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Blog Comments posted by tonya66

  1. I received a call today from my case worker at the doctor office and she said that she was notified by UHC that I was approved. She told me she would hand my file off to Linda who would be calling me to set up a surgery date.

    Now, I'm just waiting on that call.

    I am trying to schedule the surgery for January 18th and return back to work on February 14th, this will give almost 4 weeks off of work! I should be able to eat regular foods by then. No one from work knows I am having the surgery, they just think I'm taking off for a hernia repair (which I am doint that too).

    I'm so excited, I want to tell someone, but I can't since no one knows, so I'm yelling it in my journal. Yay!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

  2. I got a call from the Hospital and they stated they received a fax from my doctor to schedule my appointment for an Upper GI. I thought this was kinda weird since I'm still not approved yet. But I guess they are starting the process with my test.

    At least I know the ball is moving. I'm supposed to go in on December 14th at 7:30 am, however, I'm thinking about changing it until the first of January.

    In January I will have $4,000 on my Payflex account card to be used for any medical cost, right now I have ZERO. So I will more financially able to handle all the co-pays and test cost if I wait until January. So I'l calling back and rescheduling the first week of January. I don't want my surgery until January anyhow, so this will work better for me.

    I'm just excited that things are moving, even though I'm still waiting on the darn insurance company! I know, patience.

  3. I've been thinking a lot about the Band, and actually what I want the band to help me accomplish - so here goes some things I am hoping to achieve in the next few years:

    1. I want back in my bikini! I haven't worn it since, well, 14 years ago.

    2. I want a fit body, not just healthy but toned, I want my atheletic shape back - the one way to do this is EXERCISE (note to self, get off the couch and MOVE)

    3. I want to buy sexy clothes again! and not only buy them, but be able to wear them and feel good in them.

    4. I want to be able to bend down and tie my shoes without the breath being knocked out of me. - DONE!

    5. I want to be able to get in the tub and not have my ASS take up the entire tub, side to side - oh this sucks. - DONE!

    6. I want to be able to cross my legs. - DONE!

    7. I want to be able to wear shorts without them riding up my crotch.

    8. I want to be able to walk without my thighs rubbing each other and sweating in the summer and leaving that horrible heat rash!

    9. I want to be able to push food away and not feel the need to clean up the entire plate.- Still working on this one!

    10. I don't want food to be my focus in life.- Getting better!

    11. I want my kids to be proud of me.

    12. I want to feel beautiful again and not 40 & fat.

    13. I want to be able to buy a low rise pair of jeans without my stomach hanging over. my current jeans go clear up to my belly button.

    14. I want to be able to have sex with my DH and not feel the need to "turn the lights off".

    15. I want to become where exercise is a part of my life, where I crave exercise like I crave chocolate.- Becoming more and more part of my life!

    16. I want to inspire other people to lose weight.

    17. I want to become a personal trainer.

    18. I want to buy attractive Teddies to wear instead of my sweatpants and tee shirts to bed.

    19. I want to be proud of my weight, not ashamed.

    20. I want people to be shocked that I am 40 because I look younger, not shocked because I am 40 and I look 50.

    PS - my weight this morning 229.2

  4. I'm still waiting to hear something from my insurance company. I am not sure when it was actually submitted, I hope my letter from the doctor got sent out. I think it probably went out last week, but it might have not gone out until this week because the docs office was closed 2 days due to the snow & ice.

    Anyhow, I am getting anxious and nervous.

    I didn't weigh this morning, but I know i'm losing. I suspect I weigh around 229 or 228.

  5. I didn't weigh this morning, I'm trying not to look at the scale except for 1 x per week. I also didn't get up to exercise, it was raining hard this morning and I just didn't feel like dealing with it.

    Menu today


    weight control oatmeal

    coffee with cream


    taco soup


    string cheese

    1/2 piece of sausage link


    sf jello

    turkey breast

  6. Wt 234

    Oh, its so hard to get back on track. I did so good with eating on Friday & Saturday, and partially Sunday. Then Sunday night, broke down and had some yummy cheesecake.

    I brought my lunch to work today so I can stay on the LC Atkins track. I'm basically going to follow the Atkins plan until after I'm banded, then I'll do more of low fat and low carb.

    Todays menu:


    scrambled egg/cheese

    3 slices of thin bacon


    Chef salad


    LC yogurt


    Turkey breast

    green beans

    I tried to get up at 5:00 am to make it to the gym, just couldnt drag my fat butt out of bed, I went to bed too late last night and I needed my sleep. So, I plan on exercising tonight at the gym. - I MUST get back to exercising!

  7. Even though my surgery won't be until probably January, I'm not waiting around to get on a good eating program. I am hoping to lose another 20 pounds by the time the surgery rolls around.

    Today's menu:

    Brunch (got up at 4:30 am to get a deal at a store, then came back and went to bed and didn't get back up until 11:00 am)

    2 slices of roast beef, left over from dinner last night

    unsweetened tea


    grilled bell pepper & onions

    roast beef

    No exercise today - but planning on getting back to the gym on Monday, or sooner ;)

    Wt this morning 235.2

  8. I had my doctor consultation and he answered all my questions. I told him that I wanted a low-profile port and he said he would have to order it but could do it. Once the insurance approves my surgery, then they will order the port.

    My case worker told me I should hear something by the end of December. I'm so excited. I should have my surgery sometime in January.

  9. The waiting is killing me. I go see the doctor on Wednesday, the 22nd. They will weigh me and send my paper work off too the insurance. I am just praying I get approved. I am so nervous about not getting approved.

    I'm so anxious over all this, I hate waiting! But I know there is nothing I can do to rush the process, I just need to learn to be patient - something I am not good at.;)

  10. My new life begins with a lap band placed within

    I am nervous and anxious and not sure when

    When will I be at goal, when will I be thin?

    I tried and tried all my life to please the scales

    Yes tried to please them, ate nothing at all but to no avail

    My family thinks I’m crazy, some might think I’m lazy

    Just diet they say, and you’ll look amazing.

    No one understands the pain and anguish of being this way

    No one understands the strain it takes to breathe every day

    I am thankful for my family and friends you see,

    But this choice I’ve chosen is mine and for me.

    So be there for me and cheer me on to the finish line

    I promise you all I will get there this time!

  11. I went to my seminar Saturday and yesterday the doctors office called me to see if I was interested in getting the band, and ofcourse I said yes. So they scheduled my appointment for November 22, 2006. I will meet with the doctor and they will file my insurance. I am hoping to have the ban in place in January.

    I am just hoping my insurance will approve it because there is no way I would be able to be self-pay.

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