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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Chapau01

  1. I had surgery on the 17th I am doing good as well, not in as much pain as I was in yesterday, although the gas is killing me!! I had no complications durring or after surgery thank GOD, and I don't think I have been hungry either....my stomach keeps making noises and I don't really know what they mean....it use to mean I was hungry, but who knows what it means now! lol

  2. I live in Grapevine and will be banded next week at Baylor Gvine. Congrats to you and you should check out some of the August 2009 Bandsters posts. We love to know all about each other and help track our successes. Congrats to you and where do you live? I'm Kathi.

    I live in Wylie

  3. I just got back from the hospital about an hour ago!...Ok lets just start from the top. I woke up yesterday morning stressed and a little overwhelemed I was a big ball of nervous energy not knowing what to expect. I was fine as I said goodby to the kids, and then me and my husband were on our way to take our youngest to preschool, and he looked over at me and asked if Iwas ok and I just fell apart, crying....I guess it was all that nervous energy finally letting it's self out, and me a person who tries to be strong foeveryone else, jsut had to let it go. So after he calmed me down and reassured me as only he can we were on our way. Let me just say Plano Presbetyrian Hospital is awesome, I was all checked and IV's in less that an hour, and I was given some medicine to make me a little drowsy, they wheeled me into the operating room, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room! It was so hard to try and wake up I thought something was wrong, that is the worst feeling ever wanting to be awake but not able to wake up I was so FRUSTRATED, for the whole rest of the day I kept trying to wake up and couldn't my husband came to my room and I was talking to him and just nodded off in mid sentence, on about the 3rd time of doing it I just told him to go home because there was no use to him being there to watch me sleep. ... it was awful. I finally sorta got it together around 7pm to where I could stay awake for longer than 15 min with out nodding off so I called home and checked on the kids, and went for a walk around the bariatric unit. I made myslef walk around there once every hour this helps prevent blood clots from happenig along with the very stylish stockings they make you wear. Once I got back into my room, that is when the recovery regret set in I was groggy, my stomache was sore and I couldn't get comfortable, oh and did I mention I was full of gas...I was just so miserable I started asking my self what the hell was I thinking why did I do this...I made a mistake...Then reality set in and I just realized that less than 10 hours ago I had surgery, and I needed to give it a while. Now sitting here a day later still full of gas but really happy I had it done. :lol:! I guess on a scale of 1-10 10 being the worse my pain level is about a 4 right now, but it is totally manageable. I am on my way to the new me and I can't wait to finally get to the end of the road!

  4. Thanks for the support you guys, it's awesome that we have this website to share this journey with eachother. So Neueby you have had surgery already .....so how was it I am so anxious for Monday!!! I am on that preop diet and it is very restrictive my husband and I went out last night for dinner, and there ws really nothing for me to eat on the menu, but when I did get my food I was so proud of my self because all the things that were on my plate that I was not able to eat I pushed over to him and he gladly at it all (pig) (:sad:) I was still hungry after dinner, but I kept telling myself that it was gonna be ok, then we went to the movies and as soon as the smell of popcorn hit my nose I thought I was gonna die....I wanted that popcorn sooo baddd, but we walked by the consession stand and didn't even look back....my hubby was being very supportive. The next few days should be alot of fun!!!

    Kamehar, yes I do have much more faith that a mustard seed God has really blessed me alot in my life, and I look at this surgery as another way that he is gonna bless me!

    Neumeby you have to let me know how things are going for you, give me some tips not that you are a pro!! (:biggrin:)

    God Bless you both!

  5. Well I dons't really have a set goal...I just want to be alot healthier and a lot skinnier, my doctor said that if I get down to 211 that would be a great weight for me with my body frame and everything I don't have an ideal clothing size either becasue before I was super fat, I was a size 18 and very happy with my body, now I am 22-24 and I know I am getting out of control. The funny thing about it is that I don't really have that bad of eating habbits, I know alot of heavy people say that, but its true I eat my fruits and veggies, but to God be the glory he has found a way for me to live a longer helthier life.....So in a nut shell my goal is to just be healthier and thiner!! lol

  6. It's offically set in stone! I start my preop diet tomorrow...and my surgery is on Monday . I went and saw my doctor today and I have to say Dr. Hamn and his staff are wonderful, they treat you like family and are so warm and welcoming when you come in, and although Dr. Hamn is not the most personable man, that is really not my main concern as long as he is a master at what he does which from what I hear he is he can have the worse bedside manner in the world, just as long as he sucessfully, and competently does my surgery. Anyhow the appointment went well and any questions or butterflies that I had are gone, becasue he and his staff are so informative, and open to answering any questions that you (or n my case your spouse) have.I am just so ready to get this done. I am kinda in a mourning stage thinking about all the foods that I LOVE that I am going to have to give up, I ate all that I wanted up to today because I know after tonight it wont even be an option. The crazy thing is is that I have lost 4 lbs eating all the junk this week??:biggrin: Go figure, maybe I just need to go on a junk diet and skip the surgery!! :sad: Naaahhh I'm just plain!. Anyhow I am pumped and ready to go and I can't wait for the new me to break out! I am on my way to my new dimention, so I am going ot walk, talk, pray, and act like I am already there!!! :thumbup:

  7. I am so excited for you!! I know the feelings that you having right now...when I found out I was approved for surgery everytime I thought about what I was not going to be able to eat I got really hungry...I start my preop diet tomorrow and get banded on Monday...I noticed that there are alot of people that went on the preop diet 2 weeks before surgery but my doctor only suggested 3 days for me that seems odd! Anyhow just remember there is not food that taste as good as being thin feels and hopefully that will get you through!!! GOOD LUCK!

  8. Soooo Next Moday is the big day!! I am so anxious and nervous, and excited I can barely stand it:biggrin:! I have a girlfriend at work that has had banding done and I know I must get on her nerves because I ask her questions all day long all the time on what to expect and what is gonna happen next! OMG I CANT WAIT!!!:sad:

  9. Well I went for my testing yesterday, and got a little bad news, but I dont think it is anyhting that will stand in the way of my goal! So I had to be there @ 7:30 am which meant I had to get up @ 6am ughhhh! :confused:Anyhow I made it to the hospital and did all my registration, they actually went ahead and did everthing so when I go in on the 17th for the actual surgery all I have to do is check in on the 2nd floor. Anyhow I had to do the Chest X-ray first which was no biggie, then I had to do the Upper GI, OMG:eek:...first of all your stomach is empty then they give you this little fizzy cup of liquid which makes you want to burp, but they tell you DONT BURP, then you stand in front of this table with this big flat camera infront of you, and you have to drink this liquid which taste like chalk and slighly watered down 7-up and it has the consistancy of yougart only a little thicker, they tell you to drink....keep drinking....keep drinking, and then all of a sudden they tell you stop and hold your breath! It took all I had in me not to vomit all over that man and that table, but I made it through then they lay the table down flat and tell you to roll around the object of the game is to let the white liquid coat your stmach so they can make sure that everything is working the way it's suppose to in there. Then they take more pics and your done with that part....I personally went in the bathroom and exscuse my language but puked it all up:sleep: it was soooo disgusting...good thing I carry a toothbrush abd toothpaste around with me where ever I go!!! Next I had to get a EKG, and 3 viles of blood taken which is were the kinda bad news comes in the nurse who was very funny and friendly told me that my heart beats weired, she said that the electrodes that tell my heart to beat do not do so in a rythym like most people's do my electrodes go fast at times and then slow at others.....but I am not claiming any sickness! By his stripes I am healed!! After my EKG I headed over to Dr. Hamns office for another little 10min test were they put a clip on my nose and asked me to breathe through this tube, the nurse said it was testing to see what my resting metabolism was which I told her was zero.....Over all the testing was not as nearly bad as I though it would be and to God be the Golry there is nothing that is going to stop me get this done, now all I have to do is go for my preop-meeting with Dr. Hamn and start my preop diet on the 13th!! I Am so excited!!:thumbup:

  10. So...I go for my preop testing on Tuesday, and I am really nervous what if they find something wrong with me and decide that I cannot have the surgery?? I am so excited about getting the lap-band, I don't know what I would do if they told me NO! I feel like this is the last resort for me. I have been heavy all my life, and it really got out of control once I had kids. I have tried everything that I can think of to loose weight, and nothing seems to help. I would work ouy 5 days a week and lower my calorie intake, but even that didn't help it's like my body is fighting against me or something. I really like to work out but I felt like I was working out for no reason becasue I never saw any results. I feel really bad for my husband. He is super fit, works out every mornig and has an awesome body, an then he is stuck walking around with me and my super jiggly belly and thunder thighs. He has never said anything negative about my weight he actually thinks I am beautiful which hey I can't disagree with :thumbup:. He only says that he wishes that I was healthier, but hey so do I! That is why I have have decided to do this, I have 3 kids and I would hate to leave them before it's time. I have a 7 year old daughter and I want to show her how to be an empowered healthy strong woman, I cant do that as this fat person I HAVE TO loose this weight. I am super excited for my surgery on the 17th I just pray to God that th pre-testing goes well and that nothing stands in my way. They say that if you believe in God and follow his plan that he will give you the desires of your heart....Well God this is me believing and my desire is to become the woman on the outide that I am on the inside by having this lap-band surgery....a little help please :sneaky:! Anyhow if you read this and believe in God please pray for me leave me a litte note and I will pray for you also. This road does not seem to be an easy one but it's one that I have decided to take!

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