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Posts posted by Sophie7713

  1. 20 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    Not happy with what I wore for my Christmas drinks. Had to choose a different top which didn’t really work with my new teeny sized pants (lol) as it was damn chilly here. I had to get the rugs out for everyone again. Sigh. But I did still wear my crystal Christmas mules - sparkly.


    It’s like everyone’s suddenly realised it’s almost Christmas here & they’ve gone crazy. Had an early appointment at a shopping centre to collect my new phone & was jostled, bumped, knocked, pushed, shoved, had my heels clipped by a wheelie walker & was even poked with an umbrella (accidentally but still). And only two people apologised. Unbelievable.

    Look how trim and slim you are now. These teenies look sensational on you! Let's see your mules up close. I just ordered a dressy pair of leggings vs. the athletic versions I have been wearing for everyday. Difficult finding petite quality ones... Oh, A - do be careful out there! We are sky rocketing here with the spread of Covid relentless in finding a host. Do send a snowscape if one arrives? ;].

  2. I really liked what ms.sss said about not finishing every last bite at a meal - even if it seems silly. No joke in learning to listen to our bodies new cues when we are almost full. I have these miniature containers ready for just those occasions. I can enjoy a few more bites of chef salad at the next meal. Thank you ms.sss for that important news flash and wisdom. Hugs! Do send a recent snowscape. It must be a winter wonderland...


  3. On 12/11/2020 at 12:28 PM, ms.sss said:

    Xmas == food gift baskets at Casa SSS!

    I held off a full day before ripping open the box of peanut brittle that was calling my name *pats self on back* lol

    15g: 55 calories

    So far so good on the dumping front....

    DEEP THOUGHTS: I read alot of posts from peeps on here that worry that they will never get to enjoy certain foods again. While I wouldn’t recommend eating this type of stuff during weight loss phase, after getting to maintenance i find there is room to eat some candy...#dontJudgeMe

    Man, my hand looks pretty dry! Need some lotion, stat! 😂




    When does my gift basket arrive!? ;]

  4. 23 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    Hosted Christmas drinks last night. As has become my habit, I cooked something more substantial for later in the evening when the ubiquitous charcuterie board starts to lose its appeal. This time I marinated a boned leg of lamb in shawarma spices for 24hours, slow roasted & served with help yourself wraps, sliced cucumber, Tomato, lettuce & red onion, & minted yoghurt dressing.

    Before & after of the lamb. Cranky I didn’t take a pxts of all the sides as I served them in black bowls - very dramatic colours. The flavour was amazing. I had 1/2 slice, a couple of cucumber slices & drizzled some yoghurt dressing. No wrap for me. Was too busy hosting to eat more. But there are some leftovers - yippee!



    Oh my, this looks DELISH! I adore lamb - especially with minted anything. Your holiday guests were surely bedazzled by their multi-faceted hostess of good taste, fine food, fashion and fab decor. Would have enjoyed the presentation... but certainly understand you were busy entertaining guests vs. taking pictures for us! Haha. What did you wear? I'll help you nibble on leftovers.

  5. Tried a new concoction this week. Peanut Butter chicken! Pan fried thighs in mixture on high with a little coconut oil which created a delicious coating replicating bread crumbs! Fresh ginger, low salt soy, honey and green pepper added depth. This was the family style serving dish. I ate 6 chicken bites with a side salad. Probably better over brown rice or noodles, but I substituted with French green Beans. Very satisfying.



  6. On 12/9/2020 at 10:06 PM, Arabesque said:

    I bought this vegan Pasta because my grocery didn’t have my zucchini noodles. Decided I’d give it a go. I cooked two serves to go with my bolognese sauce which made 9 serves so about 11g Pasta per serve. Oh boy, my tummy did not enjoy it. The taste was ok but it sat like a lump about half way down my tummy. Groan! Not a great loss though as I really like zucchini noodles.

    imageproxy.php?img=&key=3bbd8bc3022d1b1a imageproxy.php?img=&key=3bbd8bc3022d1b1a 7A3E03CE-AD37-41DC-ACB1-32BD4D94A1BD.thumb.jpeg.3774188b7775b71dcb099b8ba4a98bf5.jpeg D653F4E2-776B-407A-BDD0-82C202B20B78.thumb.jpeg.949f926ed6b4fc18c5f0deb345cde4cf.jpeg

    I use to love Bolognese sauce! Unfortunately, simmered Tomato products in my sauce or chili (another favorite) no longer feel good after digestion. I've tried to revise both recipes to no avail. Hubby makes a killer turkey chili that makes the house smell heavenly! But then when I take a bite - same heavy feeling like you experience. 😕

  7. YAY! I finally found flat boots on line for business trip north... NEVER wore high rise boots in my life - just ankle boots due to my large size. They feel so cool on. Anyone else find boots for this winter? Do share!!!! Oh, and I purchased a few fun sweaters, too. All my previous sweaters were 2-3X and donated.




  8. On 12/3/2020 at 9:46 PM, Arabesque said:

    Welcome @ichabodny & @arrington0711. Hope to see you here a lot.

    That jumpsuit is lovely MsSss. Super flattering. Have any of your other purchases arrived yet? We need pxts.

    Love the green dress bayougirlMrsS. Perfect for Christmas. Did you get the blouse in green too? The pink would be pretty too. Would match my new shoes tee hee.

    My mum is buying everyone jeans for Christmas but said she’d give me money to buy my own cause I was too fussy! She says fussy I say exacting standards 😂. I bought these. You know I like a wide leg. They called them barrel legs - no reflection on the shape of my legs I hope. We called them cigar legs back in the day.
    AC337555-EA9C-44FD-95E3-DBDDA4714944.thumb.jpeg.ca5f8e44a0b9152223876e3d6455c0e0.jpeg F53BDAC6-8F9E-4C06-ABF3-324993EB85AD.thumb.jpeg.16e59b72fcb34ec391baf525b9f2bac7.jpeg

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! Exacting perfection!

  9. Hmmmm, the changes we don't talk about.

    I also lived in a fools paradise unaware of how very large I really was. And, so disrespectful of my tiny frame - the fat literally had no where else to store. Because I exercised regularly, and ate healthier BUT in huge portions plus, too many sweet treats on the weekends - I'd tell myself and others... I'm a fit overweight!

    I find layers of myself becoming more honest. The rose colored glasses have been taken off now, and I really like that. Things I tolerated before like a lack of opportunity or a reciprocal community no longer appeal to me. I do find myself especially at this stage in life, wanting a brand new life. A fresh start in a totally new place, new environment and new lifestyle where no one knew me as morbidly obese. My massive weight loss in many ways has put closure to my old life here. We are taking investigative steps to research and explore new states and communities. A possible closure here with adventures elsewhere have rendered a hope and sparkle within me. Becoming slim after 22+ years has meant everything. I do not wish to squandered any more time.

    I am truly humbled and touched by everyone's transparency shown here. We each will gain victory over those things that hold us back from becoming our best selves. Here's to positive change wherever it's needed. Even if our road is a little bumpy, becomes complicated or uncomfortable getting there. I Celebrate all our achievements and aspirations! Personally, I think pulling out a few of our before pictures maybe the most empowering gestures of all, despite our current challenges. It puts things back into complete perspective for me.



  10. 19 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Ribeye Steak.

    ’Nuff said.

    My portion: 2.5 oz: 175 calories

    + glass of red wine (5 fl oz): 108 calories

    = 283 calories total



    OH YUM! My favorite cut. So tender and juicy. Made Mr. Sophie's favorite cauliflower salad this morning to help combat the delectables he's indulged over holiday ie. gingerbread Cookies, scones and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Had a few nibbles, too. The first bite of a baked good sweet since WLS. This December 17th marks my 2nd WLS anniversary!!! Yay. So very hopeful to move forward from Covid crisis setbacks in 2020... Onward to '21 - '22 with my new clothes, a healthy lifestyle and fresh start on life! Aren't you all too?!


  11. 18 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    @Sophie7713 thats a FEAST! Did you and Mr.Sophie have some help eating all that?!?!

    Oh, I wish we did. Lots of leftovers... I tried to prepare moderate amounts but often hard to cook for just two. Hubby did deliver some of his scones to a few neighbors. And, we have that other thigh left for tonight's dinner along with sides for the weekend. Bobby had a few nibbles, too. The boys resting after the said feast! Haha. ;]


  12. On 11/26/2020 at 2:58 PM, ms.sss said:

    I bit the bullet and spent $5 on a head of lettuce (five effing dollars!). I wasn’t buying them at their currently inflated price just on principle, but I caved this morning.

    Ta-da! Finally, a proper salad! 206 calories.

    I swear I probably had something close to food orgasm digging into it.

    I cant wait to digest what’s in my tum and feel a little less full so I can eat the rest of it!!



    You are still worth the investment! Why such spikes? Transport? Covid? Groceries here have tripled across the board. A quick run in for only a few things is over $100.00 now! The better quality you chose to eat aka fresh fruits, veggies, grass feed meats, organic eggs, etc. AND no cheap processed stuff...the more you pay. Just shows how broken the USA food pyramid and food system is! Obesity, fast food + junk food seem to be celebrated via policy! Egregious, really. Joining you for our mutual $ 25.00 salad. Haha!


  13. Happiest Thanksgiving to you and yours! This was our late afternoon feast with lemon thyme cranberry roasted turkey thighs; cauliflower rice stuffing; maple sage butter drizzled butternut squash medallions; traditional green beans; cranberry scones for hub's dessert. Ate about 2 ½ oz. of thigh without skin with ⅓ cup serving spoon size of each side dish + squash slice.








  14. On 11/24/2020 at 6:52 PM, ms.sss said:

    I obviously have waaaay too much time on my hands.

    Japanese curry with rice and Pork Katsu.

    It took me FOR-EVAH to cut the little seaweed accents so I’m posting to prove I did the work, dammit...lololololzzz.

    They didn’t turn out nearly as cute as the pics I was trying to copy, but a good enough effort, right?!?!

    I didn’t actually have any, save for a couple bites of the pork to check for doneness, and a couple tsps of the curry to test for taste. I’m guessing I ate probably about 75 calories worth.





    WOW. Just ADORABLE! The little Teddy Bear and ducky are my favorites!

  15. On 11/24/2020 at 1:15 PM, ms.sss said:

    For a pre-packaged meal, that looks pretty darn good! Although I see someone carefully ate around her vegetables and created a pretty pile...LOL

    (I would have done the opposite 😂)

    Oh NO! So very sorry to hear about this! Hope you are taking good care and on the mend. Just had time to visit thread tonight. Santa baby should be bringing you something extra special this year! x o ;]

  16. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I opted for a softer, more gentler theme for 2020 given the rather harsh, almost cruel year. Christmas tree fashion show continues... Jake, don't forget to share your bachelor's pad festive decorations. You, too, Silly Kitty, Cheeseburgh, wishmesmaller and others! Fun. Green Tealael, do you decorate for Happy Hanukkah? Do share! Tree's not necessary... let' s just spread the cheer! Hugs.






  17. On 11/19/2020 at 11:59 AM, GreenTealael said:

    I haven't felt like using nice clothes because... bleh nowhere to go. But I couldn't resist buying this sweater dress because of the bell sleeves (and hem- not shown)

    This dress is an XL which is a little too loose in the bust , upper waist & arms perfect everywhere else!


    SOOOO Scrupulous! So glad you dressed up for yourself... and, for us! ;]

  18. On 11/18/2020 at 7:02 AM, Arabesque said:

    OMG! We literally lived about 500m away from from each other. I knew I recognised that view. 😂 You were in the Cutters Landing complex & I was in Freshwater on the western side of Admiralty House. Mind blown! I lived there from 1999 - 2014 when I then bought my house ‘down the road’ on the hill at Teneriffe. My apartment faced Admiralty House which was between our two complexes. We probably passed each other roaming around the suburb or at the Powerhouse Markets.

    Yep, the Flood installation is still there & it’s still being climbed upon by young people. They have a Brisbane one on the river at QPAC now too.

    Your tree is amazing. It’s so tall. Who gets to climb the ladder to put the decorations on the top half? I know neither you nor I could reach - tee hee.

    Met up with my maternal aunts & uncles for lunch today. Just wearing a little but of black. Ha! I’m finding my size 6 pants (US 2) are all a little loosish & are bagging in places & not falling nicely. Sigh!

    imageproxy.php?img=&key=3bbd8bc3022d1b1a E735B064-5170-4879-8F35-3817942DB34C.thumb.jpeg.98eba6e3d0cc735411c5a4a7180fac99.jpeg

    How COOL that you were neighbors and didn't even know it! What a small world, right!? Okay, then. I am flying over to borrow this beautiful blouse. As you know, I love eyelet and black! You'd be right...time for size 4 slacks. These are my size 4 faded jeans for lunch today with a good friend. Finally cooler to wear denim for our Florida winters. Yay!


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