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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    breavsg reacted to PostVSGandKeto in January 2020 Surgery Folks   
    Thanks! And yah I feel so much better! Way more confident and definitely more energetic. I'm off my inhaler and exercise isn't torture anymore. It's awesome! Definitely new beginnings to all of us!
  2. Like
    breavsg reacted to summerset in Eating egg muffin at 6 days Post Op   
    Yeah, why not do the right thing and simply "stick to the program"?
    1) She thought it would be fun and perfectly ok to eat an egg mcmuffin that early out.
    2) She wanted to sabotage her success on purpose.
    3) Disordered eating got the better of her.
    I opt for number 3!
    Stop being so damn self-righteous about this!
  3. Like
    breavsg reacted to healthy days ahead in Date set   
    My surgery is set for October 14. My anxiety is through the roof. I'm nervous and scared. Any suggestions on the Protein Shakes. I've tried the premiere Protein shakes and making my on but I can't stand the taste.
    Sent from my QTAXIA1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Like
    breavsg reacted to Sandra Nuelken in Before and After   
    This is almost 14 months after surgery. I am 74, and happier than I've ever been. Walking daily only 30 minutes, but loving it. With work and determination, this is life-changing surgery. You are never too old either. I even had a glass of wine and a piece of cake for my birthday and didn't gain anything. Feeling blessed.

  5. Like
    breavsg reacted to sillykitty in Hit a rough patch   
    Diet fatigue is completely normal. Increased hunger and cravings are a part of the process. Now you just need to reevaluate, and find new strategies to stay on program. What are you craving? Can you find healthy, low cal alternatives? You are hungrier, trying hydrating instead of eating? If you're still hungry, then have some low cal and or high Protein options on hand.
    You definitely don't need to be perfect to be successful!

  6. Like
    breavsg reacted to DwGirl in 7 days post opp   
    7 days and still on liquids, let me tell you it ain't fun at all. The pain from surgery is almost gone but the idea of continuing to drink liquids all day is really taking a toll on me idk, I feel no energy and sometimes get dizzy. Its mental strength that I need i am driving myself crazy, but I know this too shall pass.
  7. Like
    breavsg reacted to summerset in Scolded for using "wrong" protein shake post-op   
    How did she make you order this?
    Anyway, this behavior is worth filing a complaint. A dietician can recommend a product or several products but nothing more.
    Does she get paid by this company when her patients order their Protein or what?
  8. Congrats!
    breavsg got a reaction from FWJ in January 2020 Surgery Folks   
    Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well! I just wanted to check in and share a personal victory of mine! I have officially made it into the "healthy weight" BMI bracket for the first time in... well pretty much ever! [emoji23] I do need to still work on getting enough Protein and Water (sometimes I just simply forget to drink) but overall I feel much much better than I did before my sleeve, and I'm pretty pumped about fitting into a medium again!! Anyhow, I hope you're all having a great summer!

    Sent from my Alcatel_5008R using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    breavsg reacted to BigSue in Day 1 post opp   
    Welcome to the post-op side! Hang in there... My first few days after surgery were miserable (including intense regret when I first woke up), but I'm 7 weeks out and it all seems like a distant memory now.
  10. Like
    breavsg reacted to onmyway11 in What did she say??? Hipaa is still a thing...   
    I went for my 6 month bloodwork the other day and my 18 year old twin daughters also needed bloodwork so we all went together. I went first and when the tech called me In she was super chatty about the doctors in my practice and one surgeon that had left etc etc then she asked if I had had the surgery already. Which ok I have a BMI of 30 down from a 50 but ok I politely say yes I have. She then asks if it was easy to get approval and wasn’t it great I got approval yadayada

    I went out into the lobby and told my daughters I’ll wait in the car. So after my first daughter is done she gets in the car and says to me alarmed “you are having surgery??!!” I said no and she said well the tech said to me it’s great your mom got approved for her surgery.

    My kids don’t know I had surgery. Just my personal choice. I told my husband the story and he insists I call the lab. Wanted to see what you all thought about this. When I type it out it is pretty crazy she would say something like that! Appreciate your thoughts :) thanks!
  11. Like
    breavsg reacted to Suzi_the_Q in What did she say??? Hipaa is still a thing...   
    That sucks. Definitely call the lab.
  12. Like
    breavsg reacted to drawingdami in Pre op liquid diet   
    Thank you! We shall get through this. By this time next month, both you and I can have my favorite tuna salad:
    1 can tuna packed in Water, 1 slice red onion, 2 tbsp of low fat cream cheese, couple of dashes of liquid smoke and salt and pepper to taste. Do not drain tuna and put everything together in blender or food processor until very smooth.
    I have made this for parties as a cracker spread! It's delish.
  13. Like
    breavsg reacted to CAKEGIRL86 in Pre op liquid diet   
    I am day 5 of my liquid diet and I dont care for my Protein Shakes. So i started adding ice to them and blending them to be "milkshake" consistancy. I also found flavors that would be good with PB Fit and add those for extra Protein. My nutrionist told me I can add liquid consistency baby food in as long as there is no added sugar for the in between times.

    You can do this! I am down 14 lbs in 5 days doing this.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    breavsg got a reaction from drawingdami in Pre op liquid diet   
    I was the same way as you are now. Pre op was honestly the worst part for me. I was on a liquid diet for 7 days pre op and I did break down and buy a few of those tuna creations pack and for a few days I would substitute that for one of my drinks. Just make sure they're very high Protein and low sugar and carbs (the flavors have different amounts). I'm not trying to tempt you, just letting you know I was there too and it ended up working out for me, I had surgery on schedule and lost 11 lbs on the 7 day pre op diet. Best of luck, hang in there.

    Sent from my Alcatel_5008R using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    breavsg got a reaction from drawingdami in Pre op liquid diet   
    I was the same way as you are now. Pre op was honestly the worst part for me. I was on a liquid diet for 7 days pre op and I did break down and buy a few of those tuna creations pack and for a few days I would substitute that for one of my drinks. Just make sure they're very high Protein and low sugar and carbs (the flavors have different amounts). I'm not trying to tempt you, just letting you know I was there too and it ended up working out for me, I had surgery on schedule and lost 11 lbs on the 7 day pre op diet. Best of luck, hang in there.

    Sent from my Alcatel_5008R using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    breavsg reacted to GreenTealael in I’m riding the struggle bus.   
    Take a look online and in the BariatricPal Store for crunchy alternatives.
    Also there are many more food options than just Protein Shakes, bars and hard boil eggs
    Perhaps contact your Team/dietician/nutritionist for more meal ideas or search on the internet
  17. Like
    breavsg reacted to Debbie184 in Small containers for food prep/storage   
    Hi everyone, I'm kinda new only and posted a few times, I had VSG on 8/19 and so far everything has been going smoothly for my healing.
    I found these awesome little containers at my local Home Goods and I also saw them at TJ Maxx the same day and really wanted to share. (Yesterday 8/31/20) They were in the housewares section by the rest of the tupperware style containers. I think they were $3.99 and it comes with 12 they are freezer, microwave, and I think dishwasher safe, although they are easy enough to wash by hand lol. They fit appropriately 1/3 cup (I measured) which is about 2.5 oz I believe. I plan on using them to freeze some shredded/pureed chicken for lunches when I go back to work. But I really wanted to share because they are cheap, reusable, and perfect size. 😁


  18. Like
    breavsg reacted to Lanie992 in Chinese food   
    She probably isn't wanting the healthy stuff... she can make that at home. I think that sort of defeats the purpose of going one last time to her favorite restaurant that is closing. I say, go for it. It's not like she can eat that much in her small pouch. I would still steer clear of fried foods, if possible. And get back on track immediately after.
    I am 3 months out and VERY strict on what I eat -- have not had 1 cheat day since surgery, but if my favorite restaurant was closing, then I would allow myself a cheat day.
  19. Like
    breavsg reacted to catwoman7 in Different Restriction through the day   
    I"m not sure about the restriction part, but I have pretty much zero interest in food in the morning, at from about 4:00 p.m. on, I could be an eating machine if I let myself...
  20. Like
    breavsg reacted to Lanie992 in Eating egg muffin at 6 days Post Op   
    Yup. I had that "head hunger" bad in the first few weeks & it really makes you believe you're hungry. MANY people on here have discussed having this on here. It is not uncommon at all. For most - it is all in your head, but perception is reality..
  21. Like
    breavsg reacted to Lanie992 in Eating egg muffin at 6 days Post Op   
    Well there is nothing you can do about it now, but no - your sutures are still healing and this could be very harmful.
    I wouldn't do this again. The first few weeks - you will have "head hunger" bad.. Where your mind has not caught up with your stomach & you'll THINK you're hungry and crave all the bad foods you previously ate. You have to work through that stage, because it's not safe to eat solid foods at this point.
    Just monitor yourself for a few days to make sure you haven't harmed yourself. And be very gentle with your tummy/body -- it is healing right now.
    Good luck.
  22. Like
    breavsg reacted to PostVSGandKeto in January 2020 Surgery Folks   
    Congrats! That's awesome! I finally broke into the 170s. Those last few pounds in the low 180's took forever, but I am confident about moving forward. I am quite a bit shorter than you, so I think I still have a ways to go to hit that weight victory. Won't give up though!
  23. Like
    breavsg reacted to FWJ in January 2020 Surgery Folks   
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!! Keep up the great work! From what I understand very few people get to where you are after the surgery!!! You are an inspiration!
  24. Congrats!
    breavsg got a reaction from FWJ in January 2020 Surgery Folks   
    Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well! I just wanted to check in and share a personal victory of mine! I have officially made it into the "healthy weight" BMI bracket for the first time in... well pretty much ever! [emoji23] I do need to still work on getting enough Protein and Water (sometimes I just simply forget to drink) but overall I feel much much better than I did before my sleeve, and I'm pretty pumped about fitting into a medium again!! Anyhow, I hope you're all having a great summer!

    Sent from my Alcatel_5008R using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    breavsg got a reaction from D-Naughty in Rounding second base heading to third...   
    Nerves are perfectly normal, you've got this!! I found this guy's YouTube channel when I was preparing myself for my own surgery, and out of the VSG channels I've seen, his is my favorite and super accurate with no b.s... I'll post the link for one of his videos but the channel is called Fighting 400, he details everything from pre op diet to Vitamins to the surgery and recovery. Best wishes

    Sent from my Alcatel_5008R using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
