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  1. Like
    olivia95 reacted to MsTeeTee in Dating   
    Why is this part awkward? I get more attention. But now men want to date me instead of just stare at me. I don’t know how I TRULY feel about this framily. Help.
  2. Like
    olivia95 got a reaction from Arabesque in Did anyone NOT have a 3 week stall?   
    I did not, I stayed the same weight for maybe a week but that was it and it was close to my 2 months mark. Im gonna be 3 months next Tuesday and ive lost 68 lbs since surgery. (SW 369)
  3. Hugs
    olivia95 reacted to Dfidelman in Daily chronicles   
    So some more developments sleep has been crap but I've been avoiding edibles because I'm so close out from surgery. But my mental health has gone to ****.
    I think I am doing the stuff most people do at the beginning. I want to avoid everyone. I'm about 2 seconds from snapping and eating normally and flipping my doctors off because that's been a trip already to say the least. And im going stir crazy.
    Yes I have hobbies. But even then tell that to my starved mind body and spirit to stay motivated and that's provided I don't feel tired or too sick to my stomach to continue on.
    I hate this I hate it so much. I have to watch tiktoks of people spilling food . Commercials everywhere. Family and friends shopping their food like pigs and all I want to do is eat and probably cry in the process while doing so. It even angers me to watch my roommates fill their bellies with supper then eat Snacks like a damn bachelor pad for just one person or take the experience for granted when I can't eat a lick of it for months. And blast it all the damn weather. At least I could go for a walk if it was warmer but nope I live where it's cold all the damn time. Ugh. Sorry I'm just beyond frustrated. I love you all and grateful you all have been here for me. I couldn't be strong without you.
  4. Like
    olivia95 reacted to SemperVeritas in Daily chronicles   
    For me, Miralax every day until I'm going regularly (I totally keep notes ha) and then I take it every 2-3 days.
    I was diluting my shakes with Fairlife skim milk, it has 13 g of Protein in 8 oz! So once I was tolerating cold liquids better, I'd fill a big insulated cup with a Protein Drink, 8 oz of Fairlife milk, and 8 oz Decaf coffee. That was 43 g protein and 30ish oz of Fluid 😁 plus the ice adds a bit more. It took me about 2 or 3 hours to drink that, but it is a bit quicker now.
    Also love LonoLife powdered bone broth! Especially the chicken and beef. Not sure about the Thai curry flavor. Anyhow, I think they are a tasty and that's 10g protein, and 8-10 oz fluid!
    Good luck 😃
  5. Like
    olivia95 reacted to Jeanniebug in Multivitamins   
    For the first few months, I was using the Bariatric Pal one-a-day chewable vitamins. Once I felt that I could swallow a pill that large, I started taking the Bariatric Pal one-a-day Vitamins.
  6. Like
    olivia95 reacted to linksmomma213 in September 2023 Surgery buddies   
    Had my sleeve done 9/5 around 7am. Slept most of the day and had issues with dehydration and low blood pressure, but overall I’m doing great! Sore of course, and getting out of bed is a job but it’s so worth it.

    My best advice is, walk the gas off. It hurts worse than the surgical pain. Also, when you are able to drink, sip.
  7. Like
    olivia95 reacted to invisiblyhappy in September 2023 Surgery buddies   
    Also-- I felt super bad and guilty for eating a whole bowl of oatmeal with a banana and was thinking, "oh maybe the surgery didn't work for me i'm ruining it" etc, BUT then I had to take into account and remember that I used to eat 4-6 packets of oatmeal and still feel starving. It's a mind over matter game at this point for me and it's not the easiest to recognize that it's OKAY for me to have things. ♥ Anyone else going through this?
  8. Like
    olivia95 reacted to Tdalcourt in September 2023 Surgery buddies   
    I have heard that you can get one extreme or the other and I chuckled about feeding your pets I have Sugar Gliders and I feed them this liquid food that I make - pretty much baby food so I will keep that in mind
    I’m on my second week of liquid diet - and taking laxative & muralx so I am dead sure I have never pooped so much in my life - I think the rumor of 22 lbs of poo in you is true because with liquid diet I don’t know how there is so much unless it’s flushing out that 22 lbs lol on a good note I have lost 10 lbs have meeting tomorrow with anesthesia & some last minute tests - then Friday we do this!! I’m not looking forward to pain - that is my hope going in is that I won’t be in major pain
  9. Like
    olivia95 reacted to LandofHopeandDreams in September 2023 Surgery buddies   
    Day 1 of the 10 day liquid diet.. Ooooo, fun... <complete sarcasm>
    End it with some nice explosive diarrhea. OK, 9 more to go til surgery
  10. Like
    olivia95 reacted to Breaking notsobad in September 2023 Surgery buddies   
    Hello all,
    I was posting on the "September surgery buddies" topic and somehow it seemed to get blended with the September topic from past years and so I figured why not just start a new one for us. I'm scheduled for what my surgeon calls a Duodenal Switch Loop September 19, 2023.
  11. Like
    olivia95 got a reaction from summerseeker in Easy way out   
    Thanks for replying to my post everyone, I've read all your comments and they made me feel better about the situation. I dont usually react to people when they say insensitive things to me since I've dealt with that all my life but something about that day just set me off. I love the responses I got and know they're much appreciated. Also I wil be taking some of the advice of not telling anyone who isn't very close to me in the future to avoid this situation again. I should've thought about that before I said it to her but a lesson learned.
  12. Like
    olivia95 got a reaction from summerseeker in Easy way out   
    Thanks for replying to my post everyone, I've read all your comments and they made me feel better about the situation. I dont usually react to people when they say insensitive things to me since I've dealt with that all my life but something about that day just set me off. I love the responses I got and know they're much appreciated. Also I wil be taking some of the advice of not telling anyone who isn't very close to me in the future to avoid this situation again. I should've thought about that before I said it to her but a lesson learned.
  13. Like
    olivia95 got a reaction from NettyD in How long after the initial consultation did you get approved for surgery?   
    I had my consult sometime in the middle of March 2023, I had to do 2 dietician appointments that couldnt be in the same month so one in April and the other in May, had to wait 2 months for a spot to open for my psychiatrist appointment, that was in June 2023. I had scheduled my EGD appointment in the beginning of April but couldn't get in until July since they were booked up, I will tell you to schedule the EGD as quickly as you can since it can take a while to get in. Waited for results from EGD for a week and waited another week after that for my psychiatrist to submit paperwork. Two weeks later I got the email/message in the MyChart saying I got approved for surgery and I'm currently waiting for my surgeon's office to call to schedule the surgery with my surgeon which should be today. So my start was March 15th 2023-Aug 14th 2023 for my date of approval. I also had to do bloodwork but that could be done whenever I wanted at Ohio health and I had to get an abdominal ultrasound but that also didn't take much time, maybe a week but I wouldn't take my time scheduling that if I were you cuz it can take some time if where you're going is busy. For reference I have Cigna Insurance.
  14. Like
    olivia95 reacted to Spinoza in Easy way out   
    Not a woman or man thing but a people thing in my experience OP.
    If people haven't been obese ever than they just haven't experienced what we have. If those people pass judgement on your experience then I would equate that to someone giving me advice on mothering a child if they've never been a mother or never had a child.
    Acknowledge their contribution but don't accept or validate it and just keep on keeping on with your plan!
  15. Like
    olivia95 reacted to BabySpoons in Easy way out   
    Same here. I'm usually kind to others, male or female but if they cross me all bets are off. xD
    I used to work in an all-women's health club and have never seen so much competition and cattiness firsthand. Sad but true.
    I have since adopted this methodology.

  16. Like
    olivia95 reacted to ChunkCat in Easy way out   
    It is sad how some women feel the need to tear other women down in order to feel better about themselves. Clearly she's got some **** going on somewhere. People like that used to hurt me until I really understood it is more about them than it was about me. I've been overweight most of my life. I've had people telling me how to fix that for most of my life too. As time has gone by and age has taught some wisdom I've come to understand that the only person's opinion that truly matters is mine. Everyone else can choke on it. Hahahahaha!
    But OMG does the advice mill get annoying!! I store up good one liners for this purpose, with a generous dose of sarcasm. I would have looked at her wide eyed and said "Wow, that's a really interesting perspective. I had no idea you think about me so much! I'm flattered!" 🤣I usually just deflect what people are saying and they get the hint, but for the stubborn ones I won't hesitate to make them as uncomfortable as they've just made me. <3
  17. Like
    olivia95 reacted to Inspectorjh84 in Easy way out   
    I am sure you will see after talking to a bunch of us. That having a bariatric surgery is but only one part of your whole weight loss journey. You still have to exercise, eat right, and get plenty of rest. Just like most people here say...the surgery is just one tool in your weight loss goals.
    For me over a 10 year period, I gained weight and lost it more than 4 times, and all the way down to like 200 lbs from 280. I never had trouble losing weight, its just that I could not maintain that weight loss long term, unless I was on a very strict diet.
    I am hoping that the Gastric Sleeve I got will help me be able to maintain the weight of 185 lbs this time.
    So I just don't agree with what some people say, that surgery is the easy way out. There is still a lot to losing weight and even going through the whole process of committing to the surgery and recovery. I think most of us were all crazy dieters before we decided on surgery...its just now we have another tool and we got some extra help we need.

  18. Like
    olivia95 reacted to BabySpoons in Easy way out   
    It's too bad that people don't view Bariatric surgery for what it is, a medical intervention. Nothing is easy about it except that the tool we are given causes all our efforts to finally actually work for us.
    People are plain ignorant about the medical reasons behind weight gain. After all the years of working out and dieting with no results, I say we deserve this. But it's easier for them to think we chose surgery over doing the work.
    No one has said anything negative to me yet, but if they do, I guess I'll have to school them. LOL

  19. Like
    olivia95 reacted to LindsayT in Easy way out   
    What everyone else said, plus screw 'em. For me, I did this for me. My health. My confidence. My life. Next time, I'd just walk away and tell them I don't need your judgment and negativity.
    Sorry that happened to you. People can be so insensitive.
  20. Like
    olivia95 reacted to CarmenG in Easy way out   
    It's difficult when people who've never been overweight or obese want to give "advice" to those of us who have been/are. They will NEVER understand how we feel emotionally or physically. They will never have to worry about things that we worry about daily. They just never will. The difficulties we experience don't even cross their minds. For this reason, I don't put any stock in what those particular people think or feel about my decisions. I don't care who knows what I've done. If they ask, I'll tell them the truth. If someone else tells them, I still don't care. It could be my age, it could be my IDGAF personality or a combination of the two! Lol! I DO think, however, that not caring about the opinions of people who are ignorant to our plight gets easier and easier with each passing year. Wishing you peace of mind, success in your journey, and joy in your life!
  21. Like
    olivia95 reacted to sleevedinthe817 in Easy way out   
    This is exactly why I didn’t tell anyone other than my husband and mom before my surgery and I still won’t say anything unless the person asking me is also obese. Skinny people will never understand. They think it is a laziness problem and if we would just exercise and eat less then maybe we could lose. Okay. Right. Like I haven’t tried that since I was 10. I’ve abused my body and treated it so harshly to lose weight all so people like that would accept me until I got to the point where their opinions and acceptance no longer matter. This was MY choice. I did it for ME and my children. I did it so I can see them grow up and have kids of their own. I don’t need anyone’s negativity ruining my mental health and progress. Brush it off and do you! Who cares what anyone else has to say about it.

  22. Like
    olivia95 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Easy way out   
    I don't worry about women being good to me, I worry about ME being good to me. Someone will always have something to say. I love the progress I'm making, but I've had some tell me I look sickly, or like I have "Ozempic face" (I didn't even know what that means until my cousin told me...I've never taken any kind of shot or med for weight loss), or that I took the easy way out, or that I ruined any chance I have to just live a normal life and eat what I want. But you know what? They don't live in my body, they don't pay my bills, they don't live my life, and they don't cut me a check every 2 weeks. So what they say or think is irrelevant. I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm finally starting to live my best life, and I really don't care what anyone else thinks about how I got here. The point is, I'm here.
  23. Like
    olivia95 reacted to summerseeker in Easy way out   
    I was always told that women should be good to other women. In truth I found it just rarely happens. For what ever reason this person needed to feel better than you and really put you down. That is on her, not you. She is part of the problem and not the answer.
    People on here rarely tell anyone but immediate family about their surgery. I only told my husband and son. People have no clue what is involved. Thin people have no idea what a fat persons life is like. They have never walked in our shoes.
    You will find good advice on here and really good knowledge. It will be great to get to know you
  24. Hugs
    olivia95 got a reaction from New To This23 in Easy way out   
    This is more so just a rant I guess, ever since I began this weight loss journey and trying to get to my final goal of gastric bypass I have had countless people tell me surgery is the easy way out and I've had people pretty much judge my worth based off of how fat or skinny I am. I had someone at work tell me how I would look better once I lost the weight which I agree but she went into detail about my face and how fat it was. How my eye lids have too much skin on them which I'm not sure what she's talking about because my eyes look normal? She then proceeded to tell me how going to the gym and eating better and drinking Water would help me. I've been following my dietician, I've been drinking more than 64 oz of water a day and doing my workouts and she just said "oh". Mind you she weighs 110 lbs telling me all this with her fast metabolism. I guess I'm just extra self-conscious now and I wish women especially were more empowering.

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