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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Marie_29 reacted to KimTriesRNY in Work   
    This is highly variable depending on what type of job you do.
    Do you work from home? Are you an office worker? Are you required to walk or stand for long periods of time? Do you need to lift more than ten pounds at your job? Do you manage others or work in a high stress environment?
    All of these can impact how much time you may need.
    The best advice I can think of is to take as much time off as you can financially afford, within the guidelines your surgeon gives you.
  2. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to MissPoodle in September bypass buddies??   
    Having my surgery on 19th sept. Pre op diet starts 5th sept.
    Sent from my SM-G950F using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to AlteredReality in 6 week post-op update   
    Today makes 6 weeks since my surgery and I officially go back to regular foods. It has definitely been a journey, learning my new stomach during this process. I have begun to eat food that I never liked before and certain foods that I used to love, I truly despise now. I have learned my stomach no longer likes chicken and i'm okay with that. Vegetables are my best friend so far. Some sugar free drinks actually taste too sweet and I have to Water them down. My weight is coming off at a steady and not too rapid pace, which I am glad of. I can tell the difference with the weight I have lost so far. I can now walk up a flight of stairs normally. I used to have to walk one step at a time. My blood pressure and sleep apnea are steadily improving and I have more energy now. I am happy that I went through with the surgery overall.
    RNYGB: 6/25/2018
    HW: 297
    SW: 246
    CW: 220
    GW: 165

  4. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to JerseyJules in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Apparently there are 2 of these threads..So Ill share my recent pics here also. Just got back from Portugal and Lithuania. Had fun sampling the foods.

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    Marie_29 reacted to BigLu18 in I just need to vent...   
    So before I get into it, let me give you the basics. I'm 25yrs old. I started this path on 4/25/18, that was my first visit with my bariatric team, it was a general info session and first time meeting the surgeon. He told me because of my age, he recommends the sleeve. He said it would offer me a better quality of life post-op. From there he told me I had to schedule mandatory appointments with the cardiologist, pulmonologist, nutritionist, psychologist and I needed to have a sleep study done; all fine and dandy. The first four weeks of May I managed to get all of that done. I started my pre-op diet of 2 weeks, Clear Liquids only and I had my surgery on 6/25/18. My starting/highest weight was 410 lbs. (When I found that out, it broke me). After the 2 week pre-op diet I weighed in at 367 lbs. 1 week post op, I'm now, currently, 353.2 lbs. So ok, let's get into it....
    As a kid I was always big. There is no denying that. I transitioned from happy meals at McDonald's to eating a big mac meal and still wanting a damn toy... ain't that some ****. But anyways, gist of things, I was always big. It wasn't until high school that I was like damn, I need to lose some weight. So I did, I lost alot of weight. I can't tell you my stats because I honestly dont remember but I can tell you my lowest weight was around 212-220-ish and stacked! It felt good! Then high school is over aaaannnndddd life happens! (Isn't that just the greatest fuc**** excuse?!...smh). A series of events later proceeded to happen and as the years went by that just drove me to a complete downward spiral in which I just completely gave up on my self. And what hurts the most is knowing I never truly knew how big I was or maybe I just didn't want to believe it! To me, in my eyes, I wasn't as big as I thought I was. I felt that I was still "healthy" I was active, I played sports, I went to the gym, I was strong, i was f**king untouchable..... i was a fat boy in complete denial. It wasn't until I saw a picture of myself sitting next to my girlfriend in which I just couldn't believe it. How bad I let things go and yet I still didn't want to believe it. Fast forward a bit, my son was born and it was then that it clicked for me. Had I kept on in the path I was on, my son would grow up without a father and I just couldn't do that to him or my girlfriend. One of my supervisors had the bypass operation done and recommended me to his doctor and that's how I ended up getting sleeved. But my point to all this is I was so active before that I just feel like a failure to myself! Like why couldn't I do this the natural way? Why did it take for me to get sliced and diced for me to lose the weight. I feel like I let myself down. Like my "yoyo" effect was entirely my fault for not putting in 100% of the effort in my past diet attempts. I follow so many people on social media who did it the natural way and it just gets to me. Now I can barely finish a damn Protein Shake without getting a stomachache because I drank it to fast. I'm restricted on my meals and idk.... I have a woman who loves me and supports me. I have two amazing boys. The support of my family and friends so why do I feel like I failed myself. Despite my current weight loss in such a short amount of time, why do I wish I never got it done and did it normally. I'm so sorry for the rant I just really needed to vent! I'm the "strong person" in everyone's life and I just couldn't break down like this to them.... I'm currently 3 weeks post op on the pureed stage and just trying to be strong both physically and mentally. Hope you're all doing great.
    Side note: I'm so happy I found this forum. When I first signed up, I spent like 3 hours going through threads and I read up on so many things I could relate to. For example, how I'm so young and I can't even enjoy amusement parks with my friends or family because I don't fit on the rides. How I fear going to eat in public cause of the structural integrity of the furniture. How I hear all the comments and stares when I'm out in public with my better half (shes a very active and tiny little thing compared to me, definitely got lucky with her ). How I'm scared to ride in an airplane cause of the seatbelts. How I dread the summer time cause of the heat and the sweating and just everything! I felt I was alone and I could now relate to so many others.... it was just a sigh of relief to know I wasn't alone. I'm so sorry for the length of this post, I just needed to vent...
    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to BlueCrush in I'm officially overweight!   
    For the first time since about middle school (~20 years), I'm not obese! I'm officially overweight per BMI.
    May 30, 2017; 406lbs
    June, 22, 2018; 235.7lbs

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    Marie_29 reacted to Jpsl1028 in Sleeved 6-27-2018   
    I had my sleeve done June 27th, 2018! I am beyond excited! Dr. Boorse along with Lehigh Valley Bariatrics helped me to this point! They are both wonderful! I am so excited to start a new chapter! Anyone else have surgery in June? So far the recovery isn't too bad. Pretty sore still, but definitely improving! The first day was miserable dealing with the gas they pump you with! Lol! If anyone has any questions or if I can be a help/support person to anyone feel free to reach out! I'm looking for fellow sleever friends!
  8. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to KristieAtkinson in Before and After Pics   
    11 months out.
    Highest Weight: 358
    At start of pre surgery diet: 338
    DOS (5-18-12): 288
    Currently: 193 (been at a plateau since 2nd week of January)

  9. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to angelpooh29 in Before and After Pics   
    5 months since surgery and down 104 pounds. Yay

  10. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to chitowngirl in Before and After Pics   
    I'm one year post op here are some pics...

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    Marie_29 reacted to Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in GOAL!!   
    So today I made goal! Here I am, one week shy of six months post surgery, and my official BMI is ‘normal’. Not overweight and not obese, any more.
    So I know that having blooming gallstones has helped with this last few pounds - eating low fat (gallstones), low Protein (liver damage) and low carb (dumping syndrome) is pretty restrictive, but I will have my gallbladder out in a week or two (that will drop me another 1/4 pound 🤣) and then I am into my maintenance diet.
    And here, the difference:

  12. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to Ppdunn22192 in RNY bypass is tomorrow!   
    I’m SO excited! My surgery (RNY bypass) is tomorrow morning!
  13. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to LifeIsAllGood in 14 month post-op   
    Feeling better everyday

  14. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to Roxine in March Gastric Bypass Group   
    Today is my first day posting so forgive me if I don’t get the lexicon right the first time.
    Surgery Date: March 5, 2018
    Starting Weight: 261
    Surgery Day Weight: 250
    Today’s Weight (Week 1): 241
    I had a 90 day program working with a dietician and completing all of the pre-operative testing culminating in a 3 day liquid diet prior to surgery. The first day of the liquid diet was hard, but the excitement of my upcoming surgery made the other two days fairly easy.
    I arrived at the hospital last Monday morning at 5:45 am and was wheeled into surgery at 7:45 am. I don’t remember much of that first day but I was up and walking that afternoon and evening. I was sore and there was pain but it was managed with Roxycodone every 3-4 hours (as long as my blood pressure didn’t drop too low - overnight, I had to wait 6 hours between doses as my BP had dropped below 100 systolic.
    Day 2 at the hospital was filled with trying to get my fluids in and trying to get the gas out! The pain I was experiencing was mostly related to my abdomen being bloated with gas as a result of the laparoscopic procedure. I was successful on the former (sip, sip, sip!) but woefully unsuccessful on the latter. (In retrospect, I wish I would have walked more that second day.)
    I was released by noon on day 3 and recovered the rest of the week at home. Below are just a few things that I’ve learned. Please share some of the things you’ve learned as well wherever you are in your journey and let’s help set expectations and share great ideas!
    1. When you begin your Protein Shakes, your bowels will start moving again! I called my Drs office panicked because I pooped! (A bit scary after not pooping for almost a week!)
    2. For me, I was unable to lay on my side until Day 6 comfortably. I used a comfy recliner most nights which prevented me from trying to toss and turn from side to side (I’m a side sleeper)
    3. sugar free popsicles are great!
    4. I don’t know if this will last, but my taste for broth has changed. Pre-surgery - and for my whole life - I have loved beef and chicken broth. But now, I can’t stand it.
    5. You will get bored on the all liquid diet post op. Look for things you can combine. On my plan, I was allowed coffee. The Protein shakes I found to be quite chalky in my mouth. On Day 5 I combined the two, using my flavored Protein Shake as a “creamer” to my coffee. It was warm and delicious and now the only way I get in my protein shake.
    6. Listen to your pouch. The one thing you don’t want to do is pop the pouch. The staples need at least 3 weeks to fully heal so follow your surgeon/dietician’s program exactly. No cheating! Two tips my surgeon gave me - if you hiccup, you’ve overfilled - and if you want to clear your pouch sooner, stand up very straight for a few minutes to help facilitate drainage through the small intestine.
    7. You will get tired easily - so push yourself but don’t overdo it. I started out walking throughout my house the first few days, up and down the stairs, went outside on Saturday and walked up and down the driveway, and finally went out to a few stores with my husband yesterday. I did okay at the grocery store until we went to check out. All of a sudden I was super tired. When we went to Home Depot to pick out a barn door, I found a chair to sit in while my husband picked up a few things before meeting me in the door section. I was ok walking back to the car but was tired the rest of the evening. Take it slow.
    Today starts Week 2 and I get to add applesauce, yogurt, mashed potatoes and oatmeal. It’s nice to have something warm and chewy in my mouth again.
    I will continue to post updates and invite all other March surgery dates to join.

  15. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to browneyez42 in Before Pic   
    Do you have a date for surgery?

    Sleeves on April 25, 2018
    HW: 256
    SW: 238
    CW: 222
    GW: 165

  16. Like
    Marie_29 reacted to Chrisb428 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    I started my 6 mos of pcp visits in Feb. I had my nutrition consult and psych evaluation last week. My final pcp visit is mid July. From everything I've been told surgery should be 4-6 wks after that. I'm guessing late August or early September. I am planning to have RnY procedure. I would love to have people to compare notes with along the way!

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