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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Alpaca55 last won the day on November 3 2018

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About Alpaca55

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 08/03/1955

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    my grand children! :)
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About Me

I'm 64yrs old... 
I had a Band fitted in 2007 and then immediately got cervical cancer and had to have all my reproductive 'bits' removed so the last thing I could focus on was losing weight! ha ha 
I managed to lose 98lbs in 2011/12 on the Atkins diet - but over the last 6 years, it's all crept back on. 
Last year I had cancer - malignant melanoma - which was cut out - hopefully it won't return! I now have atrial fibrillation - fast, irregular heart rate - had a catheter ablation for that earlier in the year. 
I have decided to have a revision of the band to a Sleeve! Scared as hell about it! but, I'm only living a half-life - all my body aches with arthritis, I'm too fat to play with my grandchildren and struggle on a daily basis just to commute to work and back in Central London... 
The scary bit is that I have to come off blood thinners for the operation and that puts me at extremely high risk of a stroke!  
I know I am a real mess when it comes to my relationship with food, so I'm planning on working with a psychologist, otherwise, I will just sabotage myself.  I can eat to overstuffing and feeling so uncomfortable ... I am a secret eater, I use it as a de-stressor, I use it as my comfort blanket if I've had a bad day! I can't be trusted to do this without that support! lol 
If there is anyone in the UK or London who is on this journey and would like to make contact for support - please please contact me!  

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