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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to onsummit in Best and worst "compliments"   
    Saw an old acquaintance at a party. As she passed our table, I got up to greet her and she kept walking. As I said her name, she looked at me blankly and then jumped in shock. She said she had seen my husband and had imagined the worst that he was accompanied by another woman. What a thrill. I've become the other woman in just better than 6 months.
  2. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to zenandnow in Best and worst "compliments"   
    Yesterday a male friend told me my butt looks good. That's my favorite one so far, because I have always hated my butt at ANY weight, so to hear someone compliment that of all things was nice!
    My worst one is still my sister saying about me "she's lost a truckload, she only has half a truck to go".
    I'd like to run over her with my half a truck.
  3. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to lsereno in Goodbye last of the fat clothes   
    So I've been at goal for nearly two years and have all new clothes except my winter robe. It was kinda small on me at my heaviest weight and until this winter I hadn't noticed that it was way too big. I just wrapped it around me. Finally I noticed it was wrapping clear to my backside and asked hubby for a new one. We opened our presents a little early and it was kinda emotional taking off the last of my fat clothes and putting on my new robe in size small. The fabric is thinner too. I was shocked at how tiny I look in the robe compared to my old one.
    So in case you are wondering, even a few years out, there are still some mental adjustments here and there. I feel really pretty in my new robe, but a little vulnerable without my extra padding. It's funny because when I look in the mirror while naked or in any other clothes, I don't feel small, just normal.
    Here's to a happy and healthy 2014 at goal!
  4. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to SoccerMomma73 in What Was Your Ah-Ha (Or Oh Crap) Moment?   
    . I knew there was an issue when my 6 year old son knew 'the look' and could predict when I was gonna get sick....so don't miss those days
  5. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to Beachbum2017 in What's Your Favorite Store Now?   
    Lizzy K - THANK YOU!! I was seriously beginning to think that I was the only one! I have lost almost 90 lbs and have only gone down 3 sizes in pants - what the heck is up with that? Tops sizes have gone down a great deal more because my boobs have apparently moved to another zip code without me - but the pants thing has really bummed me out. And before anyone asks - no - I'm not a pear shaped woman - I'm very curvy and my top and bottom don't look out of proportion.....
  6. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to livelyterry in Help Please! So Many Questions?   
    I had the band for 10 years. Lots of vomiting, never being able to get it adjusted correctly (fills cost $$)…I finally gave up on it after 3 years and had all the Fluid taken out. I still had the band inside my body for another 7 years, basically doing nothing.
    When I heard about the sleeve, I was very excited. I had my band removed last October, but it had done so much damage inside my body that I won't be able to have my sleeve till next month.
    From what I understand, the band now has about 50% failure rate. Why put yourself through that? Many surgeons are not even doing band procedures any more.
    If you are not ready for the sleeve or bypass, perhaps you should just wait. You don't want to do anything you are not 100% committed to. As far as your insurance, you really need to talk to them. There are so many insurance companies, and BCBS is different in each state.
    I will tell you this. If I could do it all over again, I would have had bypass or sleeve, preferably sleeve, but they were not doing it back then in 2013.
  7. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in Scared To Fail Again...   
    Thought I'd jump in here and say this: It works, it finally works! I was banded back in Mar of 2007 and was removed/revised in May 2013. Finally I am seeing what I had hoped the lapband would do for me. With the band I lost 60, but with the reflux & other problems I had, I regained 30. Now I'm down 53 since May and LOVING it! I haven't seen this weight in 25+ yrs. and I've never been this size. I realize I'm in the honeymoon phase, but I'm sticking to the plan, making changes and MAKING sure this WLS is a success. Just work the plan, stay focused and it will work! I was talking with a colleague this past week and she pointed out that I'd not only NOT gained weight over Thanksgiving, but I'd lost a couple of pounds...how cool is THAT?! So, good luck fellow revisionists! Be bold, be of good cheer and know there are many of us out here enjoying our success. :-)
  8. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to Indigo1991 in Got naked, nobody died of shame...   
    Well, after 3 years on my own following the break up of a 30 year relationship, at the weekend I finally got naked with someone I have lusted after for years....
    He didn't run away screaming at my wrinkly, saggy bits. I took my clothes off - ALL OF THEM!!!! And the world didn't end, he didn't laugh and I didn't die of embarrassment.
    Something for me to add to my list when people ask how my sleeve has changed my life - I can do naked :-)))))))
    Sorry if is is tmi, but I actually never thought at 52 that I could throw my clothes off with such abandon and without stressing -oh how I love my sleeve!
  9. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to ReDbEaN in Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...   
    All I can think of is the cartoon bloodhound "Droopy"!!!
  10. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in Scared To Fail Again...   
    Thought I'd jump in here and say this: It works, it finally works! I was banded back in Mar of 2007 and was removed/revised in May 2013. Finally I am seeing what I had hoped the lapband would do for me. With the band I lost 60, but with the reflux & other problems I had, I regained 30. Now I'm down 53 since May and LOVING it! I haven't seen this weight in 25+ yrs. and I've never been this size. I realize I'm in the honeymoon phase, but I'm sticking to the plan, making changes and MAKING sure this WLS is a success. Just work the plan, stay focused and it will work! I was talking with a colleague this past week and she pointed out that I'd not only NOT gained weight over Thanksgiving, but I'd lost a couple of pounds...how cool is THAT?! So, good luck fellow revisionists! Be bold, be of good cheer and know there are many of us out here enjoying our success. :-)
  11. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to CowgirlJane in Feeling like a faliure...   
    I don't know how well the band worked for you, but mine wasn't so great - had it for 10 years of pretty lousy actually. I did take the time to contemplate how I contributed to "failure" and one mistake I vowed to never make again was to blame myself and not seek help and support. I think it is great you have asked here and I think you should be very straight forward with your doctor. Don't be embarrassed, you need help! I am guessing he has seen all variations - fast and slow losers etc. I think that you might benefit from some sessions with a nutritionalist or even therapist. Reality of it is, you might be slower loser then you were with the band, or compared to some other sleevers. That is painful to accept, but honestly does it matter? I have lost 160# due to my revision, does anyone really think it matters how long it took? The journey is far from over for me even, because i am now in maintenance... in other words, there never is an "end" it is all a process, an ongoing way of living.
    So, ;practical advice, get yourself a sleeve guidebook (usually provided by your surgeon or NUT) and follow it as closely as you can! Who cares about Cookies, this is your health and life on the line here! Even doing that, it might be more slow and steady, but you will eventually make your goal weight.
    I think it took me 3 months post op to really get in the total groove with my sleeve. Nerves are damaged, I was dehydreated, sometimes I felt hungrier than I should, sometimes I had no appetite... all over the board. The key is to be eating the dense Proteins. I am talking fish, chicken, sandwhich meat etc etc. If you aren't hungry for a slice of sandwich meat wrapped in a piece of lettuce, are you really hungry? That goes along ways to filling you up and makes it easier to eat properly. There are lots of "sleeve basics" that i presume you know, but following them really does help.
    hang in there and don't give up!
  12. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in Scared To Fail Again...   
    Thought I'd jump in here and say this: It works, it finally works! I was banded back in Mar of 2007 and was removed/revised in May 2013. Finally I am seeing what I had hoped the lapband would do for me. With the band I lost 60, but with the reflux & other problems I had, I regained 30. Now I'm down 53 since May and LOVING it! I haven't seen this weight in 25+ yrs. and I've never been this size. I realize I'm in the honeymoon phase, but I'm sticking to the plan, making changes and MAKING sure this WLS is a success. Just work the plan, stay focused and it will work! I was talking with a colleague this past week and she pointed out that I'd not only NOT gained weight over Thanksgiving, but I'd lost a couple of pounds...how cool is THAT?! So, good luck fellow revisionists! Be bold, be of good cheer and know there are many of us out here enjoying our success. :-)
  13. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from CoffeeGrinDR in Scared To Fail Again...   
    Thought I'd jump in here and say this: It works, it finally works! I was banded back in Mar of 2007 and was removed/revised in May 2013. Finally I am seeing what I had hoped the lapband would do for me. With the band I lost 60, but with the reflux & other problems I had, I regained 30. Now I'm down 53 since May and LOVING it! I haven't seen this weight in 25+ yrs. and I've never been this size. I realize I'm in the honeymoon phase, but I'm sticking to the plan, making changes and MAKING sure this WLS is a success. Just work the plan, stay focused and it will work! I was talking with a colleague this past week and she pointed out that I'd not only NOT gained weight over Thanksgiving, but I'd lost a couple of pounds...how cool is THAT?! So, good luck fellow revisionists! Be bold, be of good cheer and know there are many of us out here enjoying our success. :-)
  14. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to cathycnyrs in To all veterans...   
    Almost a year ago I had dinner with an old friend that I used to work with. She had lost her job after 16 years and was depressed and told me over the phone she had gained 150 lbs. she was probably 250 or higher the last time I saw her. I wasn't prepared... She could hardly walk... And was probably 450 or higher... She was in the position of not being able to get a job and had back problems and was trying to get disability.
    After that night I worried for her, feeling like she would end up bedridden... I also worried for myself... When I retire will I get bigger and bigger? Will I be able to walk? My feet were constantly hurting, I was already having problems.
    I took my friend to lunch a few months later and she couldn't wear a seatbelt and couldn't step up on a curb, we had to find a restaurant without one....
    Reconnecting with her lead to my decision to have the surgery. I called her before, but didn't tell her. I wanted to tell her face to face. I was going to see her while I was on leave, but time flew by and I was back to work...
    She had a heart attack and died in her sleep 2 days before Thanksgiving. She was 38 years old, married, with a 10 year old daughter. Her death has devastated me. I will be an example and advocate for WLS.
  15. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to No game in My surgeon   
    Called me a success today!!
    I'm not at my goal but I guess I made some kind of goal for him because he said I'm good, that I look great to him!
    my blood work is awesome (Well except that damn iron) I'm a success in his eyes
    I know it's kindly corny, but it felt good.
    I wanted a certain number going in there today and I didn't hit it and I have been down a bit about it..
    It's a stupid number as was pointed out to me (thanks m2g) this morning and I'm going to take the victory lap for now and just keep trying to Work on myself.
    Shameless selfie

  16. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to indecision in Sex Sent Me To The ER   
    So heads banging into walls, headboards, rear windows of cars, or doors at your local department store dressing room is not normal?
  17. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from woo woo in Gonna Brag For A Sec...   
    I usually don't post much, but I do read the wonderful things so many of you share on this site. However, today...I want to share my mini victory. I had lapband surgery back in Mar. 2007. I was hoping this would help with losing the weight I needed to lose. Well, 6 yrs. later (after 4 yrs. of band problems) I was able to have my band removed and a revision to a VSG on 5/20/13. When I began this leg of the weightloss journey, many folks I knew asked "what size" I wanted to be and I usually told them I didn't really know because the lowest size I can remember ever being with a "woman's body" (boobs & butt) was a size 14. So, today I offically (and comfortably) wore a size 12 to church! I know I'm only 6 mos. into this, but I just had to share with someone that would understand how huge (pun intended) this would feel. Thanks for all the encouragement so many of you provide to those of us that tend to lurk more than participate in the discussions.
    HW: 248
    SW: 218
    CW: 165
    (Pics: Black shirt--HW(2007), White shirt--2 days before surgery(May), Full length--current)

  18. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from woo woo in Gonna Brag For A Sec...   
    I usually don't post much, but I do read the wonderful things so many of you share on this site. However, today...I want to share my mini victory. I had lapband surgery back in Mar. 2007. I was hoping this would help with losing the weight I needed to lose. Well, 6 yrs. later (after 4 yrs. of band problems) I was able to have my band removed and a revision to a VSG on 5/20/13. When I began this leg of the weightloss journey, many folks I knew asked "what size" I wanted to be and I usually told them I didn't really know because the lowest size I can remember ever being with a "woman's body" (boobs & butt) was a size 14. So, today I offically (and comfortably) wore a size 12 to church! I know I'm only 6 mos. into this, but I just had to share with someone that would understand how huge (pun intended) this would feel. Thanks for all the encouragement so many of you provide to those of us that tend to lurk more than participate in the discussions.
    HW: 248
    SW: 218
    CW: 165
    (Pics: Black shirt--HW(2007), White shirt--2 days before surgery(May), Full length--current)

  19. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from woo woo in Gonna Brag For A Sec...   
    I usually don't post much, but I do read the wonderful things so many of you share on this site. However, today...I want to share my mini victory. I had lapband surgery back in Mar. 2007. I was hoping this would help with losing the weight I needed to lose. Well, 6 yrs. later (after 4 yrs. of band problems) I was able to have my band removed and a revision to a VSG on 5/20/13. When I began this leg of the weightloss journey, many folks I knew asked "what size" I wanted to be and I usually told them I didn't really know because the lowest size I can remember ever being with a "woman's body" (boobs & butt) was a size 14. So, today I offically (and comfortably) wore a size 12 to church! I know I'm only 6 mos. into this, but I just had to share with someone that would understand how huge (pun intended) this would feel. Thanks for all the encouragement so many of you provide to those of us that tend to lurk more than participate in the discussions.
    HW: 248
    SW: 218
    CW: 165
    (Pics: Black shirt--HW(2007), White shirt--2 days before surgery(May), Full length--current)

  20. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from gourmetone in Really Really Upset   
    Hey, I'm at 6 mos. also and I'm only down 52 lbs. I really don't care about the speed of loss, just that I'm losing. But, could it be that you're not getting in enough calories for what you're doing each day? I had to up things to get things moving again when I had a stall. I've got about 25-30 lbs to go and I'm trying to find a balance with calories in & calories out to maintain the loss w/no stalls. We've done well so don't beat yourself up. We're in this together. :-)
  21. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to southernsoul in Stall :(. Can Others Share Their Stories.   
    I seem to follow a pattern of losing for 2 weeks & then "pausing" for about 2 weeks. I don't even like to think of it as a stall, because for me that implies that it might not start up again. In my mind, a pause is just a pause & is a temporary breather that my body seems to need. I'm about 5 1/2 months out & down 84 lbs (64 from surgery date), so clearly the pauses are not preventing me from losing. I feel like I'm asking a lot of my body in this weight loss process (& I asked a lot of it before, too, when it had to carry all that excess around!), so if this is the pattern it needs to follow, so be it.
  22. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to *susan* in How Long Have You Been Banded And If No Longer Banded Why Not   
    I was banded for four years and then revised to the sleeve. I loved my band the first two years, but then had problems. I had it slip several times, my port flipped twice, I had erosion and even with an empty band, I couldn't keep anything but ice cream down. So, I had to revise to something that worked better with my body.
  23. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from woo woo in Gonna Brag For A Sec...   
    I usually don't post much, but I do read the wonderful things so many of you share on this site. However, today...I want to share my mini victory. I had lapband surgery back in Mar. 2007. I was hoping this would help with losing the weight I needed to lose. Well, 6 yrs. later (after 4 yrs. of band problems) I was able to have my band removed and a revision to a VSG on 5/20/13. When I began this leg of the weightloss journey, many folks I knew asked "what size" I wanted to be and I usually told them I didn't really know because the lowest size I can remember ever being with a "woman's body" (boobs & butt) was a size 14. So, today I offically (and comfortably) wore a size 12 to church! I know I'm only 6 mos. into this, but I just had to share with someone that would understand how huge (pun intended) this would feel. Thanks for all the encouragement so many of you provide to those of us that tend to lurk more than participate in the discussions.
    HW: 248
    SW: 218
    CW: 165
    (Pics: Black shirt--HW(2007), White shirt--2 days before surgery(May), Full length--current)

  24. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from woo woo in Gonna Brag For A Sec...   
    I usually don't post much, but I do read the wonderful things so many of you share on this site. However, today...I want to share my mini victory. I had lapband surgery back in Mar. 2007. I was hoping this would help with losing the weight I needed to lose. Well, 6 yrs. later (after 4 yrs. of band problems) I was able to have my band removed and a revision to a VSG on 5/20/13. When I began this leg of the weightloss journey, many folks I knew asked "what size" I wanted to be and I usually told them I didn't really know because the lowest size I can remember ever being with a "woman's body" (boobs & butt) was a size 14. So, today I offically (and comfortably) wore a size 12 to church! I know I'm only 6 mos. into this, but I just had to share with someone that would understand how huge (pun intended) this would feel. Thanks for all the encouragement so many of you provide to those of us that tend to lurk more than participate in the discussions.
    HW: 248
    SW: 218
    CW: 165
    (Pics: Black shirt--HW(2007), White shirt--2 days before surgery(May), Full length--current)

  25. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to No game in The Uncomfortable Truth....   
    <br> And I think a girl likes him!!!! <br> I've spotted her twice now at his side once two weeks ago she made a bee line to sit with him and chatted his eat off. <br> Then today at honor roll who's by his side chatting his ear off Sorry bout the off topic but it's monumental!

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