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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Just checking in...sounds like things are maintaining very well! Send some warm weather this way!

  2. Thanks for the friending! Looks like you're doing well, and you've certainly got the right knowlege and additude to reach your goals! Let me know if I can help with anything! -BG

  3. Band_Groupie

    2/11/11 A Valentine Letter and Love Poem

    Dearest Cell Phone, I gave DD my new phone upgrade and rescued you from her butterfinger hands which gave you all those awful scars...I adopted you, and THIS is the thanks I get?! Didn't I buy you a sleek, new, leather case to keep you warm this winter so you could heal? Didn't I hang it on the OUTSIDE of my 'Mary Poppins' purse so you wouldn't suffocate with everything-and-the-kitchen-sink I keep in there. Haven't I carefully tended to your every need whenever you ring me? EVEN when you embarrass me (who can forget that incident in the movie theater...I had to send you to the cell phone manners class after that!)?!! OK, so I did loan you to DD that night she stayed over to use as an alarm clock...but her cell phone was dead (see, that would have been your fate had I not adopted you!) and there was no alarm clock in her now stripped down room here. She swears to me she left you on the floor (once again, I have NEVER left you on the floor!) outside my room when she left for work that morning. OK, so I didn't come upstairs to find you myself as I should...instead I asked DS2 (who was already up there) to bring you down (he now says I'm the one who made him an accessory to the crime), but in my defense, I thought he was a responsible cell phone user now (after all, he's the only one of my kids that even uses a case!). He swears he brought you to me 'somewhere in the family room', but I'll swear in court that you weren't there when said incident allegedly happened (I don't think I was even there...but I can't swear to that...HOW CAN I if he never gave you to me...there was NO such incident!). While under interrogation, DD confessed that the night of the incident she had muted you, except the alarm, thus making you unable to cry out for me. We later brought DS2 in for interrogation and he confessed to calling you a million times under the guise of trying to find you...thus speeding up your silent death. You'll be glad to know I've filed kidnapping charges against both offenders...they're obviously in cahoots and had planned this very carefully. My plea's to said alleged (yeah, right!) kidnappers to bring you home to me fell on deaf ears. We've sent out search parties daily to no avail. It's now been TWO weeks and you haven't shown up. There hasn't even been a ransom note (although DS2 just asked me last night if there would be a reward if he finds it...isn't that called extortion?)! I refuse to believe that you're dead and not coming home to me. Cell phone, please come back to me! I miss you so! *sniff, sniff* ♥ -Ode To My Cell Phone, By BG- Cell Phone, I love you with all my heart I'd give you an app to make you fart Cell Phone, Although there have been others you were my favorite, your flip top covers Cell Phone, you were older than my friend's phones But they were just jealous, because my cell owns Cell Phone, When I was bored you gave me games And who can forget, all those numbers and names Cell Phone, We used to text all day And during the night, you brightened my way Cell Phone, I love you more than fills I never minded, paying your bills Cell Phone, we were such a team They tore us apart, and made me scream Cell Phone, it was only a loan And I don't know how, I'll go on alone Cell Phone, I need candy because I'm so sad But food is out, or I'll yak bad Cell Phone, "Come Back" is my plea Cell Phone, Oh Cell Phone, You complete me ♥ LOVE, BG XXXOOOOO P.S. Doesn't our Verizon plan have some new fangled techy phone in their shop now? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (Yes, I'll be sending my Band one too!)
  4. Band_Groupie

    My First Blg Ever!!

    Keep blogging...it helps a LOT! LB...best thing you'll ever do for yourself! -BG
  5. Band_Groupie

    Honeymoon Period Over. Let's move on...

    Great start with your blog! You can do this! Plateaus and setbacks are just another part of this journey and especially we 'long term yo-yo dieters' have got to learn that it's nothing more than that...no throwing in the towel this time...your Band is there FOREVER!!! Stay on track and the scale will start to move again! -BG
  6. *Post Deleted For Lap Band Book
  7. Band_Groupie

    2/8/11 1st Surgeon Appointment

    Today's the big day! I've finally got a new Doc and I'm going in for my first 'visit'! Yes, I'm having deja vu too...almost exactly two years ago today I went in for my first visit with my surgeon and now I'm right back there again! Catching you up: first one Doc left my practice for another in town, then the second Doc (last one in a two Doc practice) left the state for another practice, then my hospital announced they had two Docs from a practice in town that would be coming, then they cancelled my fill appointment (for the second time) and announced that two other Docs from another hospital were coming soon...and then I waited...for them to call with the new appointment...like they promised... A month later (last week) I called. Since only one of the new Doc's is covering the 'LB Patients' and since he's still got his old practice at the other hospital, their first opening at my hospital was April 4...yes, that's right...I've been waiting for a fill since the beginning of October and they couldn't get me in until April 4. *Portion of post deleted for Lap Band Book P.S. DD made the Pittsburgh newspaper today...at an art opening this weekend with a date: P.S. DD made the Pittsburgh newspaper today...at an art opening this weekend with a date:
  8. Thanks for the friending! Let me know if you need help/support with anything and I hope your journey is going well! Hey, I was just looking at a Long Island map today...my Mom grew up spending her summers at a home her Uncle had on Lake Ronkonkoma and we're looking at taking her there this summer (sounds like Fire Island has the vacation homes to rent though). Let me know if you have any ideas!

  9. Band_Groupie

    1/28/11 Simple Addition

    1. ('The Beast') + (Snowblower Virgin) = Can someone please tell me if it's even possible to use one of these without it all blowing back into your face? 2. (Teething Kitten...I thought only puppies chewed shoes) + (Asparagus Fern) = (What greets me every morning) My plants will all be bald soon. 3. + = The Fill that Wasn't: Apparently the doc's my hospital were getting to take over the practice have been changed before they arrived. They called to cancel my long awaited fill appointment and promised they would call me with new availability very soon (they mentioned a few days)... ...that was three weeks ago... ...still holding onto (by my fingernails...make that my LB) 160-165... :-( Have I mentioned lately how important the Sweet Spot is?
  10. Band_Groupie

    Hello LB Lifestyle I can do this!!!!

    Holy cow...where has the time gone?! Our two years are coming up already?! You're blogs are always an inspiration! Can't wait to follow your 'nip and tuck' process (I know you'll get the approval!). Hope you're enjoying the slopes this season (just dropped DS2 off at school for a ski trip to NY). Love ya! -BG
  11. Thanks friend! Sounds like things are going well and you're on your way to the Sweet Spot! Hope this next fill does the trick! -BG

  12. Hey friend! Your new pics on the blog are AMAZING!!! I know you'll be at your goal soon...and happy Bandiversary coming up!!! I'm so proud of you!!!! -BG

  13. Band_Groupie

    Binge Eater

    Your story could be mine. I'll agree with the others who have said that you have to do the headwork to change the binge eating (I called it building my headband and I did this through blogging, but many use therapy to help). I'm a food addict and like any addiction, it doesn't go away and is something I still work on daily. The help that the LB gave me in losing the weight and finally getting rid of the real hunger freed me to really work on the head hunger and binging. An article on my success in the LBT magazine is here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/123832-success-story-of-the-band/page__pid__1567803#entry1567803
  14. Hey Kelsey! How's your LB journey going? Still waiting for a fill here (only half way us from my unfill) and still bouncing up and down the same 5 pounds. Miss you! -BG

  15. Thanks for the friending sweetie!! I thought we were already friends LOL. -BG

  16. Band_Groupie

    12/16/09 Heartburn Relief?

    *Post Deleted for Lap Band Book
  17. IT'S NOT JUST A TOOL! In the Thanksgiving hub-bub, I forgot to post this one here...and WTHeck happened to LBT while I was off cooking and stuffing myself (and the turkey)?!! You know I love change...I'm always shaking things up, but com'on! I'm already tech-challenged and now I have to relearn this...yikes. OK, problem already...can't find the 'cut' feature (as in cut and paste...come out come out wherever you are...I give up. Anywhoooo...Hope you all had a great turkey-day and enjoyed your families as much as I did! Enjoy... -------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING- A thesis paper follows (if you thought the last one was long LOL), as I pulled some things from the book, and I probably won't leave this up long because of that. I'd appreciate your thoughts/questions, *Post Deleted For Lap Band Book
  18. Band_Groupie

    Six Months Come and Gone!!

    Catching up...sounds like all is going well and happy 6 mo. Bandiversary! Good luck with the interview and the next eye (both my parents have macular degeneration, and being an artist my vision is something I appreciate). Hope all that vomiting at least gave you some WL! ((hugs)) BG
  19. Just wanted to thank you for the nice comment! I hope you're out of Bandster Hell (or soon will be) and finding some help with restriction. Best wishes with your journey and drop me a line if I can help with anything! -BG (Oh, and my youngest plays the guitar in a garage band, so maybe I'll be a real groupie some day LOL)

  20. *Post Deleted For Lap Band Book
  21. Band_Groupie

    2 days post op and real gassy

    Walk, Walk, Walk, and a heating pad will help. Doc says Gas-X only works on your digestive system, not the areas they pumped the gas into...I took it anyway, can't hurt even if it's a placebo LOL. Feel better and congrats Bander! -BG
  22. Band_Groupie

    I need a fill!!!

    Just keep plugging along and try not to eat too much at one meal (better to eat more smaller meals). Bandster Hell is a normal part of this, but it will end with more fills (it took me until the third fill). -BG
  23. Band_Groupie

    Woo-Hoo I finally got my date!!!

    YAY for a date!!! If you haven't, take those before photos and measurements now!
  24. Band_Groupie

    Need help with average weight loss per week

    Anything under 800 calories and your metabolism shuts down to conserve energy (there's some debate about starvation mode, but I'm a believer). I ate about 1200 all along and lost 1.31/week through most of my journey post-op and that gradually slowed...about 20 pounds from goal it was .75/week. Keep in mind that I started at a lower BMI (about 38) than some. Up those calories with more lean protein.
  25. Band_Groupie

    how did I get here?

    Great first blog...and a WONDERFUL start to your journey! It sounds like you'll be one successful Bander! -BG

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