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Status Updates posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. Hi Vanessa, You and I had our surgery on the same day! I would love to chat with you!

  2. Wow! Congrats, I know that dreaded scale, I have come to have a love/hate relationship with it! LOL Great news. I was happy about the 250 mark and then the 200 was so good. I am still 197.6 most days and some days 198.2, it just won't move down any lower right now. So I think I have hit a hard plateau. I am determined to shake this body up a bit tho! Instead of counting carbs this week, I am going to switch to calories instead and still keep the protein going in to see if that won't work. The added exercise I am getting may be building a lot of muscle and that weighs more than fat, and looks better on too, so I'll keep on keepin on! 6 Months, Whew, I did not believe I would ever get this far when I first started and lose this much weight! I fear I will GAIN! My worst nightmare!

  3. Hi Kdee! I am so happy I got on Lindora online. They list it for free on the LapBand.com Website. If you are a LapBand AP patient. It gives me a daily chapter for motivation. A pep talk recording, just all sorts of things. Are you following that?

  4. You are so welcome. The hardest thing is to Do Good Anyway. Sometimes when things get difficult for me, I keep saying that over and over. It is what makes you feel so superior in the end, when you can walk away from an episode and had the upper hand by not giving in to what others want and expect you to do and to react badly, but you did good to them, so they did now know where to put that action. God is a teacher and we are just learning to lean on him. He is helping me through life and this past year with the band, I have grown even stonger and closer to him.

  5. I know you are getting close, my daugter and you are about due the same time. I am keeping my prayers going up for a speedy and smooth delivery for you. My daughter in law just gave birth to our fourth grandson last Monday, he was 8 lbs and l oz. Michael Wesley, just a little doll. Now I am looking forward to our second granddaughter from my oldest daughter. She had PCOS and tried for 8 yrs. to conceive now AVA will be here in a few day. God is so Good to us. My daughter in law had gastric bypass several years and has had two children, she always loses right back down. God Bless You.

  6. Thanks so much for your comments. I am wanting that weight loss and I have made up my mind to join a Gym. I want to tone and keep my skin from wrinkling so much. I am older and that is one of my concerns. But I had rather be a little wrinkled than FAT all of my life! LOL I am going on a cruise on Thanksgiving Day and I will give them a copy of my Daily Eating Plan so I can stay on track. I have taken this seriously as I self paid and I need it to prevent a lot of health issues. Thank you again so much.

  7. Hi msconniemac!

    How are you doing? I've had my second fill and had to have a teenie bit pulled back out! It was refluxing into my throat. I feel really tight, even after drinking a protein drink, but not nausea or anything, just full.


    I have got more energy and not afraid to increase my calorie intake, I charted the calories I burn each day, and it is more than I am taking in! So I know I am burning some fat. It is showing up on the scales. I painted the outside of a building by myself today! Four hours of painting and still had energy, no headache,it's getting good for me. Hope you're feeling this too. Know what- I'm sleeping better.


    My class reunion is in two weeks! I have not seen some of my classmates in 40 years! I only hope I can get in to a size 16W by then! I have to go buy a good looking pair of jeans! Oh I know there will be those size 2's there but I don't care, cause I will be looking good too! Keep up the high protein and hope to hear from you soon!

  8. Hey Marw, I am fine just been to Disney with my grandson for his birthday and have not posted. Still having a little problem with keeping certain foods down. I have a real tight restriction. But I am over the flu thanks for thinking of me. Hope all is going well for you.

  9. HI Terry,

    You know you are right! I enjoyed having you post to my comment! I do not want to get in ill health, the reason I did this was for the betterment of my health, the looks with the weight loss is just a plus! I am sorry to hear about your complications, please keep me posted about what your condition is and how you are handling it, and I will keep you in my prayers.

  10. Hi Babs!


    How are you doing now? I hope you are getting off some of your meds. Bio-modification will put you in a mind set to help you get in a happier state of mind and thus we must appreciate even the smallest amount of weight loss. It is as they say --LOST! I actually started excercising this past week and gained a pound! LOL Oh Well there is always next week. High protein curbs appetite and can jump start you again, try that! Later, Good Luck

  11. :thumbup:HI To get back with you and try to help you on my diet for a typical day, mornings, I have 1/2 scoop "Body Fortress" protein powder with 8 oz skim milk, my vitamin, I check my first morning urine around 7:00 AM to see that I am in Ketosis. Any Ketosis is good, just not negative. Then I weigh myself "in the nude", clothing can vary in weight. I have a couple pcs bacon, and eggbeaters with white cheese.


    Lunch, I have Crystal Lite and water. 1 Can of Vienna Sausage, 5 Saltines. (lite lunch, high protein, low carbs)


    Night, I have 4-6 oz of Baked Chicken Breast or Fish, with Salad and Ranch Dressing. You could have Romain Lettuce and Ceasar Dressing. (no more that two tblps dressing-Carbs!)

    All foods can be purchased at Wal-Mart and Ketone Sticks. If you are not burning Fat, you are burning Carbs, you want to burn Fat, keep with your water, and eat foods that contain no more than 50 carbs a day, and 60 Grams of protein (MIN on Protein, you can have more of Protein):wink:

  12. Hey Allie!

    Of course I have a long way yet to go and a lot more weight to lose yet, but I also want to have a tummy tuck, the thighs and underarms, and boob lift. Did you do one thing at the time? And did you do your boobs first or last? You look amazing, just wondering if you could give me some pointers. What size jeans are you wearing now?

  13. Thanks so much! It is a labor of love and desire to be the person who I was before I got out of control! It is hard work even with the lapband! It is just a tool for sure, but I can do it now and we all can because the hunger in the stomach is not always there nagging us, the head hunger is though, I wish they had a head BAND! LOL

  14. Hey Girl, it is difficult at first and a bit confusing too. I wanted to use this site so bad and get the motivation I needed to help me stay accountable. I use the Blogs and it seems you are doing well with that, and the personal messages too. I don't know how to use the Go Advanced button so I don't use it. I have learned to change my profile pic by using the change AVATAR button. I usually just get on, check for messages, private or on my blog, add to my blog, then read recent blogs. I look at the photos submitted by others and that is what I do here. I do know how to add friends etc. So If I can help you I will.

  15. Thanks I always loved dancing and find it so much fun, it is a good workout too.

  16. Hi, yes I love Zumba too, I had to get in the Golden Zumba, could not keep up with the teenie boppers! LOL Always loved to dance so why stop now, Right??

  17. So had you on my mind today, how is everything going with the Fill, or correction? Are you feeling ok?

  18. Thanks Sandra~I feel led down this path, but not alone!

  19. Thanks again, this is a path we are all trodding, just not alone! Glad you had the hernia now? Just kiddin, I had one too and the Dr. fixed it at the same time as my band, did not even know it!

  20. You will do great too! I still look at all the photos of those who started before me and my goodness they look slim. See I still see myself as fat! It is a hard thing to change the mind, but you can't change the body if you don't change the mind. I have a long way to go, but now I am enjoying the journey getting there! Keep us all posted

  21. Thanks Debra, love to see you on here and your recipes and blog!

  22. Hi I wanted to recommend a great tasting shake. Whey Protein had 52 g of protein and it is the Wal-Mart Body Fortress Mix. About $13.00 per container. I have a shake in the AM and one at night too. I have not lost my hair or my eyebrows thank God! We do have to have the drinks. Strawberry and Chocolate are good and you can mix them together for a diff taste. They just came out with Cookies and Creme! I have to get some, sounds wonderful and this one does not taste Chalky to me, EAS did.

  23. Well I had not weighed in a few days and so this morning I just jumped on the scales and already down 4 lbs! This band is working again. Or I think I should have said, I am working with this band again. I know what to do, I just have to do it, so here goes, 5 more by Dec. 31st, and then the New Years Goal will get set. Taking it one day at the time. We are expecting 20 degree weather in the Morning and on Thanksgiving Day is was in the high 70's so we are in clothing shock!...

  24. auntiegoo! Hi, well you got your Christmas Present early didn't you? You will feel a good restriction after the first fill, and I was a little nervous, but so ready to get that ball rolling with my first fill. I really started dropping the lbs and was so happy! I have hit a little plateau and keep playing with two or three lbs, but I get a third fill in a week, so it is going DOWN! Keep in touch, this site really helps to keep me and all of us motivated, it is like the life blood!

  25. You are so right Mechelle! I get so hung up when the scales don't move! I want to blame myself, but the body is a funny thing, sometimes it has a mind of its own, I am not giving in or up this time. I am going to increase my activity level this week to see if I can push more weight off!

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