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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About ChunkyCali

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    Advanced Member

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    San Jose
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  1. ChunkyCali

    Tragic accident

    I am so, so sorry. How absolutely devastating for you and your family. Please try and take care of yourself. You will be in my thoughts.
  2. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I'm coming up on 8 weeks next Wednesday, so hard to believe! I'd say that weight loss has been slower than I'd like. I am averaging 2 - 3 pounds a week. But every week so far has been a loss, so I celebrate that. I'm down 25 pounds since surgery, a total of 40 pounds with preop diet included. I seem to be able to tolerate pretty much everything so far. Water and other fluids are going down well. Protein shakes are better the last couple of weeks, they still taste super sweet, and not at all delicious, but I can get them down. I've started having small amounts of vegetables with my proteins. Tonight I tried carrot and asparagus! My major stress is worrying each day if I'm eating too much, or not getting in protein. I track on myfitnesspal and average 600 - 800 calories a day, my surgeon asked me to get in 800 -1000 and protein usually hits around 70 or 80.
  3. ChunkyCali

    1 Year Post-Op Update

    Amazing! Congrats and thank you for the update. It's always helpful to read everyone's stories and progress.
  4. I had surgery the same day as you. It's so difficult isn't it? I keep weighing myself every day, even though I know I shouldn't. We want to see those results and know that all of this was worth it. That it's working, and that we did the right thing. I started comparing myself to folks on instagram, seeing them lose 10 or 15 pounds more than me in the same time frame. It's a rabbit hole that I can't afford to go down, mentally and physically. I'm telling myself that I have to just give my body time, to let it do it's thing. All I can do is follow my surgeon's advice and trust that I will get results. You are doing great with your intake, I'm sure that you will get the results you want to see soon!
  5. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Welcome! This forum is great, so much good info. Friday will be here before you know it! Best of luck and good wishes for your surgery.
  6. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I did it! Surgery this morning. All went well. Not much pain right now but I do have iv meds. Done a couple of loops of the ward but need to do more. The pain I am feeling is definitely gas pain rather than my abdomen.
  7. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yay, congrats! Glad you are doing good so far! Tomorrow is my day!
  8. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Best of luck for tomorrow!
  9. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Surgery in a week on the 5th. My surgeons office said I should be getting my COVID test next Monday.
  10. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I'm halfway through my preop diet and nearly 10 pounds down! I'd like to lose a little more. 15lbs sounds great to me Right now I'm just waiting anxiously for the hospital to call me to schedule my COVID test. I keep thinking they've forgotten me! If I haven't heard by tomorrow I might give my surgeon's office a call.
  11. ChunkyCali

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Good luck, I know exactly how you feel. I'm glad that you are at peace with your decision and wish you all the best for surgery.
  12. ChunkyCali

    Liver diet pre-op

    I'm on day 7 of liquid diet and celebrating that I am half way through it. I can't imagine voluntarily extending how long I am on this diet!
  13. ChunkyCali

    Post-op full liquid diet

    That's great, and very encouraging to hear!
  14. I got mine about a month ago after sleep study was required for my surgery. I have such a hard time getting to sleep, the mask irritates my skin, I feel like I can't breathe. I'm really hoping I can get rid of it after surgery and some weight loss as well. I did see that you are meant to take it to the hospital when you stay and I was hoping to just... not. I don't want to wear this in the hospital after surgery!
  15. ChunkyCali

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I'm with you on being nervous!

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