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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    Thank you guys!
    I am having a Tummy Tuck and skinny bbl! I dont want to lose anymore weight at this point, but rather get rid of the loose skin on my stomach and perhaps lift up the backside/eliminate some sag there. I go wednesday, so Im starting to get a little anxious about it—i know it will be fine, but am not looking forward to being in recovery for a while. Any advice or tips appreciated.
  2. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

  3. Thanks
    Sigh reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in The unspoken rule   
    This is more of what I was looking for when I posted my question. I was, in no way, judging anyone for what they do and don't like. Personally, I couldn't get past the taste or smell of alcohol enough to get to the point where I liked it enough to do it everyday, or even every once in a while. What I was more curious about was if it was that way for others of if they liked it right from the beginning.
    I know some people in my everyday life that hate the taste but drink it for the effects it gives, and that's more important to them than how it actually tastes. I know some who actually like the taste. And some who don't care either way but drink it in social settings more to fit in than anything else. So I was wondering how those on here that refuse to give it up (or even those that have no real opinion on it but still drink just because) got there. Do they have an addiction to it? Do they just enjoy the taste? Do they not care either way?
    I always wonder the same thing about cigarettes. I hate the taste and smell, the idea that if I smoke, others could breathe in the 2nd hand smoke and it could hurt them, how it makes clothes/skin/cars/furniture/breath smell, etc... My mom smoked like a chimney and I never understood it. I'm not judging anyone who smokes, either. I literally just don't understand it.
    I have an addiction to food, and I don't know why I turned something that I had a normal relationship with into an addiction that was slowly killing me. I don't know why it took having a major surgery to help me get back in control and on track. But I know food tastes good. Food smells good. There are exceptions, of course, but it's easy to find the good stuff. Since I've never thought of drugs, alcohol, or smoking as the good stuff, I'm always curious how anyone gets started on it to begin with. I know I can't go back to eating the way I did, or refusing to change the way I did things, or else I'll be right back to where I started. But why it took a surgery to get me here? I honestly don't know.
    I've been on here long enough that people should know I don't have ill intentions when I ask a question. I have a genuine curiosity, and the only way people learn, is to ask.
  4. Like
    Sigh reacted to Arabesque in The unspoken rule   
    I don’t really understand drinking to excess either. I don’t really understand why people take drugs or smoke either. Logically I realise for some, just like many on this forum did with food, it’s to comfort & soothe. To forget or avoid, at least for a while, the challenges & issues in their lives.
    Yes, I drank & still drink after surgery. I don’t enjoy it as much but I was never a big drinker as such - never large amounts. No I’ve never been drunk & only to the edge of tipsy. Personally, I don’t like the potential of losing control of what I’m doing or the situations I’m in (control freak). Also if I did drink more than a couple of glasses, I’d end up with the most hideous hiccups & that would be the end of my night anyway. We’re not a family of big drinkers either so that’s likely an influence too.
    I do find enjoyment in the flavours of alcohol much like the flavours & ingredients in an interesting recipe/meal. Can’t stand sweet wines or adding sweet mixers (except tonic & soda Water in Gin 😉) to spirits but that’s the personal taste aspect. Much like I don’t understand people who say they love coffee but add syrups, cream & sweeteners to drink it. I’m more of a purist that way.
    I get the drinking, smoking, using & eating to fit in or feel more confident in a situation. I briefly smoked cigars. It was the 90s & I admit I did it to fit in & for attention. I was changing some of my friendship circle & wanted to be accepted. I look back & shake my head but during that time I came to realise a lot about myself & my needs. Like I didn’t need or want to smoke & if those people I was trying to impress didn’t like me for me I didn’t need or want them. Thankfully I only smoked a handful of times over a bout a year. Have no desire to do it again. And came out of the whole experience a stronger person.
    I’m not going to judge if someone drinks, smokes or uses. (Or mixes cola with scotch or lemonade with vodka.) They’re adults & it’s their choice. I’ll worry about them for sure & ensure they’re safe & not harming themselves or others.
    I might have just added more fuel to the discussion. Sorry @jparadigm, your original post has been hijacked.
  5. Thanks
    Sigh reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in The unspoken rule   
    Not judging at all, but how do you guys tolerate the taste and smell of alcohol? I don't get the joy in it, the joy in being buzzed, in daily drinking. Like...why? Again, not slamming your choices, but how did you get to the point where it was enjoyable enough to do it often?
    I drank 3x as a teen and absolutely despised it (did it because I was at parties and was trying to fit it). Then as an adult, I figured I'd willingly give it another try, to see if my opinion changed at all. It did. I hated it even more. Never touched the stuff again.
    I read through this thread, and honestly, I don't understand why you guys like drinking so much and why some refuse to give it (and the calories) up after the surgery. How did you get to the point that you liked drinking that much? Just the smell of alcohol is enough to make me leave.
  6. Like
    Sigh reacted to Spinoza in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    So great to read your update. Sounds like everything went really well!
  7. Like
    Sigh reacted to ms.sss in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    yay! can't wait to see ur awesome results!
  8. Congrats!
    Sigh got a reaction from ms.sss in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    Thank you for the great information- I did get to consult with dr before— and got the v-shape as that was what dr preferred as well. I had 4lbs of skin removed from my stomach, and they Lipo scuplted arms, waist and back to get the 2lbs of fat to use for the tiny bbl they were able to complete. I am 3 weeks out (as of Wednesday April 10) and am very pleased with the results so far. The back side is not super dramatic, which I am happy about.
    Surgery went well, although i did have to have an Iron treatment because my hemoglobin dropped 4 points ..but after that i felt great. Instead of general they used an epidural and exparel- so I didn't need any major pain meds after. Just had a headache for a couple of days, so Tylenol was solution. Staying in a recovery house for a week was THE best decision for me to not push it and to make sure i could recover well— at home I’d have been doing things when i should have been resting. No real pain to speak of from anything- sore and tight might describe it best—but that eased up at the end of the week. I admittedly have a high pain tolerance, and after previous breast reduction and hysterectomy knew some of what to expect.
    Now, Im just working from home and living a fairly normal life. Driving, walking, etc with ease. In a few weeks, I will be cleared to start exercising- which I have never done— so slow and steady will be course of action. Ill post some pics when things settle and i don't look too Frankenstein like.

    Thank you all for the kind words and support! Plastics is a game changer!

  9. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

  10. Haha
    Sigh got a reaction from BlondePatriotInCDA in What you should know about WLS they don't tell you   
    The needing new shoes surprised me too, although it makes sense- I never thought i had “fat” feet.
    The seating issue in the car- I am so short it was always a problem, but am grateful for the ability to adjust the height on the seat in my car now.
    And yes- the butt pain sitting is ridiculous. I prefer to stand most of the time now when I can.
    The other annoying thing, which i know is first world issue- that i have to replace all the chains on my necklaces so they sit where i want them to on my neckline/outfit! The rings i could just move to other fingers— but the necklaces! Arghh…

  11. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from Arabesque in Starting to regret wls 11 month post-op   
    Great responses so far- and as I hit anxious times, I find myself thinking about some of those unhealthier options too— I was/am an emotional eater- stuffing down my emotions with food— and realizing it was half the battle. When i get anxious/sad/have a feeling I have to slow myself down and ask am I really hungry? And to be completely honest, 90% of the time im not. I hope that as you heal from breakup you are able to find support to grieve and move on while also keeping up with taking care of yourself.
    Question- is it because you think the friends are having more fun than you? Or that they are watching you and wondering why you arent eating? I have never had anyone say anything about how much im eating— and if they ever did, I would simply say, im just not that hungry right now. But if it is that you are concerned they are watching you: i offer this quote from Schitt’s creek— Alexis discussing why David was anxious about his driver’s test: “ David, no one is thinking about you the way you are thinking about you”. That is the mantra I’ve decided to live by— no one cares what im doing! I am going to make sure i do what is best for me and have fun- and as long as it hurts no one, im golden.
    Best of luck to you!
  12. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from Arabesque in Thirsty after eating   
    For me, the desire to have a drink of something after a meal was such a hard habit to break. But that was just it- it was a head thing, not a physical one. I would give myself just a tiny sip of Water to rinse my mouth— but if I went overboard my stomach would hurt. As you see what works for you, see if something like a biotene mouth spray would help— and as above mentioned, ask your drs if you should see if you have medical issue.

  13. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from Arabesque in Starting to regret wls 11 month post-op   
    Great responses so far- and as I hit anxious times, I find myself thinking about some of those unhealthier options too— I was/am an emotional eater- stuffing down my emotions with food— and realizing it was half the battle. When i get anxious/sad/have a feeling I have to slow myself down and ask am I really hungry? And to be completely honest, 90% of the time im not. I hope that as you heal from breakup you are able to find support to grieve and move on while also keeping up with taking care of yourself.
    Question- is it because you think the friends are having more fun than you? Or that they are watching you and wondering why you arent eating? I have never had anyone say anything about how much im eating— and if they ever did, I would simply say, im just not that hungry right now. But if it is that you are concerned they are watching you: i offer this quote from Schitt’s creek— Alexis discussing why David was anxious about his driver’s test: “ David, no one is thinking about you the way you are thinking about you”. That is the mantra I’ve decided to live by— no one cares what im doing! I am going to make sure i do what is best for me and have fun- and as long as it hurts no one, im golden.
    Best of luck to you!
  14. Haha
    Sigh got a reaction from BlondePatriotInCDA in What you should know about WLS they don't tell you   
    The needing new shoes surprised me too, although it makes sense- I never thought i had “fat” feet.
    The seating issue in the car- I am so short it was always a problem, but am grateful for the ability to adjust the height on the seat in my car now.
    And yes- the butt pain sitting is ridiculous. I prefer to stand most of the time now when I can.
    The other annoying thing, which i know is first world issue- that i have to replace all the chains on my necklaces so they sit where i want them to on my neckline/outfit! The rings i could just move to other fingers— but the necklaces! Arghh…

  15. Congrats!
    Sigh got a reaction from ms.sss in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    Thank you for the great information- I did get to consult with dr before— and got the v-shape as that was what dr preferred as well. I had 4lbs of skin removed from my stomach, and they Lipo scuplted arms, waist and back to get the 2lbs of fat to use for the tiny bbl they were able to complete. I am 3 weeks out (as of Wednesday April 10) and am very pleased with the results so far. The back side is not super dramatic, which I am happy about.
    Surgery went well, although i did have to have an Iron treatment because my hemoglobin dropped 4 points ..but after that i felt great. Instead of general they used an epidural and exparel- so I didn't need any major pain meds after. Just had a headache for a couple of days, so Tylenol was solution. Staying in a recovery house for a week was THE best decision for me to not push it and to make sure i could recover well— at home I’d have been doing things when i should have been resting. No real pain to speak of from anything- sore and tight might describe it best—but that eased up at the end of the week. I admittedly have a high pain tolerance, and after previous breast reduction and hysterectomy knew some of what to expect.
    Now, Im just working from home and living a fairly normal life. Driving, walking, etc with ease. In a few weeks, I will be cleared to start exercising- which I have never done— so slow and steady will be course of action. Ill post some pics when things settle and i don't look too Frankenstein like.

    Thank you all for the kind words and support! Plastics is a game changer!

  16. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    Thank you guys!
    I am having a Tummy Tuck and skinny bbl! I dont want to lose anymore weight at this point, but rather get rid of the loose skin on my stomach and perhaps lift up the backside/eliminate some sag there. I go wednesday, so Im starting to get a little anxious about it—i know it will be fine, but am not looking forward to being in recovery for a while. Any advice or tips appreciated.
  17. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

  18. Hugs
    Sigh reacted to GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    Congratulations! What are we having done?
  19. Hugs
    Sigh reacted to BigZ in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    Awesome! I was told I needed to wait 18-24 months, but then again I started higher.
  20. Hugs
    Sigh reacted to Spinoza in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    You already look amazing. You've done so well. I hope this surgery gets you to where you really want to be.
  21. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

  22. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

  23. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

  24. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

  25. Like
    Sigh got a reaction from GreenTealael in One year milestone… ready for plastics!   
    On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.
    5’1’’ Female, age 53
    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2

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