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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    slikchik10 reacted to Tate777 in Band to Sleeve Failure and "Desperate"   
    Unlike many others here, I was able to eat soft solids at 2 weeks out (including chicken or ground beef). I am 2 months out right now. I DO experience hunger--- pretty much every 3-4 hours-- but I also exercise every day (some days at a pretty intense level). I find that starting with Protein really helps fill me up. I cannot eat more than 4-5 oz of anything at a time.
    Also, I have found that for some people, the focus is rapid weight loss. I have to admit-- I was one of those folks, initially. But now, I am working on learning how to live my life with my new stomach--- eating foods that are nourishing, and taste good. Moving my body every day. Learning to deal with my emotions without food. Baby steps, steady progress.
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    slikchik10 reacted to want2bthin in Two Year Surgiversary   
    I'm sure I had some doubts but I think more than that I had tons of determination. I honestly think that being a failed Lapband patient gave me - and still gives me - more determination then ever to succeed. I think only those who have been there -- which is I expect most of the people in this particular forum - can understand that. With the exception of my morbid obesity I always considered myself to be a successful and goal driven woman. I dealt with failing on numerous diets over many many years and while I wasn't happy with that the magnitude of the failure I felt at failing after Lapband surgery was at least 10 time worse and I never want to feel that way again.
    It took just about six months for me to get approval and I took advantage of that time by doing a lot of research and reading here and on obesityhelp.com to mentally prepare myself. Thankfully my surgeon's pre-op diet was not as strict as many others I've read about in that it was not a completely liquid diet. Two meals were shakes but one was a regular diet type meal with Protein, veggies and a starch. The two weeks that I was on it prior to surgery all I would think about was how far I had come to get there and there was no turning back.
    That's probably one thing I did not stress enough in terms of what I did right - or that went right -- the selection of my surgeon (Dr. Robert Marema @ US Bariatrics) and the fact that the program is a Center of Excellence. I cannot rave enough about him and the entire practice. We have a separate Facebook group and monthly support meetings so I continue to be in contact with them to this day. I can call or email at any time - the staff is incredible. The whole pre and post op programs are phenomenal. There was a special Bariatric care unit at the St. Augustine Hospital which they designed. They required that I attend a four hour pre op education course -- even when I was the only one attending they took me through the whole four hours of education one on one. At the hospital they sent me home with all kinds of goodies - shake samples and a shake bottle, sample Vitamins and Vitamin holders, an insulated bag and measuring spoon set, jars of baby food, etc. Since I had prior WLS surgery I also had another experience to compare this with and it was literally night and day.
    Lastly my surgeon had WLS himself some 15 or so years ago -- gastric bypass -- so I knew he could truly relate to what I was going through having gone through it himself so he definitely practices what he preaches. This might sound terrible but my Lapband surgeon was a very petite man who I doubt weighed more than 140 lbs if even that so I never had the same sense that he understood what it was like to be morbidly obese.
    A very long answer to a short question but I hope this helps.... Don't be afraid of sticking to your program. The lack of hunger made that quite easy for those first few weeks and when you see how little you can eat and learn to stop yourself (and the sleeve teaches you that whether you like it or not), you'll do very well.
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    slikchik10 reacted to CowgirlJane in Band to Sleeve Failure and "Desperate"   
    Ok, it was my experience that due the nerves that are cut during sleeve surgery that i couldn't really feel restriction well until about 6 weeks post op... and as I started transitioning to firmer food. I think you might be panicking too soon. I ate by the measuring spoon and cup and the clock those first 2 months because I could not trust what my tummy was telling me. That DID change, and it was hard to transition to solids but i did it and was very successful. Hang in there and good luck.
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    slikchik10 got a reaction from Defying Gravity in It's here! It came! It went. Hm.   
    I would suggest a couple of things: 1) embrace the plan. As band patients, when things went bad the tendency was to just give up the meal plan. This time, really stick to the plan. It has helped keep my loss steady. 2) exercise, yes...it must happen. :-). I hate it, but I do it. Now, it might be just walking, it might be Zumba, but I've decided that (for me) it is a must. (To me, it is my job and I must do it...3-4 times a week). Find what you like...then just do it. 3) support, support, support. Whether here online or a local group that meets, but having buddies to share the experience with is a great piece for success. You'll do great! Best of luck!
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    slikchik10 got a reaction from Pixie Dust in Transitional bra shopping, what did you do? what are you doing?   
    I've been ordering mine online from www.barenecessities.com. I try on bras in the store (Kholes, Macy, etc.) but I've found them on sale on the webiste. I've probably spent quite a bit over the past year...I'm a bra snob and want something that feels like it isn't event here. I was sized a few years ago so I learned what to watch for...which has helped. I'm now in a 2 clip back which I haven't seen since my teens!!!!
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    slikchik10 reacted to Fluffnomore in NSV shout outs   
    I dragged a big old bucket of Rid Ice to the checkout at the hardware store today. So awkward to lift it.
    When I was swinging it into the car, I realized that it was 40 pounds. A little less than what I've lost already. Wowza.
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    slikchik10 reacted to gmanbat in NSV shout outs   
    Smacked my wife this morning. I couldn't tell if she was still there because since she lost her weight she doesn't make much of a bulge in the bed. I felt over there a little too quickly to make sure and she hollered, "Ouch!"
    The victory is that she didn't hit me back.
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    slikchik10 reacted to M2G in NSV shout outs   
    So when you are 3+ years post-op, NSVs are far and few between (because you've usually had all of them by then...no more plus sizes, fitting in airplane, movie theater, and don't forget restaurant booths, etc.)
    BUT the other day this happened to me:
    A tall slender girl who I know from the gym texted me and asked if I happened to have a "ugly Christmas sweater" she could BORROW? Wait...tall slim girl thinks I have something that she could wear that wouldn't look like a TENT on her? WOW! That was a first for me. Guess I must look fairly "normal" when it comes to sizes. And of course, I didn't have anything for her but just to think that we are in the same general SIZE ZONE was a big ole NSV that I had to share!
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    slikchik10 reacted to vapetlover in Banded for 3 years and struggling with reflux   
    Glad you found the problem and have resolved the issue. My husband had the vertical sleeve about a year after I got my lapband. He is doing very well and has lost over 100 lbs.
    I will see the WL surgeon and tell him my suspicions; I'm sure he will order an upper GI. We'll see what happens. I just know I'm ready for this to be over; just to be able to sleep through the night again would be great.
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    slikchik10 reacted to Carlotta1 in Residual Enlarged Esophagus from lap band turns to gastric sleeve for help!   
    I had the lap band 7 years ago. My lapband never worked for me. I never had the sensation of fullness. In Dec , 2013 I had the sleeve and what a difference. For me, I can feel the fullness with only eating a little. My esophagus did stretch with the lapband ..but I was told it will reduce in time. The sleeve did for me what the lapband could not. So I am a happy camper.
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    slikchik10 reacted to chasingadream in my 600 pound life   
    I watched for the first time last night....2 episodes back to back no less...it was an eye opener and made me feel so grateful to be where I am in my journey....and to know that I stopped myself before reaching such a point of desperation.
    And , OH YEAH YES, it was frustrating and annoying to watch him go thru the drive thru the way he did and to treat his wife in the manner he did....the end results were good however...and I guess that is all we can hope for....is a good outcome in the end!
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    slikchik10 reacted to CowgirlJane in Sleeve Myths   
    Miznola I am worried. Are you cleared for the gym just2 weeks post op?
    Did your surgeon or NUT explain that the first 6weeks you might not feel restriction? It is due to the liquids diet but also due to nerves damaged during surgery take time to heal. Those early weeks it is so important to eat by the clock and measuring spoon as you cannot yet trust your sleeve to tell you. Are you on an acid inhibitor? The tiny tummy is still pumping out acid for a full-size tummy. Acidy can feel like hunger.
    Having the right education and "expectations" makes this journey so much easier. It gets so much better!
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    slikchik10 got a reaction from steveelea in Gonna Brag For A Sec...   
    I usually don't post much, but I do read the wonderful things so many of you share on this site. However, today...I want to share my mini victory. I had lapband surgery back in Mar. 2007. I was hoping this would help with losing the weight I needed to lose. Well, 6 yrs. later (after 4 yrs. of band problems) I was able to have my band removed and a revision to a VSG on 5/20/13. When I began this leg of the weightloss journey, many folks I knew asked "what size" I wanted to be and I usually told them I didn't really know because the lowest size I can remember ever being with a "woman's body" (boobs & butt) was a size 14. So, today I offically (and comfortably) wore a size 12 to church! I know I'm only 6 mos. into this, but I just had to share with someone that would understand how huge (pun intended) this would feel. Thanks for all the encouragement so many of you provide to those of us that tend to lurk more than participate in the discussions.
    HW: 248
    SW: 218
    CW: 165
    (Pics: Black shirt--HW(2007), White shirt--2 days before surgery(May), Full length--current)

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    slikchik10 got a reaction from kltklass in officially left the plus size department!   
    I totally understand about my "default" and heading to the plus area. This weekend I went eyeballing some shapeware and decided to try on a couple of dresses that were in a size I've never seen in my life. I was amazed, I looked great!!!! It really finally hit me that I don't even need to entertain the idea of plus sizes anymore. Still am working on accepting this....so, I wish ya luck.
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    slikchik10 reacted to southernsoul in Surviving when life sucks   
    I have been a pretty frequent poster here since last March, except for the past few weeks. Almost 3 weeks ago, my husband was killed in a tragic fire at his brother's house. I am still reeling from the shock & trying desperately to find my way through this awful new reality into which I have been thrown. I miss him so much, at times I almost can't catch my breath. I am incredibly fortunate to have a strong & loving support network of amazing friends & family. Eventually, I will be OK. But at the moment, I am struggling to eat enough, I started smoking again, and I am having a drink each night to help me sleep. At some point, with the help of the many wonderful people who love me, I will find my way back to a healthy and happy path. I believe that in my head, even if I can't yet feel it in my heart. I am thankful that my improved physical condition will help me be better prepared to take care of myself now than I would have been six months ago.
    But here's the thing I want to say to you. Sometimes, life is going to suck. Surgery is not a magic cure-all for the problems we deal with. Life is going to throw us curve balls & challenging situations. Sometimes we can prepare ourselves for those challenges, but sometimes there is simply nothing that will prepare us to face what we must. So, when life rises up & punches you in the face, remember these guidelines:
    Spend more of your time focusing on your achievements rather than your shortcomings.
    Devote more energy to expressing your love to others rather than tallying up the things that piss you off.
    Understand that we are all far more than a number on a scale. If you are waiting to try new things until you lose weight, STOP WAITING. Your life is happening now, here, today....don't let it pass you by because of fear, insecurity, or doubt.
    If you pray, send me a prayer. If you don't pray, then send me good vibes & healing thoughts. I appreciate all the good & supportive thoughts I can get right now.
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    slikchik10 reacted to Aaron... in Update ! W/ sexy pics duhh :)   
    Went to the doctor today and I am 179 pounds 19 pounds past my goal ... I almost cried as we were going over my chart going from 400 pounds April 2012 to now , even my doctor gave me a hug and said you have made sure your life is a lot longer but enough the mooshy stuff , I also got called fuckin sexy today too was kinda a good day not used to this kinda attention but like it
    So here's a update pic

    This morning 179

    Before 394 April 2012
  17. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from kltklass in officially left the plus size department!   
    I totally understand about my "default" and heading to the plus area. This weekend I went eyeballing some shapeware and decided to try on a couple of dresses that were in a size I've never seen in my life. I was amazed, I looked great!!!! It really finally hit me that I don't even need to entertain the idea of plus sizes anymore. Still am working on accepting this....so, I wish ya luck.
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    slikchik10 reacted to abarta83 in officially left the plus size department!   
    Thanks ladies! Its gonna be hard to "UN brainwash" myself..I'm so used to assuming I need the largest size or automatically look for the plus section at the store..I'm so grateful for my sleeve and I could have just melted in the floor? WHen my daughter said loudly in the full dressing room.." mommy that's not going to work..since you got skinny you can't wear those big lady clothes no more"...and trust me her loud 7 year old mouth has not always been so flattering..haha..
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    slikchik10 reacted to Butterthebean in Oh, do please shut up!   
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    slikchik10 reacted to discoveringme in 4 lbs to GOAL and almost didn't make it back through customs lol   
    I just had the scariest NSV yesterday coming home from a business trip - i was stopped in customs and in checking my passport they guy says this doesn't look anything like you? I need another form of a picture ID to compare, so i give him my drivers license, and he says - well this looks like her but still not you??
    I panicked and just said " I started exercising? " lol there were tons of people around and i really didn't want to get into the details of my WLS?? So he just looked at me funny and said good job and get new pictures.
    It was the best feeling although those guys really have no sense of humor so it was a little nerve wracking as well.
    Anyway YAY to my sleeve and YAY to almost goal, i can't believe in only 8 short months how my life has changed :-)
  21. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Banded; Considering revision to sleeve   
    Hey there. I had a band back in 2007 and was down 60 lbs. 2 yrs. later I began having reflux issues and had gained 30 lbs. back. Now, by 2012 I was told the band should come out because it was causing all my stomach issues as well as my esphogus beginning to become stretched.
    So, May of 2013 I had a revision....and for me, my results have been how I expected the band to work. I'm a weight I've not seen in 30 yrs. and a size I've never known in a woman's body! Yes, it was a scary thought at first but then I thought about the decision to be banded...it was about being healthy and living a long life and what I was dealing with pre-band and post band were not making that happen. Are there risks, YES! But, I was willing to do it because I could see what my future could be looking at my family's health. My mother is only 20 yrs. older than me (66) and she can't walk the mall, can't climb stairs, etc. because of her weight. She just had her first grandchild but she'll never be able to play on the floor with him, fling him around...you know, all those wonderful things a kid should have with grandma. In fact, she might not be here beyond his 10th birthday. THESE things pushed me toward doing this revision.
    You review and contemplat ALL your options...you could just have it removed...that was the option given to me. However, be honest with yourself (very honest)....will that be enough or will you still need a tool to help keep off the weight long term? Hugs and best of luck in making your decision.
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    slikchik10 got a reaction from BellaHugz in band to sleeve   
    I'm 7 mos. out from my revision surgery and it has been great! I had a very easy time with recovery. The procedure was probably a couple of hours and included a hernia repair as well as the removal/revision. Stick to the diet plan and you'll do well. Good luck!
  23. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to scarlet333 in How did your weight stabalize?   
    It is so funny how body types are so different. I too am 5'2" CBT and am about 5 pounds heavier than you but I am nowhere near a size 4 jeans! I can't even imagine that size. My size 10 jeans are very comfortable and may be able to squeeze into an 8. With my Italian hips and booty can't imagine I would ever be a 4.
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    slikchik10 got a reaction from Susanparvin in Undecided...looking at lap band vs gastric sleeve   
    As a person that was revised FROM a band TO a sleeve, I would suggest you check out BOTH the sleeve forums and band forums for information. Also, there is a section in the sleeve forums that those of us that have gone through the revision process post discussions about our journey of change. Each of these areas have people with veterans (long time experience) as well as folks that are fitting your physical description and concerns.
    Do a search in each of these areas and you'll find previous posts discussing things. I hope this helps. Good luck making your decision. I'm guessing you have guessed what advice I would give....
  25. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from Susanparvin in Undecided...looking at lap band vs gastric sleeve   
    As a person that was revised FROM a band TO a sleeve, I would suggest you check out BOTH the sleeve forums and band forums for information. Also, there is a section in the sleeve forums that those of us that have gone through the revision process post discussions about our journey of change. Each of these areas have people with veterans (long time experience) as well as folks that are fitting your physical description and concerns.
    Do a search in each of these areas and you'll find previous posts discussing things. I hope this helps. Good luck making your decision. I'm guessing you have guessed what advice I would give....

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