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About Babydoll7387

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  • Birthday 07/03/1987

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  1. Babydoll7387

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    I have to be at the hospital in about 8 hours!! I'm so nervous, but so excited to start this new (healthier) chapter!! Good luck to you!!
  2. Babydoll7387

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    Me too! At the start of my liquid diet it felt like it would drag, I can't believe in 3 days the surgery will be over work! Starting to get nervous, but mostly excited 😁
  3. Babydoll7387

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    They have them on Amazon, also blueberries and cream which is my favorite so far ❤️ they have a little less protein than the regular shakes (20g vs 30g) but I feel like it's worth it for how good they are.
  4. Babydoll7387

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    We'll help each other through our birthdays! We got this!!
  5. Babydoll7387

    Making your own protein shakes on liquid diet

    I think it's only for my 2 week pre-op diet that I can't add fruit, since I'm only supposed to be having liquids and protein shakes 🤷‍♀️
  6. Hey everyone! I start my 2 week liquid diet on 6/24, so I'm trying to get my ducks in a row now. I know a lot of people use the ready to drink protein shakes, but I was wondering if anyone has any go-to protein shakes they make on their own with protein powder. I usually make almost a smoothie with protein powder, with yogurt and fruit, but my nut told me I won't be able to add the fruit on the liquid diet. The thought of just adding protein powder to almond milk grosses me out for some reason, so I figured I'd ask for some suggestions. TIA 😊
  7. Babydoll7387

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    Scheduled for RNY on July 8th. Start my liquid diet on June 24th, which I'm dreading 😬 My birthday is July 3rd, so I'm slightly bummed about not being able to do my usual dinner and cake, but that's part of the journey. Makes me wonder where I'll be at for my birthday next year. I'm so nervous, but so excited at the same time!
  8. Babydoll7387

    Quantity of food Fear

    I feel like I have many of the same fears as you. There's a part of me that looks at the surgery as a type of "death" of how I've always been, which in reality is a good thing. There's a part of me that feels like I'm going to be missing out on food afterwards, but I think that's only because I can't comprehend being able to eat so little and feeling full. I worry that I'll regret not being able to eat "normally" even though the quantity of food I can eat is far from normal. However, my excitement far outweighs my fears. I'm in my early 30s as well, and have a young son, and I feel like this will make me a much happier and healthier parent to him. I want to see him graduate high school, and have kids of his own. At the rate I'm going now, that won't happen. I think any kind of change is scary, even if it is for the best.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
