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About catchthewind

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    Boca Raton
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  1. catchthewind

    Stomach pain(possible trapped gas?)

    Upper abdominal pain after eating can also be caused by gallstones, which are common after extreme weight loss. Certain foods can trigger an attack. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. catchthewind

    First signs of gallstones?

    For me it was an unrelenting, excruciating pain in my mid-upper abdomen, like somebody was squeezing my innards and wouldn't stop. Both times it occurred about half an hour or an hour after lunch. The first attack only lasted an hour and-a-half, but came back after dinner. The second time, it lasted several hours. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. catchthewind

    First signs of gallstones?

    I started getting gallbladder attacks three months after my sleeve. When I called my surgeon, she says it happens to about 30% of sleeve patients. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. catchthewind

    When does energy return?

    I'm four months out and still have no energy. I also get faint whenever I get up too fast from lying down. (I guess I need to speak to my doctor about the latter.)
  5. catchthewind

    Three Months now! w/pics

    Wow, you look gorgeous! Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. catchthewind

    Stomach feels sickly

    I also always feel yucky as soon as I swallow that first bite. (I'm three months out.) After reading some of the posts here, I'm going to try smaller bites and more chewing. We'll see if that helps. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. catchthewind

    What a F@#ckin miserable weekend!

    I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is so hard. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. catchthewind


    I agree that cold-turkey is the only way to go. After a while (it may be more than a few days...) the craving will subside. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. catchthewind

    Before and after 95# wt loss pics

    Amazing!!!! You're my inspiration! Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. catchthewind

    Recreational Drugs

    Don't let one Mean Girl turn you away from asking advice here. Most of us on this platform are nice people; it's a shame that the first one you encountered just happened not to be. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. catchthewind

    Water texture issue after sleeve

    Me, too. I was a major water lover before my surgery, and now it doesn't appeal to me at all. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. catchthewind

    Protein shakes and nausea

    I get nauseous just THINKING about protein shakes. There is something about their taste and texture (and I've tried several) that is just disgusting to me. For the first few weeks after my surgery, I was okay with clear protein drinks, but those started grossing me out after a while, too, and now the thought of those makes me gag. Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Wow. Unbelievable! Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. catchthewind

    Stomach healing

    Lol Sent from my SM-T820 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
