oil/fat. How many people measure the oil they put in a pan to cook their, say, chicken breast? Nobody except bariatric patients—everyone else just sploops some oil in a pan until it looks right. I actually have a bar jigger on the counter so I can measure in 1/2 ounces and full ounces. Track your food. Literally track your food. If you find you're not losing weight on 800 cal a day, spend a week eating 1000 cal a day to see if it'll shock your system. I am at about 1400-1500 cal a day a little short of three months post-op, because I work physical work and am very active (gym, running, hiking, etc.) and need the calories to be able to function. But I still track each and every day. The surgery isn't bullshit. If it were possible to just severely restrict calories without it, nobody would get the surgery. But there are thousands of people here, myself included, who found success with the surgery that wouldn't have been possible without it.
  3. look up "three week stall". Almost everyone gets it, and it's not *always* at exactly the three-week mark. Sometimes it's the second week, sometimes fourth or fifth. But always shortly after surgery. Mine lasted two weeks - weeks 2 and 3. Then I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs the fourth week.
  4. Look up the "three week stall" Many get it. Mine lasted for over 3 weeks at started about 2 1/2 weeks out. Just do what your doing, and your body will start to let go again.
  5. it's the infamous "three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for it, you will literally find over 15,000 posts on it. Almost everyone has that. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Your weight loss WILL start up again. And just so you know, you're likely to go through several of these on your journey.
  6. I’m worried that my calories are just naturally creeping up over time. I guess the answer is to track more thoughtfully. I need to do something though! I’ve been in a three week stall and I’m starting to feel sorry for myself!!!
  7. krys1386

    December Sleevers??

    Hi December buddies! I didn't have a chance to read all posts but wanted to check in and say hi. I am 3 weeks post op (sleeved December 11, 2017). I hit the dreaded "three week stall" last week, as I haven't lost anything since Christmas. However, I am down 34 pounds from my heaviest, and 28 pounds since starting my 2 day pre-op liquid diet. I'm also down 17 inches so far! My doctor said to be careful with working out, and no weights yet. His concern was I wasn't getting all my protein in. However, I have upped my protein and I'm now hitting between 60-80g a day. I'm wondering if anybody has started doing cardio yet? I'm anxious to put in the work to break this stall, although I know time is necessary as well. I'm on pureed, and eating a lot of tuna salad and egg salad since my plan allows those without actually being pureed. I just have to cut it up really small! Everything is going really well so far, and I am allowed to start "real" food Saturday, woot! Happy New Year! Here is to a healthier and happier year for all of us.
  8. Welcome to the site! Hang in there...i just came off an almost three week stall. They happen then they are gone and the weight begins to fall off again!!! Keep track of what you are eating to help stay the course and good luck!
  9. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    I think probably we are losing inches but not on the scales that's super common I think I just expected the three week stall everyone talks about but didn't expect one this early.i can't remember when I go onto soft foods il have to look it up purée is quite yuck I can't eat the same thing twice except for when it's scrambled egg. And I love cheese I'm happy to leave everything else I can eat more than I expected an entire yogurt a whole egg etc. do you find the Water hard Kiwijet I do it makes me gag I add limes lemon low cal cordial very rarely but it's a lot I'm finding it real hard with being back at work. Sent from my iPhone
  10. Cerika111


    #498 EvEisMySleeve said Any July Sleevers hit the dreaded 3rd week stall??? I did!! Ugh please tell me when it will end!! Yeppers no change x3 days for me so im guessing we are in same boat. I try not to step on that da#$ scale but can't. Im trying to change up meal choices. ..kinda always the same & hope that will help. Good luck to you!! I haven't lost for last 3 days and I have not been able to get in more than 300 calories on any day (mostly shakes that are 100 calories -'18 grams of protein each.) Occasionally broth, but I tried some puréed food and it did not feel good. Is this the three week stall or am I doing wrong by not forcing more down. I'm so afraid of stretching my tummy out and not losing. Any helpful advice would be great. I'm doing ok with water.
  11. Alex Brecher

    3 weeks out

    @@lilijo, Congratulations on your surgery! Yep, the three-week stall is definitely a thing, especially when your first few weeks after surgery have seen such fast weight loss, like you! Your body is just catching up from the stress of surgery and the quick weight loss. You’ll lose again when you’re ready as long as you follow the program! In the meantime, what should you do? Stay positive, because there is no point in getting down about something you cannot control. Stick to your diet, since that is what will let your body lose more weight when it is time. Bump up your liquids, since that can never hurt. Focus on non-scale victories, since there will be TONS of progress during this time, like feeling better and losing inches if not pounds. Congratulations again, and good luck!
  12. gmast99

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I am doing well. Had an over three week stall. It was getting a little frustrating that the scale stopped moving. Then one day I stepped on and I had lost 5.5 pounds overnight. I had to weigh again just to check that it wasn’t a mistake. I am back to losing again but not as quickly. Strangely I am having more problems with food these days. My system seems to be getting more picky. I hope everyone is doing well. I still have no regrets.
  13. Look up "Three Week Stall" Many people have/had it. Do not believe that you can stay at the same weight or gain on 300-800 cals a day forever. Right?
  14. Milk of magnesia has helped me deal with any bathroom issues. (If you use it, just take a sip or two and not a complete dose. I learned that lesson the hard way the first time...) And the "three week stall" is quite real. I hit it, on schedule, right at the beginning of week 3. I lost about 2 pounds total over the next 2 weeks, and then it started to pick up again. I've lost about 10 pounds in the last 10-11 days, so it doesn't last forever. Feel better.
  15. VSGAnn2014

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Checking in, fellow August sleevers. Sounds like everyone's finding their post-op VSG groove. Also sounds like everyone has discovered that the Three Week Stall wasn't just an urban myth. I'm 34 days post-op. Have lost 33 pounds total (pre- and post-op). I'm 2 pounds away from Onederland. Only unusual part of my VSG resume is that on Day 28 post-op I had gall bladder surgery. Could've done without that, but c'est la vie, eh? But I had the same surgeon, same surgical team, same hospital. In and out of the hospital same day. My protein intake is going well. Food experimentation is fine, even sometimes delicious. Last night we had Mexican takeout, and I had chicken fajitas (2 ounces of meat and 1 ounce of onions/peppers) slightly ground and 2 ounces of Rosarita no-fat traditional refried beans and an ounce of cheddar cheese (melted). I even had a couple (no more) of tortilla chips. Was delish! My water is usually 8-16 ounces too low (REALLY got to fix that!). Walking the dog for 30 minutes a day is my typical exercise, but my exercise activities and variety will increase soon. Also, Miralax works for me when constipation gets bad. My energy sort of waxes and wanes, but over the long haul it's getting better all the time. So, other than the gall bladder surgery interruption, all's going well here. Best to all. Focus on your progress and stay positive! I think that helps.
  16. I had my first post op appt today and it went really well. I started puree a few days early because I was so hungry and weak on just liquids. They were completely fine with it and told me to progress as I feel comfortable. What a relief to hear that versus them being really strict on following the time table. I know their goal is to get their patients on regular food as quickly as it's safely possible. Otherwise, I'm down 13lbs in 12 days since surgery. There's not a universe that I could complain about weight loss like that. I'm curious when that three week stall will start. At the start of the 3rd week or after 3 weeks. Either way, I'm sure it's headed my way.
  17. Look up the "Three week stall", its common.
  18. vikingbeast

    Before and After Pics

    A stall is very common between 3-5 weeks out. If you search this site there are more than 17,000 posts about the “three week stall”. Just stick to your plan and let your body sort itself out. The weight loss will continue.
  19. so I have hit my three week stall....but my clothes are getting lose.

  20. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Please Help! :(

    Hello! My advice! Stop worrying. I had a post very similar to this a few weeks ago. I lost 17 lbs in the 1st week. Gained 9 in the second week (I think it was water loss, and then water retention because I got real poofy). Then didn't loose again until almost the end of week 4. I had fear, thinking I was the only one who this surgery wasn't going to work for. EVERYONE looses differently. If you stick to your plan, the weight will come off. Try not to focus on the number. As we get more and more protein, we are re-building that initial muscle loss we lost. I am on week 5 now and at 30 lbs. Stalls are normal. The "three week stall" is very common and also stalls around your period and ovulation as well. But I am not worried or anxious anymore, as I know the scale will move again...how can it not...I still struggle to get near my 900 calories a day. Hope this helps!
  21. Hop_Scotch

    Not losing weight

    So you have lost 9lb in less than three weeks? So many variables and you haven't completed your profile. What is your height, surgery day weight, did you lose a lot of weight in the weeks leading up to surgery? What is your daily menu right now, are you getting your fluids in? You way also want to search on here for the term three week stall, not everyone stalls at three weeks but generally as people progress through the post op food stages some will stall as their body adjusts to the weight already lost and the new foods. Regardless of the answers to the questions above, I think 9lb is pretty good, nothing only about it.
  22. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    I lost 16 lbs my first MONTH and started off at almost 400 lbs (and people who start at higher BMI's tend to lose faster). You are doing just fine! Don't worry about it. As long as you're gradually trending down, you're good. p.s. also, if you haven't lost in a week, then you're in the infamous three-week stall - right on time! Most of us experience that. Do a search on it on this site - last time I checked, there were 17,500 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your plan - the stall will break and you'll be well on your way again. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks.
  23. chitowngirl

    3 Week Stall ( Frustrated)

    I'm also at my three week stall for the last week and a half. It's annoying, however it does come with the territory. I am just trying to be patient and learn how to snap out of these stalls. Best of luck. Have faith that we will make it passed these stupid stalls.
  24. Eyemallrt

    One month out

    Search for " three week stall" , you"ll find some great information out there. It is NORMAL and is usually followed by a good loss. It just goes to show that it is not just as simple as calories in vs calories burned. Our bodies are complicated machines.
  25. So I'm starting to believe that the three week stall is real. My surgery date was 6/2 and my starting weight was 398. One week post op I was 370 now I'm 360 and I know it's great but I've been stuck at 360. And suggestions and also good work out suggestions?

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