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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Ezinne

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday August 13

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  1. Hi all, Did any one else develop a Hernia in the little stomach we have from VSG. I had my surgery 5 years ago but started experiencing terrible acid reflux about 6 months ago. I had an endoscopy done and was told I have a 5cm Hiatial Hernia which may need repairing if it gets worse.
  2. Ezinne

    7 Pounds from Goal......

    Wow, congrats. keep it up. The remaining bit will drop off
  3. wow!!!! this is inspirational for me. You go girl!!!
  4. Ezinne


  5. Ezinne

    Totally overwhelmed

    Hang in there love, just keep your goal in front of you. am 9 weeks out and i had same issues at 4 weeks postup. Just keep trying several things till you stabilize. I wish you all the best, but just know it'll get better.
  6. Ezinne

    Knee pain after surgery..

    Knee pain can be quite debilitating and cause misery ,I had a knee replacement in 2014 after trying so many pain management techniques, it turned out that I had early arthritis and the cartilage in my knee had worn out so it was bone rubbing on bone, fast forward 5 years and weight gain and the knee pain came back. Now with VSG done 3/7/2019, am managing the pain and doing my walks and dropping weight gradually, I trust that when am about 70 pounds lighter the discomfort will be manageable. But please check the root cause of the pain and get help so that when you do the VSG you can exercise without so much discomfort.
  7. Ezinne

    Throw Back Thursday

    looking good wow!!!
  8. Ezinne

    Outpatient sleeve

    Exactly my experience. 2 nights in hospital. Very nauseous on day 1 post-op. Also had the leak test before leaving.
  9. wow sis!!!!. Hang in there it will all start dropping gradually.
  10. Ezinne

    Embrace the Stall

    thanks for this

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
