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    I love Hummus. My favorite is Roasted red pepper, I would try mixing into a bowl of soup like butternut squash or split pea....
  2. Hello everyone. I am just curious about this. How long did it take for others to go from the initial visit of paperwork to receiving their surgery date?

    What do YOU order at Starbucks?

    Me a cup of decaf tea like decaf English breakfast or earl grey tea.

    Frustrated with being unable to eat

    Don't ever say it is ridiculous, it is not ever. We all have feelings and it is so healthy to express them and get them out. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool. This is a journey and like all of us who are where you are or past where you are or even those just starting like me. We have all feel, we all care and to express those feelings is courageous. What you are doing takes courage and strength. I will bet that most people have felt like you do and don't say anything, at least you have the courage to say hey my friends I am feeling frustrated. So keep going.

    took first step

    Thank you all. The webinar session is going to be going over the different procedures and the pros and cons with a doctor talking about it. I am glad to hear for some it was helpful. I am trying to get all the information I can to make the correct decision for myself. I believe in gathering all the information you can Good and Bad before, making a life-altering decision like this.
  6. Good afternoon to one and all. I have taken my first step on the journey to being able to schedule my surgery. This Wednesday, June 8 I have my webinar session needed to be able to see the doctor. I know this is required but what did other people think of it when you had to watch it?

    Best Vegetables To Start Eating

    I agree totally with steamed squash or even squash soup. I also think maybe if not considered too fibrous spinach cooked, and also steamed mashed carrots.


    Hey Rusty I understand how you feel, about the ups and downs. I have been on so many diets over the years that when I hear about people promoting them I find it hard to believe they work. Now I am trying to get healthy and have a fuller quality of life, I have been looking at videos of gastric sleeve surgery. My journey brought me here to this chat line in hopes of gathering more information. My prayers are with you as we take this journey. Rusty where do you live by chance?

    Dreaded hair loss - question

    Bypassingmyphat, I am just beginning my journey to surgery and have been doing research and learning all I can. My gut feeling on this is to go cut it yourself, take control over the one piece of this journey you can at this point. If it is long enough donate it to a charity that uses the hair to make wigs for cancer patients. That way you can bring some good to someone else.


    Hi everyone, My name is Sarah and I live in Connecticut. I am no different than all of you. Been On Diets whole life lose and gain back. I have been doing a lot of research on Bariatric surgery and would like to get advice. How did others begin their own journey to surgery? What was the best help for you guys in making this decision? I want to wish each and everyone here great luck no matter where you are on this hard journey.

    Scared .........

    Hi, my name is Sarah and I live in Connecticut and well I am totally new to this topic. I have recently been doing research and reading about gastric sleeve surgery for myself. As to the topic of being nervous and crying, I think that is totally normal. When we all make this decision it is no little choice we are making a choice that is ultimately going to change our lives. So, in my opinion, I would be worried if someone was not worried... Is anyone here from Connecticut?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
