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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Jule reacted to Jnpxo2 in Jealousy from others?   
    I honestly put up boundaries with people and if they can’t respect them I limit the time I spend around them. You’re in such a great space in your life ! Be proud and continue to do everything that is best for you !
  2. Like
    Jule reacted to Jaelzion in This surgery is bullshit...   
    Before surgery, I had been obese since the age of 8. I was 54 when I had the sleeve done. In all those intervening years (decades), I was never able to lose significant weight and keep it off for more than a year (usually 6 months). After surgery, I lost 130 pounds and reached a normal BMI for the first time since I was a little girl. I'm coming up on 3 years since my sleeve and my weight is within 4 pounds of my lowest weight. I had 45 years of trying to lose weight and maintain the loss. If I could have done it on my own, I would have.
    To a certain extent, you're right. No surgery will allow you to eat unhealthy food on a regular basis and maintain the weight loss. The part you are missing is that for some of us, the surgery alters our appetite and reduces cravings. That makes it much easier to stick to a desired eating plan. Prior to surgery, my appetite beat me up like it was Mike Tyson. Now, it's more like a toddler. It can make a lot of noise, but it doesn't overpower me anymore. I'm not consistently relying on raw will-power, where I'm constantly struggling not to eat. That wouldn't be at all sustainable (as my 45 years of diets demonstrated). Sure, sometimes I want something bad and I have to tell myself "Not right now". But it's a heck of a lot easier to do that now than it was before surgery.
    It's really unfortunate that you were told you would be able to eat as you did pre-surgery. I honestly don't know ANYONE who completely went back to their old diet and maintained their weight loss. Now that I am in maintenance, I'm not as strict as I was during the weight loss phase. I eat more carbs (in the form of fruit mostly) and I allow myself a treat now and then (Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, Passover, etc.) But day to day, I eat a maintenance diet that is very different from how I ate pre-surgery.
    Your surgeon is simply wrong. 2 years and 9 months after surgery, I still have significant restriction and my appetite is still about two-thirds of what it was before. The restriction is not as intense as it was in the early days/weeks/months after surgery, but it's there. I am satisfied with a fraction of the food I used to eat at one meal. It will always be possible to "eat around your sleeve" by eating unhealthy food in small portions, but all day long. No surgery can stop you if you are really determined to over-eat. That's why it's important to get to the root of the psychological reasons you depend on food to help you cope. Because surgery doesn't eliminate those issues. It's very unfortunate that your bariatric team didn't prepare you for that aspect of things.
    Different people have different experiences of what post-surgical life is like. Not everyone gets the long-term appetite reduction that I enjoy. I'm aware that it may not last forever. But almost 3 years later, the sleeve is still helping me maintain my weight loss, WITHOUT a constant will-power battle. It takes commitment sure - I can't eat everything that comes to mind, whenever I want. But for the first time ever, I feel like on any given day, I can CHOOSE how and what I eat, rather than being a prisoner of my appetite.

  3. Thanks
    Jule got a reaction from TMoney69 in October surgery friends??   
    Hi! I had my gastric sleeve surgery 2 days ago on the 20th. Nice to meet y'all
  4. Like
    Jule reacted to MrsGamgee in Where am I going wrong?   
    Right now I'm thinking 140 for my goal, but I just can't visualize that, and I'm hopeful that goal will change as I get near to it. But if I did the math on the formula you shared above correctly, I would end up in the mid 170s, and that is NOT acceptable for me. My new mantra is "be an outlier".

    Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Like
    Jule got a reaction from OutdoorsGirl in Had my VSG October 25,2021 ... yikes 😳   
    I had mine on the 20th and the first few days were very rough. Here are some things I learned.
    1) Tylenol dissolve packs, prime shipping on Amazon and tasty.
    2) Heating pad for pain; my shoulders, arms & hands were agony. I also wore compression gloves on my hands.
    3) Sipping hot liquids was easier at first, Protein Soup (BariWise also on Amazon) or broth with flavorless Protein Powder mixed in.
    4) Fairlife Protein Shakes are easier to drink, lighter consistency similar to 2% milk.
    I swear it gets better really quickly. I'm 8 days out and I walked around the block 3 times so far today, am off all pain relievers and got 120 grams of protein yesterday and am on track to do so from now on.
  6. Like
    Jule got a reaction from Speschalk in Any October 2021 Surgeries?   
    I’m on day 4 post surgery and am having a very hard time with fluids & Protein. I have Water constantly near me and am sipping on it constantly, might be getting 12-14 oz a day. My protein intake is around 30 grams a day, I can’t finish a shake, I put it back in the fridge and have some protein Soup, can only manage a few sips of that. More that a sip feels like a brick is sitting on my chest. My Dr told me most people struggle with it and just do the best I can. I’ve read through the threads and it seems pretty common. I’m actually up a couple pounds since surgery, hoping that’s the gas and will start seeing the scale go down soon. Hurt like hell the first 2 days, the shoulder pain!! 🔥🔥 And day 3 my arms and hands hurt so bad my husband got compression gloves for me that helped. Looking forward to the honeymoon phase cuz it certainly isn’t here yet. 😉
  7. Like
    Jule reacted to Jaye W in 101 pounds GONE pic included   
    I am close to you in age- I am 49. I also think I look a lot better with clothing ON than OFF right now so pictures can be deceiving. There is much to be said for a good pair of leggings and a good bra! My stomach, butt, triceps and inner thighs are my current problem areas. They have some loose skin but I accept it is part of the process. I think my Biceps actually look the best , I think they respond well to working out.
    I am taking a collagen supplement daily - in hopes that it will help maintain some elasticity with my skin. I have noticed my complexion is a lot better since adding the collagen. Hard to say if it is helping with elasticity since I had to take a month off from the gym since my gall bladder surgery. As my weight loss slows down now, I am going to get back to the gym this weekend and really going to focus on workouts with the goal of tightening up/toning as much as possible. Starting to research body recomposition - building muscle and losing more fat. This will also help with increasing BMR for maintenance.
    I am going to continue to reassess things as time goes by. I always thought I would never want plastic surgery but I may change my mind and get the Mommy makeover in a year or 2. My boobs are flat and saggy now and they are the only part of my body I am unhappy with right now. My stomach has some loose skin but it still feels better than it did at 264 lbs.
    From what I understand genetics, age and prior weight all play into loose skin. I am working on giving myself grace and accepting my imperfections and working to continue to improve as much as I can.
    Advice Welcome....
  8. Like
    Jule got a reaction from OutdoorsGirl in Had my VSG October 25,2021 ... yikes 😳   
    I had mine on the 20th and the first few days were very rough. Here are some things I learned.
    1) Tylenol dissolve packs, prime shipping on Amazon and tasty.
    2) Heating pad for pain; my shoulders, arms & hands were agony. I also wore compression gloves on my hands.
    3) Sipping hot liquids was easier at first, Protein Soup (BariWise also on Amazon) or broth with flavorless Protein Powder mixed in.
    4) Fairlife Protein Shakes are easier to drink, lighter consistency similar to 2% milk.
    I swear it gets better really quickly. I'm 8 days out and I walked around the block 3 times so far today, am off all pain relievers and got 120 grams of protein yesterday and am on track to do so from now on.
  9. Like
    Jule reacted to Jaelzion in Thoughts about slowish loss   
    It took me almost two years to get to goal. My weight loss slowed down quite a bit about halfway through, but the good thing is, it kept going and going until all my excess weight was gone. Even slow weight loss adds up over time. Hang in there!
  10. Like
    Jule got a reaction from OutdoorsGirl in Had my VSG October 25,2021 ... yikes 😳   
    I had mine on the 20th and the first few days were very rough. Here are some things I learned.
    1) Tylenol dissolve packs, prime shipping on Amazon and tasty.
    2) Heating pad for pain; my shoulders, arms & hands were agony. I also wore compression gloves on my hands.
    3) Sipping hot liquids was easier at first, Protein Soup (BariWise also on Amazon) or broth with flavorless Protein Powder mixed in.
    4) Fairlife Protein Shakes are easier to drink, lighter consistency similar to 2% milk.
    I swear it gets better really quickly. I'm 8 days out and I walked around the block 3 times so far today, am off all pain relievers and got 120 grams of protein yesterday and am on track to do so from now on.
  11. Thanks
    Jule got a reaction from TMoney69 in October surgery friends??   
    Hi! I had my gastric sleeve surgery 2 days ago on the 20th. Nice to meet y'all
  12. Thanks
    Jule got a reaction from TMoney69 in October surgery friends??   
    Hi! I had my gastric sleeve surgery 2 days ago on the 20th. Nice to meet y'all
  13. Like
    Jule reacted to 1000islandgirl in How do you Cope?   
    I'm pre-op as well and I feel like I have been working on coping mechanisms for quite a few years now as I became more and more aware of how I am a sugar addict/compulsive overeater.
    I don't go to OA now but I have gone many times in past years. Friends from OA taught me how to use things other than food to help me cope like:
    Calling a friend, going for a walk, journal, praying/meditation, quilting. I would say journaling has been my biggest help. When I didn't know what to write I either just put my pen to paper and kept writing anything for 15 minutes. Even if I wrote the same word &uck 1000 times I always felt better afterword. You could write a gratitude list or.......write about an issue that's been bothering you. You can burn it afterwords. No one has to see it.
    Another thing is to write a letter to yourself but do it from the perspective of a good friend. In other words a good friend would be kind, forgiving, loving and caring. She/he would want to take care of you.
    Best wishes on your journey.
  14. Haha
    Jule reacted to FutureSylph in What are you looking forward to ?   
    There's always a drawback, even to WLS. ;-D
  15. Like
    Jule reacted to AshleyS in What are you looking forward to ?   
    I think what I'm most excited for is when I finally get out of the plus size section and can shop in so many different places. I'm so tired of the overpriced plus size clothing and the ugly options they give!!! I'm also curious to see how differently I'm treated when I'm out and about. I've heard it's quite the adjustment. I'm also looking forward to having more energy to go out and do things like hiking, fishing, camping, amusement parks, rides etc. I was pretty down and unmotivated and I'm really looking forward to feeling excited to go do things again.
  16. Like
    Jule reacted to vikingbeast in Tugging & Burning Sensation Pls Help   
    Yes, it's normal. You are healing inside and also your nerves were cut, so they have to regenerate. It takes time. You can get a binder or use a pillow to brace yourself. It does get better within a couple of weeks, I promise.
  17. Like
    Jule reacted to The Greater Fool in Moms that do it all   
    Sit everyone down and have one of those warm, come together, group hug, family meetings.
    Explain that Mommy will be out of commission for a couple weeks, so everyone needs to come together in one of those typical warm and fuzzy family moments and agree to pitch in to help out.
    The best way for you to handle the fatigue and irritability are easy: Close the door, lock it, bolt it, put furniture in front of it, set traps, then go too sleep and watch the TV programs you want to watch for a change. If anyone dares knock on the door, you can either snarl and throw out a small animal carcass as warning, or just shout choice profanity. You know your family, use what will work best.
    Everyone will need to run their part of the house. This may cause the house to spin in circles, but at least it will be getting run. It is unlikely this will cause any lasting harm, but if it does repair costs can be taken out of allowances.
    The decision making will be easy: "Yes."
    They'll need to arrange their own play dates, hopefully in the typical PG or PG-13 way they are now.
    Cleaning up... well... really, how bad can it get in a couple weeks? Besides, dirt and germs only help everyone's immunity to work better and harder. It's a win-win for everyone involved.
    Oh, so your surgeon says no caffeine? Bast****. Well, if you've taken my advice, you've locked yourself in your bedroom and will be sleeping snarling at anyone that dares interrupt your solitude . Who needs energy for that? Bask in your new found sloth.
    You didn't really give us a scorecard on what your family looks like. But I'll bet they'll answer your call for support as best as they can. Your husband will step up. All those adults you are arranging play dates with will step up and do what needs to be done. Or, in typical fashion, they won't. They're your associates, you know how they'll handle things. When your kids ask you to play, you will be kind and not the least bit irritable.
    Even if your worst fears occur and nothing get's done your home will still survive and everything will be there when you are able to resume everything you do.
    Regardless what happens, take some time to deal with your needs for a few weeks.
    Good luck,
  18. Hugs
    Jule reacted to TinDE in Mind Games (in my own mind)   
    I know logically 2 pounds a week is great! And I know that a few “extra” calories a day isn’t going to make me gain back 70 pounds overnight. But some days I’m just not feeling logical. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  19. Like
    Jule reacted to livingstone in My Story...   
    So, it's been three weeks since I updated. I'm now seven weeks post op, down 41 lbs with a BMI that is down from 45 to 38. I had my six week check up last week and the surgeon seemed pleased with how I'm doing. I am on a complete stall at the moment, but he said that was to be expected.
    My head hunger is largely gone since I started eating normal food. Don't get me wrong, I can still smell some chips (proper British chips, not American chips) and froth at the mouth - but whereas I felt really deprived in the early weeks, now I feel fine. I think the key for me was that whereas then I couldn't have them, now I could - I just choose not to.
    I've been up front with myself about my lifestyle change since I had surgery - I'm not doing this as an extreme change. I still eat the food I like (including bread) but less of it. However, I have chosen not to have a lot of foods that I would happily munch my way through on a daily basis (e.g. crisps, chocolate). I still like these foods, but I don't need them as much.
    I've also started exercising, and got the all clear at my check up to do weight training as well as cardio. So far I'm enjoying it - I do a mixture of running on the crosstrainer (the treadmill still scares me) and walking 500m in the swimming pool (I can't swim).
    The big big thing I want to get across to anyone reading this is that what I went through at the start (the emotional rollercoaster, the doubts) have gotten so much better. I am now really happy that I had this done. I feel physically better, I feel lighter on my feet (even though I'm still nowhere close to my goal) and I feel far more in control of what I eat. So if you are newly post-op and feeling regretful, just plough through it, because it does get better
  20. Like
    Jule reacted to livingstone in Gained almost all weight back   
    Hi guys - I'm in a similar boat. Sleeved March 2015 at 292lbs. Got down to 177lbs. Was pretty happy there but was aiming for 165.
    Started to gradually gain - by Jan 2020 I was up to 200, and then because of the pandemic and lockdown (boredom eating mainly) I was up to 220 this January. So I've not regained all my weight, but still regained about 40% of it.
    I'm on week three of trying to lose my regain. Down 10lbs so far (but some of that in week 1 was probably Water weight). This is what has been working for me:

    1. Keep it simple. It's calories in vs calories out. I tried Keto for two days and was so miserable that it was never going to be sustainable. So I'm just going for a straightforward trying to consume 1000 calories less than I burn each day - i.e. less than 1750.
    2. Within that calorie allowance, I allow myself to eat anything I want, subject to the following rules.
    3. My first calories get used on a Protein heavy Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only after I've logged all of those do I get to incorporate Snacks.
    4. No drinking with meals or 30 minutes either side of a meal. But otherwise lots of water.
    5. No fizzy drinks except at weekends. I never had a calorie problem with fizzy drinks as my weakness was Diet Coke. But now I only drink sugar-free cordial (Robinson's Orange and Mango or Orange and pineapple for those in the UK).
    6. If I want a snack, I have to have a drink (water or cordial) first to see if that stops the craving.
    7. Everything - and I mean everything - I eat is measured and recorded on MyFitnessPal before I eat it. It helps me see the impact of a particular choice on my calorie levels for the day, and sometimes leads me to make a different choice.
    8. Six days of the week, I must be under 1750 calories. One day a week (usually Sunday) I allow myself up to 2500 calories but only if I have 'banked' enough calories during the week. So if, say, on Monday I consume 1500 calories rather than 1750, those 250 go into the bank and I allow myself to use them on Sunday (up to the maximum of 2500, which is roughly what I burn in an average day of activity).

    I've been doing that since 4 January, and have gone from 220lbs to 210lbs. I am aiming for 2lb loss a week for the next three months, and then to slow it down to about 1lb a month for another three or four months.
  21. Like
    Jule got a reaction from EmDee02 in Any October 2021 Surgeries?   
    Had mine 2 days ago on October 20th.
  22. Like
    Jule reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in Insurance Through Postop   
    Me at 7 months

  23. Like
    Jule reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in Insurance Through Postop   
    Six months down! I’m weighing in today at 209.2, so I lost 8.6 lbs last month. Slowing down a bit, but that’s to be expected. Overall I’m 129.8 lbs down.

    I’m halfway through a couch to 5k app. It feels great and kind of weird to be running. Like it seems almost impossible that someone of my size can run- then I remember I’m only 9 lbs from being overweight. It’s hard to remember my actual size a lot of the time.

    I love how I’m starting to look, and I can’t get over how amazing it feels to run up a staircase that before I had to slowly walk up feeling my knees ache with every step. I’m happy every single day that I had this surgery. Some of my “new” clothes are starting to be too big. Yes, I knew I shouldn’t buy so much but oh well, that’s what Poshmark is for.

    This month I want to finish the C25K app and run for 30 minutes straight...the thought is crazy but I’m excited by the possibility. I want to lose 9.4 lbs....which would put me in onederland! It would also move me into being overweight...luckily everyone here understands how exciting being overweight would be.

    Crazy to think that six months ago today I was being dropped off at the hospital by my husband. I was so nervous and excited but also certain I was making the right choice. And I was!
  24. Like
    Jule reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in Insurance Through Postop   
    Let’s see if this works to upload a progress pic.

  25. Like
    Jule reacted to oldandtired in Any 45+ year old women on here with gastric bypass experience?   
    Here in the south you just stay inside 😁

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