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About pupichupi

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 07/15/1977

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a hard working single mom, and I just want to beable to be healthy and active for them!!!
  • Interests
    I love sports, watching and playing, I like hanging out with my kids, and just having fun.
  • Occupation
    yes, everyday!!!
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  1. So I have decided to change my final goal to 165 instead of 150, I am 5'8" and I don't think I would look right at 150 lbs, I think I would be way too skinny? I have a sister that is only 5'3" if even that, and she bounces from 155-160 and she is SKINNY, somedays I think she looks too skinny and she and I look a lot alike, except I am taller? So I just feel for my height I don't want to look sickly skinny? So 165 sounds like a perfect size for me?

    1. Bandista


      I'm starting to wonder about this, too -- I used to be 5'7" now half inch shorter but still tall person, big-boned, etc. Goal was 148 but now in the eighties I'm thinking thirty or forty pounds off would be too much. Guess we will know when we get there? I am also thinking 165 might be "right-size" for me.

    2. pupichupi


      @Bandista I am 5'8", and 150 just seems like I would look sickly???? I don't want to look sick, I want to look & be healthy!!! I am not doing any of this for looks as much as I am doing this to be healthy!!! I had always been told and thought I was big boned, cause that is what I was always told, but my surgeon told me that isn't the case when he went in to do the surgery? He said I am a tiny girl on the inside, but I still feel like 150 is going to be way too small, and I don't want to be sickly?

    3. Bandista


      Me neither! I am down from 18 Lee long jeans to 12 in same brand, ready for tens. Cannot imagine being an eight but certainly no smaller. I look forward to seeing what the seventies feel like then taking it from there. Good that we know it's not about the number. You are doing great!

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