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Status Updates posted by wynn

  1. Hi Cathy, do you remember me. You're one of the first people I ever talked to in chat. I've wondered about you a few times, and then I saw you had posted a new picture. How are things going with you and yours? Hope the weight loss journey is successful for you.

  2. Hey Alissa, you OK? You left the room today w/o saying goodbye and I was a little bit worried about you.

    Plz let me know if everything's ok.



  3. Hi em, i'm so sorry i was slow answering you in chat tonight. i just hate it when i feel ignored in there. I'm not sure i could have helped cause i just wear readers. I don't know anything about glasses. But i do think if these aren't right you should call your doc first thing cause i don't know about you but when my glasses are hinky i get bad headaches and dizziness.

    Anyway, sorry again.



  4. Hi kiddo, I'm sorry you're feeling bad. Try this to get into chat: First, on the home page of the lapband site log out. Its at the top of the page, on the right hand side. Then click chat. On the chat page you will see a place to log in. Put your username and password there, click log in. Then just click the chat room to log into it. That should work, you may have to try a couple of times. Hope to see you there.


  5. Hi crystal, this is how I've been getting on chat: First get into the main home page of the site, log off of that. Then click chat, when you get to the chat page, log on there, after you enter your name and password, click log in. When it says available next to your name, then just click into the chat room. That should work. Good luck.

    Hope you had a great vacation, see you in chat, i hope.


  6. Hi sweetie, sorry you haven't been able to get into chat. Try this. When you get to the home page, log out of the main site. Its at the top of the page on the right side. After that click chat. When you get to the chat page, log in. Enter your name and password, then click log in. After that just click the lapband support chat room, and you should be in.

    good luck


  7. Hi Laura, try this to get into chat: Log off of the main site, at the top of the page on the right. Now click chat. When you get to the chat page, you have to log in there, put your name and password, click log-in. After you're logged in then just click the chat room, and you should be able to get in.

    Good luck,


  8. corliss, i found this post from evie:


    anyone trying to get into the chat room tonight... log out at the top right... then don't log back on there.... click on chat... then it will ask you to log on there.... do that --- it takes a few mins but you can get in....


    Don't know why we have to do it this way but it works... hope to see you guys in there....

  9. (Part II, read the letter below this one first, corl)

    Otherwise she does not stand of chance of growing up and not being obese.


    You did a good job as Nanna. She needs that sort of influence, and i know its not easy to deny those we love, but what you did was a much deeper, more authentic expression of love than can be expressed by giving a hershey bar.


    I'm glad she has you, I'm glad you love her enough to say no.


    Hope to get to chat w/you later, we'll see.



  10. Hi corliss.


    Yeah, chat seems to be down, darn!


    Poor little grand, i felt so sorry for her when i read the letter, but what you did was absolutely the right thing. I know she does not understand that her body works differently and that her brain wants food differently, she's too young for that. And its normal, at her age, to want what she wants when she wants it. However, she is old enough to learn that she can control what she puts into her mouth, and not only that she can control but that she must control what she eats.


  11. Happy birthday to you.

    Happy birthday to you.

    Happy birthday dear Anna

    Happy birthday to you.

    Hope this day is just perfect, Anna.


  12. 199.6 today. YAY AND FINALLY

  13. Hello my sweet friend, I've been so worried about you. Did you get home in time to see your brother, and are you holding up ok? I have been thinking of you and praying for you everyday. I'm sending you lots of positive love energy.


    I know by the fact that I have not seen you in chat, that you are suffering, and I'm so so sorry for your troubles, Laura. I wish there was a way that I could take away all your pain.


    You are such a kind loving person and I hate that you have this turmoil in your life. Please let me know how I can help. You have my phone number, please call me anytime. I'd love to hear from you.

  14. I absolutely love Dr. Bhoyrul. I'm going to get his card today so I can give you his number. He works from Scrippes Memorial in La Jolla and he has a super nice office staff, as well. He has been doing lap band for a very long time, and he trained with a doctor that has been doing them since the beginning. He actually does both bariatric surgeries, but he is a strong proponent of the band. He is sweet, kind and encouraging and I am so lucky I have him as a surgeon. (Super handsome, too) He has a terrific bedside manner which isn't necessary but does not hurt. If you can think of some specific questions that you'd like answered about him,then go ahead and send me another message. I see him today and I'll get that card and message you when I get home tonight.

  15. You forgot, both redheads too!

  16. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/123flashchat.php


    Here's the link to the big chat room

  17. Guess what Corliss, I may not have cancer. Yay. We're going to repeat the biopsy next week. It turns out that this nuclear scan is unchanged from one five years ago. My doc says that's really unheard of with cancer.

    I have great hope, Corliss.

    Thank you so much for being there for me, you've helped me so much. Keep your fingers crossed.


  18. Good for you taking the steps to a better healthier skinnier life. You're going to do great. And good for you for not waiting until your 50s to do it. Let me know how the process goes, and definitely message me if i can help in any way.


  19. Hi Laura, I've been thinking about you. Thanks for the message on my profile. Tomorrow is the big day for you, isn't it? I'm so excited for you. You're going to do awesome.


    I've been trying to work things out with my husband, so that's why i've been in a little less. But you can always call me if you want.. I'm leaving with him tonight to go to the beach in Mexico for the weekend. I won't be back until Sunday night. But, if you want to text me your phone number, I'll call you when I get back to see how you're doing.


    Keep your chin up, be positive. I think that's the most important thing in this recovery. I'm so proud of you. We all are.


    Take care kiddo, I'll talk to you soon.


  20. Hi, To get to the chat room just click on chat at the top of the page and it should take you in. Most people chat in lapband support. There is no joining, just log in and say hello. It takes a bit to jump into the conversation, but most people are really nice and welcoming in there. If you want to let me know a time that you'd like to chat I'd be happy to log in at the same time so you won't feel uncomfortable.

    I don't attend support meetings, I use this forum instead and have made some really special friends in the chat room.

    Let me know if you need more help.


  21. Hey girl, thanks for posting on my thread, and what an adorable poem. you're so creative!

  22. don't forget to go to the challenge thread today.



  23. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/challenge-chat-room-92487/

    this is to the chat challenge thread. Also, if you ever want to search for it, it is under general lapband supportand it is called 'challenge for chat room'.

  24. Wow, you are so beautiful. and that pic of you singing makes you look like a rock star. wtg girl.

  25. hi brie, where have you been. I haven't seen you in chat in a few days. You ok?


    I wanted to tell you about a challenge I've started for the chatters, the thread is here:




    Let me know what you think, and if you might be interested in joining in. Hope so!


    Miss you, hope to see you in chat.

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