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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Deedee12 got a reaction from StratusPhr in ❤My Revision Story❤   
    Thank you so much for your update and information about GERD!! So so appreciated!!!
    Congratulations on the advancement!! May your recovery continue to remain seamless!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    Deedee12 got a reaction from wjgo in Before and After Pics   
    Wayyyy to go Nancy!!!!!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    Deedee12 got a reaction from Nermada in OOTD   
    Honestly!!! I so so appreciate this thread and all the pictures. It's truly inspiring!

    BUT, Sophie's smiles do something for the soul!! It's just so happy that I had no choice but to comment as much as I try to make sure everyone is equally appreciated because u all are! On a low and discouraging day, this thread pushes me out of that mindset to determination instantaneously.

    The smile is like "mission accomplished and a long time has come and I'm happy" all wrapped in one![emoji176][emoji176]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Deedee12 got a reaction from ebbii0927 in OOTD   
    Loving this thread!!! Looking forward to this fabulousness!!!
    You look fantastic!![emoji91] [emoji91]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Like
    Deedee12 got a reaction from ebbii0927 in OOTD   

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Deedee12 got a reaction from wjgo in Before and After Pics   
    Wayyyy to go Nancy!!!!!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Thanks
    Deedee12 got a reaction from Roserie in Before and After Pics   
    Well done!!!![emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122] Fantastic results this far[emoji108][emoji108]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    Deedee12 got a reaction from wjgo in Before and After Pics   
    Wayyyy to go Nancy!!!!!!!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    Deedee12 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    Needed to read this!!!![emoji173]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    Deedee12 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    Needed to read this!!!![emoji173]

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to FluffyChix in The Maintenance Thread   
    I hear you. I think this may be partially due to the interruption of routine. But I also think it's about progression and maturation of your surgery. And depression. The crap foods/no exercise/no light stuff all breeds depression and inactivity. I'm a few months ahead of you and I went through this phase. The difference is that I was expecting it coming. It's like the other shoe that I've been waiting to drop. You know? So I was on guard for its arrival. And had a cunning plan in place.
    When I feel the "doldrums" coming on and I feel disgust with things I've let slip back into routine from the old dead ways, I immediately know to "SWITCH GEARS" and change the game up on myself. This does something huge for me...it gets rid of boredom and complacency immediately, cuz it's a new game, with different rules. And then I deep dive into researching the newest changes. For me it's mostly about doing the headwork. It truly helps. And it helps to be involved with a real life face-to-face group (online) who have the same mentality.
    For you it might be taking baby steps to dump your triggers (ahem...movie popcorn ) and start to clean up the diet. And it might also be adding new workout routines you are allowed to do--even if it's walking in short sprints. You can fast walk after this surgery can't you? And then getting back to doing what you love, running, when released to do it.
    It's a scary realization that you can have regain, especially when you've enjoyed so much latitude with your maintenance diet composition. I'm only one bad meal/bad day away from regain. So it's a real see saw and can be a mind f**k. But it also keeps me on my toes. LOL. And it's not a big shocker to me. Cuz well...been dealing with it forevs. But it's much easier mentally and emotionally taking off 2lbs than it is taking off twenty. I'd rather eat miserly for 2-4days rather than 4-8 weeks or longer!

  12. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to AngieBear in The Maintenance Thread   
    Okay, so I’m home and have had a bit of time to process. One thing I realized is that in my entire adult life, I have never been at a weight that was one I wanted to stay it. It was always about losing the next 10 lbs, or whatever. Even when I was gaining I knew I needed to lose weight, so I was in that mindset. I was just beating myself up for what I weighed and for still gaining. This feels very very odd.
    Here is what I’m hoping for: building up my endurance so that I can go on 12 mile trail runs again. Last time I was up to that I weighed 230 lbs, so I’m interested to see the difference. Already hills are a VERY different experience. Right now when I run for more than 30 minutes, my body is trashed the next day. Not surprising, as I’ve been very low carb and low calorie. So my first priority is to get that in better shape. My dietician said to add in complex carbs and 2 Snacks a day and see where that lands me.
    We are moving my powerlifting equipment out of the garage and into the house. My blood pressure is pretty low, and I get dizzy if I bend over too far, get up from laying down, etc. So it being in the garage was a safety issue (nobody was around). I’m looking forward to making headway in that area, too. In addition to being a longer distance runner, I was also a decent powerlifter a few years ago.
    My body composition will change as a result of my increased activity. I’m looking forward to feeling strong and fit again.
    i almost forgot! They printed out my intake photo. I’m including an after/current.
  13. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to ms.sss in The Maintenance Thread   
    I was wondering where you were...hadn't seen/read you around much.
    Happy that you are well and going strong!
    Here's to crushing some fitness goals! 😘
    P.S. You know, full disclosure: since the beginning of my involvement in this forum over a year ago, you quickly became one of the folks on here I aspire to emulate...so hopefully I will be following in your footsteps and cross the line over to being fitness-centric as well in the near future ❤️
  14. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to Healthy_life2 in The Maintenance Thread   
    I'm in a strange place five years out and maintaining.
    I'm not focused on being a bariatric patient. I no longer obsess about the"bariatric rules" It's because I live a healthy life out of habit. I identify more with the fitness community.
    I am ready to move on and hopefully continue to maintain in the years to come. I know I can always come back if I need to.

  15. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to ms.sss in OOTD   
    OH. MY. GOD. This is soooooo awesome.
    You totally NAILED all of those!!!
    ...I think you just invented my new favourite game... *rubs hands in anticipation*
  16. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to Sophie7713 in OOTD   
    Like greentealael and ms.sss - I'm putting to the test new figure measurements and experimenting with how clothing is now fitting. Fell in love with this appliquéd cocktail evening dress yesterday for upcoming design award gala this May. It is a size 8 and fits appropriately except shoulders need raised and sleeves lengthened utilizing mesh that is also found on dress detailing. New shoes, too. A little ankle swelling due to previous knee injury. Will model again when all put together...hair included! Question: Soft black or nude hosiery?

  17. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to Dtrain84 in OOTD   
    The Mrs. and I out for Valentine's Day dinner❤

  18. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to kristieshannon in OOTD   
    Oops, forgot the pics and can’t figure out how to edit my original post.

  19. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to Sophie7713 in OOTD   
  20. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to Sophie7713 in OOTD   
    This is pure music to my ears! I wrote a series of three published articles on this subject matter at hand - I will send them on. I think you and your students would find them so refreshing! :] Your curves are beautiful and we each Celebrate the body type given to us. It is all about our health, wholeness and well being that matters most. The slimmer and fit body is just candy dressing. But isn't it wonderful to be lighter on your feet when instructing now? And, to wear fun things like your students! Would you believe at hubbies recent 60th surprise party (at a steak house) - two married men guests came on to me - like if you ever find yourself single... Egregious! I wanted to slap them. And, I wanted to reply but I did not: My husband whom we are celebrating tonight lest you have forgotten while overtaken by my beauty (haha)... Is the consummate gentleman, lover and best friend who has loved me heavy, in-between and slender AND you my friend, don't even come close to making that cut. Go eat your steak! (implying the meat market mentality at best) - So very sad, but not surprising you are now worthy in the eyes of your male colleagues. What twits! A wonderful paper could be written on all the social implications we have each experienced by both men and women. Right!? Maybe a new thread topic: The Good, bad and the ugly: How others SEE and PRECIEVE you now?

  21. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to AngieBear in OOTD   
    Thank you! My students have a great attitude. They comment a lot on my clothing (as I do on theirs, because dang they are a fashionable lot!).
    As far as weight, they don't really mention it unless I do, and they are interested in the process. Students are one demographic that don't treat me any differently than when I was closer to 300 lbs. Men my age and older are much nicer to me now, which was pretty irritating that it was such a drastic difference. I was still deserving of respect and kindness prior to weight loss.
    When we talk about it, my students are always interested in the social aspects like that, etc. I've been pretty open. One of my dreams is that young people won't spend as many years and as much bandwidth fussing over weight and body image, you know? One of our current crafty collabs is with a group on coming to love themselves as they are. With that in mind, my students never say "wow you look great!" because they are VERY adamant that I looked great before. I love and respect them for that. And they aren't wrong. But damn is it easier to go through the world as a smaller person. For so many reasons.
    I did have a couple of students concerned that I wasn't eating enough. We try to keep an eye on each other's stress levels and self-care. It was sweet of them, and my body image was WAY off, I admit. That conversation is one of the reasons I'm really pretty okay with staying at this weight rather than continuing to try to lose. My husband likes me curvy anyway. And TBH - I like me curvy! I will get this tummy skin/flab dealt with, but otherwise I'm tickled with where I'm at.
  22. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to Sophie7713 in OOTD   
    AngieBear!!! This outfit looks fantastic on you! The high waist skirt so flattering and stylish with buttons. Definitely a wardrobe keeper and worth taking in when the time comes... I love the way you punctuated with black on top and bottom with necklace to die for. You must feel like a million bucks $$$$$ today because you certainly look it! Wow. What have your students said about the new you?!
  23. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to AngieBear in OOTD   
    Today I’m all in on tweed. My skirt is super high waisted, which I like, but it’s taking a bit of getting used to. I got it super on sale from ModCloth. It was too small, but now zips up fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ My weight hasn’t changed much, so things are shifting around I think. The tweed jacket I thrifted.
    OMG I am realizing how much use I’ve gotten out of my 2 pair of tall boots. I think I must have a TON of tall boot wearing time to make up for since I missed so many years of bootential!
  24. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to Sophie7713 in OOTD   
    Still hanging out in healing mode at home in my cozy compression garments + PJ's as my outfit for the month. Haha. Although the scarf does add a little pizazz, right? ;] But found new color way in that sparkly flat shoe with more neutral undertones to blend better with 25th gala ensemble. Designed the vest and ascot for hubby. Seamstress did a phenomenal job. She's now working on the sketch dress I submitted for our original matron of honor. Hubby was a penguin 25 years ago. This time, I thought the mid-grey tux (although the model looks 15!) with cool grey shoes + block socks were really hip + stylish for our gentlemen vow renewal party at 60 and older, but certainly young at heart. I think hubby gets more distinguished with age.

  25. Like
    Deedee12 reacted to GreenTealael in OOTD   
    This dress looks so good on us...
    Uh I meant you.
    Looks so good on you!😍

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