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  1. Congrats!
    FaithandHope got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Onederland what a difference 2 days make.   
    Ok so I know a lot of you don't weigh yourselves more then once a week. I usually weight myself about 3 times a week. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am actually losing weight ☺️ So I weighed myself on Friday I weighed the same as I had 2 days before 201... Today I got on the scale just knowing I must of gained after having stuff I should not of had at a party last night. Hey it is the season to Celebrate. To my astonishment the scale read 197 whoooohooooo. I have not seen anything under 200 in years.
    I did a happy dance in the bathroom. I am so happy I took this journey. I'm getting my life back.
  2. Congrats!
    FaithandHope got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Onederland what a difference 2 days make.   
    Ok so I know a lot of you don't weigh yourselves more then once a week. I usually weight myself about 3 times a week. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am actually losing weight ☺️ So I weighed myself on Friday I weighed the same as I had 2 days before 201... Today I got on the scale just knowing I must of gained after having stuff I should not of had at a party last night. Hey it is the season to Celebrate. To my astonishment the scale read 197 whoooohooooo. I have not seen anything under 200 in years.
    I did a happy dance in the bathroom. I am so happy I took this journey. I'm getting my life back.
  3. Congrats!
    FaithandHope got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Onederland what a difference 2 days make.   
    Ok so I know a lot of you don't weigh yourselves more then once a week. I usually weight myself about 3 times a week. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am actually losing weight ☺️ So I weighed myself on Friday I weighed the same as I had 2 days before 201... Today I got on the scale just knowing I must of gained after having stuff I should not of had at a party last night. Hey it is the season to Celebrate. To my astonishment the scale read 197 whoooohooooo. I have not seen anything under 200 in years.
    I did a happy dance in the bathroom. I am so happy I took this journey. I'm getting my life back.
  4. Congrats!
    FaithandHope got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Onederland what a difference 2 days make.   
    Ok so I know a lot of you don't weigh yourselves more then once a week. I usually weight myself about 3 times a week. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am actually losing weight ☺️ So I weighed myself on Friday I weighed the same as I had 2 days before 201... Today I got on the scale just knowing I must of gained after having stuff I should not of had at a party last night. Hey it is the season to Celebrate. To my astonishment the scale read 197 whoooohooooo. I have not seen anything under 200 in years.
    I did a happy dance in the bathroom. I am so happy I took this journey. I'm getting my life back.
  5. Like
    FaithandHope got a reaction from Bebeak in Please help me, I have terrible regret RNY   
    I can't say that I felt regret. What I did feel was loss, I could not go to my best friend and comforter, food for help anymore for my emotional distress. The first few weeks were the hardest. I also have only told my immediate family. Even thought gastric bypass is more common in the united States there is still a stigma, or people who are quick to judge. I have lived a clean life I rarely drink, I only tried to smoking once, but I found myself addicted to food. I had severe high blood pressure, non alcoholic fatty liver, with cirrhosis of the liver. I was to the point that if I did not do something I was going to die. Some people will look and say but you really were not that big. The problem was my organs were not able to function properly. I was killing myself.
    Fast forward to today 3 months post op. I feel really good. I am totally off my high blood pressure pill/ Water pill. My blood sugar is perfect. I can do more then I have been able to do in years. I have no doubt I will live to see all of my kids get married now, because my liver enzymes are also normal. I still have about 60 pounds to go to my personal goal weight.
    So what started as what you might call regret I now see as the best thing I could of done for myself and my family. Once you see results and you start to look great in clothing and people start to notice and compliment you, these are the things you will start to be addicted to. It will make you try a little harder to walk that extra mile, or lift weights just a little longer. Let the feel good affects replace the food that is killing us.
    It does get better, use your tool that you chose to get to give you freedom. Think of it as a gift you have given yourself instead of self mutilation. You have chosen life, give yourself at least a couple months before deciding you made the wrong decision. Think about what you have to look forward to.
    I am 100% positive you will look back and say. "Man those first few weeks were tough but look at me know I'm living I'm happy,Healthy and a Hottie"
    All the best ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))
  6. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to MassMom in Onederland!   
    I’m 18 weeks post bypass. For the first time in more years than I can remember- I am in onederland! I feel so much better now. More energy, easier to exercise, not as self conscious. I am thankful for this opportunity to lead a healthier life.
  7. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to Ed_NW in RNY Gastric bypass December 17th   
    Hi all, I just had my surgery on Monday. After surgery, I kept drinking too much Water because I was walking through the desert thirsty. My brain said keep drinking but my new plumbing said slow down! I think i'm finally getting the hang of sipping out of the one ounce cups. That's a tough lesson to learn.
  8. Like
    FaithandHope reacted to notmyname in Please help me, I have terrible regret RNY   
    Honestly, I had some regrets immediately after surgery (I had the sleeve). I think that's fairly normal. And I wasn't 100% sure going in to the surgery that I'd go through with it. The week before I told my surgeon I still wasn't sure. In pre-op, he asked me if I was sure, and I said "No, but I don't think I'll ever be, so I'm just going to do it." I'm two months out now, and I feel pretty good about it. I will say it helped that I have a therapist that specializes is weight issues and is familiar with surgery. She reminded me that in the immediate aftermath of the surgery, you're hormones are a bit off, so you can feel a LOT of emotions. One thing - I don't think you lied to your friends about this being a surgery about health - it absolutely is.
    Some things that helped me - planning for foods at every stage that I like. I love lasagna, so I made ricotta bake for soft foods. I still eat that several times a week, and add some pureed spinach for extra flavor. I also love Beans, so I did pureed beans and cheese - really good.
    I also got a meditation app for my phone. When I'm feeling a bit stressed, I listen to a 3-5 minute meditation and find it helps me. I also keep a list on my phone of why I wanted this for myself
    I also find that walking - even a little - helps. Reading a good book and watching fun new TV shows on Netflix have also helped.
    I'm sorry you're going through this. I wish you the best and hope that it gets better for you like it did for me.
  9. Hugs
    FaithandHope reacted to pinksparkle1965 in Please help me, I have terrible regret RNY   
    I've had my surgery in 18th with a surprise hiatal hernia repair..I finally broke down and told my oldest daughter after a melt down..I asked her to promise she would not tell a soul.. I feel so betrayed I think she told people..I have no support from my husband he has always made fun of my weight..since I started packing on weight. After 9th child age 41. I PRAYING I heal within this 3 weeks so I can go back to work.. but as of now I'm still moving around slow. Vsg was okay it's the hernia deal that's killing me

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to Ed_NW in RNY gastric bypass scheduled for December 17th   
    It seems like it's been forever since I started this journey back in April of this year but I'm happy to announce that I will finally be able to consider myself post-op after December 17th. Fingers crossed, hopefully my blood work and pre-op physical turn out good and everything goes as planned. Wish me luck!
  11. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to Roxine in 101 pounds down - 10 to go!   
    It's been awhile since I've posted - but thought I'd post some before and after pictures.
    This was taken last week when I hit the century loss - but today I'm officially 101 pounds down!
    My BMI says I should get down to 140, but I think I'll be healthy at 150 - so I'm 10 pounds to my personal goal.
    I did start working out with a personal trainer which I think will help with these last few pounds.

  12. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to 1badassbiggurl in One year post RNY!   
    Today is officially one year since I had my surgery! Still one of the best choices I’ve ever made in my life! I’m 5’ 9” and currently 195.6 with a BMI of 31. No more high blood pressure, blood sugar levels are back to normal, arthritis pain is at a minimal, and I have wayyyyy more energy! As for clothes I wear L or XL in tops and bottoms, as for jeans size I still haven’t figured that one out yet, LOL, but that’s because I mostly wear leggings and sweats. I did need to wear a dress recently for an invent that me and my husband attended; it was a size 12. Imagine that, from a 28 to a 12. I never imagined that I could be this small; in fact I can honestly say I haven’t worn a size 12 or weighed under 200lbs since grade school (yes, I said grade school).

    I don’t profess to walk a straight and narrow path when it comes to eating right, but I do still monitor my calories. And I’m no gym rat, but I try workout to out often (maybe three times a week if I’m lucky). It’s all about ACCOUNTABILITY!!!

    This journey has taught me a lot about myself. Like the fact that I am very resilient, and focused; however I can be a bit of a pessimist who hates the word “skinny”. For instance here I am over one hundred pounds lighter than I was just a year ago and despite how good others say I look, there are still days that I look in the mirror and I’m tearing my self apart because I’m not happy with what I see!

    However, I have learned that having weight loss surgery is truly a journey...a life time one! It’s not just some quick fix it’s a commitment and you’re either all or ya ain’t!! Anyways, I feel blessed to experience it all the highs and the lows! It’s like I got a new outlook on what life has to offer. I believe I shared once before that there’s a significant age difference between me and my much younger, fit and very active husband, and having weight loss surgery has given me back some years plus now that I’m more mobile I can now experience life with him. As a matter of fact this month we’re going away on vacation and I cannot wait to participate in all the fun activities and shore excursions we have planned now that my weight is no longer an impediment!


  13. Thanks
    FaithandHope reacted to clsumrall in What is the Norm?   
    I’m now beginning 8 weeks post op after reading everyone’s ideas I thought I’d be happy to share my stats.
    HW 257
    SW 236
    CW 209 surgery was 8/28/19 today is 10/26/18. Just saw the doctor on Friday I was so bummed out cause I thought I had only lost 5 pound this last month. She let me know that since September I had lost more than 20 pounds. So last night I felt ok about my journey and this morning weighed in and lost another pound. Hope that gives you some peace the journey is up and down and the scale Doesn’t give us the whole picture of how we’re doing don’t forget to tape to use your tape measure and get you know at least once a week I’ve lost over 54 inches since February
  14. Like
    FaithandHope got a reaction from clsumrall in What is the Norm?   
    I know everyone is different. But I would like to compare. I had RNY on Sept 24. I lost 9lbs the first week, 3.4lbs the 2nd week and 3.2lbs the 3rd week.
    Someone I work with had RNY 6 days before me he lost 35lbs the first week. I haven't asked him what he has lost since. I don't want to get down on myself because of it. I know he was somewhere in the 350-400lb range. So of course he will lose more but what is the norm for everyone?
    Is 3lbs a week average? So please everyone send me your stats.
  15. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to insta_adventurer in 99 days post op!   
    Every day things are getting better and better. 55lbs down since surgery, 93lbs since starting the program. I tried doing things the exercise and dieting way, but only saw small changes over a year and a half. Now, I am noticing changes weekly from working out! This tool has been a game changer for sure!

    One of those changes is that I have to work out harder to burn the same amount of calories, but— it’s easier to push myself like that now.

    Before and after... the photos on the left were taken tonight and the photos on the right were from the night before I started the two week liquid diet before surgery.

  16. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to shoregirl75 in September bypass buddies??   
    Finally made it to onederland! Just by the skin of my teeth at 199.8 but I'll take it..lol! First Goal achieved. 2 more goals to go and if I reach anything after that it will be a bonus.
  17. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to Johnny2Thumbs in 6 Month Update   
    Just a little over 6 months since my surgery and I'm down 125lbs and there have been several weeks that I've stalled and weight loss didn't resume for 2-3 weeks. In fact, throughout the second month after surgery I actually gained 10lbs when I started eating solids. While I certainly haven't reverted back to my old eating habits, I admit I don't follow the strict Protein to carb to fat ratio. I just simply don't eat as much.
    Dumping isn't a problem as I don't get that despite indulging in limited sugar now and then. But I've read that only around 30% of bariatric patients actually experience it anyways. I can eat pretty much anything but I haven't even tried bread or Pasta and don't intend to. I've had limited rice with no problems. As long as I chew thoroughly, I've had no problems with food getting stuck. However, I find I have to be very careful with beef Jerky. It was the tough kind and I didn't chew it enough and it did get stuck and made me quite nauseous. It lasted several hours but I actually felt it pass through the pouch and the gurgling noises started and I immediately felt better. Papaya enzyme tablets help with the breakdown of any Proteins, like meat, that may get stuck.
    Energy levels have risen greatly and I'm off my Type II diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I've had to adjust my CPAP settings down and I've actually slept without the CPAP without any resulting grogginess or depleted energy. I can probably go off it at anytime but I'd like to have another sleep study before I stop.
    Lunchables are a perfect meal size for me and I'll eat those quite frequently as well as the Ore Ida egg cups that have some pouches and you just add the eggs and microwave them. Oddly, I only have a BM every 3-4 days.
    I could go on but just wanted to post this as encouragement for others out there. When I first had my surgery I was filled with regret as I was going through all the junk food withdrawals. I don't regret it for a second now....and you won't either.
  18. Congrats!
    FaithandHope got a reaction from DadtoSuperG in When I went for my surgery, I wish I brought/had......?   
    I took a comfy pair of slippers to walk around in, so I would not have to wear those stupid looking uncomfortable no-slip socks they give you. I also took a comfy pair of Jammies suitable to be seen walking the hospital halls in of course. Bring Shampoo I forgot to, they do want you to get up and shower the next day. I did pack a new toothbrush and toothpaste. Pack whatever you think you might need. Better to have it and not need it.
    All the best to you!!!!
  19. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to jenngraham9 in Approval Letter   
    I just got my approval letter last Friday. They are supposed to call me this week to set up my surgery. Sooooo excited!!!!
  20. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to shoregirl75 in September bypass buddies??   
    Thank you! The scale finally started moving again after 2 weeks of nothing an i am down 3lbs. So just under 35lbs so far! I hope it keeps going..fingers crossed no more stalls.
  21. Like
    FaithandHope reacted to Bryn910 in What is the Norm?   
    Stop comparing and focus on You. You owe it to yourself.
    it’s hard but it’s part of the journey. Keep pushing through my friend.
  22. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to Lola4rmKona in 18 months post op   
    Hey guys, haven't been here for a while and thought I'd check in. Still losing slowly but surely. Ladies, stay away from wine and other new addictions that might take over where food once reigned! Lol. Keep to your goals and do you. Every journey is different so never compare yourself to others. At 18 months postoperative I thought I would have figured it all out by now. That is not the case. I still am mindful of my Protein and calories intake as well as liquids. Still on my Quest for Vitamins that I can settle on (have tried gummies, pills, patches). Still eat with my eyes and have to remind myself food is simply fuel and not a party. Still have to remind myself I have lost the weight and to stop ordering 3 sizes too big because it might not fit. The list goes on but wherever you are in your journey, you are doing great and you will reach your goal. Might not be tomorrow but keep working at it and you will get there. Most importantly, if you have an off day, dont beat yourself up about it and continue forward. For those of you dealing with naysayers of all sorts, I say do you. Your future self will thank you for it. Who I am now am very thankful for the me 18 months ago. My pictures below say it all. I got to a point where I was so miserable, I rarely took pictures and continued eating myself to death because it was my escape. I posted preop pic, one year anniversary, and most recent. Good luck everyone.Take care and Aloha!
    Surgery Day: 4/11/17
    HW: 312
    PreOp after 2 week liquid diet: 302
    PostOp at 18 mths: 219  
    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to Jakesoldlady in Surgery in 30 mins.   
    I'm ready to start this new journey. Excited!! See ya on the other side.
    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Congrats!
    FaithandHope reacted to DollfaceD in Got my surgery date!   
    So excited I finally got my surgery date. It’ll be Nov 1st.
  25. Haha
    FaithandHope reacted to GreenTealael in Dating   
    Online dating is like online shopping for me... Often things come damaged and I just want my money back...😓

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