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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JeweI

  1. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Welcome Back Janet! Wowwee, I had a great day today. I got 991 points on a 1000 point exam. Could've done a dance but others were still testing. Also got alot of work done and ran a 5k in 54 min today. I changed up my running routine by getting off the treadmill and on the pavement. It is a big difference for me. I feel my weight more and it takes more effort to push forward. I run again on wed and that is my last run until saturdays 5k. I have been having a hard time reading lately. Everything is blurry. It just has been the past 2 days. Don't understand it but it is hard to study. I have 3 finals next week and as long as I pass them I will be moving on to next semester. One class is pretty much done. I have an A in it.
  2. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone, Was a little bad last night and had a couple margaritas. So now I am working those off. Other wise I am right on target with eatting. My son had popcorn today and boy did I want some but I didn't have a single piece. I wanna keep lose weight more than I want to snack. I also ran /walked 2 miles today. I have 2 more runs scheduled before my first 5k. I can do the whole 5k. My legs have just been sore today so I cut it short. Don't wanna be sore on my BIG DAY. Which is next saturday. I am so excited. I was thinking today, If my Doc does come to run with me he will meet my Dad. My Dad is about 350lbs. Maybe they can have a chat. My Dad could really benefit from the lapband. He is being stubborn. I don't know how to show him. I just know I had hit rock bottom and reached the point where I knew I had to admit I need help. My dad is 50 and I am real worried about his heart. I saw a 23 year old in the hospital dying because he was 500 pounds and his heart was failing. It is very much a reality. The way his case was discussed was disgusting to me. People don't understand. My dad told me he was feeling sick a few weeks ago and bought a pack of Cookies called the big sixty. He threw it away once he felt better but after he had chowed down. I told him my doc is trying to show me ways to cope without the big sixty. He took it well but I could tell it was something he hadn't considered. A few years ago he had a knee replacement and they had a difficult time waking him up after surgery. We were all crying and worried when they finally let us in to see him. I never want my family to feel that way because of me. Motivation for me to keep on losing. I guess now that I am running I am having alot more contemplation time. Sorry it's spilling out here but maybe it will help someone.
  3. JeweI

    Need a Buddy/Mentor

    My hair is really thick. It did thin a little but never had a bald spot or anything. Just kept sweeping it up. It did freak me out a little but honestly it wasn't that much. Plus I started taking Biotin and it stopped. I am no longer on the biotin and the shedding never returned. I didn't tell many people for the first 10 months. My doc encouraged me to tell people so they could encourage me. I told my entire class (24) and they were amazed. They are also very supportive. They stopped offering me fattening foods and tell me how great I am doing. Only one nay sayer but he was on youtube. I don't feel that this is cheating because I don't belive this is a game. It was my life or death. My skin is just the same as preop. I already had sagging belly from being pregnant. My arms aren't really sagging either. Some people do make it through without the sag. I may save up for a tummy tuck though. Kinda as a reward for turning my life around. 5 years ago I couldn't get out of bed. Now I am in nursing school and losing weight, running. It feels great to be alive again. I love my new life and I haven't even reached goal yet. I can't imagine where I will be then.
  4. I got stuck at 218 and again at 210. I learned that I have to kick up my exercise and be more on target with my food when I get stuck. Hubby just told me last night that the weight seems to be coming off more above the waist.. My hips, thighs and belly aren't going down as fast and I am running. Sorry about the insurance. It is worth it. Just don't get frustrated keep at it. You will break past this wall.
  5. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I can give you my diet for the last week I am low carb. Sat eggs,cheese turkey and cheese egg omlete with sausage and cheese Sugar free candy Sun Protein shake shrimp and salad Chicken, lettuce, sour cream and cheese (kinda like a taco salad) Sugar free popsicle Mon Potein shake tuna turkey tues Protein Shake Fish, salad Sausage Wed Egg and cheese tuna, soy crisp Bunless cheese burger, soy crisp Thursday Protein shake tuna Wings are in the oven as I type. I keep this all written down which has made the differnce in me losing weight and yoyoing. I also have done atleast 30 min of exercise each day. I run a 5k every other day but on my off days I play wii, or tennis or ride a bike. It is kinda my optional day where I get to pick and choose. Keeps it fresh. I hope you can start fresh and not let the past hold you down. I have lost 6 pounds since saturday. Also had a visit with my suregeon and opted not to get a fill.
  6. JeweI

    Would you still have it?

    Try the book "The expert's guide to weightloss surgery" by Dr. Garth Davis. It explains the differnces in the surgeries postop. The lapband has slower results in the begining until you find the sweet spot but most of Dr. Garth's lapband patients learn that food choices and exercise are still important even post op quicker. So in the long run I think the odds of being successful are greater. Plus no dumping which makes you feel really sick. And the band can be adjusted if you feel you are eatting too much. Here is a snippet of Dr. Garth (with the band) Weightloss is slower and it takes place over a longer period of time. Many of my band patients are still losing two and three years out- they've kept losing long after the bypass patients have leveled off, which means they lose less muscle. This is why I went with the band. I don't regret it. I haven't had a perfect journey but I am still traveling.
  7. I am thrilled with Dr. Cywes. No matter where I am when I come in he knows just what I need (not want) to hear. If it wasn't for him and his staff I would have given up and this is my last chance. I feel incredible support from them all. He is cheering me on to save my life.
  8. JeweI

    Need a Buddy/Mentor

    Also I have been married 11.5 years and have a 6 year old.
  9. JeweI

    Need a Buddy/Mentor

    Hi swan, My name is JeweI I am 29 and had surgery 1/4/10. I was on preop diet during thanksgiving and christmas last year. My Doc had me on preop diet from my very first visit. I lost 18 pounds preop. I was so nervous and afraid I was gonna bolt out of the preop unit. The anesthesiologist said he would give me something to calm me down. A minute later I woke up and my surgery was done. It happens so fast. I was up and walking around right away. The nurse said if I peed I could go home, So I went right away and did. I am also a nursing student so now I understand why. If you like you can see some videos I posted to youtube. I explain how I am feeling all along the way.The surgery is just a day in your life. The changes that you are getting ready to make will change our life. I never regret this decision. I aslo had this perfect plan that I would lose 100 pounds in 1 year. But I was filled too tight and had an unfill. I got of track for a few months but am rebuilding my habits. And have gotten back to a sweet spot. I say this just so you know there will be hicups along the way but it is all worth it. I am down 56 pounds and will be running my first 5k in 2 weeks. Feel free to ask me any questions and tell me how your feeling. I hope we can be great buddies and encourage each other throughout this year.
  10. JeweI


    I love going to Helen GA, Did you eat at the BBQ place? By the water slides.
  11. JeweI

    Need some answers please

    Sounds like your doing fine. I never blended anything but a margarita. Always do what your doc says. Some people do blend but my doc didn't instruct me to and I did fine.
  12. JeweI

    Oh man...What did I do...

    Bandster hell is the hunger period before your first fill. DON'T try to wash the food down by drinking. It will backup just like a clogged pipe. I use to lay down. Not much else you can do. You feeling of fullness will be much faster and very differnt from before. It took me awhile to realize what the feeling was. Eat slowly and you will notice the feeling and learn to look for it. If you start feeling alot of saliva being produced better get in the bathroom.
  13. JeweI

    10 Days post op

    Does your doc want you countin protein yet? In the begining it is hard to get it in. Tuna is great for protein. You sound like your doing great except for the hip. I didn't have hip problems so I can't offer any advice.
  14. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    LOL Wow, they look beautiful and natural . Cute tradition. I gotta find one.
  15. Down 5 pounds this morning.

  16. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Morning Everyone, Cheri, I am so sorry to hear about the struggles your kids are faceing and the death of such a young person. But so proud of you for reaching out to touch their lives. She was here for such a short time but her and her sister were better off for knowing you just as we are. I woke up 5 pounds lighter this morning. Hoping to reach onederland by new years. Only 6 pounds and I will be 199. I really kicked myself into gear this week. I am tired of letting myself down and being disappointed. If I gotta step it up a notch to keep going down then I am gonna do it. All these bad food choices don't make me happy one bit. Why do I keep getting in the trap? I am adding onto my excercise. My family and I are going to play tennis tonite. I also scored a $400 dollar bike for $50. So on my days off from running I will do some lighter excercise. Had a Doc appt yesterday. My Doc was thrilled with how well I am doing. He even made a deal with me. He will run my first 5K with me if I will join his office in doing the Gate River Run in April. He really wants me to develop this running as a way for me to cope instead of eatting.
  17. JeweI

    Down 5 pounds this morning.

    Changed things up and got back on the ball.
  18. We aren't all completely gung ho about this all the time. Most of us lose motivation. When the motivation is gone habits will kick in (wether they are good or bad). So start developing the habits you need to be successful. Start doing things you did at the begining like logging your food and excercise. Counting your Water. Even if you are not doing 100 % what you should it gives you a starting point to work on. If you had 3 glasses of water today aim for 4 tommorrow. If you had 2 cups today try 1 3/4 cups tommorrow. I had been stuck from June until last month. I started back excercising on a schedule. Planning meals. I am on a losing trend again. Make a plan, try your best to follow it, record, improve each day. The key for me is to make it automatic. I don't make food choices when I am hungry. They have already been made and written down earlier in the week. Also having someone review my food log keeps me motivated to stick to the plan. The nutritionist at my doc office is good about it. I also have fall back plans. If life happens and I end up not having time to cook for me and my family we go somewhere I KNOW will have a wise and yummy choice for me. I have learned not to expect my weightloss journey to go perfectly. We will slip and stumble just keep going though. Also remember this is something that is achievable and you can be the one to achieve it. I love this quote and it goes along with what I am saying. ‎"The will to win means nothing if you haven't the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa, 1989 NYC Marathon winner. Prepare to do it is the first step. Good luck to you and feel free to pm me if you wanna talk more.
  19. JeweI

    Week 46

  20. JeweI

    Nov 2010

    From the album: Progress

  21. JeweI

    Sept 2010

    From the album: Progress

  22. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hello gang, wow wee what a change on here. Just an update finals are coming and I am studying alot. School is going great. A's and B's in all 4 classes right now. Registered for next semester last week. I will be taking psych for the first 8 weeks and the adult health the second 8 weeks. I need 12 credits to be considered full time for my grants and only have 10. So, I decided to add in an aerobics class for the last 2 credits. Ball room dancing was full lol. I had some doubts about making it through this but their gone. I have had 3 med changes this semester. Last week I told the doc I am falling asleep in class still and mentioned my weightloss during the visit. I guess I failed to mention it before. She lowered my doses because they were calculated for a 260lb women. Feel great since. Weighed myself this morning and lost 3 pounds. My goal is to hit onderland by new years. 9 pounds to go. I did well on thanksgiving and sent all the junk to hubbys work afterwards. I am planning and logging my foods again. Starting with the basics. I have another fill appt tuesday and the doc wants me at 205 by then. Boy am I cutting it close. Since my med change last week though I am feeling much more alert and in control. It is helping in many ways. Jake is doing awesome. Don is back on day shift and filling in for the boss who is out of town. He is working quite a bit but happy it's not at night. I am also doing great with the 5k training. I actually completed the 5k in 50 min today. My first 5k is schedule for Dec 11 so until then I am gonna get my time down. My brother (bubba) is running it with me. My other brother (Scott) is coming for a visit and wants to do one with me in Jan while in town. My family is really starting to support me on this. Going to take a trip after christmas with the inlaws. She has asked me what food I would like during the trip. I told her it will be changing depending on my fill. (sometimes things don't go right when I am tighter). I think I will just bring my own and tell her not to fuss over it. It would probably be just a little bit anyway. I think the hardest part is there is so much temptation when traveling with someone else. Lots of snack foods that I don't let in my house. Last trip I was so tight I spent alot of time looking for privacy to PB. It was right before my unfill. I have to really guard myself from falling into that trap again. Maybe eat at different times to avoid the excitement of everyone talking. I know this is MY problem not there's. I am just not good at this yet. I allow these little obstacles to become my excuse to give in. Planning is key. Sorry I have so much to say. Only you guys understand though. My hubby can't understand why I need a sign on the fridge to remind me to choose wisely. Or a no fastfood sign in the car. I am training myself to have thoughts that will become automatic eventually. Ok signing off. Hope you guys have a great time over the holidays.
  23. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Thank you so much Cheri. I was thinking maybe my personality was split. I am pretty happy around people and I love that side of me. When I get inside myself though it is not so happy. So I avoid doing that. But my Doc went there and it really upset me. We didn't really have much of a relationships "or repore" at that point. I felt invaded. He did apologize later and now I feel like we have a good give and take. He does really seem to think though that I am severly depressed. He actually asked permission to inspect my arms for cutting. Makes me wonder what in the world he is seeing. I don't feel even close to being that bad. My head is such a mess sometimes that I try to use other people kinda like a mirror. I can't always judge if my feelings and thoughts are normal or because of my illness. So I look for proof outside myself that I am not out of line. If it is real bad I'll ask my husband if it sounds legit. Usually people around me see me slipping before I realize it so I try to listen to people when they get concerned. I am thinking though that maybe my doc just saw my mental diagnosis and is over reacting. I also remind myself to fake it till I make it. Also regarding meds, I was really struggling taking them because I would fall asleep in class. Went to the doc and she said the dose was probably too high because I lost so much weight. We are still working on finding the right dose but I still feel way better than I did before I ever started them. Welcome, I know when life starts to beat us down we can feel like losers but nothing you just told us actually showed me you are a loser. You've taken some hard knocks but haven't given up. That is the path to success. I have lost the same 5 pounds over and over in the past 3 months. Actually went to the doc and told his staff "I quit". Then she asked well where do you think that path will take you? So I lost that same 5 pounds again and am working on breaking through to the next pound lost. I was too tight at one point and it made it very hard for me to make the right decision regarding food. I got unfilled and haven't had any restriction until last week. It is hard to take an unfill but once your too tight it is needed. Just take it as another step in the journey. In the end you will still reach your destination. Congrats on the new grandchild. I must have missed that announcement. My hair naturally is a dull brown color. I was blonde as a child but it got real dark when I hit my teens. I loved having it blonde but It was very hard to do myself. Hubby was having sticker shock when I mentioned the price to have it done by a professional. I went and got it cut and the lady who did it recommended chocolate so I tried it and love it. Not as much as the blonde but still really happy with it. My son has been going to my appointments with me because my school schedule and the doctors schedule only allow me to go in the afternoon. My doc runs 2-3 hours late sometimes and I can't get to the school in time to pick Jake up. So I just pick him up early and take him with me. I am very frustrated with waiting like that all the time. My year with him is almost up and I am considering a Fill center. Need to do more research on there patient satisfaction and safety before I decide.
  24. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks for the support everyone. Apples I think you hit the nail on the head. Only I can truly judge how I am doing. This doctor brought up alot of shit from my past that I like to leave there and move on. He pulled it out of me right in front of my son and one of his new employees. Now they all think I am an emotional mess. He actually said I am "emotionally fragile". Really it is just the one subject that gets me upset like that. I take his word for it because he is a doctor. I need to have more confidence in my own opinion of myself.
  25. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hey gang, Just checking in. Everything is going really well right now. I am getting a little bit of a rest from all the school work. Getting ready for it to kick back up again though. My grades are pretty good. I am usually above average compared to the rest of the class. I can't wait for this semester to end. It is the most difficult of them all. Atleast that's what the professors say. I think it's because we are trying to balance 4 classes. Next semester will be differnt. I just can't believe I have come this far. If I woke up tommorrow and had to drop out I would still be very proud for making it to this point. Had a fill tuesday. Lost another 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks. The doc is happy with my progress as far as weight goes. He just thinks my mentality is screwed up. How do you build self esteem for yourself? I don't really know how to stop feeling the way I feel. How is it my classmates describe me as "happy all the time" and yet my doc can see right through it. Don't know but I got alot to think about. That new therapist I tried awhile back was horrible. My hubby even tried her out and agrees with me. So I quit going. I really miss my old one. She left town though I am considering driving out to see her. Maybe if my surgeon had seen how bad off I was 3 years ago he would understand the progress I have made. Jake is doing great on the new dose of adderall. No more complaints from school. We are talking with a therapist about that too. Miss yall.

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