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Everything posted by Nycfw

  1. When i was in middle school i had this friend and everyone was scare of her because she would fight you for no reason. But anyway me and her just clicked even though i was her complete oppsite then one day in 8th grade she just stop liking me and talking shhyt about me well that follow all the way to highschool she would always tell people ima fight her (me) and never do it, (shes a beast im glad she never did lol) well she had her little goons that will follow her around and who ever she hated her friends hated so my point is one of her friend named Nyeshia Skipwith hated me soooo much she would roll her eyes at me say mean shit to me AFTER i walk pass her, start rumors, tell people i was spoil biatch, she even key my brand new car my dad brought, but we sued her for that and my parents raised some big hell and said they will stop donating money and the whole shabang if that girl was not out that school but 4 days later she dropped out so it worked out so my other main point is the other day i was reading this article A 23-year-old Mastic woman was arrested Thursday for a Medford bank robbery last fall, Suffolk County Police said Nyeshia Skipwith was charged with robbery and will be arraigned at First District Court in Central Islip on Friday. Major Case Investigations Unit detectives said she robbed a TD Bank on Route 112 by handing the teller a note that demanded cash and stated she had a bomb on Sept. 29. :smile2::thumbup: so glad i never got mad and fought her, i just brushed it off cause i knew she didnt have a mind of her own and she would be nothing in life. She is going away for a long time and all i can do is just laugh laugh laugh....:smile::w00t::sneaky::drool::w00t: (her picture is below) so my question is HAS ANYONE HAD A BULLY THAT IS LIVING A HORRIBLE LIFE
  2. hey everyone. if anyone on here have an ANDROID BASED PHONE example: Motorola Droid, G1, My Touch ect.. there is a great FREE APP in the android market called CALORIE COUNTER by FatSecret. It is a great tool they have over 1000's different types of food, resturants menu, junk food, and fruits AND AND they also use the weight watcher point system (you dont have to be on weight watchers to use it, im not on weight watcher) If you cant find what you ate on the list you can use the built in scanner and scan the barcode and it will bring up the nutritional facts and save it It also have a food journal, a diary, exercise log and many more feature that i think will be great for us You can also go to their website and do everything on line if you dont have an ANDROID based phone All Things Food and Diet - FatSecret :thumbup::w00t::tt2::w00t::thumbup::w00t::thumbup::w00t::thumbup:
  3. hey long time no talk... i seen you lost weight your looking good ....... wow you are 3 days away from your surgery how do you feel? are you excited... how is your preop diet going...


    you have the same birthday as my mother :) but your 10yrs younger :)

  4. Nycfw

    10 months post op

    WOW im with KDEE just by this little pic you look soooooo much younger
  5. Lol....... i dont understand why people treat other people like that, i mean i always hear. " they must be upset with them self" but damn cmon i use to hate hearing that lol. i didnt get teased like all my life but it was just those group of girls and all of them have kids or they live in group homes are they just walking the streets lol (not going to mention god lol lol) but i just think it is sooo funny just to see people who were assholes walking around looking like an idiot.. i did have some of those girls try to reach out to me on facebook and said im sorry that i was mean to you and im like um who are you lol.... i tend to forget alot of people i never had an relationships with oh welllll
  6. um... this post had nothing to do with god lol there is another posting about god or everyone here can make a new post and talk about god lol HAS ANYONE BEEN BULLY, TORMENTED, lol i think that was my original post but who knows lol
  7. wow 4 kids well you look beautil, honestly i cant think of how much better you will look after surgey lol.. thanks girl i keep wanting to say keep up the good work but i know you havent had the surgery yet u just look amazing lol i cant wait to i can excersize so i can have a shape like that, well hopfully i have that shape under this fat lol lol


    good luck on your surgey and keep me posted

  8. Nycfw

    DEC3RD/2009 238PDS SIZE 20...MY 40TH BIRTHDAY!!!

    omg you r 40yrs old wow im 23 and im dying to have your shape... im confuse have you had the surgery yet or are going to have the surgey. u look great now well i wish you all the luck girl
  9. Lol its the beginning to my pornographic career, we all have to start somewhere lol lol
  10. i think you just came here so you can start something about prayers... my original post had nothing to with prayer so please dont try to make this discussion about pray issues and WHAT YOU think is the right way to pray. because the lady above didnt pray to you about that company she prayed to god and if your god then my bad saviour
  11. But why is it a problem that she choose to pray about something that she needed to get through. Is there prayer police out there that i dont know about. And like i ask the other women please give me some information on how to pray.. there is no hell for praying lol please
  12. i dont understand why would she do that she was in the same boat as you its not like it was a blind slash seeing school, i just hate how people treat people wrong for no reason and they are just like you... its sadden me to hear that even in a school you went to there was still people there thinking there better then everyone.. im sorry you had to go through that and your peers
  13. some people do bussiness like that it sucks but we live and learn. thats great they closed down, that company probally did that alot of people too and i know bbb steps in after while of complaints no resolution. prayer is strong dont let no one try to tell you how to pray its just stupid to pass judgemnt on some ones prays i mean REALLY lol at least you got your car fixed and that the best part
  14. wow why would you pass any judgment on anyone prays. so please give some directions on how to prey, and what god told you was ok to pray about, im just very curious
  15. thank you very very much.. i try. those two dresses are part of a ten peice collection i am making for a fashion show later this year

  16. Nycfw


    thats what i don't understand how is it a prejudice against "Hispanics in Arizona" where for one thing it doesn't only apply to them and the second thing ITS A LAW; BEING IN UNITED STATES ILLEGALLY IS AGAINST THE LAW its a law already when it was made and from what i am aware of (and i could be wrong) no protest they just let it happened if it was such a big deal it should have been a big protest stating thats wrong. i mean should everyone protest drinking and driving lets say a guy get pulled over for driving drunk and he says "well cop i know I'm drunk but i was driving because i had to pick up my kids they are sick" the drunk driver has a good reason his kids are somewhere and he needs to get them so should they send him on his way should he get locked up for drinking and driving because it is against the law and should his family start a whole protest about drinking and driving, and say "you should only drink and drive for important reason so his kids were sick so he almost hit someone he had a (litgetiment(:biggrin:) reason to drive drunk" lol pleaseeeeeeeee :confused:A LAW IS A LAW POINT BLANK
  17. hi THANK you sooooo much for your comment.. i was reading that you know longer have to take insulin or blood pressure meds thats SOOOOOO GREAT. and congrats on everything :)

  18. thanks so much i just cant wait to see more of an transformation

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