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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Hugs
    elsie77 reacted to mousecat88 in Surgery Day! and beyond: Part 2   
    Today is the day! Leaving at 5am for a 6am arrival. Surgery scheduled at 7:30! I am the first and only patient of his of the day. I'll post frequent updates and all post-op everything here! I have my recliner bed all set up, my Percocet, Keflex, and Celebrex near the "bed". I have given the cats a stern warning about jumping on me. I've done all I can. Wish me luck!
    #abdominoplasty #brachioplasty
    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Like
    elsie77 reacted to Ylime in Q & A With Someone Who's Been There...   
    I'm now 15 months out from VSG and down 107 lbs. When I started I had so many questions, concerns, worries, and doubt. Now I absolutely love life and the new me.
    I thought it might be helpful to come back here and offer the ability to answer questions people have. So ask me absolutely anything and I'll give you an answer. Just hoping to make the pre and post surgery journeys a bit less stressful for others.
    This is my before and after pic - Caribbean style. St Lucia at 250lbs and Jamaica at 145lbs.

  3. Like
    elsie77 reacted to RussT in 3 Year Sleeve Anniversary   
    WOW! I can't believe it's been 3 years since my Gastric Sleeve surgery! It feels like I had it yesterday.
    I started out at 470 and I've pretty much maintained at 215 pounds for the bulk of this year. If anyone is on the fence about having this surgery, let me tell you, it's life changing.
    I am so happy I did it. Not only is my health great, I've gotten very fit and am more active now than I have been in years.

  4. Like
    elsie77 reacted to JerseyJules in Before and After Pics   
  5. Like
    elsie77 reacted to ScoutCR in Before and After Pics   
    Before photo April 2018 my surgery was April 27, 2018 and my after photo last month. 110 lbs down but stable since Feb of 2019

  6. Like
    elsie77 reacted to Roserie in Before and After Pics   
    Well I finally have hips again. They've always been big (got wider after having a kid) but you can finally tell. When I run my hands down my side and over my hip I can feel my hip bone with only a light press. I can't remember the last time this was possible. I'm also in onderland for the first time in.....13yrs? Never thought this day would come.

    I was always self conscious when shirts were tight enough to show my stomach. So I always bought a size larger. I've been an XL for 4yrs now. And a size 16-18 pant. I'm now self conscious for a different reason. My shirts are too baggy and they make me feel way bigger than I really am. My XL leggings are too loose. My size 14 pants are now getting too big. I'm going to try and hold off on buying new clothes for another few mths but I'm finally excited to go clothes shopping.
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 325lbs
    CW: 197lbs

  7. Like
    elsie77 reacted to MsBrown76 in Before and After Pics   
    Sleeved in 2012 but having bypass 11/21 due to GERD and hiatal hernia hw 364 pw 354 lw 206 mw 216.

  8. Like
    elsie77 reacted to modymatey in My mercifully boring bypass story - M34, diabetic, lower BMI   
    I relied so heavily on this forum and others in the months leading up to my procedure that I promised myself I would provide a 12 month update, FAQ and experience summary for others planning the same thing for the same reasons. I recently posted this to Reddit and bariatricpal rounds out the plan.
    My story is positive – overwhelmingly positive – but I think most importantly my story is not emotional. I don’t have a psychological problem with food. I was never tormented or made to suffer for my weight (beyond finding flights uncomfortable and shirts being too short). I made this choice on statistical grounds – it would extend my life on average and go a long way to improving my diabetes. I wanted to provide a vanilla story to remind everyone this pretty survivable and the majority of people have non-descript and unexciting recoveries. My lift is pretty much the same - I just eat a lot less, dont shoot insulin and hopefully will live longer. Forums tend to have an over representation of negative outcomes - that makes perfect sense and it's absolutely fine for people to use them to get some reassurance and communicate with people in the same situation. For everyone else - just remember you're less likely to jump on a forum and tell your story if nothing went wrong or it wasn't any different from other people and as a result it can seem like a higher proportion of people are suffering than maybe is the case.
    I was a lower-BMI diabetic, not quite type 1 or type 2, but insulin dependent nonetheless. My BMI was 31, my surgeryweight was 126kg (277lbs) and I’m 196cm tall (6’5). I was diagnosed at 100kg (220lbs) but assumed type 1 as I wasn’t visually overweight. However in the 5 years since diagnosis I’ve continued to produce some insulin suggesting I’m not a pure type 1 or 2 - but closer to type 2. I gained 26kg in a year after diagnosis once i started on insulin. I’m broad shouldered/chesty with skinny legs - like an apple jammed on some chopsticks. Maybe like the fat Mr Incredible. My intention for having the bypass was not solely weight loss – I suspected that my diabetes was closer to type 2. I suspected the improvements people see immediately in diabetes management post bypass may apply to me. It was a gamble that paid off, My decision making process was quite straight forward – I had a young daughter at the time (now have a son too) and had lost my father to a heart attack when I was 7. He was fit and not diabetic but had a heart condition. I new statistically I was due for a similar fate carrying excess weight plus diabetes onboard. This was the best way to knock out one of those (the weight side) and hopefully improve the diabetes. I went from 126kg to 83kg (180lb), my BMI is low end of healthy. My biggest positive is my immediate cessation of insulin shots and a current HBA1c of 5.8 with oral meds only. It took about 6 months to get to my goal weight of 90kg. I'm still slowly losing and need to stop.
    Lead-up and Prep
    I was not obese to look at visually. The majority of healthcare professionals I spoke to did not think surgery, let alone Gastric Bypass, was necessary. In the end – my PCP, endo and surgeon all agreed that, while not essential, bypass was a prudent decision with potentially long-term benefits. The surgeon did not want me to bother with a gastric sleeve – if the endgame was diabetes improvement then the gold standard was a bypass. In Australia you need to be over 35 BMI or over 30 with a comorbidity to be eligible. I had slightly elevated Blood Pressure - that plus the diabetes made me eligible. I paid $2000 out of pocket, my private health insurance paid the rest. No psych required, I had a few meetings with a nutritionist and everything was greenlit. From first enquiry to surgery was four months. The fee I paid includes lifetime consults with the surgeon.
    I did not need a pre-op diet as i was not that overweight and my liver was not a concern.
    My procedure was in June 2018. My anaesthetic recovery was rough, but otherwise the process was fine. The most discomfort was immediately in the 12 hours following – in part due to surgical site pain but mostly because the bed could not accommodate my height so I was forever crossing my legs or scrunching them up, only to have a nurse slap them and wake me up for fear of DVT. Nurses kept promising to find a bed extender - eventually I lashed out in a post-anaesthetic haze at a nurse who slapped my feet - she took the end off the bed with a flourish. My feet shot out, I cried in relief, apologised profusely and slept for eight hours. Day two was stiff and sore but i was mobile, able to shower and sipping fine. I went home the morning of day three. I had PHENOMENAL life ruining headaches from day two. I went home with some serious opiates because I lived 90 minuts from my surgeon and couldn’t drive to get a script if they hit again. On day four my dietician cleared me for coffee and it immediately wiped out the headache – turns out I’d been in caffeine withdrawal. So I really recommend you taper that off in advance if you have a problem with coffee like i do.
    If you're diabetic then buy a freestyle libre glucose monitor for the procedure if you dont have a CGM. They want hourly blood glucoses, instead of being woken and pin pricked every hour I could just show them how to use the scanner and they'd take it while i slept.
    I had some minor aches 6 weeks out and one of the surgery sites oozed a little clear Fluid. It subsided immediately.
    I was home for two weeks. I could have gone back at one week. I'm an accountant though and my starting weight was comparatively low so i was mobile quick. I completely understand if you're starting form a heavier weight then you should plan to take the full time.
    The normal progression of foods was fine and unremarkable from what is described on most forms. I graduated to solids a little earlier than I should have. I cheated like mad and was feeling fine, it was only when I snuck a tiny piece of casserole beef and vomited violently did I start to behave myself. I was vomiting once or twice a week from eating too much or too fast. Savoury ricotta bake, hearty Soups and coconut Water were my saviors. The vomiting subsided, 18 months out I vomit maybe once every two or three months and only when I do something stupid. My problem before surgery was eating very fast and taking large bites – that has been hard to deal with post surgery. In fact I tend to still eat large bites and then sit unable to eat for extended periods. I was very sensitive to sugar post-op and frequently had dumping. That subsided in a month with changes in eating, changes in my appetite and better food/liquid rules. I currently only get dumping in the morning, and only if I eat something sugary. I do get nauseous easily in the morning too – it’s something I’m working with my nutritionist on to find out why. Otherwise I can eat whatever I want within reason. I don’t drink soda, but had quit it before my procedure. Milky Protein makes me nauseous too (any type of creamy protein really) so I use a water protein additive from costpricesupplements. This helps me hit 2L fluids daily.
    I can eat about a cup and a half food. Liquidy foods – stews, soups, casseroles – I can eat a lot more than that. Tougher foods like steak or dry chicken much less. I gulp liquids.< /p>
    I had a sensitive stomach before the surgery and took Metamucil religiously to keep my gut regular. I have not had any issues post op with flatulence but have had looser bowels. Metamucil still helps – but no worse or in any way less manageable than pre-op.
    I went off insulin immediately after my surgery. It wasn’t a cure – I’m still diabetic – but metformin and trajenta keep me in an aggressively managed hba1c. I have a so-so diet – I eat too much sugary junk food and carbs. I could go without diabetic meds I believe but my diet would be depressing so ive truck a compromise.
    On this basis alone this was the best decision I could have made for my physical wellbeing. My blood pressure is fine, my cholesterol is non-existent and I'm able to even job a moderate distance without discomfort.
    Random observations
    • I’m cold. So cold. It’s 35 degree outside where I am (90’s Fahrenheit) but as soon as I go into any office I need a sweater. I really became dependant on sweaters, long johns and socks this last winter. Im not cooler in summer – just as hot and bothered as before. Maybe a better way to describe it is that I feel the temperature more in general, like I lost my insulation.
    • I am too skinny. Clothes don’t fit that great – most men this tall have a bit more chest/gut on them. Australia has limited/no tall clothing ranges domestically so I’m importing loads of stuff from the UK/USA. i still think i look fat when i look in the mirror.
    • My bum is bony and I need cushions to sit comfortably. I also had a cyst on a butt cheek I didn’t know about – now im so bony there I’ll need to get it removed so I can sit on kitchen chairs comfortably again.
    • I gained about 1.5” of penis length. It was a welcome addition. I needed to learn how to be more gentle and patient using it. With a young family and little sleep it's yet to be fully road tested – but I’ll be ready when we start to sleep again.
    • I have a little loose skin. nothing dramatic. mostly around the gut and love handles.
    • I am very sensitive to meds and drugs. I'm not much of a drinker but i like weed edibles - what would give me a mild buzz before gets me quite high now. I sober up quicker now too. I take xanax on flights to help sleep - i take a quarter of the dose now.
    • I drink red wine socially and now cannot really get drunk. I sober up quite fast but get a mild buzz pretty quickly too.
    • Dumping sucks but it should not be a discouraging factor. Its not life ruining – anyone who’s had a hypo as a diabetic it’s a bit like that with some gastro thrown in. It resolves pretty fast (30ish minutes for me) and is a self-reinforcing feedback loop for shitty food behaviours. For this reason alone I consider the bypass as the better choice for me.
    • I’ve lost a fair bit of muscle tone and will need to somehow up my protein and start some weight training to recover it. This needs to be balanced with not losing for further weight.
    • I have to remind myself to eat. Not just because of low appetite, but because once my pouch shrinks for a day then eating again can be uncomfortable and time consuming. As long as I eat fairly frequently my pouch is all good and I can eat quite a lot pretty fast – forget about it for 2 or 4 hours and I’ll need to take some time to eat a bit and get my appetite back.
    • I was hungry for 33 years and bordered on a pathological inability to waste food. I ate my meal and anything my wife or kid didn’t eat. I’d eat a meal out, go home and have a sandwich. We ate at bars and pubs because the servings were larger. I would eat until I was very uncomfortable if the portion was large enough. Now I still can’t bring myself to leave food – so I have this silly aversion to ordering anything more than something off the appetisers list. I don’t like asking for to-go containers (it’s an Australian thing – it’s really stupid because we pay so much for food out we should keep every bloody morsel) but have started to now order what I actually want instead of what I think I can finish. It’s funny – I went from ordering what I thought would be the biggest portion so I didn’t feel hungry (instead of what I thought looked good) to ordering what I thought I could finish and not waste.
    None to speak of specifically. In a very minor way travel is less fun. I looooove travelling to southeast asia and the USA and love eating all the different things. My appetite is so low now, and eating can be so inconvenient, that I don’t get to eat anywhere near as much variety when I travel. I was recently in SE Asia and looking forward to a huge array of currys. I ate only two in five days as I had no appetite at all. I just need to travel differently now - actually plan to stop for meals instead of just charging all over a city and snacking on the way.
    I wish id been more sensitive to my wife's emotional processing of the scenario. She's gone from having the tall, chubby guy that was the physical build she was attracted to, to having a skinny beanpole. This was while she was having our second kid and all the very natural weight gain associated. She's not overweight and is, objectively i reckon, absolutely gorgeous but definitely feels marginalised by the process and is quick to colour me as vain or obsessed with my image now I am buying new clothes. I think i could have been more mindful of what I said or did. She was overwhelmingly supportive though and agrees this was worthwhile.
    Closing thoughts
    If you are considering this process and maybe you're on the margins of eligibility my experience would say go for it. my hope here was to give a vanilla experience to the mix, unique only in my taking the more permanent bypass on despite my lower starting weight.
    Sent from my SM-A705YN using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Like
    elsie77 reacted to brandimichellexo in Before and After Pics   
    Two month difference!!

  10. Like
    elsie77 reacted to NancyLF in Before and After Pics   
    I love looking at Before & After pics!
    Here's mine. One was taken 7/21/2019, the day before my surgery. The after shot was taken 11/10/2019.
    Weight loss-57 lbs!

  11. Like
    elsie77 reacted to Losin4good in Before and After Pics   
    I remember being pre-op and my favorite thing to do was look at progress photos and dream
    I am 6 months, 10 days post op and I am down 128 pounds total. This isnt a very great pic since I have been sick, but i still took it because anything is better than my before!!

  12. Like
    elsie77 reacted to Jazzy1125 in 1 Year Surgervisary   
    Today is one year from the sleeve. Best decision I ever made... For those of you out there just starting.. do not get discouraged. It may come off slowly, but if you keep on plan and keep on task it will come off.. Keep the faith!

  13. Haha
    elsie77 reacted to AJ Tylo in Period   
    All good here
  14. Like
    elsie77 reacted to KaysMommy in OOTD   
    You all look great.

    @ cheesbrugh I think accessorizing is great. I don’t do it much, but always look envious of the cute accessories people wear.

    @sillykitty love the outfit. Your legs look great.

    @FluffyChix. I agree you butt looks amazing.

    So today I felt like looking my age. 38 and I think I look great. Although I’m not sure about this dress. I saw it online, and had to order it. I hate that where I live I only have Walmart and A small Bealls to buy clothes in store. So I’m never sure how things will fit. I love the dress I’m wearing, just not sure about the length. I think it would look better with heels 👠, but I can only wear flat shoes (stupid foot). What do you all think?

  15. Like
    elsie77 reacted to GreenTealael in Dr. V: Why you shouldn't exercise after WLS   
    I'm always on the fence about endorsing a sedentary lifestyle, it's rubbish to your health
    So many people have said it so very well so I'll just leave encouraging words here

  16. Like
    elsie77 reacted to New&Improved in Before and After Pics   
    Dont have a recent full body pic but those two photos are 3 months apart and 78lbs down.
    I was blown away when doctor showed me my original photo he took from 3 months prior to surgery...
    HW 322
    CW today 245
    GW 190.
    Appreciate any comments

  17. Like
    elsie77 reacted to JAKE H in i can go skydiving now!!!!!!!   
    ive always had a dream of skydiving but i was always too heavy. You have to be 250 to be able to do it. This was my first goal and this morning i hit it. I should be taking the jump within the next few weeks. i cant wait!!!
  18. Like
    elsie77 reacted to Recidivist in OOTD   
    Wow, what a great thread! You all look amazing!
    I had posted my recent photo (about a month ago) on another thread, but I'm adding it here as well.

  19. Like
    elsie77 reacted to caroconcerta in Before and After Pics   
    A 70lb difference.
  20. Like
    elsie77 reacted to mousecat88 in GOOOOOAALLLLL   
    One year surgiversary today and 157lbs lost!
  21. Haha
    elsie77 reacted to Orchids&Dragons in OOTD   
    Haaaaaaappppppppppyyyyyyyy Haaaaaaallllllllloooooowwwwweeeeennnnnn!!!!!!!! (I 😍 sloths!)

  22. Like
    elsie77 reacted to 336Mike in Before and After Pics   
    A little over 2 years out from VSG and 3 months from my FDL TT, at the doc's for my check up! Couldn't be happier with my results from both.

    HW = 360
    SW = 292
    GW = 220 reached 3/7/18
    CW = 210 @ 6'5"
    150 pounds lost!

  23. Like
    elsie77 reacted to TravMac in Before and After Pics   
    So I think it's finally time to share a few of mine.... It's been tough though, not just losing weight and making changes but really taking back control of my life... this, unfortunately, means separation and possible divorce from my spouse.
  24. Like
    elsie77 reacted to AngieBear in OOTD   
    LOOK GUYS! Tall boots!!!!

  25. Like
    elsie77 reacted to New&Improved in 48 hours post op still sore but recovering :)   
    Got into surgery late Monday afternoon had a little low sugar.
    Woke up few hours later so sore been on IV fluids and fentanyl for the pain so sore the first 24hours
    no food at all just Water and IV the past 48hrs and today just started broth and blood pressure and sugar levels every few hours are great now.
    Still a little sore waiting for the drain to be taken out ASAP still on IV fluids and in hospital. Surgeon here is very cautious won’t let me leave until ready and I don’t know how people leave after one night?? I was under pain drugs and out of my head for the first 24hours and still sore walking to the toilet so I’m glad the surgeon is letting me stay here a few days maybe more
    Still got some gas pain even after farting a few times lol still sore in belly but is only early days for me
    i don’t mind round the clock nurses here looking after me and my own private room here
    my sugar levels and blood pressure has been great since surgery
    I’m feeling excited about the future

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