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Kristi schumann

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About Kristi schumann

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  1. Kristi schumann

    More Issues..

    I have anxiety issues and since my surgery I’ve had horrible anxiety ATTACKS. Countless trips to ER because I feel like im dying. It’s awful….
  2. So I was sleeved 5/18/2020 and I have lost about 100lbs. I was at 180 in November and then Jan 160 and now 150.. so weight loss obviously slowed down lately. However about 5 months out I noticed my periods were 30 days apart and then 28 as of March last month was 27 and now I am at 21 days between. Should I be concerned? Is this related to my weight loss? Has anyone else gone through this?
  3. I’m feeling scared and frustrated and uneducated. I have always had heart palpitations and high pulse. Before surgery I was on 3 no pills. I’ve had several full cardiac work ups and it’s always been normal. I’ve struggled with fluids since surgery as in I’m probably always dehydrated. I have weened off of two of my bp meds (lisinopril hctz and norvasc) and I take 25 mg of metoprolol twice daily. Everytime I try to come off of beta blockers my bp and pulse sky rocket. I had an incident in July I was at work and all of a sudden my pulse jumped to 140-160s they gave me adenosine (med that stops and restarts your heart) and it didn’t work they gave me a beta blocker and I went back into normal rythme and rate. Then a couple of weeks ago I was standing next to my bed and all of a sudden I had back to back palpitations and I ended up in ER, they gave me fluids and it stopped. Since then I have had pretty frequent palpitations. I do notice they get better when I drink water but I dunno if I can say everything they do because I just started trying to figure out the link. I’ve reached out to my cardiologist and was told on mychart they would call me to schedule an appointment. I’m just wondering if any of this is normal “relatable”. I’m wondering if it’s from lack of water. I’m also wondering if certain foods can trigger the fast heart rate and palpitations because I’ve noticed I’ve gotten entirely too comfortable cheating here and there and. I am gonna restart from the basics. any input would be appreciated!
  4. So I had surgery 5/18/2020 and my highest weight was 248, 238 before surgery and 191 as of tonight. I feel like I’m not doing as good as I thought I would. I feel like I was loosing a lot but the further out I get the less I’m loosing and I get discouraged and loose motivation. Please I need some advice/encouragement from others. my biggest issue is breakfast. I’m tired of protein shakes, I don’t like hard boiled eggs and I cannot find a protein bar that I like. I’ve tried the new built bar “coconut chocolate” and a few quest bars. The problem is I like crunchy and everything I have tried is soft. I’m feeling super discouraged and I was to get out of this rut!
  5. Kristi schumann


    I’m about 9 almost 10 weeks ago. I have been struggling with vitamins. They had me start with the celebrate tropical twist bariatric vitamins, made me sick no matter when or how I took em. Tried one of the bariatric advantage capsules, makes me sick. Barimelts made me nauseous, what do y’all do for your vitamins???
  6. I had the sleeve 5/18/20 and I am returning to work tomorrow. I also am starting my soft solids tomorrow and am wanting to meal prep and need lunch ideas. Do y’all have any suggestions!?
  7. Kristi schumann

    My VSG pouch too big?

    I’m almost 3 weeks out and have had the same concerns about my pouch
  8. Kristi schumann

    What's healthy range for Carbs after WLS?

    I’m wondering the same thing!
  9. Kristi schumann

    How to take regular meds Post Op

    I have been fortunate enough to swallow all mine, I have had to break a few in half. My friend who had surgery done called her doctor and had the kid versions called in for her because she couldn’t swallow.
  10. Kristi schumann

    Chewing gum?

    The nurses gave me straws in hospital!
  11. Kristi schumann

    Chewing gum?

    I know it’s frowned upon because of the gas issue, is there any other reasons you know of that it isn’t okay to chew sugar free gum? I was avid gum chewer as a kid and it helped with anxiety and stress and kept me from grunting my teeth and am wondering... what is everyone’s experience with it?
  12. Kristi schumann


    I got one of the 1L bottles of smart water down and it took my pulse down to 70s.. WOW that’s crazy! Definitely going to try harder to keep sipping. I see my doctor tomorrow
  13. Kristi schumann


    I had gastric sleeve 5/18/2020 my weight loss has been pretty good. About 2 lbs per day. My total loss since surgery is 16 lbs. I have been struggling with getting my fluids down and I’m noticing that my pulse is running high, especially in the evenings. My pulse is usually in 70s and right now it’s bouncing between 100-110. Could this be from dehydration? The only weird thing is I notice it more at night... I’m currently trying to sip and get some water down.
  14. Kristi schumann

    Struggling 4 Days Out

    I had my surgery 5/18/20 our dates are close. I’d love to switch numbers and be partners through this journey.
  15. Kristi schumann

    Surgery on Monday...

    Thank you guys, I’ll try changing the protein up

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
