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LAP-BAND Patients
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About catalyst4thecreator

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/27/1974
  1. Happy 39th Birthday catalyst4thecreator!

  2. Happy 38th Birthday catalyst4thecreator!

  3. catalyst4thecreator

    What is your goal weight for your height?

    I am 5'4'', I have never been "petite" in my life, so I am shooting for 150...that is reasonable.
  4. catalyst4thecreator

    Slow losers lol

    I have 5cc's in my Realize band, it has a cc max of 9cc's. I am going to have another fill at the beginning of June. Hoping that will bring more restriction. My doctor wants me to get to the point, where I can ONLY eat 1/2 cup MAX! I think that is known as your SWEET SPOT! I am getting back on plan, eating more of an "Atkins" type diet. I need to stop eating salty things, drink more Water, eat more Protein & Fiber food items. NO CARBS!!! Things will get better I know... but for those who think this is "THE EASY WAY OUT", I think NOT! Patience is a Virtue, its like a muscle, that has to be worked. THINKING POSITIVE!:redface:
  5. catalyst4thecreator

    Slow losers lol

    I am with you... I have a Fear of Failure-that I won't lose the weight, even though I had the Lapband. I had surgery on 3/11/10 & have lost 16pds. I have been frustrated & was wondering if retaining Water is part of my problem. I don't think I am eating enough Protein & I know I am not drinking alot of water & I am not exercising(do to my knee)...so the only one to blame is >>>ME! Sometimes I just need a Cheer Leader! :redface:
  6. catalyst4thecreator

    Water RETENTION!!!

    I am very frustrated & prone to Water weight. Any tips or advise? This is especially bad when TOM comes...but seems to be bad right now, even though TOM is not here or suppossed to come for 2 weeks. ARRRGGG! Thank YOU! :redface: I was banded on 3/11/10, currently have 5cc's & have lost 16 pds since surgery, hence the frustration with WATER WEIGHT!
  7. catalyst4thecreator

    Addicted to Carbonated Beverages....

    I was banded on 3/11/2010, I have had 2 fills since then, & currently have 5cc's in my Realize Band, I have found that I can drink Carbonated drinks, but not threw a straw & not when I am full. I do burp a little, but it doesn't hurt. I don't know if I don't know if this will change once I get more fills, but for now I enjoy an occasional Sonic Diet Coke w/Vanilla.* :smile2:
  8. catalyst4thecreator

    Can't get fill volume right- please help!

    I had surgery on 3/11/2010, I had my first fill on 4/7/10 (3cc's), I had my 2nd fill today, 5/06/10(2cc's). Since the surgery I have lost almost 20Ibs. I think that you have to be patient & you must trust your doctor & follow his advice. The Lap-band is not a quick fix, there are gonna be ups & downs, but you must be consistent & see it through, one step at a time. If I was you, I would go into my doctor for a consultation, & go back to Step#1 & start fresh. If you don't trust your doctor, then find one that will work with you & help you be successful...to me that is Key, to have a doctor who knows what he is doing, & who wants the best for you. DON'T GIVE UP...May God Bless You & May he direct your steps & give you Peace. ~taRa.*
  9. catalyst4thecreator

    Today is my one year Bandiversary!

    Congrats "Startingoverat50"...U go GURL!!!!
  10. catalyst4thecreator

    checking in 4 months post op

    Congrats Girlfriend! I had my surgery on 3/11/10 & have had 1 fill, going in for my 2nd fill this morning....I have been in "Bandsters Hell", haven't lost much...but staying positive, that it will come!!!
  11. catalyst4thecreator

    Victory!! ONEderland feels wonderful

    Congrats! I haven't been under 200 since I had my daughter 12 years ago! I look forward to Onederland!!! Any secrets you would like to share to your success?
  12. Fern, I was banded on 3/11/10...I had my first fill last wednesday 4/7/10. The best advice I can give to you, from my experience...is the time between your surgery & your first fill, is pretty much time that you can use to break old habits & start new ones. I would encourage you to drink Protein shakes for Breakfast, and if you are hungry later on in the day. They can constipate, so I bought some "liquid of Magnesia" & take it every other day if needed, but anyways, you want to focus on HIGH PROTEIN, low carb, low sugar. I have found with the fill I cannot eat as much, nor am I as hungry, but I still must eat the right foods, because if I don't I will pay for it later...fatigue.* I have found that this is truely about a new MIND-SET not the food as much.~One day you will be eating 1/2 cup of food for your whole meal...Your mind may have trouble excepting that, so you might as well, use this "BAndster's Hell" as a type of Bootcamp, to prepare you for the real deal! You know what I mean? So, this is what I would do...drink a Protein shake for breakfast(I drink the Atkins one-chocolate) & then eat HIGH PROTEIN as much as possible, and if you are hungry later on in the day, drink another Protein Shake, that will curb your appetite, plus give you protein for energy....plus help you lose weight. I gained weight before my first fill, but since my fill I have lost, over 10 pds...so be patient, ask questions, and start making new habits, it will pay off in the end! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :thumbup:
  13. catalyst4thecreator

    What is causing this?

    Yes, today is day 2 of liquids, I don't know what I am going to do tonight, because we are going out to a Steak House with some friends who are out of town, however they do know I had surgery, so it shouldn't be that awkward; I will probably order some Ice-T...& do all the talking!!! lol.*
  14. catalyst4thecreator

    What is causing this?

    I am not hungry at all; I am still having gas pains & very "burpy". I had coffee when I woke up, then an Atkins protein shake around 10am, now I am drinking Ice-T & I am good to go.* I just have this "tight" feeling in my stomach...like someone punched me in the gut or something??? Do you have anything like that? What are you eating? And how are you feeling? I'm from Houston...what about Ya'll?
  15. catalyst4thecreator

    What is causing this?

    My doctor is very strict...& recommends 3 days of liquids;3 days of soft foods;& then back to regular food...so I am just going to stick with that schedule~& see if I can lose some of this weight!

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