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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About tarotcardreader

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    Aspiring Evangelist

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    Update- new goal of 120. 300/156.5/120 as of 1 year surgiversary
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  1. tarotcardreader

    Hair Loss Treatments

    Heya i have a thyroid so what works for me may not work for you. #1 protein gram above 80 #2 unflavored collagen powder added to drink daily solved it for me good luck
  2. That happens if i do not consume enough protein grams and in my case it is prevented by adding Unflavored collagen powder to my drinks. Hth
  3. tarotcardreader

    Need some statistics

    I definitely think complications could be under reported due to patients being lost to followup. What your friend is not mentioning is the statistics for those that go along being 300-600 lb and die of heart attack stroke or lose limbs eyesight etc from diabetes or periphereal vascular disease. The surgery is a real solution for obesity and the word needs to get out there. If you’ve been big 300+ for more than a decade and tried everything and have deadly health conditions only u can decide at what point its worth the risk. I also agree w the response about compliance of protein grams for heart protection. Patient compliance varies and is hard to measure w deaths. Some people are fat and have congestive heart failure prior to surgery and would have keeled over anyway because it already progressed that far
  4. tarotcardreader

    6 Months and Stalled

    About hair, up your protein grams with a collagen powder in your drink. Really helped me. I did have a slight stall somewhere in the middle of the year but then it started coming off again.
  5. Right now cottage cheese with strawberry is one for me.
  6. tarotcardreader


    Yes, i had some and still had my surgery on schedule.
  7. tarotcardreader

    Can’t keep Most food down

    Try fairlife milk lowfat. Very high protein and similar feel to water.
  8. tarotcardreader

    ONEDERLAND peeps!

    congrats love the socks. I am liking fitting all the skinny clothes I bought over the years !
  9. tarotcardreader

    What happened? Please help!!!

    Did you try adding in a protein snack like nuts or something there towards the end of the shift? I would definitely reach out your dietician to see if there's some kind of snack that fits your plan that can help with the issue
  10. tarotcardreader

    The post op pain

    Please let your nurse know so they can give you something for it dont suffer in silence. At home a heating pad and lots of pillows helped me. You can also prob get a script of tramadol from your doctor for the first few days if you asked.
  11. for me the measuring cups beakers etc and 1-2oz containers from amazon were most important. I also find my klean kanteen to be good for fluids (keeping stuff hot or cold). I still use a smaller plate. I no longer use a blender. i plan to start using the pocket scale i got more but havent yet
  12. tarotcardreader

    Let’s talk poop strategy

    You can speak with your doctor for a script of docusate sodium 200mg. That might help. Some also use sienna. For me I combine with miralax. However, if you read up on intestines over at harvard you will find that coffee has an effect on the intestines that helps to push food along. So for me I added coffee to my daily routine (with surgeon approval only and 3 months post op because caffeine can be a stomach irritant) and that worked for me. If you have frequent issues u might want to see about a referral to a gastro they can prescribe some other new meds.
  13. tarotcardreader

    2 Week post op with doctor, frustrating.

    Heating pad helped me alot at night as well as having six pillows to keep things from pulling tucked everywhere.
  14. tarotcardreader

    1 year after gastric sleeve problems...

    I didn't read the rest of the comments just your story here. I think you may have an anxiety problem, which can lead to something called agoraphobia if you don't get on top of it. However, the best way to know is for you to see your own doctors and discuss your concerns about this. You may benefit from a therapy called CBT. It very much sounds like you start to go into a panic attack from reading your story here but you need to consult with your own specialist (psych) who knows you to see if thats what is occuring. I have known several sufferers with agoraphobia and it started with small stuff for them like this. There are medicines for crippling anxiety but there is also the CBT option where you can analyze thinking along with a therapist if your psych doctor thinks you have an anxiety disorder. I do however want to say you look great here and made amazing progress, but I hope you seek out some professionals to help you so that your anxiety level can get down enough to do activities of life such as work. Anxiety disorders are so undermentioned but they can cause so much misery hope you feel better
  15. Well my plan is protein gram based w little carb so no. On top of that I have digestion motility issues so they dont want me eating anything that might further slow things down so my situation is a little more strict on the intake. Make appointment with your dietician there who did the nutrition session for advice. Could be a psychological fear of carb but could also be a natural concern (for diabetes). I tend to speak to the members on my healthcare team for their advice because they have seen it all before. Your concerns are probably common to them

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
