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A Sleeve4me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    A Sleeve4me reacted to hepktty in postponing happiness. ..   
    I am almost 3weeks out and I can already see a huge difference. I wonder why I waited so long to agree to this. For two years my doc recommended surgery but I was stubborn and wanted to do it on my own. I lost 63 lbs. But then was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Since my surgery dec27 I have not had one flare up! And I see friends who had bypass having all these issues with food and dumping. I have not experienced one problem with keeping anything down. This has been the best decision of my life. I just shake my head sometimes as to why I didn't do this sooner.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Kris10b in How can I be regular again?   
    Thank you all for your help. I tried coffee this morning and it seemed to help, hopefully that's all it takes but I'll keep the other ideas in mind for later down the road.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to ibehere10 in I Am Sorry Sleeve - I Won't Do It Again   
    One scrambled egg is enough for me! I only had one episode of vomiting and that was in the middle if the night and it was clearly the food I had had as a snack! I do get nauseous when I go too long without food or when I have take one bite too much. I still don't feel hunger and have to eat on a schedule . But I still feel this was the best thing I have ever done!!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Threetimesacharm in I Am Sorry Sleeve - I Won't Do It Again   
    Everyone assumes because eggs are soft that you can eat alot and fast. I can only eat one egg, slowly and am full at 11.5 weeks, be careful OP.
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from JenC in Do anyone have extra saliva in there mouth after eating. I think they call it sliming.   
    Yes..it's my idication that I have eaten too much..helps me not to take that extra bite....so at the next meal..I always eat less than the one that made me feel that way.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to mezanne1401 in Happy I Found You All   
    Totally agree with Gaye. Eating is kind of a chore for me. I eat because I have to, not because I want to. I have absolutely no cravings. My husband will mention a restaurant and I will ooh and ahh about what I used to get and he said "I thought you didn't get cravings". I told him that if I think about the restaurant, the food sounds good and I remember what it tastes like, but I don't dwell on it until I get it and the second I think of something else, I've forgotten about that food completely. It is actually a weird feeling because I used to be consumed by the thought of food. I'm 6 weeks out and I've had some rough times recently, but the buyer's remorse goes away when I think about my progress (51 pounds since Oct 31), no pain and compliments!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to doughboy112 in Today makes 3 days Post-Op!   
    Hi Dianne! Thanks for writing me! Keep up the good work Strong Woman!! I'm taking it day by day right now. Please keep in touch! God bless you!
    Sent from my iPhone 5 using VST
  9. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from Lisa'slosinit in still forgetting to wait   
    Yes..just wait girl..the weight is gonna start coming off and u will have so much energy ...but my juice be calling me..lol..we're going to get it down packed. I had to learn to stop at the first sign of fullness and that taught me..after my sleeve let me know who was in charge a few times..I have respect for it..it will make u..lol
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to susanfaye in NSV!   
    I was so cold this morning and I couldnt find my long pj's when I got out of bed. I grabbed the first thing I could find and just shimmied into them. They are my husbands sweats. A size MEDIUM! I cant remember the last time I could wear his pants. He is 150 soaking wet lol! I also got into the 220's this morning. the first time in 15 years!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to wanderlust_76 in 82Lbs Later   
    Thanks, y'all. It is a lot of fun. When people ask how much I lost, I tell them a 6 year old and a 2.5 year old. I've lost more than my two kids put together. Staring at them thinking that used to be on my body... Mind boggling
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to kittenkate in Lack of Family Support...   
    My family was incredible supportive but my fiance (at the time) was not. He said a lot of mean things, ridiculed me, patronized me, you name it. I have since gotten rid of him but I remember thinking how difficult it was having someone I loved not support this decision that I knew was right for me. Bring your dad to this site! Let him see posts from people who have had major success with it.
  13. Like
    A Sleeve4me reacted to CowgirlJane in One Year - 133 pounds gone - a new life! Photos...   
    I have a million things to say, but this has been both a very hard but also the very best year of my recent life. Wow, I am just thrilled!
    When I see that before photo, I remember and still love her. I love how brave she was to keep trying, no matter how many failures at getting the weight off. I think she looks hideous on the outside but I know she was beautiful and strong on the inside, it was just so hard to see under the fatsuit.
    So - starting weight size 308/ size 26W stuffed
    Current 175/size 12 loose - can wear most size 10s and even a size 8 skirt the other day!
    NSV - a million of them!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Rootman in i think some people go over board   
    Yep, I'm 2 years out and I can eat anything I want - I just don't/ For the most part the hunger is gone, I am not feeling starved like I used to, when I get hungry now it's just a little bit and not the gnawing hunger I used to have. I do eat a lot less but it's still easy to eat too mcuh and it takes just a few extra calories to start packing on the pounds again.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to lisa2job in Eyes Way To Big Still !   
    I am 3 months out and just got back from lunch with a work associate and even though I am 3 months out I still order way to much food...... Or maybe its I cant eat as much so no matter what I order I have to take 3/4 of it to go , which usually ends up getting thrown away since I don't like left overs.....
    So for lunch I ordered a" Pho" salad and a fresh spring roll (which was only 2 pieces of shrimp and the rest was vegtables).... after eating the spring roll I was totally full and couldnt even touch my salad and meat , so I got that to go but will probably not eat it for dinner and throw it away. Its so much food it would take me 4 days to eat it all and that would be for every meal....... I love that my stomach is super small and I am loosing weight but I feel guilty like I am always wasting food espcially when I go out. Some places will let you order off the kids menu and other places won't , I found the fast food places that have the dollar menu are ok on portion size but terrible on fat content..... I work in sales and eat out allot since I am on the road driivng all day, sometimes I take my lunch with me but eating in your car when your driving all day isnt really appealing to me and gets very cramped.
    thanks for letting me rant...
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to thinoneday in Eyes Way To Big Still !   
    Don't feel bad, I'm out 3+ YEARS and still my eyes can be bigger then my tummy (literally) I KNOW I can only eat 1 egg, still I make 2. I KNOW I can eat 1 1/2 slices of bacon, still I cook the whole package. I KNOW I can only eat 1 piece of bread, still I toast 2. . . ugh, old habits die hard. . . I just save stuff for later. You should see how funny I look at the buffet! Now there is another story. . . . hahahaha you can just imagine!
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from simplyfedup in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    Iggy Chic..looks like to me all you have done on this forum lately is try to discourage others from having this surgery and it's simply not right. Nothing you say can justify that and I WONT stand for that! If anything you owe presleevers an apology for your negativity and disgusting display of character."It wasn't worth the risks and pain","You would never do this surgery again", "You will always feel guilt about having it done"? Really? Stop it!!Stop scaring other presleevers!!!!!It gets better and you know it!!!If that's all you want to do here, find another forum! This IS NOT THE PLACE DEAR!!!!!.......................PEACE AND LOVE!!!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to kariwimms in Too Heavy For My Knees   
    Hello to all,
    My journey is not complete. I am not here to tell you that I have figured it all out, or that it is easy. I have lost 87 lbs with the gastric sleeve surgery and diet. I lost the weight from January to July 2011. I have been at the same weight since July 2011. Once I began eating regular food, my will power left to use the sugar free diet that got me to my current weight of 200 lbs. I pretty much ate what I wanted, regular sugar; have gone through holiday's and birthday's and gained and lost only 1 or 2 lbs, I know that I will not regain the 87 lbs. I ate well according to the diet plan at first, then ate poorly slipping in the rich buttery foods that I love, but, I ate only a little of everything. If I ate too much or too fast, I would have to throw up. I am now determined to reach my goal weight of 145 lbs by spring 2013. My stomach is small, but I ate too many liquid or empty calories and the wrong foods.
    The beginning of my story is typical, I ate too much in general as a lifestyle, between meals, too rich food, and have a job where I sit most of the day. My knees were weak and I did not want to have knee replacement surgery, so I had to get the weight off quickly or I was going to be in a wheelchair. I was a mature first time mother, and the doctor just said to me, "All we care about is having a healthy baby." I gained 75 lbs with my pregnancy 20 years ago. I had a 9.5 lb baby, and kept the rest of the weight. I ate what I wanted, but because I was moderately active was not sickly. I went to the Doctor and was told that I was pre-diabetic, and this information was the last straw. At the time, my insurance did not cover the gastric sleeve surgery. I went on a letter writing campaign in Cincinnati and went all the way through the Anthem appeal process and was denied for the sleeve, but approved for the gastric bypass. I did not want the bypass, don't get me wrong for some the surgery is a good alternative. However, my friend had the bypass surgery with good results, but she has been sick ever since she reached her goal weight. My friend had complications with her surgery, could not keep any food down and now is in a nursing home having gone from 338 to 105 lbs. I again went on a letter writing campaign indicating that Anthem in other cities were covering the gastric sleeve, that was May 2010. By December 2010, Anthem changed their policy and allowed for the gastric sleeve. I went to Dr. Curry in Cincinnati, he is a very good doctor. My surgery in January 2011 went well with no complications.
    I feel fat now at 200 lbs, and am no longer basking in the glow of the 87 lb weight loss. I am ready and willing to do what I know to do to lose the remainder of the weight. My plan is to pull out my gastric sleeve diet plan and start the plan again from the beginning with the pre-op diet to get my body and taste buds ready to finish what I started.
    I will tell anyone, the gastric sleeve is the best surgery, and it will get you to your goal if you remember to keep your eyes on the prize.
    I hope this inspires you to go for it.
  19. Like
    A Sleeve4me reacted to jasleeve in 24 Days Until My One Year Surgiversary   
    i weighed myself today (11.30.12)
    & im now 144lbs.
    down 1lb.
    hey guys!
    im officially 24 days away from hitting my one year surgiversary and i cant believe it! i was sleeved dec 20th, 2011.
    im 5'1.
    i started at:
    weight: 273lbs
    bmi: 51.6
    jean size: 18-24 (depending on stretch)
    i am now at:
    weight: 145lbs
    bmi: 27.4
    jean size: 2-4 (depending on stretch)
    lost: 128lbs.
    my goal is to be 135lbs.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to steelergirl in Another Reason Not To Tell People.....   
    I never even thought about hiding it..I tell strangers Co workers family ..enemy's..I'm exited about it..its me and the way I have always seen it is ...if you don't like me for me then what are you doing still around..if you wanna judge..go ahead..my world is still spinning and I'm still in the center..I never even thought of keeping it a secret..people that don't want the best for you..screw em..I don't see it as cheating ..I see it as action
    .a sacrifice to have the life you want..over eating is the only dysfunctional behavior that people can see visually. You could be a cold hearted b***h ..but no one will know it. You could be a drug addict and hide that..you could be self rightious and when youbealk into a room no one will know ..some people have abuse their families ...drink too much ..horrible parents..hearltess..selfish..when they walk into a room.
    You have no idea what there issues are..and they can fake it all day and night..a fat person can't do that. People know immedialty they eat to much. I would have rather eaten too Much than been any of those things listed above.. all of the thongs listed above are horrible things that over time cause big problems..the only thing about the person that eats too much is they aren't hurting anyone else but them selves. So when I compare me with that person that would judge me based on the choice to have surgery....I would say I'm the better person..I have a heart of gold..and I never needed to judge anyone in my life so that I could feel better about me..I can sit with a homeless person or menatlly insane person without a judgement..so bottom line if your judging me because of this choice ..your the one with the problem..and there is no surgery to fix what your suffering from.
    So say it proud ...don't be ashamed peeps!..
  21. Like
    A Sleeve4me reacted to LeaveItToSleever in Another Reason Not To Tell People.....   
    I couldn't agree more!
    Nobody has any reason to think I had WLS. Everyone who knows me has seen me struggle and yo-yo. After surgery I did not lose weight fast enough to alarm anyone, and now I eat normally, for the first time EVER. No more pigging out and losing control at EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL. I am satisfied with a NORMAL portion (not a restaurant portion, plus a restaurant appetizer, plus dessert, the way I used to do; and no more 3 trips to the buffet!).
  22. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from Catherine Shinn Habhab in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through such a hard time..Maybe you should see ur doctor to make sure u are not dehydrated. I hope everything gets better.Hopefully the worst part is over and your stomach will began to heal and tolerate more.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Yasmine in Help...dont Eat   
    I'm only about 9 days post op so can't give you too much advice... but I'd like to share information on a product is called ProteinBlitz it's probably like a Powerade or Gatorade drink, however it has 30 grams of Protein in a 20 ounce bottle. That might be another option for you to get some more Protein in... at least 1 bottle per day.
    I got mines at a place called the Vitamin Shoppe... I'm sure you can look this product up online and figure out where else they might sell it somewhere in your town... I think they cost about 2.50 each. Good Luck!!!
  24. Like
    A Sleeve4me reacted to Butterthebean in Why Lie?!?!   
    It is what it is. Everybody is different, and many people are surrounded by negativity and backstabbers, not to mention there is a big stigma about "taking the easy way out." I feel fortunate that I have lived my life in such a way that I am surrounded by people who would not dare say a negative thing to me about this. What they say behind my back....I don't care. My friends have the right to believe however they choose. I haven't heard a single negative thing.
    I encourage people to share their WLS experience with others who are struggling with weight loss. A friend shared his experience with me, and that is what prompted me to take this path. Without his openness, I would still be 400 pounds. Now, whenever anyone asks me about my weightloss (and they WILL ask) I tell them about the surgery. It's liberating.
    But not everyone is in the position to be this open, and that's understandable. Each of us should be as open as we are comfortable being.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Rootman in Why Lie?!?!   
    Well, yes we DO have privacy but if a coworker (who is probably fat too I would guess) asks then I would TELL them the many benefits of WLS. It's your choice but informing other people who may need it is one thing that I look forward to doing. I tell ANYONE who asks and have had at least 2 people pursue WLS because of my openness.
    I didn't tell anyone before hand besides my wife and openly tell anyone who asks about it now. And your question is the reason: Why Lie? We openly boast about so many things in our life, kids, work, homes etc, why not boast about the single most beneficial health decision that I have EVER made for myself?

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