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Woo-Hoo I finally got my date!!!

I'm so excited I could SCREAM!!!! I was having a not so good hump day :mad2: that was until I got "THE CALL" and all that changed:w00t:...My surgery is scheduled for 12/1!!! FINALLY!!!! Stay tuned for more updates & after photos:thumbup::smile::redface::w00t:





So Friday 10/22 I had the upper gi study, and from what the Dr could see everything looked great :wub:) Today I completed the ekg, and that also looked great!!! NOW I'm just waiting on MY DATE!!!!!!!!!!!! The surgery scheduler is really nice and informative ...I spoke with her today and she said my date would either be November or December but for sure before the year is out!!!!! And that made my day...I guess my profile name rings true my change WILL HAPPEN in 2010!!!! Wish me luck :thumbup:




FINALLY feel like I'm getting somewhere with this whole process!!!!

So today I had my appointment with the physc dr. it went very well she said my the next steps are for me to continue with my diet and workout regimen, take my vitimans and lose the LAST FIVE POUNDS!!!! The surgeon also has to review my chart and order a upper GI & EKG test...I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO excited I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with this process :smile::smile::thumbup::ohmy::wink2:




Anxious/nervous/excited...did i say anxious :-/

Hello all--   So far I have gone to a WLS orientation (12/16/09)....a Bariatric Program orientation (1/10/10)....and I have ANOTHER appointment with a Surgeon & Nutritionist on (1/22/10)... is it "normal" or ok for me to be this FRUSTRATED & ANXIOUS?!?!?!? I just want my band NOW!!!!!!!!! all these appointments are VERY informative & helpful but they are making me crazy....any advice out there on how to RELAX and go with the flow?????????????:cool::thumbup::smile2::)




Orientation DONE on to the next STEPS!!!

So I went to my WLS orienation 12/16 and I must say that I am EVEN MORE excited than I was before. I've been researching the surgery for a few months now BUT I did learn a lot of information that I didn't know some good...some not so good however I'M STILL EXCITED!!! I already contacted my DR. and the referral was sent and I ALREADY have a appointent for ANOTHER orientation ( not sure what this one will be about BUT I guess it's all part of it :-/ ) I'm trying to be patient and I know there are mandatory classes, test etc....(blah...blah...blah) I JUST WANT IT DONE NOW!!!!!!!! :tt1:) BUT I know that good things come to those who wait so I need to practice patience... PS*** can SOMEONE tell me what's going to happen in THIS orientation???




SERIOUSLY!!! considering the BAND!!!

Hello All-   This is so NEW for me BUT here goes...So I'm very very very much interested in the LapBand. I have a scheduled class date next week 12/16 can anybody tell me what to expect?!?!?!?!:thumbup:



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