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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by xavier

  1. Yeah, I can really eat anything...if I get stuck its not the specific food, its me not chewing or paying attention!!

  2. I cant really believe that's you in one of your 'before' pix! Now, you look like one of those skinny girls who doesnt even know the word diet! Seriously you are BEAUTIFUL!! You have done great and I'm sure it wasnt easy!!

  3. Miss your blogs!!

  4. PS Did you see Wendytip also is in onederland? I'm nagging her to do some more pix too!

  5. Half your heads are gray!!! And half are the Marilyn Monroe ones...nice!!

    Time for a new set of the spandex pix!!! (I nag!)

  6. Welcome...this is such a great site! I think we are very supportive but also brutally honest when its needed! I got my band on May 6th and only wish I had done it sooner. I really decided to do it when somehow it dawned on me that I have been fighting this battle for 20 years and I realized I was losing! Let us know what we can do for you and ask ANYTHING you want...good luck! Cali

  7. Thanks for asking. I'm doing ok...a little plateau because I havent been to the gym but I'm not too worried...how about you?

  8. I agree, this whole thing is laugh or cry...I prefer to laugh!

  9. Your pictures are really impressive...you look so great!! Sometimes I get really discouraged but your pix and your funny captions really picked me up today!

  10. Thanks for the req! Yeah, BG is great, she's talked me off the ledge a few times!!I am on a plateau right now but I know why and need to make some changes...

  11. Just looking at your ticker...you are halfway!! That is awesome! Congrats...I always like your blogs...get some papaya, man!

  12. I am from Pismo so I know its hard to be fat in this state...so many skinnies!! For good motivation, I also recommend reading the "Sweetspot" Blog by band_groupie. She is a big inspiration to a lot of people and she really 'keeps it real'!!

  13. I cant believe you are going to have met two major goals so close together...overweight and onederland! To the skinnies of the world it probably all seems pretty weird but we know what it means and how importnt it is. I am holding at 191 and I have to get to 174 to be overweight!! I am going camping for a week up to the redwoods (I have never seen them)north of SF so prob more exercise but also more eating/drinking..D

  14. I have been eating cookies today...not sure why. But your remark about 'only 45 pounds' was the guilt-slap I needed to snap out of it and realize I am lucky its not 200 and just get over myself!!! Thanks, D

  15. Sorry to hear of your trouble...I thought I would take your mind off of it with a mindless and totally unrelated story inspired by the cute picture of your cat!

    One time I lived in a furnished apt and my sister brought her cat, Zeppelin, when she came to help me move out. He looked a lot like your cat...I could never understand why he had white whiskers when all the regular fur where the whiskers came out was black!Anyway we had everything out but I was looking under a sofa (furnished, so not mine) just to make sure I wasnt forgetting anything and my sister says, "Anything under there?" Well I saw two white cotton balls and I told her that really grossed me out and I didnt even want to snag them because I never had or used any since I had lived there. Well, shes older so she bent down to snag them and just started laughing...it was dark under there but they werent cotton balls they were Zep's front paws just like in your picture ! We always called him the cotton balls after that!

  16. LOVE he new picture ...its so Marilyn!! You are looking good and for the record I am kind of hating you for being so close to getting into the overweight category...I have a long way to go.

  17. Thanks for posting you body lift pix....it really turned out nice....was it very painful to recover from?

  18. Hey. How's it going? I love your new picture!

  19. Saw your comment about pills so I thought I would chime in. I only have one to take but I chew it with a Flintstone chewable vitamin to make it taste better! Sometimes I do use a liquid or quick dissolve tylenol! Good luck.

  20. You have really worked the program! And you have the outside beauty to show for it. I know a lot of people are really inspired by you...that picture of your tiny food bowl was great. It motivated me to get back to my small bowls!!!

  21. The reference in Band Groupie's blog brought me to your thread...its really a good one, hope lots of people see it. Thanks, Cali

  22. On the skin situation...now I have read your stats and seen your pix...I think you'll be fine! You are SOOOO young thats really good and even though you are petite in height you look very proportional and seem to have great skin! You are really beautiful NOW! Good luck, I wish I had done this decades ago!!!

  23. I love your mini goal! Mine will be at 175 pounds and I plan to shout, "I'm overweight!" from the rooftops!! I HATE the word obese...who doesn't? You are an inspiration....keep blogging for us!

  24. Glad to hear it...I still feel so lucky to have restriction from the start! I wish I had done this a long time ago!!

  25. Dying to know how things are going (down) today...D

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