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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shontel

  1. Shontel

    Lost interest

    I'm over 3 months out and I can say that at about 6 weeks, it happened. I lost my appetite altogether. I still never ever get hungry. Food is like an afterthought, like...oh, I need to eat now...I haven't lost my desire to eat, its just that I have to remind myself to. When I know I need to eat, my stomach doesn't rumble like it use to, I get this queasy feeling...which I don't like, so I try to avoid going too long without eating. Hope that helps!
  2. Shontel

    Inches Lost @ 3 months

    Just wanted to post that I've lost a TOTAL of 20.75" overall! which includes 6" in my waist, 5" in my hips and 4.5" in my chest. This after only a little over 3 months! Yay me!:biggrin0:
  3. AMEN Sista...Very well put! love it love it love it!!!
  4. Shontel

    Body Image

    DeeDee, I think each and every one of us are the hardest on ourselves. I was going to blog about this very same issue! I wore a bikini, yes a bikini when I was over 200#, and I thought, well this isn't THAT bad (wrong!) but the point is, its getting to know the new you. We all have to familiarize ourselves with our new body-good and bad. You look fabulous by the way!!
  5. Shontel

    Are we messengers?

    I think you going up to a perfect stranger and trying to convince them to have WLS is no only intrusive, but insulting. I get the picture of a traveling evangelist trying to spread the word to those who aren't ready to hear it. Again, like others have said, if you happen to strike up conversation and have the opportunity, that's one thing. Its totally another to push your ideas on people, even though your well-meaning, it could cause more damage than good. If someone came up to me like this years ago when I was at my highest weight, I would have been MORTIFIED. I don't see myself as a messenger but an example of WLS that has (is) working. If I inspire others great, if I see others that are where I were and they ask me, I tell my story, but NEVER would I push my ideas on others. Especially strangers. Just my humble opinion. Hope I didn't offend.
  6. Yay Lisa!!! That is a great accomplishment!
  7. Your body is healing itself. It just takes time, It took what seems forever for me to get my energy back, buy you do. I felt the same, how could I exercise when I felt so tired. Actually I got an abscess in one of my incisions a month after surgery, so had to have a second surgery to have that incised and drained with packing for another 3 weeks..(fun) so it was a good 3 months before I started feeling 'alive' again. My best advice to you is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY...if your tired, rest. Hope that helps!!
  8. Shontel

    Week 13 Update

    I usually post my 'weigh day' on Fridays, but I always weigh Thursday to 'prepare' myself for my post on Fridays (in case its not too good..lol) But decided to post today cause when I weighed this a.m. I lost 6...yes...six pounds! A total of 52 pounds!! (doin the happy dance around my livin' room) yay!!! I was really surprised because the past few weeks I'd lost only a pound or 2...We celebrated the saints winning the Super Bowl, and Mardi Gras almost back to back, so contributed all my adult beverages to my slow down. I've been more active but still haven't really done any organized exercise (bad me) I'm going to take my measurements later and post the inches lost. I am still never hungry and am reminding myself to eat constantly. My current favorite snacks are peppered beef jerky & string cheese. I'm doing better with my water intake in spite of the head cold that my fiance' so graciously gave me. Other than that, life is great...LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!:w00t:
  9. Shontel

    Out of the twos!

    Yay DeeDee & Linda!!! You go girls!!
  10. I'm thinking you might not be quite ready for meats. If you tolerated the protein shakes before you added the meats, its probably the meats.
  11. Shontel

    Two NSV's this week.

    Yay Barbara! Good for you. I agree, its well worth it.
  12. I'm a little over 3 months out and I can tell you that my first 2 months were the hardest. Somehow when I hit about 2 1/2 months things started to change. I wasn't necessarily able to eat much more, but I felt I had a little more room...I can eat a normal bite, but I don't, because I end up eating 3 bites and I'm done...lol I like to savor my food, so I take smaller bites. For me too switching from Prilosec to Prevacid made a hudge difference in my 'sick' stomach feeling. I take 1 per day, first thing in the a.m. It DOES get better, trust me. Also, when I hit about 2 1/2 months, hunger disappeared. Literally. Everyone is different, I can remember being constantly hungry/sick the first few months...now never, EVER hungry. I have to remind myself to eat. Better days are coming...just hang in there!
  13. Shontel

    3 Month Update

    Lets see, this week I lost 1 more pound. I really didn't think I'd have lost any due to the fact that it was Mardi Gras and I kinda got off track a bit (darn those adult beverages!) So 46#'s total so far. I did have a Dr.'s appointment (my yearly) He drew some blood (still waiting for results) but after I told him how crummy I have been about taking Vitamins (I know, no lectures please, I know) He gave me that lecture as well. He put me on B-12 injections once a month (have to do them myself...yikes!!) I'm feeling better physically. One thing I noticed in the past week is that I'm able to eat a little more (maybe a bite or 2 more off of 1/2-3/4 c) I am still not really getting hungry, but when its time for me to eat my stomach feels sort of 'weak' don't know if that makes sense, its not a sick feeling, (thanks to switching from Prilosec to Prevacid) My major think I want to work on this month is getting more exercise. I know my weight loss will speed up if I do. Here's my weight loss stats so far. Month 1: lost 26 pounds. Month 2: lost 14 pounds. Month 3: 6 pounds. I'm really ok with losing 5-10 pounds a month. I'd rather lose slowly. But I know I need to begin excersizing. I have been continuing to lose inches though my weight loss has slowed...my hips started at 47" now I'm at 42.5" I need to work out with some weights cause the 'saggies' are settin in! Well, that's about all for now..feeling hopeful and ready to shed the rest of these pounds! Oh, I'm already past my halfway goal! I have about 30 pounds to go!! I know I can do this!! :w00t: All labs are normal!! Yay!!
  14. Shontel

    3 Month Update

    Thanks to all of you!! I sincerely appreciate yall!!
  15. Shontel

    An overwhelmingly emotional day

    Tiff-my pets are my life. We had a Catahoula Curr Dog who was a member of our family as well...rushing to meet us, licking us to death. She was mauled by another dog, and didn't make it. My daughters couldn't bear to see her buried, so me and my fiance buried her in the backyard. My dad made a headstone. I'll keep you in my prayers, remember, everything happens for a reason, even though we don't understand it.
  16. Shontel

    3 months post op minus 45 pounds!

    lol...(blushing) thanks loser!!
  17. Shontel

    Pork rinds?

    I'm so excited! I couldn't tolerate them with my band, they always got stuck!!! Also another great great snack...beef jerky! Tiffy I've heard you recommend this a as a snack...1 oz is 15 g protien...80 cals...yay!!
  18. Good Luck Jules...I went to Mexico also...twice, once for the band, then for the revision when my band crapped out. Glad to have you here. Aetna, I have them, don't get me started, I didn't even bother trying. I'm 3 months out and lost 46 pounds with little to no effort....you'll LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!
  19. I had hard times when I first started eating out. Wait Staff comments as well as my fiance' getting used to me eating a few bites and being done added to my stress. Now I order half orders or appetizers when I can, or order off the kiddie menu if its something I like. Sometimes I just mooch off my fiance's plate. lol On the subject of telling people about your surgery, I've said this before, its a personal decision. As common as bariatric surgery is these days, I think people who see other people lose lots of weight in short periods of time kinda suspect. Those who know me always ask, sometimes I tell sometimes I don't. Attitudes vary greatly when it comes to this; jealousy, harsh judgments (i.e. you took the EASY way out....yeah right) most people are just curious about it.
  20. You CAN do this. Your sleeve is a tool, a guide, you already know what to do. Try hanging out here as much as possible, we are always here to help. I live a highly stressful life, we own multiple businesses and there is always STRESS. I am 3 months out and have lost 46 pounds. Its hard beginning a new life without food as an emotional crutch. But it can and is done by a lot of people. I had an abscess a month after my surgery, had to go back into surgery to have that drained then had to pack it 2 times a day for weeks. It was a tough road. I still struggle daily with not really being able to eat, I MISS IT! I'm trying to find other things to fill my time, but it ain't easy. You'll find your way, feel free to read my blog or Private Message me if you need any other questions I'll be glad to help!!
  21. Shontel

    I'm NORMAL

    Girl so glad your feeling better...I had my gall bladder removed years ago...I'd been having attacks for a year before I finally got it out. Glad your doing well!
  22. Shontel

    B12 Injections

    loser- thanks for the good advice! I think I will get them in my hip also, but will have to do it in my thigh if I do it myself. My mom and others I know swear by the shots, but I've read that the oral is just as effective. Again, my problem is they all make me sick. (and I've tried many, believe me) Tiffy-Wonder why your friend gets so ill? I've read that some are allergic to the other components (maybe preservative?) of the injection. If I have any negative side effects, I see no need to, but for me, its just less pills. Side note: I have low folic acid...anyone else have this problem? I've had this problem way back since I got my lap band.
  23. Shontel

    My first real 'dress up' since surgery

    OK, this past weekend, I rewarded myself for my 45# weight loss, bought a pair of Buckle Jeans! I never ever ever have been able to fit into ANYTHING in that store. My sis is a pro at what to buy there, so she helped me pick out a snug fitting pair (to get more wear out of them when I lose more weight) so here are a few pics of me all 'cleaned' up :w00t: p.s. I feel so dorky, (like my teenage daughter) snapping pics of myself in the mirror!
  24. Shontel

    B12 Injections

    Its only once monthly, and its 1cc (1000 mcg) I'm just not that good at pills in general, and vitamins...eck! But I am working on it. I opted for the injections also based on my moms experience...she has TONS of energy as a result of these shots....lol..I'll take what I can get...I've tried the sublingual, also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
