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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tonya66

  1. Hi JessiAP - I will send it to you, its at home and I'm at work, so I will make a note to look it up tonight and email it to you. Its wonderful....

  2. Wow, this is a new one to me....I get the left shoulder pain when I overeat, its horrible. Good enough reason for me not to overeat. I feel for you. I would have a barium swallow test done, make sure the band was placed in the right place. Sorry I could not be of more help.
  3. tonya66


    Well, I got my happy butt out of bed this morning at 5:00 am and headed to the gym. I'm on a roll. lol. I did 35 min on the elliptical. I knew that tonight was going to be busy and I needed to do my exercise in the am if I was going to get it done, and I did it! Yay for me! I'm patting myself on the back right now....pat, pat, pat. Okay, enough of my bragging. Today's menu: Bfast - Matabolism is going crazy because I am STARVING! fresh tomatoes and carrots, dipped in hummus. yum yum Snack Ww yogurt - 1 WW point Lunch - the rest of my lunch from Applebees from yesterday. Talapia & broccoli. yum. Only 7 WW points for the entire meal. Dinner - Low fat chick tortillia soup - 4 ww pts Snack - Skinny cow ice cream sandwhich (2 WW points) Exercise - 35 min on Elliptical
  4. tonya66


    Well, I got my happy butt out of bed this morning at 5:00 am and headed to the gym. I'm on a roll. lol. I did 35 min on the elliptical. I knew that tonight was going to be busy and I needed to do my exercise in the am if I was going to get it done, and I did it! Yay for me! I'm patting myself on the back right now....pat, pat, pat. Okay, enough of my bragging. Today's menu: Bfast - Matabolism is going crazy because I am STARVING! fresh tomatoes and carrots, dipped in hummus. yum yum Snack Ww yogurt - 1 WW point Lunch - the rest of my lunch from Applebees from yesterday. Talapia & broccoli. yum. Only 7 WW points for the entire meal. Dinner - Low fat chick tortillia soup - 4 ww pts Snack - Skinny cow ice cream sandwhich (2 WW points) Exercise - 35 min on Elliptical
  5. tonya66


    Well its Wednesday night, I just made it back from the gym, had a GREAT workout. I am trying to savor this feeling, so the next time I want to blow the workout off, I need to recall this wonderful feeling I have right now after my workout...... Ate very clean today - Bfast - got so busy and didn't really eat bfast (something I don't like to do is skip bfast - bad me) Lunch - Went to applebees had the grilled talapia with broccoli, only ate 1/2 my meal, I will eat the rest tomorrow for lunch. Dinner - made a low fat chicken tortillia soup, skipped the tortillia chips. Very good and filling! Snack - had 4 grape tomatoes (that I personally grew in my garden) and 3 TBSP of hummus I'm about to go take a shower, get ready for bed and come relax on my couch and watch a little TV and have a small bowl of Red seedless grapes. Yum! Wt this morning was still up......163.4 grrrrr. I need to keep telling myself I LOVE TO EXERCISE, I LOVE TO EXERCISE, I LOVE TO EXERCISE, I LOVE TO EXERCISE.....
  6. tonya66


    Well its Wednesday night, I just made it back from the gym, had a GREAT workout. I am trying to savor this feeling, so the next time I want to blow the workout off, I need to recall this wonderful feeling I have right now after my workout...... Ate very clean today - Bfast - got so busy and didn't really eat bfast (something I don't like to do is skip bfast - bad me) Lunch - Went to applebees had the grilled talapia with broccoli, only ate 1/2 my meal, I will eat the rest tomorrow for lunch. Dinner - made a low fat chicken tortillia soup, skipped the tortillia chips. Very good and filling! Snack - had 4 grape tomatoes (that I personally grew in my garden) and 3 TBSP of hummus I'm about to go take a shower, get ready for bed and come relax on my couch and watch a little TV and have a small bowl of Red seedless grapes. Yum! Wt this morning was still up......163.4 grrrrr. I need to keep telling myself I LOVE TO EXERCISE, I LOVE TO EXERCISE, I LOVE TO EXERCISE, I LOVE TO EXERCISE.....
  7. tonya66


    Wow, its been a month since I posted? I should be ashamed of myself. Whats new, well, shoulder is still not healed, and really struggling these days to even get any exercise in. Well, to be honest, I haven't exercised in awhile, and I finally made it back to the gym last night. I am not lifting weight since I have an injury but I am doing cardio. Eating has been on and off. We went on vacation July 4th week and that started me down the bad path. It took 3 weeks for me to quit eating bad and get back on track. I am finally back on track and trying to get back to exercising. I guess I just a break from everything, eating right, exercising and blogging. I'm refocussed again and will start blogging again. It holds me accountable. Bfast - protein shake Lunch - FF tuna salad with 4 crackers Snack - grapes (red seedless) Dinner - roasted chicken and fresh tomatoes snack - Skinny Cow ice cream bar Exercise - 30 min on elliptical machine. wt - this morning 162.9 grrrrrrr
  8. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Confused - I wish I could say that I have been down to 144 - i would be at goal!!!!! I am pretty much sticking to 155 to 159, I bounce around those numbers, I need to just stick with the program so I can get to goal! On a good note, I did go exercise last night, first time in about a month. Eating has been very good this week, last week - well, not so good. How is everyone else doing? Sorry that I haven't been on in awhile, work is just so crazy these days. I've been working so many hours and trying not to "stress" eat. Last week, I went thru an entire box of chocolates - in ONE DAY!
  9. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I have drinken muscle milk, I really like it, however, it is full of calories. Make sure you are drinking the lite muscle milk, it has a lot less calories. Congratulations on getting a new port. Have you always had the leak? Or did it come later? Oh, by the way, we are band twins - I was banded 1/18/07 too!
  10. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Nope, thats the statistics, 60% sometimes 70%, but the average is 60%. grrrrrr. I've managed to lose 80%, however - I want 100%!!!! I've done pretty good on eating, but exercise - lets just say, "what exercise". I am sucking!
  11. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Congratulations!!!!! Keep us posted on your pregnancy!
  12. tonya66


    Okay, I was doing great on my 84 day challenge, then on day 10, I was exercising, lifting weights and I felt something very wrong in my shoulder. I went to the doctor and it turn out I tore my rotary cuff - hurts like a dickens. So no weights for the upper body for awhile.....the doctor said it can take 6 mos to a year to heal, and I could have to have surgery, but we are trying physical therapy first. Anyhow, so I will stick to cardio and lower body workouts. I will be leaving for vacation Saturday afternoon, I plan on exercising while we are on vacation. We are going to our family cabin in the mountains and I will be in control of what I eat, so I think I can eat pretty healthy too. I'm looking forward to so R&R. My goal on this vacation is to LOSE WEIGHT, even if its just a pound. My last 5 vacations have been on a cruise, and I always gain! So this is the first vacation in awhile without gourmet food. lol. I will be doing the cooking, and let me tell ya, it won't be gourmet! hehehehe. Okay, I will post when I get back to my blog - My goal is to be at 158 when I get back home, thats 1 lbs lighter. Hopefully I will be more, but I will be thrilled with 1 lbs lighter!
  13. tonya66


    Okay, I was doing great on my 84 day challenge, then on day 10, I was exercising, lifting weights and I felt something very wrong in my shoulder. I went to the doctor and it turn out I tore my rotary cuff - hurts like a dickens. So no weights for the upper body for awhile.....the doctor said it can take 6 mos to a year to heal, and I could have to have surgery, but we are trying physical therapy first. Anyhow, so I will stick to cardio and lower body workouts. I will be leaving for vacation Saturday afternoon, I plan on exercising while we are on vacation. We are going to our family cabin in the mountains and I will be in control of what I eat, so I think I can eat pretty healthy too. I'm looking forward to so R&R. My goal on this vacation is to LOSE WEIGHT, even if its just a pound. My last 5 vacations have been on a cruise, and I always gain! So this is the first vacation in awhile without gourmet food. lol. I will be doing the cooking, and let me tell ya, it won't be gourmet! hehehehe. Okay, I will post when I get back to my blog - My goal is to be at 158 when I get back home, thats 1 lbs lighter. Hopefully I will be more, but I will be thrilled with 1 lbs lighter!
  14. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hello all, just wanted to check in....My reunion was a blast, and I looked darn good if I have to say so myself. lol. Everyone was going on and on about how great I looked, made me feel good. 2nd thing, I tore my rotary cuff lifting some weights, the doc said it will take 6 mos to a year to heal, so I'm going to do some physical therapy. I have to lay off weights on my shoulder area, so will need to modify my workouts a bit. 3rd thing, I'm leaving for vacation Saturday afternoon, I will not be back until July 6th. I won't have access to a computer so won't be online. Okay, thats my update..... Sula - interval training is really good and you burn more calories that way, so keep it up. You are doing great and so glad your DH is exercising with you. My DH keeps saying he is ready to get back into shape, but he needs to get to the gym. lol Juno - good job on exercising and its great you on pace for your 5 week challenge! Okay all, gotta run, lots to get done at work before I leave. Talk to everyone when I return.
  15. catchmi101 - you probably don't have the correct restriciton. I'm at 3.9cc in a 4.0 cc band. I did not get restriction until I was at 3.9 cc's. I had to have 14 fills and 3 unfills to get to the sweet spot. Don't give up and talk to your doctor about it. If you are following the band rules (eating protein first, not drinking with your meals, etc) I'm sure you need more restriction. Its amazing what a few drops can do.
  16. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I think fills are good at anytime, if you need them. Do you eat more than 4 to 6 oz at a meal? Are you hungry in between meals? Are you hungry before 3 or 4 hours has passed? If you answer yes, than its time for a fill. My doctor told me as you lose weight, so does the fat around your stomach, so you will become looser and will need a fill. He said usually for every 10 lbs or so, time for another fill. Its been about 8 months since my last fill, and Im down 15 lbs I think since my last fill - I think I need one now. I was scheduled for one 6/29, however, I realized we will be on vacation then, so its rescheduled for August 10th now. I still feel restriction, however, I notice I eat more before I am no longer hungry and I am not lasting the 4 hours. I'm so glad you swung by, please keep us posted on your progress and keeping coming by. We are all January or '07 Bandsters and all need each others support!
  17. tonya66

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan because I'm worth it!
  18. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Sula - glad you swung by! Great job on 8lbs down!! And way to go on exercising! It's nice DH is joining in to help ya too, that keeps the mojo up. This weekend is my 25 yr HS reunion. I was about 60 lbs heavier at my 20 yr reunion, so I'm excited to show off my new body to all my old HS buddies. I gotta figure out what to wear, something that makes me look and feel good! I want to say to all my ex's "eat your heart out", thats what they get for dumping me. lol. Anyhow, I will check back later...........have a good day everyone.
  19. tonya66

    biggest loser - '09

    I'm having "Biggest Loser" withdrawals.......Does anyone know when the new season starts?
  20. OMG, shoot me now and put me out of my pain!!!! That's exactly how I feel, my butt hurts so bad, it hurts to sit, it hurts to walk, I'm in so much pain. Those lunges yesterday did me in for sure! I had such a great lower body workout yesterday, but I sure feel it today. Ouch, I'm hurting! But, onward we go with the challenge, I will not quit, I will not stop, I'm going all the way to the end! Today: Menu Bfast - protein shake, added a TBSP of peanut butter to it M2 - peach, string cheese M3 - hummus, carrtos M4 - salad, grilled chicken M5 - turkey chilli,veggies M6 - WW ice cream bar Exercise - Cardio, HIIT, Wt - didn't weigh Notes - I'm sooooooooooo sore! :crying:
  21. tonya66

    6/11/09 - Day 4 of 84 day challenge

    OMG, shoot me now and put me out of my pain!!!! That's exactly how I feel, my butt hurts so bad, it hurts to sit, it hurts to walk, I'm in so much pain. Those lunges yesterday did me in for sure! I had such a great lower body workout yesterday, but I sure feel it today. Ouch, I'm hurting! But, onward we go with the challenge, I will not quit, I will not stop, I'm going all the way to the end! Today: Menu Bfast - protein shake, added a TBSP of peanut butter to it M2 - peach, string cheese M3 - hummus, carrtos M4 - salad, grilled chicken M5 - turkey chilli,veggies M6 - WW ice cream bar Exercise - Cardio, HIIT, Wt - didn't weigh Notes - I'm sooooooooooo sore!
  22. tonya66

    6/10/09 - Day 3 of 84 day challenge

    ahhh, thank you. My husband did it in 1997 too. He did great, didn't win, but looked great!
  23. So far I've stuck to my plan. Now, I'm only on day 3, but hey, I'm still proud of myself. :crying: I'm soooo sore today from my upper body workout on Monday, but I do a lower body workout today, so shouldn't be a problem. I'm already seeing changes, I know it sounds impossible, but I really feel skinnier, even if the scales haven't moved much. So I know that I'm building muscle and working off some fat! Today's plan: M1 - yogurt mixed with cottage cheese M2 - hummus, veggies M3 - stuffed bell pepper (only 1/2), edamame beans, cantelope M4 - peach, string cheese M5 - 3 oz chicken breast, spinach Snack - WW ice cream bar (I'm addicted to these and they are only 2 pts!) Exercise - Lower Body workout Wt 160.7 - grrrrr up from 159, but I'm okay, my body does that quite often. I drop, then bounce back up, then drop again a few more pounds. So I'm not upset at all.:frown:
  24. tonya66

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    My surgeon sees a lot of different patients, he is even giving fills for the Mexico patients. A girl I work with switched to him too because her surgeon was a *&()*(.....So not all surgeons are like that. Sorry you are having such a hard time, I really do feel for you and I am glad you were able to "call in some favors", your surgeon should've been more responsive to your complaints and issues!
  25. tonya66

    6/10/09 - Day 3 of 84 day challenge

    So far I've stuck to my plan. Now, I'm only on day 3, but hey, I'm still proud of myself. I'm soooo sore today from my upper body workout on Monday, but I do a lower body workout today, so shouldn't be a problem. I'm already seeing changes, I know it sounds impossible, but I really feel skinnier, even if the scales haven't moved much. So I know that I'm building muscle and working off some fat! Today's plan: M1 - yogurt mixed with cottage cheese M2 - hummus, veggies M3 - stuffed bell pepper (only 1/2), edamame beans, cantelope M4 - peach, string cheese M5 - 3 oz chicken breast, spinach Snack - WW ice cream bar (I'm addicted to these and they are only 2 pts!) Exercise - Lower Body workout Wt 160.7 - grrrrr up from 159, but I'm okay, my body does that quite often. I drop, then bounce back up, then drop again a few more pounds. So I'm not upset at all.

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