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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Hotenuf2

  1. I tell you, I would rather lose slow than be miserable with an over fill! I have twice had to have some removed, and was so thankful this sucker is adjustable!!

    I stalled a couple of times, mostly cause I got stuck in a craving and indulged it. But each fill is differnt, and sometimes each day is different, so definantly just

    let your body tell you what it needs (except when it says NACHOS!! ha). I am amazed everyday, sometimes each meal, how different the eating will be. But after

    9 months and 7 fills or so, I am super happy, happy how I feel, my loss which is not huge like a few others but still around 70ish, is more than I would have been

    able to do alone. Part of it is I go in each time and am honest with the Dr....I ate badly, I didn't workout...whatever, and I do my best not to kick myself because I took THIS step to have a tool installed and it will happen. I say well...22/24...15/16... woohooo even when I only lose a little.

    Stay positive and expect so so many changes and roll with them. Enjoy the journey...because not just your body

    that changes..hopefully your brain will change, what you tell yourself will change. I think that is the hardest part of it all.

    Success is already here!

    Oh...and send me some of that Workout mojo cause I have yet to find that!!

    Happy THanksgiving!


  2. I am glad your family was not horribly injured. This is life--the part WE struggle with, the one we wll continue to fight, the one that made us overweight to begin with.. How we deal with sadness, stress, pain, happiness...all of it. Our new tool...is just that, it doesn't fix what is in our heads. But you can do it. I too was stalled and also due to my own wants--all the wrong things for a month, At 9 months out am actually eating a couple bites and thinking ok I am full. AND stopping! ha ha. Though I 'want' more...for the taste, for the soothing factor, whatever is messed up in my head, but it is happening. I have had several fills, and a couple of un-fills....and may have finally found the spot.

    I certainly do not have the challenges you have had lately and I think everyone would struggle under such stress. Do not kick yourself ! Just keep trudging along

    and know that you have the tool, and ok if right now is tough, it is ok, the next meal (not day) is a whole new chance. Use your tool, use the advise here. Try the liquid thing...I have been lucky, I go back to meat, ice water and low to no carbs.

    Best of luck. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. It does suck a bit...BUT after my 4 day 'withdrawl' I felt GREAT!! What saved me...BACON!! And those stupid Pork Rinds--gag..now I have NEVER eaten them before and admitted they were gross...but I guess I have a crunchy snacking issue at night, 3 of those suckers and I felt ok.

    That said--it is SO SO SO SO SO Worth it!! Don't give up...or give in...The BEST thing I have ever done for myself! I had surgery FEb 12 2010...down 69lbs or

    so...and feel great.

    You will do it!

  4. I did try the hot tea before eating yesterday. But last night--I hardly slept and I can just feel it, waiting for me to open my mouth! lol...BLOOP!

    THanks for your encouragement--I just have to wrap my head around doing it right--that is what the "tool" is for.

    Hope your fill works itself out too! But I am waiting impatiently for 8am to call and get back in. Thank goodness they are only 45 min away.

  5. wow! Discouraging. My wish for you is that you find a Dr. that wants to do LapBand! I know they have thier prefernces, but I think what WE want is important in what will be succesful for us. It worries me he is changing up now.

    I would do this over and over! It is exactly what I expected (even thru the tough times) and I hope this works out for you. Remember if THIS doesn't happen this time, maybe there is a better Dr for you out there. One door closes another opens.

  6. Yes Briarrose...there is MOURNING...and you know I have had my 3rd fill and it has started over with way more restriction than I have had and a lot less food....not in a bad way...just in a learning way.

    I love EAS low carb protein drinks! My fav, and kept me going. And sometimes I put in protein from GNC to thicken it up.

  7. IT is hard! But the first 5 -7 days are the worst, I think. I went cold turkey on carbs, soda, sugar...major withdrawl. But after that weekend I felt GREAT! More energy than I ever had! So stick it out. You can do it!

    My husband said "I can't believe you did it, I am so proud of you" I was shocked. But I could do it because I knew if I didn't I would never get to have the surgery.

    My secret...was if I were hungry...I would eat unlimited amounts of free stuff on my list. As I am re-reading your post, I am wondering if you are on a liquid diet only?? hmmm...could be. And in that case I can imagine it is even harder.

    In the end it will be worth it. This was the best thing I ever did for myself. Down 40, 2 sizes, and more importantly feel so much better than 5 months ago!

    Keep up the good work!

  8. I think we have the same dad! lol I had all my ducks in a row ready to pitch my decision cause I KNEW mine would be weary...my mom had gastric bypass many years ago, and my dad (they divorced long ago) hated how thin and unhealthy she got. So I knew he would be super worried. In fact, I went thru the whole year going thru all the steps and had the surgery scheduled before I told him.

    He like your dad was reserved...but he has come around and the more he learned the more he was reassured that it wasn't like my moms surgery. He also knew that fat was going to kill me if I didn't do something.

    I am sure your dad when reflecting, and learning will come to the same conclusion. Mine hasn't come right out and said Oh it was great, but in his way he supports me the best he can, and is excited to hear of my losses. At least you got the initial talk out of the way.

    BEST of luck.

  9. Oh yes..I get all of that! SHOULD stop...but oh it tastes too good. lol Don't pay attention...chew chew chew! lol

    My daughter says to me, Mom don't eat it, you know it is coming back up, just put it down and back away! lol

    I am only 4 months out, but things are getting clearer to me now...the funny bad habits I have...had...ok working on! Love it!! I am so glad I did this I can't even put into words, even as I am barfing I am thinking...ok this is ok, it will pass. :)

    80! Wow! Can't wait for 80....I can't even invision it. Down 40 and happy, so I will just keep on.

    Congrats on your success! And your family for helping :)

  10. People are watching...but this is FOR YOU, and ABOUT YOU, not them. If they don't know enough about it they can't even imagine how this works as a tool. Our head baggage is still there. I totally get what you are saying, and everyday I tell myself any loss is great! Better than before. This tool of mine can only help me if I help myself. Just plug away at good choices every time you eat, and if you goof, start fresh by the next thing you put in your mouth. You won't be perfect, but as things go you will learn more, each fill is different and I am finding (only having this done in Feb) that I can see my baggage clearer and clearer and I think that is a good thing. To see it, is the first step to fixing all those things we have beaten in our heads.

    I hope you just keep on keeping on, have faith the tool will work for you, we didn't put on this weight over night and it wont come off that fast. Slow and steady wins this race.

    And remember THIS IS YOUR JOURNEY and it is a good time to be selfish.

  11. I think the friend you lost to cancer would want you to LIVE!! To the fullest. Grieving yes...but you went thru all this to live, not fall back into the sadness, so get to it :thumbup:

    (kick, kick) (ha ha)

    You sound like you are doing great. Funny how we still want to wake up and it be GONE! old habits and all.

    I too HAD to try my dearly loved Dr. Pepper--one sip...and BLAH! Hated it! So glad, cause it could be a major problem if I hadn't.

    Jump right back up on the track and keep on keeping on.


  12. READ! lol Really look thru this site, there are so many great people with 'their' stories that I think give you the reality of the situation. I, myself, have had a FABULOUS experience! Feel free to read my small blog. I go into details.

    Best Wishes!

  13. Ok So, 3 weeks ago I had my first fill...

    I have lost 6 more lbs!! FINALLY. lol Years fat, want it gone overnight. ha ha.

    I am at 243...I dont even remember being this weight. Haven't started working out--been so busy catching up on life I guess. Lots more energy, hardly taking any naps :biggrin: had to take one almost everyday before.

    I still feel like I EAT too too much, but obviously it is working ok. I am very happy about it.

    Have not re-visited the medication issue for my pre-surgery issues. But got blood taken today so will know in 2 weeks.

    I hope you are all well, happy and healthy.


    Baggy pants. :thumbup:

  14. I am 2 months post and LOVE it!! It is great. Food...loved getting back to chewable food. But it is so so worth it! Keep up the good work. I had my first fill Thursday and it was nothing! Keep the great attitude I truely believe that can make the biggest difference. Just remember you are doing this to be healthy when there is that stand still in losing. Took us ages to put it on....can't expect to wake up skinny! haha.

  15. Wow was that EASY! I was nervous as could be. WEnt in and found I had only lost 3lbs in 4 weeks, and I knew I was eating too much, but I ate until I was full....and that was too much.

    So when I told him I could eat 2 pieces of pizza and that I was HUNGRY he said NO no no,, you need a fill.

    It was a little prick, hardly any burn they described and it was in and done! I was walking out with NO side effects, and off to start my day.

    So glad I didn't fret too much over it--you dont either because it was nothing!

    Ok off I go more in while. I can say have not been HUNGRY today. Ate a shake, and egg drop soup...because I should. :wub:

  16. So not too much to report. Which is good and bad. lol No loss, but no gain. No pains. So all in all it is great!

    I go for my month check up and hopefully a fill this week! I am excited. My 20's are BAGGY,,,,and I am anxious to hit the 18s and maybe 16's. Ok so I am getting ahead of myself a teeny bit.

    This weekend was big, I decided to sell my motorcycle...I have only ridden a little while, and moved up to a bigger bike way too fast. I LOVE it...but finally figured out that going down is bad enough but having a band, and the tethering port might be a bad bad thing.

    SO...the dream in my head of my bad-ass self is dashed forever! ha ha. I am a 42 yr old chunky lady who has no business on an 1800cc bike! Time to move on. It is sad. She is gorgeous...but hoping she finds a great home. :lol:

    THat is it here on the East coast...gorgeous weather happening. Spring is welcomed with open smaller arms! Come on summer!

  17. You know everyone is different, and I put a lot of faith in the attitude you have going in.

    Ultimately this is not and 'easy' fix, but for me it has been easy. It does not eleviate our mental baggage of food issues, but I can tell you set your mind to do what they say--follow the rules, and you will be successful. Just like anything-WW comes to mind--this IS a life style change, but with a TOOL to help you achieve a healthier you.

    I can eat anything right now, but I have not had a fill yet. But I do manage my choices in food better. I think SURGERY!! I risked surgery to help me, DO NOT screw it up! lol So for me it isn't worth it. I can still have a cheeseburger and fries, if I want, I just do not get it often and can't eat but half, and half of the fries.

    Also the pre-op diet really helped open my eyes to the truth about sugar and carbs, I was shocked and stunned that I felt SO much better without the masses of them I had daily that I have chosen to keep them at a bare minimum when I can. I have NEVER had this kind of control before... I set my mind and I just do it.

    Almost 40 lbs off since the pre-op and it is SO worth it.

    I didn't have to soul search to know I MUST help myself or I would be unhappy, unhealthy and hitting 300+ fast and then, that number being a big deal for me mentally, I would be a real mess. Honestly I was out of control, up to at least a 2 lt of Dr Pepper a day and I ate out sometimes more than one meal a day several times a week. With little excersize.

    BEST of luck to you.

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