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Everything posted by JeweI

  1. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks Eve, I know you are so right about upsetting the apple cart. I think I made a typo somewhere. I am going to leave to visit my bro on Sat morning. I am so excited but at the same time feeling some school pressure. I have some things due in school the week I get back so I guess I will be taking school work with me. I am gonna work on it as much as possible before I go. Hopefully I will get some relaxing time in. Just wanna hold that new baby.
  2. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Julie, so glad things are improving for you. You deserve it. Sparkle, thanks so much for helping me put things in perspective. I guess I am getting overwhelmed at aiming for perfection. I fell down the stairs again this morning. Thankfully I am not hurt too bad. Just rug burnt on my ankle and foot. Hubby did end up with the day off today and MIL canceled her request that we move her stuff today because she thought it was going to rain. We did get a little shopping done but we gotta wait til his bonus comes in to get the big ticket items we need. We still need a recliner and mattresses. I may end up buying an air matresses til we can get a regular one. Right now we are sleeping on my MIL mattresses. Gotta get in some studying tonite. I have an exam in anatomy in the morning.
  3. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks Linda. Julie, Glad to hear you are getting some answers. Hope they can take care of this for you. Had teeball this morning. Jake is improving with every week he plays. He is even learning to pay more attention. We decided to take him out of karate for now and after the move sign him up at another karate place near our new place. I feel like I am fizzeling out when it comes to my commitment to diet. I use to make few exceptions to my docs rules and now I find myself making them more and more often. My weight is swinging up and down all the time. I guess I am just going slower now than I did at the begining. So much is going on but I need to make myself more of a priority. Taking care of myself with diet and excercise is important and I need to refocus on it. My doc said all his successful patients go through slumps once and again. I just gotta get back up. I am also in a slump at school. I am sure being sick has played a role in it but I gotta get over it and move on. Hubby is working tommorrow plus his bonus didn't come on time so no shopping for us tommorrow. Plus, no moving the inlaws furniture either. I will only be here this week, then out of town for a week then moving. So I won't have to deal with these frustrations much longer. Our contract on our cell phones expires in may. I will be getting a new one but hubby won't.He has a work phone but we think it will help keep the mil calls to a minimum. Plus we are currently under my inlaws plan. Meaning we owe them every month for cell service. It will be nice to break that and be responsible for it on our own. Mil feels like she has a right to know all our finances because we live here and pay them for some of our bills. She ask about it all the time. It wasn't like this until we went to seminary. We use to have a normal relationship. Once we went to seminary and she began sending us "support" she crossed the line. I just hope that setting some boundaries will help correct things.
  4. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks everyone for letting me vent. All of you are such an encouragement. I miss yall when I get busy and don't check in. My fill today went well. I only lost a total of 4 pounds the past 3 weeks. I really have lost alot more than that but I keep gaining back. Like I said last week totaled a 7 pound loss alone. It is just swinging right now. My doc handled it decently. He had 2 other surgeons come in with him who are considering learning to do the procedure. He explained alot to me for their benefit and mine. Basically we all slip but we gotta keep at it. I also got another 100 dollars from the lapband study I joined. Really came at a good time.
  5. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning everyone, I am busy busy and busy. Getting my packing done. But still things are tense around here. My inlaws have their own house and a house owned by the church. They actually live in the one owned by the church and in june will be allowing missionaries on furlow to use the house they actually own. Now that we are moving out MIL in panicking and telling us we need to move her furniture for the missionaries too. We have so much on our plate right now that I think it needs to wait. She wants it done sunday even though they won't be here for another 2-3 months. My husband won't tell her no but he wants to gripe about it to me. If hubby is off on sunday then we have things we need to do for ourselves. We still need some furniture so it will be a good time for us to peruse thrift stores and outlets trying to find what we need. I just tell myself it is almost over. Really I only have 1 week left here because I will be out of town after that then moving. Also still having troubles with karate at my sons school. I have been going the past few weeks because he refuses to go without me. I have seen that the children are just going wild in there, knocking each other down and kicking each other. Tuesday a girl was kicking another child so I asked her to stop. Her Dad came in and got very upset and threatened me that I had better not get onto his child again. So we called the school and told them we are taking jake out of karate and just why and also explained that I was threatened by another parent. They are begging us not to take him out the director said she was going to start going to karate to see whats happening in there. We aren't sure what to do. Jake hates going now and it has become a safety issue. Should we be forcing him to go? Even seeing that we are uncomfortable with it. He has worked hard in there and is only 2 months away from getting his blue belt. I do want him to get the reward for his hard work but not getting hurt in the proccess. I also feel like the school is ignoring the fact that this man threatened me. What should I expect them to do though? My weight is fluctuating like crazy. I lost 7 pounds last week, from sunday to sunday. I am going to the doc friday for a fill and am concerned that I have gained 5 since sunday. It is looking as though I haven't lost any weight since my last fill. I bought a new love seat yesterday. I got it from a thrift store but it looks brand new. We decided to get a loveseat and recliner instead of a couch. We think it will fit the space better. I am so excited to be getting out on our own again. I also got some new dishes. The kmart closest to us is closing so everything was marked way down. We get our keys on the 10th. We will be moving all our boxes and the on the 15th someone has offered to help us move the furniture. So our official first day in the new place will be the 15th. Well, I gotta get off to school. Thursdays are my long days at school. I don't get home till 9:30-10:00pm.
  6. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Woke up sick again this morning, uggh. Woke up at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep. I just have so much on my mind (plate). We are moving when I get back from my brothers so I have 2 weeks to get everything ready to go. The past 2 moves I was in tears the whole time because I was stressed out. Hopefully things will be better this time. I have been feeling better lately, though, I do still feel over stressed by the move. I just feel flooded by all the new "to do's". My husband keeps reminding me though that it will so be worth it. It is just a few weeks and then we will be sitting in the jacuzzi relaxing. I need to remember all that I have accomplished lately and that I can do this.
  7. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang, I wasn't sure how my teacher would react to my story either so I just said I had car trouble. She did let me retake it today. I think I did well on it. I have another exam thursday. With all this moving business I have been so distracted from school. I gotta get back on it and find a balance between housework, school, moving, motherhood and banded life. You guys are right though. I do think a little organization would help. We got approval for the apartment today. I am so thrilled but am starting to look at the big picture of everything I am trying to accomplish. Babysteps, delegation and organization gotta focus on that. My husband wants me to go through all the boxes that we have in storage and throw things away we don't need. I actually declined that job. That would mean unpacking, repacking and unpacking again. I already threw a ton away when we moved in and besides when I am unpacking in our new apartment if I find something I don't want I can get rid of it then. My family thinks I have so much time on my hands because I don't have a job but I am busting my chops here. I am gonna make a list of things for Don to do on his next 2 days off. He said if I made a list he would work on it so we will see. I got a b+ on my film paper. I knew it was a little weak but I had alot of work to do. I really did put alot of effort and research into it. I just don't feel like I am learning anything new in that class. I don't even want to go to it anymore. I am just not a writer. Don't enjoy it at all. I finally am losing weight again. I think the sweet tea really was killing my weight loss efforts. I just started craving it. I just let things slide. So I will get back into the habit of making a todo list everynight and stick to it. Planning my meals too.
  8. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning ladies, Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I tried posting yesterday but then lost it and had to run. Life has been crazy. My son had his first teeball game saturday. I loved watching every minute of it. I made a little video about it. You can click on the link in my signature if you wanna see it. My Mil went on vacation last weekend and has been a huge...grouch... since she got back. She is being a pain about giving Jacob a ride to and from school now. At the begining of th school year she was so insistant that she do it. She kept saying that I was "to sick" (crazy) to take Jacob to school. So we enrolled him somewhere close to where she works. Now she is flaking out about it and we are having to make a 2 hour round trip to pick him up. So anyway, with all the trouble we are going through with the situation we decided to go ahead and move. We are not waiting till June. We need to be close to his school so we don't depend on her for transportation anymore. We looked at places all week within our budget. Until we finally found an apartment yesterday that was not run down. It is beautiful. It also has a pool, fitness center, and jogging trails. We will be moving out as soon as I get back from visiting my brother over spring break. I really believe this move is going to be a huge leap in my lapband journey. I will be in charge of what groceries are coming in the house and how things are cooked. Plus, I will have more flexability with getting my workout in. Not to mention all the other pluses that come with living on your own. I am so excited to finally be moving on. I had school and an exam this morning but my husband took my car keys to work with him. So my day is all messed up now. I hope I can retake this test. So that's all my craziness right now.
  9. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Boy I am sore this morning. My abs and thighs certainly got a workout yesterday. One thing I like about the C25k is you workout one day and rest the next. Then you rest all weekend. I was so sleepy last night I went to bed @ 8:30. As soon as Jake was in bed. I told my husband I found a track at school and used it yesterday. He said "you ran in front of people?". He knows me all too well. I was hoping there was no one there but there were 2 women and a man using the track. I didn't pass the women much but the man was shuffling along. Barely walking at all so I passed him several times. I was anxious about it the first time around but after that I was so sweaty and heated it didn't matter much to me. I was just trying to get to the next step. Thanks NYSparkle for the proverb. I am hoping for a change in luck this go round. Well off to micro. Have a great day.
  10. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Birthday Arlene And Happy Rebirthday to NYSparkle tommorrow. I did the C25K day 1 today. I actually did it. I jogged. It was over before I was expecting it to be. It seemed so quick. Not easy but quick. I found out there is a track at my campus. So I did it there. On Wed and Fri I can do it at home (with more shade and privacy). I was a little self conscience about my butt bouncing around behind me but I forgot about that quickly as I got into the music. I told my MIL about my C25K. I told her I wanted to do it but wasn't confident about it. She was so supportive and said she knew I could it would just take some work. Hubby gave me a look like HUH? a 5k? Then when I explained the conditioning he was supportive too. I am trying to find a 5k to register for so I have a definative goal. I found one in Madiera Beach S. FL. But still trying to find one closer to home so my family can be there. When I get to that point it will be a huge deal for me and I want to have people there to cheer me on and celebrate with me as I cross the finish line. Still trying to talk hubby into a Y membership. I got a paper today from Jake's school about graduation. I almost cried just reading it. He will be graduating from prek. Already! I feel I have missed out on stuff because I got sick and checked out for awhile. I am not ready for him to be in school. My tune will probably change though by the end of our summer together. Alot of changes going on here. Just gotta get through them one day at a time. Looking at the big picture though our life is starting to turn around. We are moving out, Don found a job he loves, I'm in school, adopting a new healthy lifestyle, losing weight. I can't wait to see where we are in 2 years. Don was in school to become and electrician and the minute he graduated things went down hill. He lost his job because he became too expensive. So we moved to NC so he could go to a seminary there. We lived in the dorms with a 2 year old and felt cramped so we bought a house. Then came the drought and my illness at the same time. Don lost his job, dropped out of school and we lost our house. Then, we had to move in with his parents. He got a job here but lost it due to lack of work a few months later. I can't wait to be on our own again. It means so much to me. I better get off cause I am tearing up. I am so tired today.
  11. JeweI


    Hey everyone, I was diagnosed with Hypo at the age of 9. My blood sugar stays around 60 and can spike to about 90 if I drink alot of soda. It is always on the low side. I am just curious how well I am going to do on an all liquid diet. If I don't get enough to eat I will crash. I am always exhausted as it is and my endo recommended the lap band. He said I wouldn't be so tired if I lost the weight. I am not sure if he realized the liquid diet that came with it. I am just wondering if I am gonna get in over my head. I am doing carb free diet right now and feel light headed and can't concentrate. My Dad has done low carb for years and says it is sorta like going through withdrawls. After a few days the aching will pass. Any input?
  12. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, I am so sorry. I will keep you in my thoughts this week.
  13. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon Ladies, I am doing well. I decided to start the C25K this week. I was gonna wait till I lost some more weight but I feel if I don't start now I will always have an excuse not to. I need to get more serious about exercising. This will certainly give me a jump start and probably a good nights rest too. I have downloaded some podcast for my mp3 player and copied the workout plan. I am throughly expecting this to be hard but I can do hard things. I plan on doing my C25K on our private road here on Mon and Wed after school and then Fridays. I may end up doing it at the Y. I went and toured it yesterday. They provide childcare while I would workout. Plus the summer camps and pool. They even offer Zumba which I have heard so much about. I really wanna do it. Just trying to talk hubby into it.
  14. The burping feeling is because the area around the band is still swollen and are rubbing together. Popsicles may help with the swelling but it will take time. I have a vlog with videos from my first week everday. And then every week after that. If you watch it you can see what I went through day to day. There is a link in my signature. Blogs and Vlogs really helped me to know what was coming.
  15. I didn't have any lifting restrictions. Just don't do what hurts is what my doc said. I have a 5 year old and he was very understanding and gentle. I am sure you could explain to the 3 year old mommy has a boo boo on her tummy. I would find a sitter for about 3-4 days. I wouldn't put this off. Think off all you are missing out on. How hard is it for you to keep up with them? It will get harder as they get older. For my son's fourth birthday we got him a power wheels harley. He took off down the street on it and didn't hear me yelling for him to stop. I tried chasing him but just couldn't catch him. He almost ended up in traffic. The neihbor saw this happening ran inside to get her teenager to chase him down. I was scared and humiliated all at the same time. There also was another time he ran out of a store into a parking lot. He was scared of the store potty. It is so worth whatever it takes to get this done. Maybe your husband can use a few sick or vacation days. Even if you had someone come to your house and you watch them while they take care of the kids. Your still there just not doing the heavy duty things. A teen would be great for this. They could hand you the baby and you could still feed her/him. Now, that I have the band I realize it is worth everything I have gone through to get it.
  16. JeweI

    How much up front?

    I hade to pay 5500 before my surgery. You really should call and be clear on it. Don't want a huge surprise before your surgery.
  17. JeweI

    The Middle Seat...No Kevin Smith Was Not on The Plane

    I am flying in April. I was nervous about it but now with the band I know it will be manageable. Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy your blogs.
  18. I saw a comment you made on someones blog. You have lost 90 pounds in 9 months? Congratulations and keep up the hard work.

  19. JeweI

    Easter Challenge 3rd Weigh In

    Thanks for doing the spread sheet for us. I gained this week Boo hoo. Hopefully it's water.
  20. JeweI

    Haven't posted for a while

    Congrats on getting that scale to move. When you are feeling down you really should post. That is when you need support the most. We all get that way and understand your frustration.
  21. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    My fill went great. The Doc was thrilled with my progress. I guess I am not giving myself enough credit. I lost 7 pounds the past 3 weeks. I want to lose 14 by easter. That is from a goal I set at valentines. I have about 28 days left and another fill scheduled. I am gonna be cutting it close. I know though without these minigoals I wouldn't be losing as quickly. One lady in my surgeons office was banded the same day as me and has lost 50 pounds. We both started preop about the same time. I am happy for her and feel encouraged by it. I am glad we decided to keep in touch. I know I could be doing more though. If I followed the diet and exercised like I was suppose to I could lose more. That is some of the reason why I wanted to get back into therapy too. I made a huge commitment when I decided to get the lapband and I want to stick to it. My son went with me to the doc and the doc was wonderful to him. My son did misunderstand something the doc said and started crying. My doc was talking to him about my "shot" and Jake thought he was getting one too. I felt so bad for him. My Doc is also a pediatric surgeon and it was intresting to see the difference in how he talks to me and then to Jacob. He told Jacob to take me outside and play football. Then Jake told him "Mommy always gets hurt". Kids say the darndest things. It is hard for me to play with him because I get so winded. I guess he thinks I am hurting. I did decide to take him to the doc and he does have an ear infection. I guess Peas was right when she said she likes to put kids with croupe on antibiotics. I also had him look at Jakes worts. The doc actually told me to put duck tape on them for 3 days then use a file to file them down. What?!?! Do you realize he is 5 and not going to wear duck tape inside the knuckles of his fingers for 3 days? Last time my son was having GI trouble he told me to feed him popcorn and gummy bears, turns out he had shigella. I am starting to think this guy is a little off. It's not even his regular doc but since we just called this morning we took who we could get. It is a beautiful day outside. About 65 degrees, sunny. Great day for a motorcycle ride. My inlaws are off on theirs for the weekend so we can't take off on ours. Don is working so much anyway. Maybe I'll take Jake to the museum. We bought yearly passes this year. Or the zoo, if it stays nice. No more cold air for him til he is better. I love the zoo. They have an exhibit where you can pet stingrays and I heard they just opened up the penguins last week. Guess I have blabbered on enough for the moment. Hope yall are doing well.
  22. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Welcome back Apples. Therapy went really well yesterday. I had so much to tell her and we got all caught up. The next session is when the work will begin. I survived my long day yesterday. I did take a little cat nap in my car between classes. I can't believe how tired I was. My little guy threw up last night and said his ear hurt but this morning he seems fine. Can't decide if I should take him to the doc. It is friday and if I don't take him today and he really is sick we will be in urgent care. But he said he feels fine today. I bumped into one of my former students yesterday. (I was a teachers aid). She was one I spent alot of time with. Straight A student, perfectionist but I tutored her in math. It has been 5 years and she actually remembered me and recognized me. She told me how much I had helped her to get into college and stuff. It felt really good to know that and see her being successful. I have my second fill this morning. And you are right I am intimidated by my doc. Usually I am intimidated by most people I meet. Especially, MEN. It isn't really my doc's issue it's mine. But now that I realize what I am doing I can change it. After my appt I pretty much have the rest of the day. I will study a little but try to relax some. I don't have an exam for awhile. I found out yesterday that my grandmother died and my cousin son has died too. Very sad time for my family. My cousin and I were like brother and sister growing up. He actually rented a room from my husband and I for awhile. It is heartbreaking to know he is going through this. He lives so far away no and we don't keep in touch anymore but I still feel so sad for him. My grandmother fell and broke bones in her face. They just don't heal and now she is gone. I can't make either funeral. They are too far away and I can't take the time off of school and Don can't get off work. His boss had lapband surgery Wed and 2 hernia repairs. He was insistant he would be back to work on friday. My husband and I tried to tell him but He said "I like to think that I am pretty tough". He called work yesterday after his surgery and told Don he would need more time. So Don is the man in charge over there. There is noone else to take over.
  23. I am doing great. I go in for my second fill in about and hour. I am so excited about the weightloss. 34 pounds since nov. and 22 since my surgery. I only lost 7 in the past 3 weeks but still it is 7 pounds gone forever. I hope at my weigh in today the scale reads the same loss. I am sure you know how that goes. How are you doing?

  24. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I have a busy day ahead of me. Therapy and two classes. I am leaving the house at 8:30 and probably won't be back til 9:00. I hate jam packed days. Even more ,though, I hate sitting alone in the house for days. I got my lunch and dinner packed. No fast food for me. I have a fill in the morning. Hoping for a couple more pounds off this week. If not I know I am gonna hear it from my Doc. I really blew it this weekend. With the monster Jam and Jakes ER visit I ended up eatting fast food several times. They don't serve salads at the Monster Jam and BK for breakfast. I know I should have taken a protein shake or something. I didn't think it would hurt anything but I gained 3 pounds after losing 5 last week. Learned my lesson though. I am definately ready for a fill. I can only eat 1 egg for breakfast but at dinner I can eat and eat. Should I really expect any restriction from my second fill? Hard to tell. But, I am hoping the 3 days post fill liquids will revamp my weightloss. You guys are really a huge encouragment for me to stay on track. 90 lbs is awesome Peace. What a great example you are for me. Julie, I can tell you are feeling better now that you are back on your meds. It is like a mirror in front of me. I see myself in you. Helps me to see that these things are doing something for us and I need to stick with them. It is great to get help with more than just my weightloss. All you ladies are wonderful to me. Well, I am off for the day. I may be able to check in later on the school library computers. Hope you all have a great day.
  25. JeweI

    One Month Out

    You are doing great! I lost about the same as you at that stage. My Doc tells me to limit my carbs to less than 30 a day. It is hard but I feel so much better when I do it and the weight comes off.

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