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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Bklynike

  1. Bklynike
    I can't believe it but I am almost out of the 230s.:cool:
    Tonight when I finished my workout at the gym, I weighed myself and was astonished that the scale said 230.8. So, I got off and after it registered back to zero, I stepped on again. OMG, I will be in the 220s sometime very soon. Possibly when I weigh in on Friday night or Sunday, which is the day I keep recorded.
    Monday was the start of my 7th week since my surgery and I am down 22.6lbs - an average of 3.2lbs a week. And still, no fill! This lap-band is an amazing tool, but I am working by butt off to continue with this forward momentum. Don't let anyone tell you this is easy, because it isn't. But I see it is making me so much happier and feeling so much better, that it is worth it all.
    I remember, not too long ago, that I would get into bed around 10 or 11PM and by 1:30am I was sitting in my living room on my recliner, wide awake, just looking around. I didn't turn on the TV so I wouldn't wake up the hubs. Sure I would fall back to sleep, but the sleep apnea would keep waking me up. Now I go to bed and outside of a quick trip to the bathroom, I get back into bed and wake up when the alarm goes off. How remarkable is that? My husband says I still snore, but softer, and we are both hoping that will end at some point (lol).
    So, I will continue on my trek. With all other diets, and I have been on almost ever stinking one, I would lose 25lbs and that would be it. I can't wait to hit the 26lb loss and then the 30lb loss. I know it is going to happen this time. I am so excited to see where this journey leads me and I hope you all come along for the ride and share your journey with me.
  2. Bklynike
    So, I started myself on pureed food this past Wed night. Today is Sat and I am doing really well. I feel content - unlike with the soup thing my stomach is not always grumbling and I am not always hungry. I am sticking to 4 oz tuna or chicken salad, jello, string cheese, scrambled eggs, ice pops. I see my doctor on Tues and I'll see what he says. My only concern is that I am not sure if I am getting enough protein. The doctor's office told me not to worry at the beginning and I just had surgery 2 weeks ago this coming Monday. I am averaging about 45 grams, but I do feel really good. I guess I could add a protein shake or Isopure, but I haven't NEEDED to add anything. That may change once on regular food and after I have healed more.
    Anyone have any suggestions as to what you did at this point in your journey?
    I am at the gym 3 days a week, although next week I want to go to 4 days. I am happier than I have been in years.
    Have a wonderful 4th to all of you bandsters out there.
  3. Bklynike
    I just got the prescription orders from my surgeon's office for my blood work on June 3rd and my PCP's release for my surgery on June 8th. I will have to take some classes called Journey 1 and 2. Has anyone taken these classes? Since I am self-pay, I do not need a psych eval, but will meet with a nutritionist. I am not a veggie person, so I am a little nervous about what they will say I have to eat post-surgery. Any suggestions from any of you who are veggie-phobes like me?
  4. Bklynike
    For anyone who might be interested, my new green shirt photo has been posted to my album. I am surprised by the difference I see in myself. I hope to get some feedback:smile:. I am pretty darn proud of myself.
    I was at the gym tonight and worked with out with my trainer, Albert. What a great guy. We worked out in the weight side of the gym. I used a straight bar with 20 lbs, and 2 new machines that I really liked. Before leaving I weighed myself and I was 222.8. I cannot wait to hit 219! Then I will work on the next 10 lb loss. Everyday is getting better!
    Enjoy the pic and have a great evening.
  5. Bklynike
    I do not do protein shakes. I absolutely hate them. I really tried at the begining when I first got banded because I was not allowed to have anything mushy. I know when I get my first fill, perhaps 9/1, my doctor will tell me to go back to liquids and that would include the protein shakes before hitting the pureed stage, but I still hate them.
    I am 8 weeks post-surgery and get all of my protein from regular food. How about you? What is everyone else doing? Please let me know - protein shakes or not? Strictly protein from your meats, cheese and eggs?
    I am curious to see what comments I get. And I hope I get a lot.
  6. Bklynike
    I think all the time - I had surgery just a short 3 weeks ago. I actually chose to have a band wrapped around my upper stomach giving me a small pouch that will make me eat less or I will get sick. I will have a few more incisions in my stomach, but I am not a bathing beauty to start with, so short tops and 2-piece bathing suits have been out for years. And by doing this, my entire life is going to change. I paid over $13,000 for this surgery out of my own pocket, after saving several years. I actually took this money away from my family - perhaps a special vacation or new car? After so many diets and dumb programs, is this actually going to work?
    Heck Yes It Is!!!! My life has already started to change.
    First of all, I am losing weight. I have always been able to lose about 25lbs and then it was over. No matter what I did, I couldn't lose more than 25lbs. I am at about 17lbs right now. I have no doubt that I will break through that 25lbs within the next weeks to come. You bet I will report it here.
    Secondly, my medications have been cut down. I am actually sleeping better. I have much more energy and am walking with some pep in my step.
    Thirdly, I have met so many wonderful people on this site. I wish each and every one of you lived in South Florida - I want hugs!
    I will keep reporting my progress and I love reading about all of yours. I try to respond to as many blogs as I can because there is nothing like finding messages in reply to a blog I wrote, so I would imagine you like getting responses to.
    I will be taking pictures this weekend, and will try to post them. I see the difference already and am loving it.
    Good luck to you all - I love our friendship.
  7. Bklynike
    I had a great work-out at the gym today. I love my Sunday workouts. It is the day I actually log in my weight loss. It just completes the weekend for me.
    I did a half hour on the treadmill. I was walking 3.1 mph at a 6.5 incline for a mile and then upped the incline to 7 for 1/2 mile more. Boy did I sweat, but it felt great. I wasn't even as winded as I usually get. I guess my body is getting used to the torture.
    Then I proceeded to my weight training workout. I enjoy the weights, all except the shoulder press. I have a problem with bursitis
    in both of my shoulders, especially the right one. So, my trainer told me to stop using that machine and use a 5lb weight in each hand. He said to let the weight hang and raise up my shoulders to my ears and same amount of time I would use the shoulder machine. I really disliked that one. So, I modified the exercise by stretching my arm over my head and back down to my side 13 times, 3 reps. That was better. The other hurt my neck????
    Anyway, when I was all done I weighed myself. I am pleased to annouce that I am down to 228.0! I am so excited. I lost just over 2 lbs since last Sunday. Good-bye 230! I am never going to look back. Now I am looking ahead to 219.
    I am scheduled for my first fill on Thurs, but I still don't think I need it. I will keep the appointment and see what the doctor's assistant tells me.
    Well, I'm off to finish an ankle bracelet I am making for myself. Most of the jewelry I make are gifts for other people, but I think with all of my hard work, I deserve a gift.
    Have a great day everyone.
  8. Bklynike
    I have set the alarm clock for 4:00 AM and have given my husband my picture ID to put in his wallet. I am ready to boogie.
    I did my full 7 days of full-liquids and today's clear liquids. Only 2 more weeks until I can use a fork again. I can't wait. It truly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the end is in sight.
    I hade the hubs take pictures of me today - and thank goodness they will be the last of their kind. I can't wait to change my avatar!
    For anyone who is having surgery tomorrow, the 21st, my birthday, my re-birthday, the first day of summer and the first day of the rest of my life, I wish you well. It has been a very long road and it is finally here.
    I'll check back when I can with updates after the surgery. Wish me luck and please keep good thoughts.:smile2:
  9. Bklynike
    I am so sick of soup, protein shakes and especially Isopure! I am doing the Isopure because of the 40 grams of protein, but I can't get it down in one sitting. So I have been doing 1/2 and 1/2. My doctor will not let me have the mushy/pureed food until a week from today. My mouth is actually watering when I think of tuna or chicken salad and I never liked them before. But that is what food deprevation can do to a person.
    My question is, if you are eating regular food - once past the mushy or pureed stage, how are you getting your 70-80 grams of protein a day? I would love to not drink any more proteins until after a fill. Then my doctor wants 2 days of liquids and back to mushy and then regular food.
    I have been eating my 3 meals a day, and in between drinking the water. I stop when I start feeling full and then I get a hunger pang or two a few hours later but they go away very quickly. Normal?
  10. Bklynike
    All last night I kept going over in my head - I'm not hungry between meals, I'm losing weight, I am able to eat and drink comfortably within the portion size my doctor and nutritionist set for me. So why am I having a fill?
    I get to the doctor's office this afternoon. I get weighed and I lost another 2 oz since last night. Now I say 2 oz, but that is only if the gym scale and the doctor's scale register the same numbers. I'll know tomorrow night when I get to the gym if I actually lost anymore.
    So, I sit in the exam room for almost a half an hour waiting for the doctor's assistant to come in. When she does, after the usualy small talk she asks me: Are you hungry between meals? Are you losing weight? Are you staying with the portion size? It was like a Filini movie. I answered all of her questions and she said I was not ready for the fill. I was still in the green zone.
    She made me another appointment for Aug 19th, but said I should call at any time my answers to the questions change and they will fit me right in. She said it could be in a day, 5 days or 2 weeks, so we will see.
    Instead of drinking my dinner, we went out to dinner and I had a 1/2 a cheese burger, no bun of course and brought the other half home for lunch tomorrow.
    I am having my first post-op meeting with a new nutritionist on Aug 6th to see if there are things I should or shouldn't be eating. I hope I am doing what I should be doing. I think I am, but I am far from an expert. Remember, I had to have the lap-band!
    I am happy with my progress. I hope everyone who reads this blog is as happy with theirs.
  11. Bklynike
    I had the most wonderful dinner tonight, so I thought I would pass along the recipe. This comes directly from my nutritionist. If you like crab, shrimp or scallops, this one is for you.
    This recipe makes 2 servings - I can't wait until tomorrow night to have the remaining half.
    1/2lb crab - I substituted shrimp
    1/2lb scallops
    2T Smart Balance spread
    1/2c 1% milk
    3T Parmesian Cheese
    1/2c Park skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
    Saute seafood in the Smart Balance over medium high heat until mostly cooked. Add milk and salt/pepper to taste. (I added some garlic powder and parsley flakes.) Lower heat to medium. Add most of the mozzarella and stil until thickens. Pour mixture into a casserole dish and add teh rest of the mozzarella. Broil until brown and bubbling.
    This would be great over pasta, but of course we can't have pasta. This portion was more than enough for a meal and so tasty.
  12. Bklynike
    Yesterday was the best birthday ever! I had my lap-band done and it went really well. I arrived at the out patient center and had to wait for them to open up. Not too anxious? You bet I was.
    The facility was wonderful. I had a blast with the nurses and staff that got me prepared. My doctor arrived about 7:30 and after we spoke a for a short while, they gave me something in the IV to "relax" me and that was it folks.
    I woke up at about 10 and it was done. My new life, my rebirth, had begun. The only incision site that bothers me at all is the one with the port, which a lot of you said would be the case. I had a lot of gas last night, but I walked a lot around my condo and my husband rubbed and patted my back and shoulder a lot and today, I feel good. I have been very sleepy, so I stopped taking my pain medication - 6:am was my last dose. I don't need it and I don't want to sleep the week away.
    For breakfast today I had a very small amount of unflavored protein shake mixed with water and decaf coffee and low cal apple juice. I mixed 2 oz water and 2 oz apple. Just sipped. and with my pills today, I took a little plain water.
    About my pills, the surgeon cut my diabetes mediation in half from 1000 mg a day to 500 and my PCP lowered my blood pressure meds from 180 - 120. So I am on track.
    I really feel great, except I do hurt some when I attempt to lift my body weight to stand from a sitting or lying position. But that too shall change.
    I don't imagine I could be happier. Thank you to everyone who has granted me the pleasure of calling you friend and for giving me so much encourgement. I will continue to write and keep up with everyone. This is suce a wonderful gift. Love to you all.:tt1::thumbup:
  13. Bklynike
    Thanks for all of your comments to my blogs. I try to respond to as many other people's blogs as I can because when I get home from work, the first thing I want to do is read your comments. So I figure, other people want to read comments to the blogs they write.
    Anyway, as you know, my surgery was on 6/21/10. I have not had a fill yet because everytime I was scheduled (3) I went to have the fill, but after my discussion with the doctor or nurse practioner, we postponed the fill. They kept saying I wasn't ready yet.
    Today for lunch I had 9 large shrimp, 6 cherries and an entire banana. This was the largest meal I have had since the surgery. Tonight's dinner was 4 oz of steak, a little broccolli and some romaine lettuce with grated cheese and dressing, on the side of course. I am full now, but I can't believe how much I had for lunch.
    My first actual fill is scheduled for 9/1 and I think by then I will be ready. We'll see how it goes. If I am not losing, eating more or hungry between meals, I will not walk, but I'll run to get the fill.
    I am so afraid of not losing or even worse, heaven forbid, gaining some back. I've worked to hard to get where I am now, so I refuse to go backwards!
    Have a great evening everyone. I'm going to watch some TV, relax and get to bed early.
  14. Bklynike
    Today is day 4 and I am doing so much better than I have ever believed possible. It must be that I am a Brooklyn chick and very tough stuff! I am so happy. I have not needed any pain medication since surgery day, I am able to get down and keep down my protein shake for breakfast (1/2 cup) with a cup of decaf coffee. Lunch is a cup of cream soup and 1/2 bottle of Isopur. Dinner is the 2nd cup of cream soup and if hungry, the 2nd 1/2 bottle of Isopur and an ice pop. I am not up to my 70-80 grams of protein, but my surgeon's office said that will come soon.
    By the way, I tried the Greek Yogurt and can't eat it. So, until 1 week from Friday, I will continue with this full liquid diet. When the cream of whatever soup calls for milk, I use water keeping the calories and fat as low as possible. Tonight I tried Cream of Shrimp soup. It was really good - I didn't even know they made that.
    So, I am healing really well and was resting very nicely until we got the call last night that my father-in-law, who lives 45 minutes from us was rushed to the hospital yesterday with some kind of bowel or intestinal blockage. They are running cat scans and other tests to determine what is going on. So we packed up the car and ran to the hospital. We will know more tomorrow. And then tonight we got a call from my brother-in-law who lives in CT to tell us he was rushed to the hospital with a blockage in his heart. Yes folks, the laughs just keep coming.
    So as happy and thrilled as I am for myself, I am devastated about them. We will find out more about the in-laws tomorrow, but in the meantime, please keep good thoughts for them.
  15. Bklynike
    Thanks to those of you who are so giving and willing to share. I am so excited about my surgery and am looking forward to a new, healthier life. I love hearing about how everyone is enjoying their experience and I have learned so much. Thanks for helping me grow and I'll keep checking in to see how you are all doing. We are all working towards the same goal and I am thrilled to have friends here to share with.
  16. Bklynike
    Cream of chicken soup is really good. Cream of brocolli is OK. Cream of celery, I thought, was awful. Tonight I will try cream of mushroom. I like mushroom gravy, so it can't be that bad, right?
    Isopur is not bad. I have tried 3 flavors and my fav so far is grape forest. At least I am getting 40grams of protein from each bottle.
    When this liquid diet is over, I don't think I will look at soup again; well not until I have a fill. Then it will be 2 days of liquids again.
    Monday can't get here fast enough for me!
    Hope you all have a great night.
  17. Bklynike
    First night at the gym - an hour and a half. Felt good to be working out, slowly, but boy am I sore already. I am afraid of what I will be like tomorrow. My surgeon is very happy I will have 2 months of exercise under my belt before my surgery. No one said losing weight was going to be easy.
  18. Bklynike
    Well, I was at the doctor today for my medical clearance. Everything looked pretty good except my blood pressure, which was 140/100, is too high although I have been on medication. Now I have to up my blood pressure medication over the next 2 weeks or my surgeon may not operate. And my sugar was still high, although I am on diabetic medication twice a day. I thought I was doing well, but I guess not as well as I hoped. I cannot wait until the surgery is done and I will, hopefully, not have to take medication anymore.
    Has anyone out there been able to get off their meds after surgery?
  19. Bklynike
    Please check out my album and see the change in my "green top" photo from 5/20/10 to the new photo taken today, 8/1/10. I think the difference is pretty amazing. :closedeyes:
    Went to the gym today and I have lost another 1.8 lbs. I don't think I could be happier with my progress to this point. Everyone tells me slow and steady and that is what I am trying for.
    I can't wait until I am in the 220s.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  20. Bklynike
    I was so tired yesterday. Don't ask me why, but I was. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that I am in training hell at work. I have 3 new people in my department that I am training. Very stressful.
    Anyway, it was gym night, which means 1/2 hour cardio and 1/2 weights. All I wanted to do was climb into bed after work and take a nap, but I knew if I didn't go straight to the gym, I'd never go. So, I went. I felt so good that I did. I went completely through my workout and I was so elated and energized. I always weigh myself before I leave the gym and from Sunday afternoon to Wed night I lost 2 ounces. As long as that scale is on the descend, I am happy.
    I promised myself that I would do whatever was necessary to lose this weight once I had the lap-band done, and I am going to do it.
    To all of you thinking about having the surgery, find a great doctor and have it done. You will be so happy that you did.
    For those of you who have had the surgery, I know what you are going through and if I can do it, anyone can.
    Be strong and most of all, be happy.
  21. Bklynike
    I have a horrible job. Yes, there I said it. I am a customer service manager for a national costume and uniform company. It is so stressful. There should not be this much stress working for a costume company. I don't work for the White House, the Pentagon, or Homeland Security. People place orders for merchandise, we make their items and ship them out.
    So, you would think it was an easy job. Well, not so much. People are rude and obnoxious. I have been yelled at and cursed at. As bad as our customer's are, the owners are worse!
    I have 10 people working under me and I always tell them if they get a waco on the phone, screaming and cursing at them to tell them hold for their supervisor and transfer me the call. That is why I get paid the big bucks (not really big...)
    I especially love the people who order late and when they can't get their items when they want them, all hell breaks loose.
    Why am I telling you all of my woes? Why am I moaning and groaning? Well, it would be great if someone offered me a new job. Anyone need a great employee, in South Florida? The Hollywood/North Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area. If so, make me an offer. :wub:
    The real reason is because the old me would have come home and stuffed my face with pizza or pasta, Enteman's pound cake, POTATO CHIPS (my favorite), and bread.
    The new me has been maintaining my new lifestyle. I don't use food as a crutch any longer. I completely understand that over eating all of the wrong foods will not make me feel better, but will make me sick and disappointed in myself. I am working too hard and long to get on this journey. So I guess I have learned something after all :thumbup:.
    Have a great night everyone.
    Don't forget, all job offers will be considered!
  22. Bklynike
    I got "that call" today from the hospital to make sure I remembered my surgery was on Monday and to get pre-registered. HOW COULD I FORGET? I AM SO EXCITED!!! I actually don't know why they pre-register you because when you get to the hospital, they register you all over again.
    Today is day 4 of liquids and I swear I can actually hear sloshing when I walk. My pants are fitting much looser; I know have baggy but pants. I tried the cream of mushroom last night and it wasn't bad. I still prefer the cream of chicken and the chicken broth, but I have to mix it up a little. I can't wait until this phase is over - in about 3 weeks. OMG, OMG, OMG. I will make it work, I can do this. Heck, I survived breast cancer, I can certainly overcome my growing dislike or should I say hatred for soup, right?
    According to the scale at the gym I have lost about 3 lbs this week. I spoke to a friend today who had gastric bypass surgery on 7/7 this past year and she has lost 105 lbs so far. I am hoping that in a year from now I am off all of my medication, thinner and feeling better. I am really looking forward to a good night's sleep. Hopefully the sleep apnea will subside once some of the weight comes off. I can't sleep with that awful machine.
    Well, got to get ready to watch So You Think You Could Dance! Have a great night all.
  23. Bklynike
    I saw the nutritionist today and she has me on track. I start my full liquids on Monday and next Sun, the 20th I do the clear liquids. My big Re-Birthday is on Monday, June 21st and I am so excited. That doesn't mean I am not nervious or scared of the future, but I am happy it is finally arriving. I think giving up pasta and french fries is going to be difficult for a while, But, I am taking control of myself and I want to be illness free more than I want pasta and french fries.
    The hubs, my strongest supporter, has lost 13.2lbs. He is not having the lap-band, we are self-pay. I am the fortunate one getting it. He believes he can lose the weight on his own, and he is proving he can. I so wish him the best. He has been with me from day one. He attends every doctor's appointment, every nutritionist appointment and every supoprt group. If down the road he needs the surgery, we'll figure out a way to get it for him. But, in the meantime, he is joining me on my journey. He is the best co-pilot anyone could have.
    Good luck to anyone having the surgery next week. Please wish me well on June 21st. Have a great weekend. :bored:
  24. Bklynike
    My husband and I just returned from a weekend in Orlando with our good friends. We were invited to come and visit, so we rented a Charger (our van has over 200,000 miles) and took off. The drive was very nice - 3.5 hours.
    The challenge I had was the food I was going to eat. My girlfriend layed out a terrific spread of cold-cuts and different breads and fruits for lunch. I had brought some string cheese with me. I remembered someone on this site had said she ate cold-cuts wrapped around the string cheese, so I had 2 sticks - one with a slice of boiled ham around it and one with a slice of roast beef wrapped around it and a couple of cherries. That was enough for me. Everyone else had thick sandwiches and potato chips. Boy, do I love the chips but did not have crumb one!
    At dinner, 6 of us went to a great restaurant called Manny's Chop House. They have an unlimited salad that they mix at your table. One of the couples ordered a hamburger with the works, including fries and his wife ordered some kind of fried fish. The other couple ordered the rib/chicken combo and his wife ordered the full rack of ribs. My husband ordered steak and steamed veggies. Now, when we go out to dinner I usually order steak because it doesn't have any kind of sauce on it and I can make 3 meals out of a 12oz steak. But I wanted something special so I ordered a 6 oz lobster tail and corn on the cob. A 6oz lobster tail is all shell, but it was more than enough for me. I love lobster, so it was terrific.
    So I am sitting at the table looking at all of the fried foods and sauces they were eating. Oh, did I mention the fresh baked yeast rolls with whipped butter? And I am thinking that the old me would have had an appetizer, full rack of ribs or the fried shrimp platter with french fries and many yeast rolls. But I had none of it. I was so proud of myself.
    Then we went out for breakfast this morning. I had some scrambled eggs and 2 strips of bacon. I know the bacon was not my best choice, but I really wanted it, so I had it. My girlfriend, gotta love her, had biscuits and gravy. I LOVE BISCUITS! So when they hit the table, my mouth was watering. I considered, but only for a second, reaching over and stealing one of those beautifully golden brown bundles of happiness and joy, but I held myself in control and did not have to run from the restaurant with her biscuit in my mouth.:biggrin: So the cravings have not gone away, but my will power is very strong.
    I can't wait to get to the gym on Tues and work out. I missed going Friday night and today because of our trip, but I was so good and feel that I can do this.
  25. Bklynike
    Howdy, all and Happy Monday.
    My dinner with my son and his family went really well last night. We turned them on to our healthy "chicken parmesian" dish and they loved it.:thumbup: We even sent leftovers home with them. Their 3 year old even had a small piece, which is amazing because the child doesn't eat many things. You have to try the chicken - it is yummy. Check out my past blog for the recipe. It is fast and easy.
    They were so surprised to see how different I look. After only 6 weeks, the change is certainly noticeable. I actually started wearing my smaller sized shirts this weekend and yes, ladies and gentlemen, I bought a belt to hold up my pants. I got the belt at Kmart. It is really cool because it is narrow with a grommeted hole every few inches, so as I get smaller I just have to pull the belt tighter and not have to make any hole in it. And, it is reversable with some kind of leopard design on the underside.
    Those of you who read my blogs know my husband, and biggest supporter, escorts me to the gym and works out while I am working out. He needs to lose weight too, but without insurance we couldn't afford for both of us to have the LB, and since it was my dream... Anyway, we enjoy different machines, so we are not together, but we are in the gym at the same time.
    Tonight I srpung the fact on him that I wanted to add another night to our/my regiment. We go 3 times a week now. He isn't overly excited about it because he really doesn't like going, but he doesn't have to be. He can pass on going with me, he can sit in the car with his portable DVD player and watch a movie or I'll just take the car and go alone. I really feel I need to and want to go more often. I am so hooked on it - on the way I feel and the way I am starting to look. I feel energized after a good workout. When I leave the gym, red faced and hair wet from sweat, I feel as if I am really working towards my goal and that is so important to me. I believe he will work out too, but I don't want to pressure him. This is my journey and I am doing this for me. No one else, but me.
    Take it from me,. I am going to win this battle against the weight. I am going to lose this ugly, disgusting fat that has been suffocating me for too many years to count.
    Come along with me and feel as good as I am feeling righ now - we can and will do it. Together we can lose the weight - an ounce or a pound at a time. We will all do it:thumbup:.

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