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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Krestel

  1. I agree with you here. The artificial sweeteners also caused me to have problems appreciating natural sweetness as well. The best side effect from dropping them from my diet was my face clearing up. I have no idea why this happened but it does. Every time I went cold turkey on diet drinks, my skin started getting better. Maybe a very slight allergic reaction, I dont know.
  2. Doesnt it feel awesome?!?! Way to go...and dont forget to enjoy the journey. PS. You're the firsf person Ive seen with gastric plication. I had never heard of it before and had to google it. Why did you choose that surgery? Just interested.
  3. I started soft pre-op diet approx a month before surgery. I did one meal replacement shake for breakfast and one for lunch then had a smaller meal for dinner (usually chicken, some steamed vegetable and a side sallad) and a small snack in the evening. I also drank protein shakes since I found one that I really like. (It tastes like milk without the fatty consistency.) Actually, I was very glad I did this. It proved to me that I could eat this way and feel like im living a full life.
  4. Being able to breathe while putting on shoes feels really good! ...and I cant wait until I can get back to real sports as well. Even though im 47, Im finally able to get that foot surgery that ended me playing volleyball in college. Although I suspect that I will have to get a breast reduction to ever play again. Having a G+ cup isnt cuting it for running or dives etc. Btw, the looking at the mirror thing is a bit difficult, so dont get down on yourself when you lose weight over it. Ive lost more than 100 lbs and I still cant really "see" any difference in myself. I can manage to look at myself in the mirror without feeling immediate depression, but it's only my clothes size that tells me Ive lost weight. Im a year out (and 7 months post-op) and can only start to see any changes now. Not because there arnt any, but because my mind cant wrap itself around it. Oddly enough my body remembers feeling lighter and wants to go back to sports, but my lungs still havnt caught up.
  5. Ive broken the plastic bults on mine and one other and boy was it embarrasing. So I hear you on that one.
  6. Krestel

    Using the bathroom

    It took me a week to be able to pee on my own after surgery. So I was on a catheter the whole time. If you have ANY problems not being able to pee, see a doctor immediately. Believe it or not, having too much urine stored im your bladder can be life threatening.
  7. Psyllium husk is the sh*t! No really, it's my new go to for fiber in order to get regular. The nice thing is that it doesnt taste and is low in calories, so it's great for my shakes. It isn't expensive either and available in most grocery stores. Looking back on the forums, it seems to be FluffyChix favorite as well. 

  8. I just drink plain carbonated water and it seems to keep me away from wanting sweet or sweetened drinks. Ive detoxed from sweet flavors and it's really difficult to even want a normal pop when Im eating out.
  9. Krestel

    2020 No buy resolution

    I hear ya. So I'm taking a sewing course soon on how to alter clothes. That way I can change all my post surgery clothes to the right size when needed. Also, I will get the right fit for me and not just the generic size. If you have a sewing machine, why not try taking them in yourself?
  10. I just experienced being able to fall asleep on the couch with enough space that my 100 lb labrador could comfortably stretch out there and fall asleep as well! I never even expected that...
  11. I so totally agree about "slow losing" not being slow at all. I have lost / am losing weight at about the same rate. (In the beginning it was more though.) Still, I feel like I need to get used to my new body more even though im 7 months post-op. Im about 12 lbs from my first weight goal of 176. (I started at 312 lbs about a year ago.) It seems like yesterday that I just found this forum and was on the operating table. Sometimes things taking time helps us get our heads around it even when we think it should take less time.
  12. You are a monster! Amazing job. My stats are approximately the same as yours but it took me a year. Although, I cant say that ive been perfect like you though.
  13. Krestel

    Daily Exercise Amount?

    1 hour walking the dog at the very least 4 times a week (often before going to work). I do this more for my head than my body to be honest.
  14. Krestel

    New Year - New Amy

    I so hear you here. The weight yo-yo is what got me as well, and Im looking forward to the exact same thing, being a healthy (and normal) adult! I just hope after all these years that I still have the chance to do the things I loved to do when I was a teenager like volley and basketball.
  15. Krestel

    First Six Months

    Im about 7 months out and I still do meal replacement shakes about 2x daily. Heck, I still like them. It keeps me from grabbing junk during the day and stress eating for lunch at work. My blood sugar seems to be on an even keel as well. BUT i do water them down half way otherwise I could never deal with how sweet they are. In all, Ive taken off about 110 lbs during the last year both before (44 lbs) and after surgery (the rest) if that gives you any indication. I do however need to get some (coffee latte flavored) protein smoothies going because the shakes can be quite expensive for the ones I like.
  16. My gawd getting rid of old clothes and "junk" is mentally tough! It makes me face all my fears and hoarding and well...everything. On the good side however, I found my skinny me pants. Im gonna wait to try those on later though.

  17. Krestel


    This sh*t got real! (sorry, I couldnt help my self.) Prunes...prunes, I say. They are a nice sweet treat and help with the constipation. When I got out of surgery, slightly watered down prune juice was amazing.
  18. Good idea. I think that's something I need to do as well. At least it will be another flavor to add to the mix.
  19. So im 6 months post surgery and doing really well. BUT every time ive been laying down and get up, I get really really dizzy. I usually have to sit in a chair a few steps away for about 30 seconds until my head evens out. Any ideas what this is? Is there anything that I can do about it?
  20. That seems to be my average as well and Im just a bit more than 7 months out. I dont see the same every week, but somewhere just under this. Also remember that if it comes off waaay to quickly that can also cause other problems. Let the process work while you are learning new routines.
  21. hmmm...never considered dehydration since i feel like im constantly drinking something. I will have to try measuring it out then.
  22. I weigh myself on Saturday mornings after I have an hours walk with the dogs. If I weighed myself more often, I start playing mind games which really doesnt help.
  23. I think that drinking sparkling water actually helped with me getting off my diet coke and sweetener addiction. Now that ive gotten all that out if my system, it's much easier to have more control over my eating. That and my face cleared up nicely.
  24. When did you all get rid of your old clothes? I feel like I'm a bit of a hoarder who needs mental help to get rid of my men's size3xl clothes when I now wear a men's size medium or a woman's size large. Any of you all have that experience as well?

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