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About Nycfw

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/18/1986

About Me

  • Biography
    Im 23yr old
  • Occupation
    fashion designer/ developmental aide (government)
  • State
  1. Happy 27th Birthday catherineleejones!

  2. Hello Catherin, You sent me a message awhile ago, I just wanted to let you know I finally got banded 10/5/2010 It was well worth the wait, i feel great, when did you get banded and how are you doing?

  3. December babies r the bomb!!! (smile).hello..everything is going great!! Just slo to me because i'm excited...i've lost 30 pds so far,which 14 is from the shakes...wednes is the big day...keep me n prayer..n u keep me posted with new ideas n i'll do the same...take care

  4. hey long time no talk... i seen you lost weight your looking good ....... wow you are 3 days away from your surgery how do you feel? are you excited... how is your preop diet going...


    you have the same birthday as my mother :) but your 10yrs younger :)

  5. Hey gurl,i had to start another account i couldn't remember my password.please add me again...b blessed...gwen

  6. Hey Kit Cat - how are u gurl???? Your birthday and my band day is in 2 weeks!!!! Yea!!!!

  7. Hope all is well...how's it going?? I'm banded on the 9th of june...a lil scared,but sooo ready...is there anything i need to know,that would get me more prepared before n after surgery?? Is the weight loss still at a good pace?? Well just got in from work,so i'll chat witcha later. B blessed.

  8. Lol....... i dont understand why people treat other people like that, i mean i always hear. " they must be upset with them self" but damn cmon i use to hate hearing that lol. i didnt get teased like all my life but it was just those group of girls and all of them have kids or they live in group homes are they just walking the streets lol (not going to mention god lol lol) but i just think it is sooo funny just to see people who were assholes walking around looking like an idiot.. i did have some of those girls try to reach out to me on facebook and said im sorry that i was mean to you and im like um who are you lol.... i tend to forget alot of people i never had an relationships with oh welllll
  9. um... this post had nothing to do with god lol there is another posting about god or everyone here can make a new post and talk about god lol HAS ANYONE BEEN BULLY, TORMENTED, lol i think that was my original post but who knows lol
  10. U got it gurl n do time!! The fam just got here,so we'll chat later..i'll post more pic's..my brotha doesn't know it,but i'll have him take a few...lol keep me posted on ur sucess...

  11. wow 4 kids well you look beautil, honestly i cant think of how much better you will look after surgey lol.. thanks girl i keep wanting to say keep up the good work but i know you havent had the surgery yet u just look amazing lol i cant wait to i can excersize so i can have a shape like that, well hopfully i have that shape under this fat lol lol


    good luck on your surgey and keep me posted

  12. i think you just came here so you can start something about prayers... my original post had nothing to with prayer so please dont try to make this discussion about pray issues and WHAT YOU think is the right way to pray. because the lady above didnt pray to you about that company she prayed to god and if your god then my bad saviour
  13. But why is it a problem that she choose to pray about something that she needed to get through. Is there prayer police out there that i dont know about. And like i ask the other women please give me some information on how to pray.. there is no hell for praying lol please

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