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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JeweI

  1. JeweI


    Hi Airforce.wife Nice to meet you. Congrats on your quick approval. I also have PCOS and was close to getting diabetes. I was banded on the 4th of Jan 2010. I am also a nursing student and have already started back into school and stuff. I started at 260 but am now 240. I have choosen to keep my surgery private also. I told my MIL because she lives with us and I couldn't hide it. She has taken it upon herself to inform the rest of the family. She is just ignorant about how it feels to be large. That is really why I have choosen not to talk about it with anyone but my husband. Several people have called me and asked "is your surgery working yet?". I try to be nice about it but I just don't want to discuss my weight and justify why I decided to do this. Good luck on your journey.
  2. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Good job on the 7 pounds. It does feel good to be on track. Hey ladies, Just doing my check in for the day. I had an egg for breakfast, tilapia for lunch and just had chicken sprinkled with cheese for dinner. I have been hungry all day and never did get full from dinner tonite. My doc says only 3 meals a day but I am finding that hard to stick too. I am so hungry. I have been chewing gum and drinking alot trying to ward off the hunger pangs. It's not working. I did have a snack today of some turkey. My Doc said this would happen but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I thought he ment next week or so. I hope it's not like this til I get my first fill. After being hungry all day I did decide that at dinner I would try to eat more. I hope this helps. I had probably a cup and a half of chicken. I never did reach full but everyone else was done so I stopped. It does take me alot longer to eat than everyone else. I noticed that I was hungry in class the past few days but since I was home today and yesterday it seems to be stronger. Alot harder to say no when I have full access to the pantry and fridge. Other than being hungry I have felt little pain today. I spent all day studying and it was easier to concentrate than last semester. I think the weightloss and diet is making it easier. I am not constantly falling asleep anymore. I have more energy during the day. I already feel better than I did in November when I first started.
  3. JeweI

    Low carb, Bandster hell

    Well It has been almost 2 weeks for me now. I am on soft foods. Yes, my Doc cleared me for it already. My first 2 meals of soft foods I threw up. Now, I can eat and eat and eat and I want to eat. I have no restriction and because I had those carbs the other day I am craving them. I am still trying to kick those carbs. I know It will take a few days for the cravings to stop so for now I am toughing it out. I am 12 days post op and have lost 8 pounds for a total of 20. My Doc wants me down 4 more pounds by Feb 9. He says I need to pick up the pace. I gained a bit post op and from eatting those carbs last week. Now that the swelling has gone down and I have little to no restriction I am hungry alot. My doc told me only 3 meals a day but I am finding that hard to stick too. I want snacks about 2 hours after I eat. I am gonna try eatting more during my meals and seeing if that will help me last until the next one. I am also doing alot of reading/studying. It just seems to increase my hunger. I am trying to adjust to my new school schedule too. Fiqureing out when I am gonna eat my 3 meals each day. Doc says to plan them so you don't catch yourself in the drive through. I bought some soups that had about 10 carbs per serving. It was the lowest I could find. I think that's what I'll be taking to school to eat between class. Just once a week. The other days are shorter so I won't need to take a meal. Bandster Hell, So this is what it feels like. I hope it doesn't get any worse. I guess from being on liquids and now having no restriction I am hungry all the time. My doc told me I would feel this way but to stick to the program. maybe we will have dinner early tonite.LOL
  4. I am in school to and started back a week after surgery. Now is almost 2 weeks and I feel great. Just a little ache here and there but I use the liquid tylenol too. I had the shoulder pain from the moment I woke up. It is fading and I only have it at night. Just a little bit. Congrats on your surgery.
  5. JeweI

    Having surgery 01/14/10

    You have done a great job and you look fabulous. Ditto on the gas pain. It is the worst part of the whole thing but it fades each day. They gave me meds to help. It is tolerable. So don't be afraid of it. Walk around after surgery. It helps.
  6. JeweI


    My husband was very against this at first but now He thinks it was such a great thing for me to do. The more he learns about the surgery the more supportive he is. He is so proud and excited that I am losing weight. Achieving my dreams really. I never had any hope that I could live a healthy vibrante life until my doc mentioned the lapband too me. Now I can actually envision my self smaller, healthier and with more energy. I am 12 days post op and already feel the transformation happening. I have lost 20 pounds, 8 since surgery. It is so much easier for me to get up in the morning. I am not falling asleep all the time. It has gotten easier for me to take care of myself. I have more motivation. This surgery has already changed my life. I never want to go back to the way I was a few months ago. I was so sleepy and tired and just couldn't get my studying done. Couldn't think clearly. Don't give up on all these possabilities. Tell your husband it is not just a matter of what size you are but a matter of how you feel. He doesn't know what it is like for us to walk into a room full of people or meet a new person. Being fat is more than just on your body it's in your head. Can I fit in this seat? Is my deodorant still working? Am I the fattest person here? Do they think I am a pig? lazy? I think I have fat brain. Which makes me uncomfortable everywhere I go for some reason or another. Now, I see a light at the end of the tunnel. One day I will be just like anyone else and won't stand out because I am fat but because I am beautiful and brilliant. It is alot of hard work but now I can see myself reaching my goal. Prelapband I never even dreamed of it. Good luck to you.
  7. Hey Jaxmom, glad to hear you are doing so well. I am 12 days post op and down 8 pounds. I gained about 5 after surgery so I lost that and then some.


    My post op diet was clear liquids for 2 days, full liquids for another 5 days, Soft foods for 7 then, I am back onto my regular diet. All of these stages are low carb though. Right now I am on soft foods. I can have almost anything except raw vegtables and really tough meats like steaks and stuff. I am starting to feel like I have no resitriction also. My first two soft meals I got stuck but now I can eat without any problems. I am hungry all the time though. My Doc told me this would happen and that I would need to be really strict on myself. Once the swelling goes down you won't have any restriction until your first or second fill. My first fill will be Feb 9th.


    9 pounds lost is great. Alot of people gain during the first few weeks after surgery. Really your doing great because the band is not yet doing it's job.

  8. JeweI

    January 2010 bandsters...

    I was banded on the 4th. Today is day 11 post op and I feel great. A little tender near my port but I am back into my regular routine. My doc gave me approval to eat soft foods now. So no more jello for me. For those of you who are in pain and hungry now just know that it will pass. This is only temporary and it's for a good cause.
  9. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Well I haven't gotten stuck since the first day. I feel pretty good. I slept on my tummy last night and this morning when I got off of my stomach I had this terrible muscle burning sensation where my stiches are (not the port area, the other stiches). I didn't have any shoulder pain when I ate today. I am starting to feel pretty hungry. The reason my doc moved me to soft foods so fast is because he doesn't want me eatting mushies. Stuff like mashed potatoes and grits tend to have high carbs and he is passionately against carbs. Yesterday, I had half an egg for breakfast, turkey for lunch and chicken for dinner. I am trying to get more water in me. I know I am not drinking nearly enough. My husbands boss has been asking my hubby a million questions about my surgery. He is wanting to save up and do it too. His insurance won't cover it though. Everyday my hubby gets to work his boss ask how I am doing lol. Curiosity.
  10. JeweI

    What I didn't expect post op.

    I am 2 days post op and my weight is up 2 pounds though I have been on clear liquids. I was getting concerned about it but then someone mentioned that it was from all the swelling. That sounds good and makes me feel better. I didn't want to go to the doc on tuesday after gaining weight. I hope it goes back down. I also didn't expect to be in so much pain. Everyone I have talked to says it was not that painful. To be honest, I hurt. I thought I was doing well so I skipped my pain meds. That was a huge mistake. Now I am taking the pain meds and gas-x and am able to move so much easier. Just remember not to drive while taking these meds. I do feel much better with the pain meds so don't let the pain deter you.
  11. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I guess my lack of food intake yesterday paid off. I was down a whole 2 more pounds this morning. Making a total of 20 pounds. Felt good after having such a tough day yesterday. I even managed to get some food in me today. Half an egg for breakfast and chicken for lunch and dinner. Don't have room for anything else but protein. I guess yesterday I ate too much too fast. I ate really slow today waiting for the full signal. I never got it at dinner but didn't want to push it. I did feel some gas pain though so I just stopped and took some tylenol. School has got me really busy I am taking 3 classes and will be on campus 4 days a week. I have a ton of reading to do already. I hate the feeling of being behind. The people in my classes also seem more serious about school than last semester. More competition for the nursing program. I hope everyone is doing well. I really do apreciate all your support. I can't wait to meet most of you in Feb.
  12. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry I have been MIA the past 2 days. School started yesterday and I have quite a load this semester. I had my post op appt today. The doc said I should have lost more weight post op. He also said to expect to slip up sometimes but don't give up. I did eat some soup with carbs in it post op so I know thats why I wasn't down as much as he was expecting. I had a tough day today. The doc cleared me to go into the soft food stage. So I tried eatting somethings that were on his list of "soft foods". I know I am suppose to chew, chew, chew. I was so scared of getting stuck I really felt like I had chewed enough but apparently I didn't. I got stuck both at lunch and at dinner. What a horrible feeling. I thought I was gonna die. I ate dinner with my son so he kinda freaked out when everything came back out. Shesh, I freaked out. I am feeling really discouraged right now. I guess breaking up (with food) really is hard to do. I just want to get a big bowl of mashed potato's and go at it. Even that would hurt though. Anyway, I will just get up in the morning and try try again. Being a fat chick I guess I'll fiqure out how to get some food in me. I think I am gonna use the blender on my food a bit. I am really sore too from all the swallowing, gaging and everything else. Too sore to eat anything tonite. I did resume excercising on sunday. My incisions look good. I didn't even need tylenol today until after dinner. I am back to sleeping on my tummy. I am healing from the surgery now it is time to do the work.
  13. JeweI

    First week in bandland

    It has been a week now since my band was installed. I called the Doc office to find out why I was in so much pain, turns out they had to use more gas to inflate me than usual. Hence, more gas pains. I still had some this morning but they are bearable. Other than burping I haven't really been passing gas. So I am not sure where it is getting off too. I have really struggled this week food wise. Up until the surgery I had great control over what I was eatting but by day 4 post op I was trying potato soup and chicken noodle soup. I just struggled to stick to the protein shakes and liquids. My Doc will be real upset to know I was eatting those carbs. My weight did go up a bit but today it is back down to 246 which is -14 for me. I had gotten down -18 presurgery. Post surgery I was -16 from all the swelling. I am sticking to the liquids today and tomorrow will start soft foods. I am not gonna give up anymore of my -14 pounds to carbs. I did start my workout again yesterday and today. My Doc only ask for 10-15 minutes of excercise to begin with. I can handle that on my Wii. Pre op I was doing 30 min and hope to get back to it in a few weeks when the tenderness goes away. I also started school again today. It went pretty well. Just gotta get buckled down again and get some reading done. I switched campuses this semester and today felt a little out of place. Everyone seemed to already know each other pretty well. Plus, I got the feeling like I would have a little more competition. The professor did say we would be dissecting a fetal pig this semester. It should be and intresting course. It was a little confusing as far as class schedule goes though. When she wants everything turned in. I'll catch on.
  14. JeweI

    First week in bandland

    It has been a week now since my band was installed. I called the Doc office to find out why I was in so much pain, turns out they had to use more gas to inflate me than usual. Hence, more gas pains. I still had some this morning but they are bearable. Other than burping I haven't really been passing gas. So I am not sure where it is getting off too. I have really struggled this week food wise. Up until the surgery I had great control over what I was eatting but by day 4 post op I was trying potato soup and chicken noodle soup. I just struggled to stick to the protein shakes and liquids. My Doc will be real upset to know I was eatting those carbs. My weight did go up a bit but today it is back down to 246 which is -14 for me. I had gotten down -18 presurgery. Post surgery I was -16 from all the swelling. I am sticking to the liquids today and tomorrow will start soft foods. I am not gonna give up anymore of my -14 pounds to carbs. I did start my workout again yesterday and today. My Doc only ask for 10-15 minutes of excercise to begin with. I can handle that on my Wii. Pre op I was doing 30 min and hope to get back to it in a few weeks when the tenderness goes away. I also started school again today. It went pretty well. Just gotta get buckled down again and get some reading done. I switched campuses this semester and today felt a little out of place. Everyone seemed to already know each other pretty well. Plus, I got the feeling like I would have a little more competition. The professor did say we would be dissecting a fetal pig this semester. It should be and intresting course. It was a little confusing as far as class schedule goes though. When she wants everything turned in. I'll catch on.
  15. JeweI

    Explaining the weight loss

    Your not giving yourself enough credit. You have worked hard for this and you are being honest when you say that. Don't feel like you have to tell people if your uncomfortable telling. Many people have this surgery but don't do the work involved. Be proud that you workout and eat right. Congrats on all your hard work paying off.
  16. One thing I always do is put up roadblocks. When I set my mind to do something I assume that everything is going to go against me getting it done. Usually, I am wrong. So when my Doc suggested the band I was surprised when everything fell into place for it to happen. Anyway, my point is we tend to put up all these roadblocks in our heads and worry about things that are never going to happen. If you do have a PCP who doesn't want to work with you on losing weight then I would recomend you try another. Your not automatically locked in to seeing this PCP. Just think of it as you interviewing him/her to see if the 2 of you can work together. I went to a doc one time because I had acne all over. I had never had this before so I knew something was not right. I had just moved to town so didn't have a PCP yet. This doc told me I needed to go to the dermatologist and learn proper hygiene. So I decided she wasn't the right doc for me. My current doc did some test and discovered the acne was from PCOS, put me on metformin and now my skin is clear. You have a choice in who is your PCP and in your own treatment.
  17. JeweI


    I hope your doc can give you some answers. Try not to compare yourself to others though. This is your personal journey and you will have your own bumps and victories. Some of us will be up while others are down. Thats why we are all here to support each other. Sorry you feel disappointed so far. You are doing a good thing by keeping that food journal. After that fill it may be you on here next week so excited about your weightloss. Keep at it.
  18. JeweI


    I am allowed chicken and beef broth, Jello, Water, Propel and SF popsicles as far as Clear Liquids go. I have now moved into full liquids which means I can have Protein Shakes. Don't freak out about the diet. It is there for a reason. My Doc required it so my liver would shrink. I think it is worth it to get the band. Plus, it will help start the weightloss. I am not gonna tell you it is easy but I do believe it is worth it. Keep your eye on the prize.
  19. JeweI

    Pre-op diet -- not losing!

    My Doc said the same thing. If I didn't lose he would cancel the surgery. Between my 1st and 2nd appt I lost 6.5 pounds (2 months). Between the 2nd and 3rd I lost .5(1 week). Between the 3rd and my surgery I lost 9(10 days). Sticking to the diet was really hard for me at first but the closer I got to surgery the more determined I was to lose the weight. I was down a total of 18 pounds but have gained some this past week post op. The reason my doc wanted my weight going down was because in his opinion that meant my liver was shrinking. If it went up then my liver would be to large for him to attempt surgery. He told me he has done over 4000 surgeries and only had to bail on 6 because the liver was in bad shape. All of thos 6 had gained weight, one had gained only 3 pounds and the liver was just cracking and bleeding. He had me on a low carb diet from our first meeting up to now. Then I had Clear liquids 2 days pre and post surgery. My advice is to do whatever it takes to get your weight down so they can get this band in. Exercise and balance your diet and cut those calories. I use to believe it was impossible for me to lose weight. I hope your not feeling that way now. Don't give into that thinking. I want you to know that it is possible and you are strong enough to do this. Keep a food journal. I use the one at lapband.com.
  20. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone, Just checking in. The gas pains I feel this morning are not near as bad as before. They seem to come just when I have a protein shake. The gas-x takes care of them though. So otherwise I am feeling good and may do my Wii a bit when my son takes a nap. I have gained 5 pounds and I am nervous about what my Doc is gonna say about it. He has a reputation for being blunt and I am a weinie.
  21. JeweI

    GAS Pain...

    It is pain in your left clavicle area. I have had it since the moment I woke up from surgery and still have it on and off today, which is day 5 post op. It hurts when I inhale or move the wrong way. I am taking Gas-x for it. Which does seem to help temporarily. I have been burping but not actually passing gas. Burping hurts too. I have talked to some people who haven't had it at all so it seems to vary. I called my Doc's office to ask why it was so severe for me. They told me they had to use more gas on me than usual. Otherwise it wouldn't be so bad. I just keep reminding myself that this too is temporary and survivable. Good luck to you.
  22. I had them from the moment I woke up from the surgery and am still having them 5 days post op. The Gas-x does help temporarily. I called the doc's office and I asked why I was having them so bad and they told me that they had to use more gas on me than usual. So my experience with it is a little extreme. Strange thing is other than a little burbing, I haven't really been passing gas. Let me know how your doing too,ok?

  23. JeweI

    Post Op Day 4

    I was banded in Northeast Florida. In Jacksonville Memorial hospital. The people there were wonderful. The hours leading up to it seemed forever but once I woke up I was ready to walk out of there. One nurse laughed when I told her I was ready to go home but 30 mins later I was out of there. My husband gets quezzy in hospitals so I tried to get him out before he got sick. What a man.
  24. JeweI

    2 of 3 incisions

    From the album: Before

  25. JeweI

    Before 1

    From the album: Before

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
